Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 120 A Sudden Mission

Chapter 120 A Sudden Mission

When I entered the game again, more than a day had passed.This was the first time Xue Yan had been offline for such a long time. She felt a lot more relaxed as soon as she came on. She seemed to be becoming more and more addicted to this world.

"You've been away for a long time." Ye appeared beside her immediately. Compared with Meng Yan and Si Tian, ​​he was much freer than the two of them.

"Well, there are some things I need to deal with, so I'm delayed." Hearing his voice, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, very happy, very comfortable, and something else, in short, she liked this feeling very much .

"Oh? Is it troublesome? You left in a hurry that day." Ye's voice was faintly lost. For the first time, he felt that there was a difference between them, and this difference widened the distance between him and her.

"It's okay, it's just that it happened suddenly. Let's go, they should be waiting for us." Not wanting to mention the reality, Xue Yan simply answered his words, and then changed the topic.

After leaving the south gate of Xinjie City, Leng Ye Guxing and the twins were already waiting there, and when they saw them coming, they greeted them immediately.

"Are you all ready?" Seeing that they were ready to go, Xueyan couldn't help but sigh that these people are really good enough, and they have done enough preparations so quickly.Their online time is not much more than hers, and it's a shame that they don't have any skills.

"Well, but there is some news, I think it may affect our plan." Leng Ye Guxing nodded and said.

"What's the news? Did the five city lords do anything else?" Related to their mission, the first thing Xue Yan thought of was the five city lords.

Although there is still no strong evidence to prove that the five city lords are directly related to the ancient spirit beast incident and the Four Dao Wars, this relationship is absolutely unmistakable, and they can be sure of it from the last wanted incident.

"No, it has nothing to do with them. This news came from the Silver Desert. It is a mission message."

"What does the mission of the Silver Desert have to do with us?" Now she didn't understand, what exactly was he trying to say?
"People in the Silver Desert have been working on a mission since yesterday. It is said that this mission was revealed by their leader. The mission is in a small village not far from Xinjie City. The missions released are all cumbersome It’s a small task, but anyone can take it. So most of the people in the Silver Desert have gone to do this task, and just now I saw that the gangs in several other cities have also sent people.” Leng Ye Guxing told her what he said intelligence gathered.

"Is the reward for completing this task good?" They are all cumbersome small tasks, and anyone can take them, so what good rewards can there be?But if there is no good reward, why do those people rush to do it?

"It's not very good, but it's very special. Every time a small task is completed, the friendship with the NPC will increase by 1 point. As for the use of this friendship, it is still unknown."

"So that's the case. They probably think that there are some hidden tasks behind these small tasks! But what does this have to do with us, isn't it on the way we have to go?" Nodding clearly, Xue Yan continued Ask new questions.Besides, she couldn't think of any connection between this and their mission.

"You are right, it is indeed on the way we must pass. The village is located in the southwest direction, and it is the only way we must pass to find the Soul Eater Banner. And don't you think it is strange? This task has not been accepted for a long time. People discovered that it just appeared when we were looking for something, isn't it a bit too coincidental? So I think that the hidden mission behind that mission is likely to be related to our mission, even if it is not directly related, it should be helpful to us. Finding something can help. Of course, this is just my personal speculation, and it’s up to you to decide whether to go and have a look.” After some analysis, he handed over the decision to Xueyan.

According to what they said, Xueyan also felt that things were indeed a bit strange.Since the mysterious leader of the Silver Desert asked all his followers to do this task, he must know something.If there is no huge benefit in this, how could he let everyone delay the time of leveling and do these meaningless small tasks?The other gangs thought the same way, so they sent people here!

"Since it is on our only way, let's go and have a look first. Maybe we can get some new information when we get there, and then we can decide whether to do it or not." After thinking for a while, Xueyan said.

The others didn't have any objections, only Ye frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

"What's the matter, Ye? Is there any problem?" It's rare to see him hesitant to speak like this, but he always has something to say, what's wrong today?
"It's nothing, I just feel something is wrong, but I can't tell what's wrong. Maybe I'm too worried." Ye shook his head, and his face returned to its original indifferent expression.

has a problem?What could be the problem?Following behind the others, Xueyan pondered over his words in her heart.Ye seldom expresses his feelings on anything, but since he said so, there must be a reason.It's just that even he himself couldn't tell where the problem was, and she couldn't even guess.It seems that we can only be more careful!

Because of the relationship with the village, they only need to walk along the road, so this section of the road is very easy to walk, and there is no trouble.And along the way, they kept seeing people rushing in the same direction. There seemed to be people from various gangs, but most of them were from the Silver Desert.Obviously, the other gangs are just testing, and they don't want to waste most people's leveling time when things are unclear.After all, on the surface, the strength gap between the current gangs does not seem to be very large. If you don't pay attention, you will be surpassed by other gangs, but it will be hard to recover.

After arriving at the village, Xueyan realized that she still underestimated the excitement here.In the village, which is not much bigger than Novice Village, there are crowds of people everywhere, and players are busy running around in and out of the village.Although she didn't spend much time in Xinshou Village at the beginning, she still has a fresh memory of the situation in Xinshou Village at that time. If you look around, you can't find a place without people.Although the current situation is not as good as that time, it is not much worse.

Since everyone was busy with tasks, their arrival did not attract too much attention. It was just some players who set up stalls here. Seeing that they seemed a little overwhelmed, they knew that they were newcomers and came over one after another. Pick up a conversation, sell some supposedly quest items.

After some "enthusiastic introduction" by these players, they finally had a preliminary understanding of the situation here.This cyclical task is collected from an NPC named Yinfeng. Players can only receive it alone, but they can complete it in a team, provided that a group of people receive the same task.Because Yinfeng's tasks are randomly given, and they are very complicated.For example, let someone help him find some specific herbs, or help him water the ground, weeding, etc., or kill some nearby monsters, and then get some things from the monsters.In short, they are some very simple small tasks. After completing the task, you can get 1 point of friendship with him.

Although the quests here are complicated, if you do too much, you will find that some quests have a very high chance of repeating, and most of them are quests to find things.So soon some players started to use their brains to sell some items needed for missions here.In order to save time, some players will directly buy the things needed for the mission from them, and then go back to hand in the mission directly.

This saves time and effort, and it is a quick way to increase friendliness.It is said that if you are lucky, you can gain hundreds of friendship points in just one or two hours, and this is when most of the time is spent queuing up to hand in tasks.If you don't have to queue, it will be faster, and of course money is absolutely indispensable.Xueyan took a look at it casually, and found that some things that only sell for a few dozen copper coins on the market cost about one gold coin here, and the price has more than doubled by more than ten times.

But so far, it seems that no one has been heard of making further progress on this task.It seems that it will take some effort to dig out the hidden mission behind it.

"It seems that this task takes a lot of time!" After finally rejecting those enthusiastic sales players, several people came to a place where there were not many people to discuss.

"Yeah, I don't know how much friendship is needed to trigger the so-called hidden mission, and even if it is triggered, we don't know if it is related to our mission. It's not cost-effective!" Xingchenjie was the first to object.

"But if it's related to our mission, wouldn't it be a waste of time if we don't do it. Even if we rush to do it at that time, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with other players. If other players take away what we need, then when the time comes What should we do?" Xing Chenyu immediately put forward different opinions, although what he said was very reasonable, the possibility that he deliberately sang against Xing Chenjie could not be ruled out.

"Gu Xing, what do you think?" Seeing that there was no way to unify the opinions, Xueyan had no choice but to ask Leng Ye Gu Xing for his opinion.

"Both of them are right. Why don't we divide our troops into two groups, leave one person here to do the mission, and the others continue to search for what we want. What do you think?" Leng Ye Guxing thought for a while, and proposed solution.

Doing this is undoubtedly the only solution at present, so as not to waste time and not to be afraid of missing the tasks here.But they don't have many people in the first place. If they leave one, they may not be able to cope with any situation. After all, the difficulty of their tasks lies there.For a moment, Xueyan didn't know how to make a decision.

But at this moment, Ye said: "Go and see that person!"

(End of this chapter)

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