Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 148 All Missing!

Chapter 148 All Missing!

Xueyan looked down at the ground. Due to the dampness of the ground, they left very obvious footprints wherever they went.Now there are four pairs of footprints on the ground, namely Leng Ye Gu Xing, Xing Chen Yu, Dark Night Killer and Candy Moon.Neither she nor Ye left any footprints because of the aura support under their feet.

So when did Xing Chenjie disappear?
Following the footprints, Xueyan started to turn around and walk back.As long as you find the fifth pair of footprints, you should be able to find the place where Xing Chenjie disappeared!
But the more she walked back, the more frightened Xue Yan became.Now her location is more than 100 meters away from their location just now, and there are still only four pairs of footprints on the ground.In other words, Xing Chenjie had disappeared for a long time, but none of them found out!
Finally, Xueyan found the fifth pair of footprints at a distance of nearly 200 meters, and the location was exactly where Xing Chenjie was before, so it must be his.However, there was no abnormality around the footprints, no traces of being dragged, and no traces of being attacked, and the footprints extended forward without any mess.What exactly is going on?Could it be that he disappeared out of thin air?
"His footsteps are very steady. Judging from the footprints, he should have just stepped on his left foot at that time, and the center of gravity has not yet shifted to his left leg. So he should have disappeared without even realizing it. Missing!" After seeing the footprints on the ground, Leng Ye Gu Xing who followed calmly analyzed, and the conclusion he drew was the same as Xue Yan's conjecture.

"What's going on? Where is he now? Is he in danger? How can we rescue him?" His words made Xing Chenyu very anxious, although the two of them always looked down on each other, But when something really happened, both of them were worried that the other was better than themselves!

"Yu, don't worry, we will definitely find a way to rescue him." Xueyan comforted softly, but she also knew that such words were not convincing at all, this time the situation is really too weird!

The most urgent task is to find out the reason for Xing Chenjie's disappearance.Only then would it be possible for them to find where he was now.Just trying to do it is really hard!
"Everyone spread out to look for any abnormal or special places and traces. But don't go too far, we are not sure if there is any danger here, and take care of each other!" Although it is difficult, but still to find.Xue Yan looked around at the crowd, and then said.

A few people nodded and dispersed, looking around.Within a radius of 10 meters, several people carefully searched inch by inch. Whether it was wet mud on the ground or rock walls, they did not miss any place that might leave traces.Xueyan even used energy sensing, but found nothing.

Looking up at the others, Leng Yegu Xing and Xing Chenyu had already searched the areas they were in charge of. Seeing Xueyan, they shook their heads, while Candy Moon moved slowly and was still searching.As for the Dark Night Killer, he was in charge of the area farthest from everyone.But what about others at this time?Xueyan looked around, but she didn't see him at all!
"Where did any of you see the Dark Night Killing God?" Xue Yan hurriedly looked at the others and asked, wouldn't you miss another one in such a short time?

Shaking his head blankly, no one knew when he disappeared, a living person just disappeared under everyone's noses!

"Xue, isn't this place haunted?" Approaching her, Candy Moon asked in a trembling voice that was almost crying. The mysterious disappearance of the two of them caused her a very serious fear.

"Yueyue, what are you thinking? Don't scare yourself! Have you forgotten? This is a game, how could it be haunted? Don't worry, we will find them!" Xueyan comforted her with some helplessness. If you lose your cool, it will undoubtedly lead to your own destruction.

Although they have no clues now, they still can't give up hope.Once they give up, it means the failure of their mission. As for whether there will be other consequences, it is still uncertain.

"Xueyan, look quickly, there are footprints here, the Dark Night Killer God probably didn't disappear suddenly!" Just as she was comforting Candy Moon, Leng Ye Lone Star had already walked to the place where the Dark Night Killer God had been to check. , before he even got there, he noticed the obvious anomaly.

Are there footprints?Then you should be able to find someone!Xueyan cheered up and hurriedly pulled Candy Moon over with her.Sure enough, there was a long series of very clear footprints, extending along the wall into the distance!

"Let's follow the footprints to find out! Everyone follow closely, and no one will be left behind anymore!" After speaking, Xueyan took the lead and walked to the front, following the footprints to find the whereabouts of the Night Slayer.

But Xueyan was very puzzled, why did the Dark Night Killer leave alone?And he didn't even say hello?Could it be that he found something, but didn't take care of it because it was more urgent?Was he afraid of alarming something by making a noise?But what will be here?For such a long time, they haven't even seen a shadow of the monster!

The monsters here will also be invisible?Impossible!She has used energy sensing, if there are monsters around, she can definitely feel it!And there were no footprints of anything else here but theirs.If there are monsters, even if they are invisible, they will definitely leave footprints, and it is impossible for them not to find them.But apart from their own footprints, there are no other traces here!
But if this possibility is ruled out, why would he leave?And there was one place that had caught her attention, and that was the sudden light.Not to mention that the light appeared too suddenly, Xing Chenjie's disappearance happened after the light was produced.When it was still dark in the cave, they had never encountered anything. If something really attacked him, wouldn't it be better to attack him in the dark?Why is something wrong when they can see it?
Xueyan felt that she had vaguely thought of something, but her thoughts were too chaotic, and she couldn't grasp the key points for a while.At this time, Candy Moon suddenly stopped.Since the two of them were holding hands all the time, when she stopped, she also held Xue Yan.

"Xue, the footprints are gone!" Seeing that Xueyan seemed to be thinking about other things and didn't react, Candy Moon reminded anxiously.

It was only after she said that Xueyan woke up from the state of thinking that the footprints on the ground were indeed gone.And just like when Xing Chenjie's footprints were discovered, they disappeared suddenly!What exactly is going on?Xueyan frowned, looking at the footprints on the ground, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Seeing her standing there motionless, the others didn't know what she was thinking, so they didn't want to disturb her, they just stood patiently aside, waiting for the result.And Leng Ye Gu Xing walked back and forth in the nearest place, sometimes squatting down and touching the ground with his hands, as if he was looking for something.

Xue Yan subconsciously looked at his walking figure, her eyes moved with his figure.But she was still thinking about the problem just now in her mind, and she had a premonition that there must be something wrong with the sudden light!But where is the problem?

Inadvertently, when her gaze fell to Leng Ye Guxing's feet again, she suddenly found that she had been ignoring a problem all along, and this problem might be the key to unlocking the secret here!But this question still needs to be verified before she can further confirm her speculation.

"Xing, come here..." Looking at Leng Ye Gu Xing, Xueyan suddenly said.It's just that before she finished speaking, a horrified expression suddenly appeared on her face, and her pupils shrank into a little unconsciously!
Leng Ye Gu Xing actually disappeared!
And right in front of her eyes, it just disappeared!
There was no sound, no struggle, as if it had evaporated from the air, leaving no trace behind!

Xueyan even wondered if she was dazzled and rubbed her eyes vigorously, but there was still no sign of Leng Ye Guxing.Then he turned to look at Xingchenyu and Candy Moon. Both of them had expressions of disbelief on their faces. Apparently, they had also seen the scene just now!
"Have you seen clearly what's going on?" Xueyan asked aloud, drawing their attention back from what happened just now.

"I'm not sure, I just saw him disappear after taking a step from there." Xing Chenyu, who was barely able to maintain his composure, took a deep breath to calm himself down after hearing Xueyan's question. After calming down, he opened his mouth and pointed at the place where Leng Ye Guxing left his footprints.

And Candy Moon has not recovered from what happened just now, her eyes are still dull, her lips are squirming but she can't say a word.A pair of eyes were round and wide because of being too scared, and tears could be seen in the eye sockets.

Xue Yan looked at the pair of footprints where one foot was deep and the other foot had not yet had time to step out. Then she thought about it compared with what she had just thought of, and then walked in the direction of the footprints.Just after taking two steps, someone grabbed her arm.When she looked back, it was Candy Moon looking at her with pleading eyes!
"Xue, don't go, you will disappear too! I don't want you to disappear!" Candy Moon whimpered and begged, with that helpless expression, it was hard to refuse her.

But this experiment must be done by someone, only in this way can she unravel the secret here and save other people.So no matter how dangerous it is, she has to give it a try!But before she could speak, another figure had already walked in front of her, blocking her way.

"Senior Sister, if you must try it, then let me go!" Xing Chenyu looked at Xue Yan calmly and said, his eyes showed rare determination.

"No, this matter is too dangerous, maybe even you will disappear, I can't let you take this risk!" Xueyan objected without thinking, and at the same time stretched out her hand to pull him back, but was caught He dodges.

Without hesitation, Xing Chenyu walked to the place where Leng Ye Guxing disappeared just now, and then took that crucial step!
(End of this chapter)

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