Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 165 Negotiation

Chapter 165 Negotiation
As soon as Li Xue left the game room, she heard a hasty knock on the door before answering the phone.He hurried out to open the door, only to find that Lin Yu, Lin Jie, Situ Xing and even Lu Junqi were outside.The four of them breathed a sigh of relief when they saw her come out.

"Senior Sister, why did it take you so long to open the door? If it was later, we might have broken in." Lin Jie complained to Xueyan while closing the phone in his hand.They were almost dying of anxiety, but she was still in the game and didn't come out!If he hadn't made a phone call with the attitude of giving it a try, I'm afraid they really broke in right now.

Li Xue then remembered that she and Ye suddenly disappeared in the game and couldn't even be contacted. No wonder they were worried, and she couldn't help showing an apologetic look on her face.

"Sorry, I encountered some unexpected things, so I didn't have time to contact you!" Li Xue explained simply while letting them into the room.

"What unexpected thing? Are you and Ye now together?" Situ Xing asked directly.

"It's not a big deal, it's just a little troublesome. Ye is with me now!" Li Xue looked at the four people sitting on the sofa with some surprise, Lin Jie and the three of them obviously ignored the existence of Lu Junqi.This made her very puzzled, not understanding what happened between them.She remembered that they were all fine until they were rescued, why did they become like this now?But after a moment of hesitation, she didn't ask them directly.

"What kind of trouble? Are you still in that cave? Do you want us to go down and help?" Lu Junqi hurriedly asked when she heard that she was in trouble, looking very eager.

"Thank you for your kindness, but you can't help with this. We are no longer in that cave, but have been teleported to another place." Thanking him for his kindness, Li Xue explained while still Organize your thoughts.Since a few of them have come here today, some things just need to be explained to them.

But her actions implied other meanings in Lu Junqi's eyes, that is, she didn't want to talk to him at all now, just like everyone else.Originally, they were invited by him to help with this mission.Originally thought it was just a simple exploration task, on the one hand, he asked them to be safer, and on the other hand, he also wanted to take the opportunity to solve his personal problems.Unexpectedly, the problem was not solved, and they still caught up with this "one in ten thousand".

Not to mention almost becoming food for spiders, they were almost buried alive collectively, and now some people are inexplicably teleported to other places, and they can't even be contacted.It was inevitable that they would have complaints against him. In fact, as early as in the game, the twins and him almost came to a fight.

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't forced you to do this task, this situation would not have happened." And now that this has happened, he regrets it very much.

But his sudden apology stunned Li Xue, who didn't understand why he apologized.

"What does this have to do with you? The reason why we will help you is because we have a deal. Since we agreed to your conditions at the beginning, we are responsible for any problems. You don't need to apologize to me! "Li Xue looked at him, then looked at the three of them suspiciously and asked: "Could you guys have done some childish actions that you shouldn't have done?"

Hearing her question, the three of them turned their heads to the side in tacit agreement, not looking at her, but at the same time they acquiesced in her guess.They did do some outrageous things. Although they regretted it afterwards, they really couldn't control their emotions at the time.

And Li Xue looked at the three of them, not knowing what to say for a moment.Because she knew very well that even if they did something they shouldn't do, it was because they were worried about her.She couldn't blame them for anything, it was just...

"I'm sorry, I..." Li Xue felt that since she started the matter, no matter what they did, she should bear some responsibility.But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted.

"You don't need to apologize, they didn't do anything." Lu Junqi shook his head, paused and continued: "Besides, this is a matter between the few of us, and it has nothing to do with you. Stop thinking about it."

Li Xue looked at him, but seeing that his expression was very serious, and he didn't seem to be talking ironically, so she didn't continue talking.Things have already happened, and there is no point in saying anything. Since they want to solve it by themselves, it is not good for her to intervene in it.

"In this case, let's talk about the mission. Remember the last time I was attacked? I once drifted to a very special island. I mentioned it to you, and Ye and I are now In that place." Bringing the topic back to before, she didn't speak in detail because it was related to the last time.

"Is it the fairy island you said you are only allowed to enter and not be allowed to leave. If you want to get out of it, it will take a lot of effort?" As soon as she finished speaking, Situ Xing immediately remembered what she had said before, and couldn't help but He asked with a frown.

"Yes, that's right there." Li Xue nodded, but to be honest, she felt that this name was very vulgar, so she rarely mentioned it when she spoke.

"How did you end up there? And in this way, you two won't be able to leave that island for a while, right? Even if you teleport at night, it won't work?" Situ Xing continued to ask.

"I don't know exactly how it happened, because my internal injury just happened at that time. But I guess it should be that the formation was destroyed, and the energy that was originally gathered had nowhere to vent in that semi-enclosed environment, so that the collision The space is torn apart by the formation of cracks.

As for the second question, the current situation is not whether we can leave that island, but where to go after leaving there! Li Xue paused, seeing their confusion, and continued to explain: "Actually, the two of us can leave at any time this time, but the two of us are now facing a choice."One is to return directly to the Eastern Continent, while the other is to go to the Western Continent. "

"Is there a need to choose? Of course, we will go back to the Eastern Continent to reconcile with us. If you have nothing to do, what are you doing in the Western Continent?" Lin Jie said directly without thinking, and his tone was still very natural.

"You're stupid. Since Senior Sister said it was a choice, she must have something to do there, and if it's not important, why is she hesitating?" Before Li Xue could speak, Lin Yu taught her a lesson in a contemptuous tone him.

"Yu is right. Since Xue said that, she must have a reason. But I don't understand what is more important than our main task now?" Situ Xing also agrees with Lin Yu's point of view, but also feels Very puzzled.He vaguely guessed the answer, but was a little uncertain.

"I said, Jie, when will you learn to be prudent? You can understand such an obvious thing after a little thought? Fortunately, there are three of you. If you were alone, I really dare not hand over this matter. I'll do it for you!" Li Xue was really helpless about his impatient temper.

Seeing the somewhat unconvinced Lin Jie, she didn't give him a chance to refute, but said directly: "Our mission is originally divided into two parts. The first part requires us to find three tokens. We have already found one. There are still two pieces of equipment, but their approximate locations have been determined, so don't worry too much. In the second part, we need to collect three pieces of equipment, two of which are already in our hands.

But for the third one, Si Tian had asked Si Tian to help find the location before, but it said it was not in the Eastern Continent. At that time, I suspected it would be in the West, but since there was no way to confirm it, I had to delay it.But now that I've confirmed that the last piece is indeed in the western continent, I'm hesitant.

If you just go back like this, you will undoubtedly miss an opportunity, and if you want to have such an opportunity again, you may have to wait for a long time.And with our current strength, if we want to forcibly cross the national border, it is simply a fantasy.Spirit beasts are not something players of our level can handle.

But if we go, let alone the task here can only be entrusted to a few of you to do, even if you complete it, and the other one of the three keepsakes is still in my hands, we still have no way to combine the two parts. The tasks are done at the same time, so I'm really stumped! "

Her words made everyone fall into deep thought.Since the three of Situ Xing and the others are all participants in the mission, how she chooses has a direct impact on them.Although Lu Junqi did not participate in this task, as a friend, since he knew about it, he would naturally do his part to help find a solution.So the four of them were all frowning at this moment, trying their best to think.

But this multiple choice question is really difficult, or in other words, it is really difficult for them to complete this task according to the original plan.If you choose to go to the west, it means that the two tasks cannot be completed at the same time.Because when Dang Ye got the third piece of equipment, it meant that the four paths were reopened and the mission ended.In this way, their previous efforts will be in vain, and many troubles will follow.Although these troubles are only for NPCs, they have nothing to do with players.However, the NPCs there are so real that players can't help but treat them as friends.Let their friends fall into a crisis, this is something they would never want to see.

But if you don't go to the west and come back directly, if you want to complete the two tasks at the same time, it will be really far away.As Li Xue said, with their strength, it is absolutely impossible to cross the national border.And in this way, they may not know when they will have another chance to go somewhere!

Time may be too much for other people, but for Li Xue, the longer it is delayed, the more pain he will suffer.So she can't afford it at all!
After a long time, the three raised their heads together and made the final decision.

"It's decided, you two go directly to the Western Continent!"

(End of this chapter)

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