Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 111 Contract

Chapter 111 Contract
"What did you find?" Xueyan asked hastily.

"It's not very sure, it's just a preliminary guess. In the room where I stayed, I found some information. It was mentioned that someone came here 2000 years ago, looking for the owner here and asking about the ten ancient The matter of the spirit beast. Since the information itself does not mainly record this matter, only this sentence is mentioned, and there is nothing more."

Didn't expect to find such information here.But after thinking about it, it is reasonable to have such an answer.After all, this is a necessary point for their main quest, so it shouldn't be possible to just ask them to find a pet.There must be some reason for this place to be built like this.

"Si Tian, ​​come here! I have something to ask you." After thinking for a while, Xue Yan waved to Si Tian who was flying around.

"What's the matter? Mom." Seeing her calling him, Si Tian happily flew back.

"Cough cough!"

The effect of this appellation is really amazing. When Leng Ye Guxing heard this appellation, he immediately choked.The others looked at her in surprise after hearing this title.

Xue Yanquan pretended not to see it, looked at Si Tian and said, "Si Tian, ​​can you tell me what your last master did?"

"What for? What does that mean?" Si Tian blinked, not understanding everything written in it.

"That is to say, what does he usually play with you? Does he ask you to find something, or does he ask you to find someone?" Forget that his IQ is not high at all!After thinking about it, Xue Yan had to change her question.

"I've looked for them all. We've played with both. Every time I find them, he will reward me with a lot of shiny things." When it comes to this, it seems very happy.

"Then did he ask you to look for the whereabouts of the ancient spirit beast?" Xue Yan continued to ask.

"Let me think about it. Well, he asked me to look for it. I have told him the whereabouts of 10 kinds of ancient spirit beasts." Si Tian thought for a long time before saying with certainty.

"Then when was the last time he came to you, do you remember?"

"The last time? I can't remember clearly, I just remember that it was a long time ago."

"The last time you saw him, did he say anything to you?"

"Yes, I remember this. He asked me to write it down as a condition for terminating the contract between me and him. He said that he would not come to me again for a long time in the future. He asked me to Fall into a deep sleep, and wait until one day a man called a woodcutter will send someone to me, and I will help him find three things. As long as this is done, the contract between me and him will be terminated "Si Tian seemed to remember this matter very clearly, and said without thinking about it.

"What is the contract between you and him? Can you tell me? And you didn't mention the woodcutter before!" Xue Yan asked with a frown.

The contract between them was not terminated, so how could it become his pet again?

"I helped him find what he wanted, and he paid me for the shiny things! As for that incident, I just woke up so I didn't think about it!" Si Tian said it very naturally.But the others couldn't help sweating, how could its owner entrust such an important matter to this little confused?

And what type of contract is that?Does it have any special effect?Xueyan cast her eyes on Ye in confusion, hoping that he could give her an answer.After all, he knows much more about this than himself.

"A contract without binding, or more should be called a transaction." Ye explained lightly.In his opinion, this little idiot was simply deceived.

"So that means his so-called termination of the contract is actually a pretense?"


Xueyan nodded, and looked down at Si Tian sympathetically, only to see it looking at them full of doubts, as if it didn't understand what they were talking about at all.

"Then Sitian, do you know how to get out of here?" Xueyan thought for a while and decided to put this matter aside, the most urgent thing is to get out of here first.

Si Tian is very simple, like an innocent child, so he doesn't know many things, and it's useless to ask.If you really want to know something, I'm afraid you have to find the woodcutter to find out.

"Get out of here? Isn't Dad good at teleporting? Isn't it enough to just teleport out?" Si Tian looked at Xue Yan and Ye in puzzlement, not understanding why he still asked this question.

Xueyan was taken aback by it's question, she turned her head to look at Ye, but saw that Ye had already turned her head away, as if she didn't hear.No way, Xueyan had to explain to it that he could teleport out, but they wanted to see if there was anything else here and where it was leading, so they needed it to guide the way.

Si Tian half-understood, but still pointed out the way according to her words.According to the direction it pointed, Xueyan directly asked them to make a hole in the wall.But it's strange that the few of them joined forces and didn't even remove a layer of wall covering, which shows how strong it is here!

In the end, it was Ye who took action to destroy the wall and open a passage.

"Si Tian, ​​come here and ask you a question." Walking on the road leading outside, the group of people were very bored. Xing Chenjie suddenly thought of something and suddenly waved to it.

"What's the matter? Brother." Si Tianfei came over and asked very innocently.

But its name made Xing Chenjie depressed, it called itself brother, but called his senior sister mother, so wouldn't he be just a generation younger than senior sister?
"Uh, you can just call her mother, why do you call him father?" Depression is depression, the question still has to be asked.Xing Chenjie secretly pointed at Ye, and asked it in a low voice.

Although he thought he was already very quiet, it was still not quiet enough for Ye, and his voice clearly reached Ye's ears.But Ye was also curious about this question, and it was impossible for him to ask directly. Now that someone had asked it for him, it saved him a lot of trouble.So he ignored Xing Chenjie and just listened to what they had to say.

"No reason? Isn't dad just dad? Dad and mom are together, what's the reason?" Si Tian was very puzzled by his question.

"Can you understand the meaning of what it said?" Xing Chenjie looked at Xing Chenyu very depressed and asked, he really couldn't understand the meaning of what it said.How can you forget that its IQ is only equivalent to that of a child?
Xing Chenyu shook his head very simply, he is not an idiot, how could he understand the idiot's way of thinking?If you want to figure out the meaning of its words, you have to be an expert.He thinks he is not, so he doesn't know!

"It probably said that because Ye was with Xueyan, that's why it called him Dad." Leng Ye Guxing said uncertainly after pondering for a long time.

"That's right! That's right!" Hearing his words, Si Tian immediately expressed the correctness of his words.

Expert!Xing Chenjie and Xing Chen Yu Qiqi looked at him with admiration, it's amazing!He can even analyze such nonsensical words, and he can't help admiring them!
"But we are also with senior sister, why did it identify Boss Ye?" Xing Chenyu thought something was wrong again, and asked a very idiotic question.

"Why do you want it to call you father so much?" Xing Chenjie said, glaring at his idiot brother.

If you want to die, you can't implicate them!Didn't he notice that as soon as he spoke, there was a murderous aura coming from the front?Isn't this intentionally making trouble for yourself?

"Uh, that's not what I meant." Naturally, Xing Chenyu felt the obvious murderous intent, shrank his neck and hid behind Leng Ye Gu Xing, and then he muttered in a low voice.

Breaking through the last wall, they finally walked out of this strange place.Originally thought that this place has been completely buried underground, and the place it leads to is still somewhere underground, but they didn't expect them to go outside.

It was already night, and the starry sky over the desert was unusually eye-catching and beautiful.If the temperature can be appropriate, then watching the night view in the desert will be a very pleasant thing.The desert at night and the desert during the day are like two worlds. During the day, it is so hot that people can be roasted, and at night, it is so cold that people are almost frozen into ice cubes. The difference is not even a tiny bit.There are two heavens of ice and fire, and it can't be more appropriate to describe the temperature changes here!

"Unexpectedly, the exit of this place turned out to be an oasis. Our luck is really good." Silent Melody looked at the surrounding green grass and clear water, and finally felt that the bad luck had passed.

Xueyan scanned around and found that the area of ​​this oasis is not small, and a very conspicuous hut stands alone in the distance, which looks very weird.

"I didn't expect there to be people living here."

Following Xueyan's line of sight, the others also saw the hut, and they also felt very strange.There is so much wind and sand in the desert, how weak is such a lonely small house in the desert!A little bit of wind can blow it away.Who exactly built the house in such a place?

"Do you want to take a look?" Leng Ye Guxing looked at the small room and asked.

"Wait, it's night now, no one wants to be disturbed in sleep. Anyway, it won't be long before dawn, let's wait until dawn." Xue Yan shook her head, and after she finished speaking, she just searched for it. The place is done down.

Since the preparations were well prepared, the night was not so difficult.A bonfire was lit, and everyone sat on the ground around the bonfire, and then ate the hot food prepared by Leng Ye Lone Star for everyone, and it felt pretty good.

The nights in "The Fantasy World" are always very short. When the night passes and the sun rises, the scorching heat begins to gradually envelope the earth again.Apart from the equipment to keep out the cold, just as everyone was discussing whether to go to the hut to have a look, the door of the hut finally opened.

(End of this chapter)

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