Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 140 Soul Engraving

Chapter 140 Soul Engraving
On the way back, the four of them looked stiff and silly.By the time they recovered, they were far from the candy tower.But no one wants to look back, because there is the most terrifying existence that they will never forget in their life!

It's really terrible!
Fortunately, this kind of thing only exists in games. If it were put into reality, how many people would be scared to death?

Thinking of this possibility, the four of them shuddered at the same time.His appearance that doesn't even have the courage to remind people is really a masterpiece in the world!But why did a few of them see such a superb thing?And it's still... evil...

No, I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it any more, it will definitely make them have nightmares for a month in a row!If possible, they really want to forget about the things under the black cloak at this moment!Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu even considered whether to find a hypnotist to help them forget that terrible scene!
"Just now, that... um... Did it give us something?" Xue Yan, who forced herself to calm down, vaguely felt that they had overlooked something, but she didn't dare to think about it carefully.There is no way, although she is brave, she is also afraid of things that are so scary.

"It seems to be there?" Leng Ye Guxing was not very sure, because he was also quite frightened just now.

"Really? Why don't I remember such a thing?" Xingchenjie looked at them in confusion. His brain only recorded the scene that he would never forget, what happened in the middle, and what happened after that. He has no idea.

As for Xing Chenyu, his situation is exactly the same as his, even worse than his, and his face is still ashen, and he has not recovered yet.

The four of them looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly.It seems that everyone’s situation is the same!

Leng Ye Guxing thought for a while and opened his storage bag. After rummaging for a long time, he took out something shiny from the storage bag and spread it out in his hand in front of others.

"It should be this thing. I don't have anything else in my storage bag." This time he said with certainty.

Several people looked at the things in his hands, and at the same time lowered their heads to search for their storage bags, and then each took out a similarly shiny thing.They all get the same thing - a crystal pentagram badge!
"Soul engraving: Binding after equipment, can greatly increase the wearer's mental defense +100%, charisma +1 point, and other functions are unknown." Xueyan read out the properties of the item softly, but she didn't expect it to be so incredible thing!
Leng Yeguxing said before that the player's charisma value is fixed and cannot be changed. Currently there is no equipment that can increase charisma.And my artifact mask only added 1 point of charm, so does that mean the level of this thing is also artifact level?If this is the case, then what kind of person would a person with four artifact-level equipment be?
While Xue Yan was playing with the badge in her hand, and still wondering what kind of person that person was, Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu couldn't wait to put their respective soul engraving equipment on it.After the equipment was equipped, the two of them couldn't see any changes, and they couldn't find where they equipped the things.

"Jie, please call Lu Wu out. I have questions to ask him." Xue Yan, who still felt uneasy, said to Xing Chenjie, who was still looking for where the soul imprint was equipped.

"En? What is it called?" Although he was puzzled, Xing Chenjie immediately recruited Lu Wu.

"What's the point of asking me to come out? Haven't you all completed the task?" Lu Wu yawned and appeared in front of everyone, with a sleepy look on his face.

"Lu Wu, do you know what the soul engraving is for? And what is the origin of that tower keeper, do you know?" Xueyan asked directly without talking nonsense.

"Soul engraving? Where did you see it? That's a good thing!" Her question made Lu Wu immediately perk up, and he walked to Xue Yan's side with excitement and asked.

"What's so good about that thing? Isn't it just double the mental defense and a little charm? You don't have to be so excited, right?" Feeling that its reaction was a bit too exaggerated, Xingchenjie couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

That bit of charm is really attractive, but to be honest, apart from knowing that it can affect the relationship with NPCs, they don't know the other effects.If that's the case, as long as the charm value is not too low, it doesn't matter too much!
"You are really ignorant, master! Do you know how much a difference in charm value will have a great impact on your future development? That's... forget it, let's not talk about it." Lu Wu looked contemptuous appearance, but shut up at the most critical place, making other people panic!

Xingchenjie couldn't get the answer, and felt as uncomfortable as a cat's claw in his heart. Just when he was about to speak, Lu Wu stopped him with something to say.

"It's not that I don't tell you, it's that I really can't say it. You will know this later, and you can't know it now. And even if you know it, it will have no effect! Let's talk about the soul engraving! "Seeing that the situation was not good, it quickly changed the subject.

Has this problem touched its inner programming?But you don't feel right and you can't say no, right?It's just that the conditions should not be met!Xueyan looked at the flattering Lu Wu, thinking in her heart.Thinking of the two experiences of dealing with Wu Luo, she became more and more sure of her thoughts.

Most of the NPCs in "Fantasy World" are very intelligent, so treating them is like treating normal people, there are only things you don't know, but there are no things that you absolutely cannot say.Speaking of which, this should also be a major feature of "Fantasy World", as long as you can meet the conditions or requirements of NPC, then you can know what you want to know!

With this level of understanding, Xueyan is not so eager to know what effect charm has.Anyway, if she wants to know, she can find a way at any time, and now she wants to know the answer to the question she just asked.

"Then tell me what is the purpose of this soul engraving?" Xueyan asked calmly to prevent Xing Chenjie from continuing to ask.

"In addition to the two functions you mentioned, this soul engraving also has one of its biggest functions, which is growth!" That's the question, Lu Wu seemed to hesitate for a while before making up his mind.

However, this answer gave them a great shock. This is the first time they have heard of such things as growable equipment!Then the shock turned into ecstasy, what does the growthable equipment mean?That means infinite possibilities!What will it grow into, what attributes will it attach to, anything is possible!

"Then how can it grow?" Xing Chenjie hurriedly asked, as if a top-quality piece of equipment had already been placed in front of him.

"This varies from person to person. Once the soul engraving equipment is bound to the soul, how it grows and how far it grows is determined by each person's soul." Lu Wu shook his head and gave the answer of yes and no Answers that make no difference.

"Then do you know where you can get this kind of thing?" Xue Yan continued to ask.

"Uh, I've been talking for a long time and you don't have any? Then how do you know about the soul imprint?" This time it was its turn to be puzzled.

"Just answer the question, why so much nonsense?" Xing Chenjie said after hitting it hard on the head unceremoniously.

"Well, just say it, why do you need to take action?" Lu Wu shrank his head and looked at Xingchenjie with dissatisfaction and complained, and then hurriedly said before Xingchenjie's second attack came: "As far as I know, there is only one person who can To make this kind of thing, he is a magic equipment maker named Mochi, but he has been missing for a long time. As for who has such a thing, there are a lot of them, because although this kind of thing is difficult to make , but not the only one, it is possible for anyone he wants to give it to.”

"Then how much do you know about the candy tower and the tower guard?" Xue Yan continued to ask after thinking about it.

"Not much! I know that in the tower, it is basically the same as what you said. The candy monster in the candy tower is a kind of tonic for spirit beasts and our ancient spirit beasts. Back then we The reason why the former patriarch of the clan took me there was for this reason. I just ate it once, and it would take a long time to completely digest the energy.

As for the Tower Keeper, no one knows where he came from, since the Tower Keeper has been there since there were candy towers anyway.The previous patriarch didn't introduce him to me, so I only know so much. "Lu Wu thought about it carefully for a long time and did not give any valuable information.

After listening to Lu Wu's words, the four of them looked at each other, then nodded, and came to a common answer.It seems that the tower guard is very likely to be the equipment builder of the sorcerer's way - Moqi.Only he can imprint so many souls on them at once, after all, he is the only one who can do this.

As for why it was not said that someone else gave it to him, the reason is very simple.First of all, if you give such a precious thing to others, one or two at most is enough, no one will give a lot to others.Secondly, the giftee usually chooses to use it for himself when he takes it. After all, the benefits of this thing are very obvious, and the possibility of keeping it for others is really unlikely.So they are at least [-]% sure that the tower keeper is Moqi!

Just why did he become the tower keeper of the candy tower?And why did he give this thing to them?They still can't figure it out, but he should have no malicious intentions!
(End of this chapter)

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