Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 128 Analysis

Chapter 128 Analysis
When the shaking of the ground stopped and everything returned to calm, the whole valley had changed into another situation.The valley was originally surrounded by mountains, but now it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the mountain wall on the other side is completely split from the middle, as if the mountain was split in half by a giant axe.

A rugged path stretched all the way to the depths, and the white clouds and mist blocked Xueyan's sight, making them unable to see the situation in the distance clearly.

"Shall we go over and have a look?" Xing Chenyu asked aloud, seeming very curious.In fact, he was not the only one who was curious, and everyone else was also very curious about what was in front of them, and wanted to know what caused such a violent earthquake just now!

"I'm going, but did we forget something?" Xue Yan frowned and looked at everyone, she felt that there seemed to be something they had forgotten, but she couldn't remember what it was for a while.

"Did we forget anything?" Both Xing Chenjie and Xing Chenyu looked at Xue Yan in bewilderment, their eyes full of confusion.

These two are really unreliable!Xueyan simply turned her head away from them, it would be easier to count on them than on herself.And Leng Ye Gu Xing didn't seem to remember what they had overlooked.

A heavy panting made them quickly realize what they had forgotten, and that was the BOSS!The earthquake just now made them completely ignore its existence, but at this moment the huge BOSS has stood up from the ground, panting heavily.It seems to be grateful for the rest of his life, but it seems to be preparing for something.

"Dizzy, I forgot about it! What can I do? This guy is invulnerable! Should we continue to play around with it?" Xing Chenyu's face collapsed immediately. Could it be that they really took it? Is there no way for this thing?

"Otherwise, we have no objection if you fight it one-on-one." Although Xing Chenjie was depressed, he still did not forget to sarcasm Xing Chenyu.

Xing Chenyu was about to refute him, but before he could open his mouth, he saw that the boss had already moved, and was rushing towards them!

"KAO, come here as soon as you say, and don't say hello, it's too rude! I said, sister, don't we want to run?" Xing Chenjie looked at the boss who was rushing towards them, and made a gesture while complaining. He made preparations to run away, but when he looked back, he found that Xue Yan and Leng Ye Guxing were standing there steadily, as if they had no intention of leaving at all, so they asked in bewilderment.

"No need, it didn't come for us." Xue Yan looked at Jiu Xi and said very confidently.

"No way? It's obviously running towards us!" Xing Chenjie asked in disbelief.

"Look more clearly, its target is not us, but the mountain road behind us." Leng Ye Guxing shook his head, if he didn't speak clearly, it would be impossible to just expect the two of them to figure it out.

Xing Chenyu looked at the boss, then at the mountain road behind them, and asked with a puzzled expression, "But what is it doing there?"

While speaking, Xuan Xi had already run past them, and was rushing towards the mountain road that appeared due to the cracking of the mountain body.Its speed is very fast, as if something is attracting it in front of it.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Don't you know if you follow the past? We're going there anyway, aren't we?" Xueyan said as she took the lead to walk towards the mountain road. There happened to be a BOSS opening the way, which saved them a lot of trouble. trouble.

As soon as Xueyan moved, Ye immediately followed behind, not leaving every step, and the others had no choice but to follow after seeing this.Because there were many large and small gravels under their feet, they had to be careful not to fall down, but the boss had already run away and disappeared.

"I'm sure this is definitely not an ordinary earthquake! If an ordinary earthquake wants to achieve this effect, there must be a wide gap on the ground. Look at the parts of the ground that are not blocked by stones. There is nothing at all. This Isn't it strange?" Leng Ye Guxing analyzed with Xue Yan and the others while pointing to the vacant part on the ground.

"It's not normal. For the "Fantasy World", which strives to be consistent with reality, such low-level mistakes will not be made. And just now, the fear that Xuanxi showed was very frightening. I don't think it is the natural fear of natural disasters from wild animals. After all, that BOSS is no longer in the category of ordinary beasts, monsters that have reached the level of spirit beasts can cause landslides and ground cracks, so they shouldn't be afraid of earthquakes like this." Xue Yan agrees with his point of view, Speak your mind.

"You say it's a spirit beast? Is there any basis for it?" Leng Ye Guxing couldn't help but asked in surprise, but he didn't doubt her judgment, but felt that the situation was getting worse.

"Jie, Yu, do you still remember Peeping?" Instead of answering him directly, Xueyan asked the other two people instead.

"Of course I remember, we were wiped out that time, how could we forget?" Xing Chenyu said immediately.

"However, when Senior Sister said this, I remembered it. The last time we fought against Pea, the attack was ineffective. The situation is very similar to today. Could it be said that Pea is also a spirit beast?" Xing Chenjie also recalled, and then said .

"Well, that's right. That peeping dog is indeed a spirit beast! But you must have doubts, why should I conclude that the scorpion is also a spirit beast? Is it ineffective only by attacking? Do you know why I can feel those invisible beasts? Is it the location of your 猼訑?" Xueyan said lightly about the doubts in their hearts.

They were silent, waiting for her to continue.They felt strange from the very beginning, why could she feel the positions of those invisible 猼訑?The dialogue between her and the night also confused them.It's just that they haven't asked all the time. Now that she took the initiative to talk about it, they are of course very happy to hear it.

"Actually, I have to thank the person who sneaked up on me that time, because I gained a lot that time. And the biggest gain is that when I was in the Western Continent, I learned a skill, that is energy sensing! "

"Energy sensing? What is that?" It was the first time for the three of them to hear about this skill, and they asked in unison.

"Energy sensing, as the name suggests, is using mental power to perceive the energy that exists in the environment. There are various energies around us, and the reason why we can release skills is because when we recite the spell, we will Specific energies are gathered and displayed in a fixed form. These energies are the basis for us to release skills. But under normal circumstances, we cannot feel the existence of those energies, nor can we feel the changes in energy. As for What is the reason, I have not yet figured out.

The reason why 錼訑 can be invisible is because there is a protective film formed by energy on its body surface. That protective film can largely isolate the influence of light on it, so we cannot see it with the naked eye.And it is precisely because I understand the induction of energy that I can judge its position change.

It is precisely because of the relationship between energy that I say that the BOSS is also a spirit beast.As early as the last time we met Peep, I asked Guoye what is the essential difference between spirit beasts and ordinary monsters.I didn't understand his explanation at that time, but today I know, because the energy I feel from it is dozens or even hundreds of times that of ordinary monsters.Moreover, the protective film covering its body surface has undergone qualitative changes. That protective film can not only absorb light, but also absorb our skill energy. "Xueyan shared with them everything she knew and understood.

Leng Yeguxing, Xingchenjie, and Xingchenyu, who had never heard of this theory, tried to digest and absorb what Xueyan told them while being amazed.Even though doing so doesn't necessarily allow them to comprehend energy sensing, these things are the key for them to lead other players in the future.

"Actually, the reason why ordinary people can't feel energy is very simple, because they don't have enough mental strength." Ye Xiang, who rarely spoke actively, suddenly pointed out the key to them.

"Not enough mental power? But my mental power is not much more than theirs?" Xueyan was stunned for a moment and then asked.She seldom asked him these things because she was afraid of any restrictions as an NPC, and if she asked, she believed he would tell her even if there were restrictions, and she didn't want him to cause any trouble.But since he took the initiative to say it today, there should be no problem.

"Your own spiritual power is not much higher than others, but because you have the assistance of the artifact, the situation is different. And if I guessed correctly, when you comprehended the energy induction, the energy concentration in the place must be very high. It's high, so you can feel it. And haven't you noticed? When your energy induction level increases, your spiritual power will also increase significantly.

In fact, from a normal point of view, energy sensing can only be used by those who have entered the stage of cultivation, because after entering the stage of cultivation, anyone will get a chance to greatly improve their spiritual power, and if there is no way to comprehend energy sensing , there is no way to practice. "After saying this, Ye shut his mouth, he has said enough for today.

"Sure enough, it has increased a lot. I have never paid attention to this. But in this way, if there is no certain chance, wouldn't you guys have to wait for the cultivation to sense the energy?" Xueyan was thinking about her spirit While I am happy that my strength has grown, I also feel sorry for not being able to help a few of them.

"It doesn't matter, you can tell us this secret, it has helped us a lot, because in this way, when we encounter opportunities, we will not waste them in vain because of our ignorance. And with your Speaking from experience, our comprehension process will definitely go much smoother." Leng Ye Gu Xing didn't think there was anything to be sorry about.

She has already helped them a lot. If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't have the current strength at all, and I'm afraid they would have been surpassed by other players long ago.And the only thing they can do for her is to improve her strength as much as possible and help her achieve her wish!

"Look, what is that?" Xue Yan, who didn't know how they were feeling at the moment, was staring at the front and greeted them in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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