Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 125 The Invisible Monster

Chapter 125 The Invisible Monster

A group of people had just relaxed for a while before they encountered a situation, and a strange roar came from all directions.Since the place where Xue Yan and the others stayed was surrounded by high mountains, when the sound hit the mountain wall, there were bursts of echoes.For a moment, everyone's ears were filled with buzzing sounds, and they had to cover their ears.

"Get ready to fight! It seems that we are surrounded!" Xue Yan reminded loudly while covering her ears. Although she has not noticed where the fault came from, it is not the time to pursue this.

Fortunately, the sound stopped not long after, and several people formed a circle to be on guard, but the monster never appeared.Looking around, there are only weeds and gravel in sight, and no monsters can be seen at all!

"What's the situation? What's wrong? There was so much movement just now, why is there no response?" Xing Chenyu finally couldn't help but asked.

"It's not clear yet, but we can't be careless. I hope those monsters won't be too tricky!" Xue Yan replied lightly, while she couldn't help but frown.

The current situation is very unfavorable to them!Since they don't know where they are randomly sent to, this means that everything here is unknown to them, including what kind of monsters are spawned here, their levels and characteristics. They can't check at all. Wait until you encounter it before making a judgment.If it's just an ordinary monster, it's easier to say, but if you encounter a monster of the spirit beast level, or the unstoppable shadow snake like the one she encountered in the Western Continent, the situation may be dangerous!

There was silence all around, and after a roar, the surrounding area was a little too quiet!Don't say it's strange at this time, they didn't even see the shadow of the strange one.

"There are no monsters here, right?" After a while, Xingchenjie asked.Otherwise, keeping your nerves tense all the time is not an option!
"If there is no blame, then what happened to the roar just now, can you explain it?" Leng Ye Guxing asked while looking around vigilantly.With his many years of gaming experience, he can be sure that this is definitely not an ordinary place, so he must not be careless!

"But if there is something strange, why is there no movement? Could it be that they will be invisible?" Xing Chenjie retorted not to be outdone.But he still didn't relax his vigilance after bickering. He still hasn't forgotten the lesson from the Boneyard last time!

Will it really be invisible?Xingchenjie made Xueyan's heart sink continuously, she hated this kind of invisible opponent the most!If this is the case, once they are attacked before reacting, they will be very passive!But if they take the initiative to attack, if they attract some incredible guys, then they may not even have a place to hide!
"Yu, you are a wood warlock, do you have any skills that can be used as a guard?" After thinking about the occupations of several people, Xue Yan finally asked Xing Chenyu.

"Is it a skill for vigilance? Let me think about it. By the way, there is one. I learned it after finishing the professional task. I have never used it. If I don't tell you, I really can't remember it! "Xing Chenyu became excited immediately after being reminded, took out his seldom-used staff and began to recite that very jerky skill spell.

As Xing Chenyu's spell ended, a green vine began to grow around them.This kind of plant is very strange. After it grows into shape, it looks like a lotus leaf. Every vine is covered with such huge leaves, which are laid flat on the ground like that.The huge leaves are closely connected to each other, looking like a green carpet from a distance!
"Add this, the effect should be even better!" After finishing the spell, Xing Chenyu happily took out a small porcelain bottle and sprinkled the contents evenly around.

"What is that? Is it your new invention?" Xing Chenjie couldn't help asking curiously after seeing his actions.

"That's right! I call it Ultimate Thunderbolt Invincible Super Corrosion Powder! How about it? The name is good!" Xing Chenyu introduced them very happily.

But they were speechless to him. What kind of bad name is Orz?And it's so old!I'm afraid he has used all the adjectives he knows to describe powerful!And he was so proud to introduce them to them?Xing Chenjie covered his forehead with his hands, he was ashamed of his idiot appearance!
"Hey, why don't you guys talk? Could it be that my name is not good?" Seeing that they all turned their heads as if they hadn't heard at all, Xing Chenyu said very displeased.what the hell?These people are so impassive and appreciative!

"Idiot, don't mention your stupid name, I feel ashamed for you!" Xing Chenjie finally couldn't help saying when he saw his unconvinced expression.How could he have such an idiot brother?

"Hey, speak clearly! How am I an idiot? What's wrong with my name? Can you think of such an appropriate, profound, imposing and domineering name?"

The two of them started fighting again!
"Of course I can't think of it! Because I'm not an idiot, so I can't think of such an idiot's name!" Xing Chenjie couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Hey, let me tell you, don't think you are so smart, if I let you get up, I'm afraid I'm not as good as me!" Xing Chenyu retorted, not to be outdone.

"Haha, it's hard to think of a name worse than yours..."

"Stop arguing! There is a situation!"

At this moment, Xue Yan interrupted the quarrel between the two.I saw a very clear beast footprint appeared on the edge of the green "carpet", and at the same time that footprint was approaching them step by step!But what is even more surprising is that they can no longer see any figure except for the footprints!

Seeing this situation, the two immediately stopped bickering and focused on their direction again.The footprints did not come from one direction, and such footprints appeared almost at the same time around.And the number of footprints is increasing, it is obvious that they are surrounded by monsters!
"Attack!" Seeing that the invisible monsters were getting closer and closer to them, Xueyan finally gave the order to attack!

Almost at the same time as ordering to export, Xueyan's "Tiannv Sanhua" made a move.Immediately afterwards, the flute of Leng Ye Lone Star sounded, and white mist immediately enveloped their sky.

"You caused 4800 points of damage to Jiuxi."

"The vine hunter grass sticks to the stalk and causes 100 points of damage per second to it."

"The ultimate thunderbolt invincible super corrosive powder caused 800 points of damage per second to the scorpion, and lasted for 30 seconds!"

It turns out that this kind of monster that can hide itself is called 猼訑!But how do you make them visible?You can't just keep attacking indiscriminately like this, can you?Now they can still see the monster's footprints, but what should they do if Xing Chenyu's skills fail?Cast it again?But even so they are still very passive!

"Ah! The damn thing hit me, it hurts!"

"Ah! I was knocked down too!"

Before she could come up with a solution, Xingchenyu and Xingchenjie shouted one after another!

Finally, a monster passed through the warning area of ​​the Heman Beast Hunting Grass, and accidentally hit the target during the random collision!But they have no way to avoid it!

Now only Xueyan's large-scale attacks can effectively cause effective damage to these monsters, and Leng Ye Guxing can only assist her attacks.And Xingchenyu could only use some small-range attack skills to attack randomly. Although he could hit the target, the effect was average.As for Xing Chenjie, there is absolutely no way out. No matter whether he is a first class or a second class, he must have a clear attack target before he can use his skills, otherwise there is no way to cause damage to monsters!

Xueyan was thinking about the solution while using her skills, when suddenly Ye's Tian Mie came to her direction!Before she could react, silver lightning had passed through her waist, and then there was a heavy blow, and a brown thing fell in front of them!It was a monster that looked very much like a sheep. The whole body of the monster was brown, it had nine tails and four eyes!It's just that all its eyes don't grow on the head, but on the back!
Is this the real face of Jiuxi?But why can night see it?
"This kind of monster has a skill that releases a layer of energy protection film on the body surface. That energy protection film can weaken the influence of light on it, so as to achieve the purpose of invisibility. You have already understood the energy induction, try to sense it, You should be able to see them too!" Seeing Xueyan's puzzled eyes, Ye gave an explanation while retracting Tian Mie.

So it is!Xue Yan suddenly realized, and immediately closed her eyes.Without stopping her movements, she began to concentrate on sensing the subtle energy changes around her.Soon she discovered something special, there seemed to be several different energy fluctuations around her.

One seemed to be very concentrated, and it seemed as if many different energies were brought together to form a fixed state existing around her.The amount of energy in this form is very large, it should be caused by her skill "Scattering Flowers"!

And the other is a very thick and calm energy, which is a special energy completely different from the basic energy of the five elements, but she can feel a very powerful explosive force in this energy.It gives people a feeling that if you don't move, you will have a volcanic eruption, which is unstoppable!But this energy is only concentrated in one place, and it is very close to her.If her judgment is correct, that power should be Ye's energy fluctuations.

In addition, she also felt a kind of energy that was constantly spreading, and that rippled energy should be caused by Leng Ye Gu Xing's skills.As for the other kind of pure green energy fluctuations, it doesn't take much thinking to know that it is the wood energy gathered by Xing Chenyu when he casts his skills.

Then the last one should be the energy of Jiuxi!

(End of this chapter)

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