Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 13 Mission

Chapter 13 Mission
Every time she sees Wufawutian's bruised nose and swollen face, Xueyan finds it funny.Although people in the same group can't lose blood, they will feel pain and the injury effect will last for 2 hours.

According to Lian Honglian, their task this time is to find a big bug, and if they complete it, they can establish a gang.They have been looking around today, but they still haven't found the mission monster.And the guild missions are also different. All the mission monsters will be refreshed in the designated area after receiving the mission. There is no way to learn from them, and there is no way to know the specific appearance of the monsters.

"How do other gangs do it?" Since it took so much effort, Xueyan wondered why there are so many gangs?
"Because this task is random, so the degree of difficulty is different. And even if we receive a task like ours, many gangs pay people to find it. We don't have that much money, so we have to find it slowly." Lian Honglian explained.

That being the case, why build a gang?With just a few people, wouldn't it be good to build a mercenary group?Xueyan was puzzled, but since it had nothing to do with her, she didn't ask carefully.

"What kind of monster are you looking for?" Xue Yan asked after looking at the monsters called rock-eating beasts with sheep heads and deer bodies spawned around her.

"I don't know, I just know it's something called a phagocytosis bug. I think it might be something like a beetle. I remember that there was something with a similar name in a movie, and it looked like that."

"Since it has such a name, it might feed on corpses. Why don't we keep the corpses while fighting monsters, maybe we can lure it out. Otherwise, it's not an option to keep turning around like this." Xue Yan thought. Liao Xiang suggested.

The five people discussed for a while, and felt that the proposal was feasible, so they all agreed.

"Okay, then I'll be in charge of attracting monsters, Xiaotian will be in charge of range output, Fallen Leaf and Starry Sky will be in charge of solving the nearby ones, Xueyan will be in charge of adding blood, Xiaosha will protect the two warlocks." Lian Honglian quickly assigned the task.

"Shield of Water Mirror" Xueyan added status to them.This was the first time she used this, and as soon as she finished speaking, there was an illusory blue shield spinning around everyone.

Water mirror shield: use the water phantom shield to increase physical defense by 20 points, spell defense by 50 points, and have a 50% chance to reflect spell damage received for 30 minutes
The rock-eating beast is a physical monster, and the effect of the crystal shield is not very significant, but it is better than nothing.

"Is this a reward for your professional mission?" Wu Fa Wu Tian asked Xue Yan when Lian Honglian went out to lure monsters and hadn't returned yet.

"En!" Xue Yan was checking the HP value of her teammates through the team status, and she just casually responded to his words.

Stormy Leaf Heavy Warrior HP2900+ Starry Sky Knight HP2000+ Loving Red Lotus Rogue HP1000+
Killing you without discussion Assassin HP800+ My Law, My Heavenly Fire Warlock HP500+
Their levels are all between 25-28, only Xueyan has just reached level 20.Xueyan calculated the amount of blood her newly learned skill "Lin Rain" added, and found that it was enough to replenish the highest health of Guangfeng Falling Leaf at once, and she felt relieved.This skill is a group health increase, so you only need to use this skill.

Soon Lianhonglian ran back with a large group of monsters, Wufa Wutian accurately threw a sea of ​​fire behind Lianhonglian to block the monsters, and the monsters that rushed through the sea of ​​fire were blocked by the wind and leaves and the speed of the starry sky.Half of the monster's blood has been burned by the sea of ​​fire, and the fallen leaves and starry sky are very easy to intercept. A monster can be hacked to death in two or three hits, and there will be no fish that slip through the net.

Seeing how well they cooperated, Xueyan relaxed and relaxed. For her, this was an even easier job. She only had to fill up their blood when their health dropped to half.

Not long after, all the monsters were killed, and the corpses of the rock-eating beasts were everywhere. Lian Honglian hurriedly picked up the equipment that the monsters dropped.

"Good luck, a silver hairpin exploded, Xueyan gave it." Lian Honglian handed Xueyan a wooden hairpin.

"Ah? No need, you can keep the money from selling it." Xue Yan shook her head, not wanting to owe this favor.

"Could it be that you haven't teamed up with others before?" Lian Honglian asked after thinking about it.

"Well, no." Xue Yan nodded, not understanding why she asked this.

"That's no wonder. Generally, whoever can use a piece of something obtained by team formation and leveling. If two people can use it, they can discuss it with each other. This is the default rule in the game. But you alone The water magician has practiced level 20 by himself, which is really admirable, and he is known as the number one water magician. Come, take it." Saying that, Lian Honglian stuffed the wooden hairpin into Xueyan's hand.

Seeing this, Xueyan couldn't say anything more, so she looked at the attributes:
Exquisite Millennium Peachwood Hairpin (Headdress) Silver Spell Attack﹢20 Stamina﹢8 Spell Defense+15 Usage Level 24

The attribute is not bad, but she can't wear it yet, so Xueyan put it away.

"Thank you."

"Why are you so polite? Why don't you say thank you for such a small thing as a friend?" Fengling Luoye said generously.

The others nodded in agreement.As for what Wu Fa Wu Tian wanted to say, but Lian Honglian glared at her, and hid in despair behind the wind and fallen leaves, and at the same time did not forget to give everyone a look of resentment.

Three or four batches of monsters were attracted one after another. Although the Corpse Devourer never appeared, everyone was happy to kill the monsters, but they didn't feel very depressed.And the monsters here seem to be very rich, dropping three or four pieces of silver equipment to everyone.I didn't discuss killing you and went straight to practice leveling here for a long time.

"What you are looking for is the Corpse Devourer?" Xueyan suddenly asked when everyone was busy hunting monsters.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Wu Fa Wu Tian, ​​who was closest to her, replied.

"Then that's what you're looking for." Xueyan pointed at the end of the group of monsters.

A green thing is hidden in the crowd of monsters, it's hard to find without looking carefully.After Xueyan pointed it out, the others also saw that the monster had the word Corpse Devourer on its head.But it shouldn't be a bug, its slender body and big mouth like a flower, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a plant.

"KAO, it's obviously a piranha, but why is it called a phagocytosis." The fallen leaves and starry sky quickly cleaned up the surrounding monsters, and a huge piranha was exposed in front of everyone.Luo Ye couldn't help swearing.

The corpse phagocytosis didn't seem to notice the surrounding situation, but greedily devoured the corpses on the ground.

"Let's go." Lian Honglian gave an order, and everyone immediately started to use various skills to greet the Corpse Devourer.

Xueyan didn't take any action but just looked at the piranha flower warily. She had a very bad feeling that something bad would happen.

Sure enough, within a few blows from the others, the corpse-eating insect's body shook violently, and more than a dozen vines emerged from the ground, hitting the people closest to it.The one with the least blood will kill you and without any further discussion, 2/3 of the blood will be drained out of you.

"Sweet Rain Falling Down" Xueyan released her skills while they were losing blood to replenish the blood.

"Hold it, I will attack." Wu Fa Wu Tian shouted when he saw this situation.

Lianhonglian and Shayou immediately took a few steps back without any discussion, harassing the monsters, while Gale Wind Fallen Leaves and Starry Sky Speed ​​were still standing in front of them.Wu Fa Wu Tian kept throwing fire bombs at the Corpse Devourer, and saw the Corpse Devourer's blood dripping down.

"Look, I have to do it." Wufawutian saw that the situation was good, and said proudly while the skills were cooling down.

"Stop being so slutty, you would have died ten times before we could have resisted you." Xingkong Jisu couldn't help but retort.


Just when Wufawutian was about to fight back, the flower-like mouth of the corpse-eating insect suddenly opened, and a stream of dark green juice spurted towards him.Xue Yan, who was standing next to him, pushed him away suddenly and tried to move back to avoid the sprayed liquid.Unfortunately, it was a little slow in the end, and my left arm was still stained with something fishy.

"Hiss—" The liquid was actually corrosive, and instantly burned a big hole in Xue Yan's clothes, followed by a piercing pain in her left arm.

"You have been attacked by the corpse liquid of the phagocytosis, and your HP has been reduced by -200 points."

"Be careful again!" Before Xue Yan had time to add blood to herself, the Corpse Devourer shrank its body and opened its mouth, and spewed out a large amount of rotting corpse liquid.

When "Frozen Miles" was at a critical moment, Xueyan reluctantly released her skills.In an instant, the white mist cage was like Xueyan's front, and as soon as it came into contact with the rotting corpse fluid, a freezing sound was heard, and all the rotting corpse fluid was frozen in mid-air and fell to the ground.And the white mist continued to move forward, freezing the Corpse Worm in place.

"Attack quickly." Xueyan performed water healing on herself, and the pain finally subsided. Then she shouted to everyone, and she also stretched out her hand and threw the ice arrow with the corpse-eating insect.

With the addition of Xue Yan's attack, the phagocytosis lost blood faster.Every time Xueyan was about to undo the freeze, she cast Frozen Miles again to freeze it there.In less than 5 minutes, the Corpse Devourer was killed by everyone.

"It's finally finished." The five cheered.

"Thank you just now." Wufa Wutian came over to thank you.When I thought about being protected by a girl at that dangerous moment just now, I felt a feeling that I had never felt before.Beauty Saves Heroes seems to be good too.

"You're welcome." Xue Yan responded lightly.

"Xueyan, your reaction just now was so fast. There was no warning when the strange flower sprayed saliva just now, and it was so fast. It's amazing that you were able to push Xiaotian away and let yourself dodge." Lian Honglian After hearing the conversation between the two, she came over and praised Xue Yan.My group was really lucky. We met her on the way, otherwise the mission would definitely not be completed.

"It's nothing, I just felt there was danger beforehand." Xue Yan just responded to her words indifferently.

"Feel it beforehand?" The other three people also came closer at this time, with strange expressions on their faces after hearing Xue Yan's words.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Wu Fa Wu Tian looked at them and asked curiously.

"Xiaotian, don't you know? When the sensory setting reaches 100% in this game, the player may sense the danger that is about to happen. And we generally set the sensory setting to 20%, and the maximum is no more than 50%." The three of them looked at each other and Xingkong Jisu explained.

"100% sensory? Then you were injured just now, didn't you..." Wu Fa Wu Tian looked at Xue Yan's expression became complicated.It’s not been a day or two in the game, he naturally knows the setting of the pain level, even a big man has to grit his teeth to endure 50% of the senses, let alone 100%!How could girls suffer?
"The task has been completed, shall we go back?" Xue Yan asked Lian Honglian, she didn't think there was any need to discuss that issue.This game is very fair, if you want to be better than others, you have to pay the price, the same is true of many things in reality, isn't it?Pies don't just fall from the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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