Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 143 The Prologue of the Battle

Chapter 143 The Prologue of the Battle

Xueyan stared blankly at Ye who had changed her costume, and couldn't help sighing in her heart, Yunniang's craftsmanship is really great!This outfit is perfect for him.

The well-tailored black long gown was bordered by Yunniang with silver thread, which not only added a bit of luxury, but also showed his coldness and aloofness.The slightly slit collar makes Ye's delicate collarbone half exposed.A belt with double dragons and pearls fully demonstrated his perfectly proportioned figure.At the same time, the wide cuffs added a bit of elegance to his every move.The faint black halo on the equipment further set off his fair but not weak skin.

Xueyan looked at him, and forgot other things for a while, her eyes showed a bit of obsession!It's just that after being obsessed, the bitterness in my heart still exists.

"These are leftover materials. Although they can't be used to make equipment, they are still top-quality materials for making weapons and medicine. You put them away, and they will definitely be useful in the future."

Yunniang's sudden voice made Xueyan wake up immediately.Thinking of his appearance just now, the face covered by the mask was surprisingly hot at the moment.I don't know if Ye noticed, but she just hurriedly turned to look at Yunniang to cover up her embarrassment.

"Yunniang, as I said before, except for the equipment, everything else is yours!" Noticing the big package in her hand, Xue Yan said with a frown.Originally, she didn't ask herself to charge any fees for making equipment, but now she doesn't even ask for things, so she will feel very uneasy.

"I know what you're thinking. Actually, I didn't suffer. Our tailors are constantly collecting materials to make equipment. Do you know what it is for? The purpose is to one day reach the pinnacle of this industry, break through the master level and become a master. A top sewing master. Without the things you gave me, I don’t know how many years I would have to wait to achieve this goal. You helped me achieve my wish, so I still have to thank you, right!” Yun Niang He explained with a smile, with a satisfied look on his face.


Xueyan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Yunniang.Stuffing everything into her arms with one hand, pushing her out with the other.

"Okay! You don't need to say anything, your friends are still waiting outside, hurry up and get out!" Yun Niang couldn't help but push her out of the door.

There is really nothing to do with her, seeing her say so, Xue Yan had no choice but to give up her persistence, at most, she will give her some good materials in the future!
The five people waiting in the outer room suddenly saw Xueyan being pushed out by an NPC with a lot of things in her arms, and they all looked at her suspiciously, not knowing what happened!Until Xueyan put the package on the counter and took out the equipment inside, everyone stared at her.

"Senior sister, you robbed the NPC?" Xing Chenjie leaned his head to look at the glowing equipment, and said with a face full of disbelief.

"How are you talking? Which eye of yours saw me robbing an NPC?" Xueyan glared at him depressedly, then picked up one of the vests and storage bags and handed them to him. "No, it's for you, do you want it?"

"Yes, yes, of course! Why don't you give it to me for free?" Xing Chenjie snatched the equipment from her hand, no matter whether the attributes were good or bad, he got it first before talking.However, the equipment that can emit light must have the same attributes!
Seeing his childish behavior, Xue Yan shook her head in amusement, then picked up the other two items and distributed them to Xing Chenyu and Leng Ye Guxing.

"No, don't look at him so jealously, you two have a share too!"

"Wow, it turned out to be a high-grade spirit weapon! The attributes are so NB! Sister, how did you get such good equipment? Even the storage bag is a spirit weapon level, it's really awesome!" Xueyan's voice did not finish. , Xing Chenjie shouted excitedly, and his dancing appearance made people wonder if he was infected by some kind of animal?

A high-grade spiritual weapon made him so excited, if he knew that Ye's equipment was all fairy-level, would he pass out?Some couldn't stand his yelling, Xue Yan wondered whether she should tell him about it.But before she could make a decision, someone had already stopped Xing Chenjie's noise pollution one step ahead of her.

"Don't make a scene in my shop!" Yun Niang showed anger, but with a light wave of her hand, Xing Chenjie had already flown out onto the street.

I didn't expect her strength to be so strong!Seeing this scene, several other people shut their mouths tightly at the same time, for fear that she would throw them out if she was upset!

"Yueyue, this is for you." Seeing Candy Moon looking at Leng Yeguxing and the others with envious eyes, Xueyan picked up the last storage bag and handed it to her.

"Do I have a share too?" Candy Moon looked at the exquisitely crafted storage bag with surprise on her face.
"Of course! This is for you, take it!" Seeing that she still didn't believe it was for her, Xueyan smiled and stuffed the thing into her hand.

"Does that mean that I also have a share?" The Night Slayer, who had been greedy for a long time, immediately moved to Xueyan's side and asked expectantly when he saw that Candy Moon had something to take.

"Sorry, that's all." Xue Yan spread her hands and made a helpless gesture.She didn't even think about preparing anything for him!However, the dignified gang leader was so shameless in asking for things, Xue Yan couldn't help but feel a little contempt for him in her heart!
Xueyan didn't speak out her thoughts, it doesn't mean that other people won't speak out.A few people headed by Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu immediately condemned the Dark Night Killer.Even Candy Moon scorned him severely, making Night Slayer want to find a crack in the ground to sneak in!
After tossing enough, a group of people set out on the road again.Guided by the map obtained by the Night Killer, the group headed towards the mission location.

Although the mission location is just to the west of Chiyan City, the distance is not that far away.Xueyan estimated, the location is already close to the southwest.She even considered whether to go directly to their own missions after helping the Dark Night Killers complete their missions.

"Going forward, you will enter the range of the 70-level jungle leopard, everyone be careful!" When walking to the edge of a sparse forest, the Night Killer stopped and reminded.Up to this area, he had been investigated in advance by people from the faction.

Hearing his words, Xueyan and the others changed their formation in a tacit understanding.Leng Ye Guxing and Xing Chenjie quickly walked to the front of the team, Xue Yan, Ye and Xing Chenyu followed them and scattered to both sides of the team, forming a semicircle to protect the dark night killer and candy moon in the middle Location.

"Uh, this position should belong to the nanny, right?" Night Slayer said to Xueyan a little uncomfortable being protected by a woman for the first time.But the only one who answered him was Baiyan.

"You'd better stay there honestly! You won't be caught by leopards later in the battle. We won't have the time to care about you then! This is not a place like you who can't even reach level 50, trying to be brave place!" Although Xueyan didn't say anything to save him face, Xing Chenyu said coolly, regardless of whether he felt ashamed or not.

Night Slayer God blushed and turned pale at what he said, but he had no way to refute.The reason why they have to rely on the strength of Xueyan and the others this time is that they cannot easily pass through this high-level strange area.Most of the players are now close to level 50, and there are only a few of them who are above 50.If you want to pass here without mobilizing a large number of people, you can only rely on a few of them.

As soon as they stepped into the woods, they were immediately attacked by jungle leopards one after another.But since there are only one or two at a time, they can still handle it.Leng Yegu Xing and Xing Chenjie fight against monsters, while Xueyan is responsible for the main damage output, and Xing Chenyu assists.A battle can usually be settled in a minute or two.

At this moment, Dark Night Killer and Candy Moon realized how redundant they were here.Normally, as the main damage output target in the team, the combination of the two of them can barely compare with the damage of Xue Yan alone.Usually a monster can only attack three or four times, and most of the time it is a miss. The monster's agility is too high, and they can't hit it at all, not to mention how depressed it is.

"Xue, why is your attack so high? And why are your skills different from ours? It seems that you can hit monsters without specifying a direction. Why is that?" Candy Moon felt very curious when she was frustrated, and at the same time I feel that the longer I spend with her, the more secrets she has.

"It's nothing, my equipment is better than yours, and my level is much higher than yours, so the natural damage will be higher. You don't need to mind too much, when you reach my level, the damage will definitely not be much lower than mine "An ice arrow eliminated the monster in front of Leng Ye Guxing, and while applying healing to them, Xueyan took the time to reply.

As for why she was able to release skills to attack monsters without specifying a direction, she didn't explain, because once it was said, it would not be clear in a few words.As things stand, they are not relaxed enough to chat casually.

After listening to Candy Moon, she didn't say anything, but looked at her enviously.She is really strong!When will I be able to become as strong as her?Although she made up her mind to change herself, she realized that it was really difficult when she actually did it.Without their protection, she might just sit and wait to die!

"During the battle, don't let your mind wander." Seeing that her attack speed had slowed down, Dark Night Killer said softly.It seemed to be reminding her, but in fact, only he knew that he didn't want to see her frustrated expression, which really didn't suit her.

"Ah? I see." Candy Moon, who was reminded, realized that she had made such an obvious and serious mistake, so she hurriedly pulled herself together and concentrated.

Seeing this scene, Xueyan sighed softly in her heart.It may take more time for her to become stronger!
After passing through the woods smoothly, they finally came to the vicinity of the mission site.It's just that there are a large range of hills of different heights in sight, and more jungle leopards are wandering on the hills in groups of three and four.It seems their troubles have just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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