Fantasy World Adventure

Chapter 108 What is this?

Chapter 108 What is this?

Behind the wall is a cave, and there is a small underground lake in the cave, and all kinds of bright things are piled up around the lake.And just above these things, a bunch of huge white things coiled up and lay on top of them.

It looks very strange, somewhat like a snake but not the same as a snake.A snake has scales all over its body, but it has downy hairs on its body.But it curled its body like a snake, and it really didn't look like this thing had legs.And it couldn't see its head at all, so it couldn't tell if it had a snake's head after all.

What exactly is this?
It looked like it was sleeping, but the big movement just now didn't wake it up, and its nerves were indeed strong enough.Isn't it afraid of being killed in sleep?Is it so confident that no one can find it here?
And on its body, Xueyan couldn't feel any power fluctuations.I don't know if its power is too powerful, far beyond the range of her perception?Or is it simply not useful at all, and it is put here purely to scare people?

"Ye, do you know what this is? I can't even check its information, and its level should be quite high." Regarding the pile of white things, Xueyan had the urge to go up and touch a few.

Although it is a giant, it feels fluffy and soft.Ugh, it feels like cotton candy!If it wasn't for Ye still holding her waist, she might go up and pinch it to see if it is really as soft as she saw.

Ye looked at the eager look in her eyes, and couldn't understand her reaction.What does she want to do?What is there here that deserves her look like this?Why does he always feel like she wants to eat that thing?How strange!
Ye subconsciously added some strength to her arm, lest she make dangerous moves while she was not paying attention.Then he said: "Try it, don't you know?"

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Xue Yan agreed or not, Tian Mie came out and attacked the pile of white things in an S shape.And the speed is fast, as if to pierce that thing through.But the effect they got was not as good as they imagined.

Uh, how should I say it?Originally thought that even if there was no fierce resistance, at least it would have some defensive measures, or directly make a hole in it or something.However, even though Tian Mie hit the pile of things, it didn't even make a movement, and just plunged into it without any hindrance, just like plunging into a pile of cotton.When Tian Mie was withdrawn, the surface of the thing returned to normal without leaving any traces.

This thing was as soft as she had imagined, but it was much stronger than she had imagined!Xue Yan looked at the pile of things in surprise, and made such a conclusion in her heart
Ye probably also didn't expect that his Heaven's Extinguisher attack would fail, and his expression became serious.After thinking about it, he flipped his right hand, and Mo Zhen appeared in his palm.

"Stay by my side, don't move around." He let go of the arm around her waist, but Ye asked very worriedly.

"En." Xueyan nodded, a little depressed about his worry.I am not a child, can't I still not know the priorities?And is her expression that obvious?

Seeing her nodding her head in agreement, Ye then picked up the ink stick and put it to her lips. With the movement of her slender fingers, the beautiful melody began to echo in the cave.Circles of ripples began to spread out around the night.The powerful sonic attack shattered the raised rocks in the cave.But when Sound Wave encountered that strange thing, the thing still didn't react at all, not even the slightest change.

"Is this thing too strong?" Xue Yan looked at the pile of white and soft things, and changed her previous evaluation of it as useless.But curiosity is more than fear. Even though this guy is really powerful, Xueyan just thinks it is fun now, but she has no thought of leaving.

Ye didn't speak, just stared at the thing closely, frowning.Even if his strength has not recovered, but according to his current level, even if he encounters an ancient spirit beast, he can still fight.Could it be that the grade of this thing is far superior to the ancient spirit beast?If this is the case, I should take her away as soon as possible.

But when he was still thinking about it, Xueyan made a move, so fast that it was too late for him to stop it.A large piece of ice fog quickly enveloped the entire cave, covering everything in the cave with a thick layer of frost, including that thing is no exception.

Still no response?Ye's attack was so much higher than hers, but it had no effect. How could she make it react with such little attack power?Do you want to let Nightmare out to have a try?

Even Xueyan herself didn't realize that she didn't want to test its tolerance for that thing at all, but purely as a prank mentality.Freeze it first, then burn it with fire, there must be one thing it is afraid of!
But before she could release her nightmare, she was pulled behind her by Ye.Surprised, he looked past his body and looked at the pile of things. It was actually squirming!And not only did it move, it actually made a sound!
"Huh? Is winter coming? Why is it so cold? It seems that I have to move and find a warm place to sleep."

The sound coming from such a huge body is so childish!But what he said was such an idiot!And he's surprisingly lazy, surprisingly slow!Xue Yan was speechless. It was simply unacceptable that such a guy could ignore Ye's attack.

The thing moved very slowly, and it took a long time to turn its body 180°.At the same time, Xue Yan finally saw the true face of this guy.

Have you ever seen the kind of jelly that looks like a freshly squeezed ice cream and is still stained with white coconut?Have you ever seen two round, watery eyes added to Jelly's body?Well, if you can imagine what kind of thing that is, you can understand how Xueyan feels now.

With such a huge jelly-like object placed in front of her, she couldn't help laughing anymore!
"Haha, this is so funny! How could there be such a thing here? Who designed it? Oops, I can't stand it anymore, my stomach hurts!" Xue Yan squatted on the ground while wiping away tears from laughter. Said out of breath.

Ye was also stunned at this time, not because he was shocked by the super strange thing in front of him, but because he had never seen her laugh so out of control, and he couldn't react for a while.She still has such an expression, it still looks quite interesting!
"Hey, who are you? Why are you in my house?" The "Jelly" finally noticed the existence of the two of them, and he was not angry, but rather curious.

Although it was weird just now, Xueyan felt that the childish voice really matched its appearance, so cute!

"Why don't you talk? I know, you are here to play with me, aren't you?"

The big "Jelly" suddenly had a look of enlightenment, and then turned into excitement.The huge body bounced slightly, but it caused the entire cave to shake violently, and the gravel and dust on the roof of the cave fell one after another.

"Hey, can you stop being so excited?" Although these things had no effect on her, Xueyan was still very depressed by their destructive power.

Just move it casually and make it like this, if it really gets angry, wouldn't the consequences be unimaginable?

"Sorry, sorry! It's been a long time since no one played with me, so I'm a little overjoyed!" Big "Jelly" showed an embarrassed look on his face, and the faint blush looked very cute.

"Really? How long has it been since no one played with you?" Xueyan tried to see if she could get some valuable information.

"It's been a long, long time! Very, very, very long!"

Xueyan suddenly felt that if it had hands, if its head and body were separated, then its current shape must be a cute one with its head tilted and its fingers biting!

"So you've been sleeping here?"

"Yeah, this is my home! Of course I stay here!"

"So a long time ago, did people often come to play with you?"

"Well, well, let's not talk about this. Sister, come and play with me now, okay?" Blinking, it showed a look of expectation.

"Well, tell me, what do you want to play?" Xueyan asked after hesitating.

This guy is cute and cute, but his strength is also there, Xueyan doesn't want to be played to death by him.But if it doesn't agree, it probably won't let it go!

"Let's play peek-a-boo! This is my favorite game!" The big eyes suddenly became brighter, and at the same time, he twisted his body, looking very impatient.

"Hide and seek? This is such a big place, you can see it all at a glance, how do you hide?" Seeing that it seemed to be moving again, Xueyan hurriedly said.

"You don't have to hide here! As long as it doesn't exceed 100 meters, you can hide anywhere! I can find you! Come on! Come on! Let's play! It's fun!" It was anxious urged.

"As long as it doesn't exceed a range of 100 meters, it's fine? Are you that good? I don't believe it! A lying child is not a good child!" Although Xueyan was surprised by what it said, she showed a look of disbelief on the surface.

"I'm not lying, I can really find it. If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you." Seeing that she didn't believe it, Big "Jelly" said hastily.

"Oh? How to prove it?"

It didn't answer, closed its eyes and began to radiate green light in all directions. The light kept swaying back and forth, reminding Xueyan of a scanner.It gave Xueyan the feeling that she was searching for something.

"I found it!" Suddenly the big "Jelly" opened his eyes and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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