System Fairy Road

Chapter 86 Save the World

Chapter 86 Save the World
Zhou Wei stood behind the dense forest, watching the tiger slowly walk up to her.

"You're so brave!" Zhou Wei stretched out his hand and screwed on the tiger's big ear.

Tiger shook his head gently, trying to get rid of Zhou Wei's "torture", but he didn't.It didn't dare to do anything to Zhou Wei and let out a frustrated roar.

Zhou Wei let go of her hands, and she held a delicate jade flute in her hand. She jumped into the depths of the dense forest and said, "Follow me!"

The tiger let out a low "ouch", drooped its big head, and followed Zhou Wei.

One person and one tiger walked slowly and harmoniously deep into the jungle.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, a large open space appeared in front of him.

In the center of the clearing is a simple cabin.There are still lights on in the cabin.

Zhou Wei walked to the right side of the wooden house, and she said to the tiger, "Go! Be conscious."

"Ouch!" The tiger yelled unwillingly, but still walked over obediently and stood in the open space.

Zhou Wei made a secret with one hand.

The land under the tiger's feet suddenly became uneven and slowly sank. Gradually, this small piece of open space turned into a large pit two meters deep.

The tiger raised its head, it couldn't jump out of the deep pit, and called out to Zhou Wei anxiously.

Zhou Wei smiled and said, "Confinement for three days."

Tiger looked at Zhou Wei and saw that her expression remained unchanged. He leaned down in the middle of the pit and licked his front paws.

Zhou Wei then returned to the wooden house, opened the mineral water bottle, and took a sip of water.

She has lived in this deep forest for more than half a year.

In the beginning, she just bought a tent and lived there.

Over time, she built a small log cabin here herself.She also went down the mountain to buy some daily necessities, and used her portable space to move up the mountain.

Zhou Wei lives alone in the mountains and enjoys himself.

Of course, when she first came in, she still encountered a lot of trouble.

The biggest trouble is the tiger.

The king of beasts, when he saw her, he wanted to devour her.

At that time, Zhou Wei didn't know how to spell yet, but her body was already in the stage of Qi training.With a single punch, it is no longer comparable to ordinary people.

She didn't use martial arts, and she beat the tiger to the ground with one punch and one punch.

Then, Zhou Wei left the tiger and lived in the deep forest.

The tiger did not change its ferocious nature and appeared again in Zhou Wei's residence and attacked Zhou Wei.

At that time, Zhou Wei was practicing martial arts, and she tried a few moves with a tiger.Then, as usual, beating up.

In this way, the tiger behaved.

For a period of time after that, Zhou Wei also deliberately found this tiger to try his tricks.

The tiger couldn't hide, couldn't be beaten again and again, and finally had to succumb to Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei also regarded the tiger as a domestic cat and kept it.Sometimes, it’s for fun, sometimes, it’s for trying out moves and practicing spells.

Zhou Wei chose to stay away from the world and live alone in the mountains.

One reason is that the resentment of the world in the past few years has indeed tortured her.She couldn't bear all kinds of blows, all kinds of abuse.No matter good people or evil people, until now, she lacked interest.

Zhou Wei himself is in a bad state of mind now, and he really wants to take revenge on the society.It's just that I have a kind thought in my heart, so I'm tired of all kinds of things in the world.Even the friendship is faint.If you say let go, you let go.

If it is half a year, she has no nostalgia at all.

She once said to her friend Zhao Yin: I will miss her.

It's a lie.

In the past six months, Zhou Wei has never missed anyone.

She prefers to tease the tiger.

Or take the cloud steps and climb to the peak to see the ever-changing clouds and all the green things.

Or, drifting and sleeping on the top of a big tree, looking up at the starry sky, the world is boundless.

In addition to mood factors, the second reason why Zhou Wei lives in the mountains is that she wants to practice martial arts and spells.

No matter what kind of practice it is, Zhou Wei wants to do it quietly by himself instead of being watched by others.

For this reason, she also bought a jade flute and a book on learning Xiao on a whim to be arty.

The purpose of buying a jade flute is to learn "Holding the Xiao Sword", as well as the ability to play the flute.Basically the same as not learning, very ugly.She just played it, and occasionally used it to amuse the tiger.

"Rising Cloud Steps" is a good light exercise method, and its most subtle point is its ability to climb high, like stepping on clouds, hence the name "Rising Cloud Steps".

But "All Things in My Hand" is a technique, similar to palm technique, but not palm technique. When using this martial art, the moves are unpredictable, and the enemy's eyes are full of hand shadows, which cannot be avoided.

It only took Zhou Wei a little time to get familiar with the three new martial arts cheat books.

In the past six months, Zhou Wei spent most of his time practicing several spells in the "Qi Practicing Chapter" in "Reincarnation of Longevity Scroll".

For example, the "ground trapping technique" used to trap tigers before.

When he first started learning, Zhou Wei could only make a shallow pit one finger deep in front of him. After practicing a lot, the "ground sinking technique" was faster and the pit became deeper.Recently, she can make a big hole about two meters deep at most.It was used to trap tigers, but I played it a few times.

However, this "ground trapping technique" is obviously a simple elementary spell.Zhou Wei feels that he has already practiced almost to the full level.

Furthermore, just like this wooden house.

On the wooden house, there are many thick and long wooden vines twining and climbing.This is Zhou Wei's "dead wood blooming technique".

Although this spell is called "spring with dead wood", it is bragging. It can only speed up the growth of a plant at most. As for the real spring with dead trees, it cannot do it.

Zhou Wei was very interested in this spell.She once went down the mountain to buy a lot of flower seeds, and then sprinkled them in front of the hut. Using this spell, the flowers bloomed in just a gorgeous!

Of course, the flowers bloom quickly and wither quickly.After half a day, only the wooden branches remained.

Zhou Wei lives in the mountains, so he is not as hygienic and clean as the city.Her body is somewhat different from that of ordinary people, but it is not to the point of being free from dust.Fortunately, there is a "cleaning technique" in "Qi Practicing Chapter".

With a wave of one hand, the mud and dust go away.It saves her a lot of trouble.

The only offensive spell she can use now is called "Fire Refining". In Zhou Wei's view, this spell is actually the "big fireball" in Western magic. Once the fireball is thrown out, it will burn you without leaving a piece of armor.

Zhou Wei has not used this spell to attack anyone.Instead, she used this spell to buy herself gold, and refined all of them into small ingots.Placed in the portable space, it looks neat.

Speaking of which, the broken sword in the portable space was a surprise.

In the "Cultivation of Qi", there is a simple "controlling swordsmanship". This spell cannot make the magic weapon recognize its master, but it can temporarily control the real magic weapon in the cultivation world by the master of the Qi training period.

After Zhou Wei used the "sword control technique" on this broken sword, the sword really lost its corrupt appearance and turned into a sharp and beautiful sword.

The body of the sword is bright and beautiful, and there are many mysterious lines engraved on it.

Zhou Wei didn't know why that sword appeared in the previous world.

No one taught it, and Zhou Wei couldn't tell what grade this sword is, but there is no doubt that it is a "magic weapon", which is out of the category of ordinary soldiers.

Zhou Wei didn't know if the sword originally had a name, so she didn't wrong it and gave it a name - the Nameless Sword.

This name was chosen so that Zhou Wei would not embarrass himself.

She didn't even bother to think too much, tossing her brain cells.Let's call it "Wu Ming" casually, she didn't call it "Little Cheap Sword" directly, which is a bit of a virtue.

Zhou Wei has been practicing these five spells for half a year. Although he cannot say that he has mastered them thoroughly, he is already very familiar with them.

The spell practice is considered to be very smooth, and the cultivation of the level is still as slow as in the past.

Qi training period ([-]%).

Three days later.

Zhou Wei finished his training.

She now eats less than ordinary people and spends most of her time practicing.

Zhou Wei let the tiger go.

The tiger was also hungry for a while before going to the mountains outside and meeting humans.After these three days of starvation, the tiger's eyes are full of fierceness.Once released, it rushed into the dense forest.

Zhou Wei looked back at the cabin, ready to leave.

She is not a lover.It's just that the world mission is still hanging in her head, so she shouldn't forget to "maintain world peace".

Zhou Wei stopped complaining about this world quest full of slots.

How to maintain world peace?
How did she know!

Anyway, as the little robot honeymoon said, you can live a casual life.

She has already practiced her spells well, so it's time to go down the mountain and let her be perfunctory.


late at night.

Xiao Yang came home from get off work and worked overtime today, so it was a bit late to go back.She called a taxi from the entrance of the company, went to a [-]-hour convenience store near her home, and bought some food.Xiao Yang walked home with a bag in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

Suddenly, a light flickered on the street, and Xiao Yang covered his eyes with one hand.Her hand was pulled vigorously, and her wallet was robbed.

Xiao Yang paused for a moment, and immediately ran to chase the robber, shouting: "Root—rob!"

The robber was riding a motorcycle, how could Xiao Yang catch up with him.

After running for a few steps, Xiao Yang stopped.

Xiao Yang felt distressed and depressed at the same time, so he squatted down helplessly, panting for breath.

At this time, a wallet slowly floated to Xiao Yang's feet.

Xiao Yang rubbed her eyes in shock, isn't this exactly her wallet!

Xiao Yang quickly picked up the wallet and opened it to see that everything was in good condition.

There was still a piece of rose-red rose lying quietly on the ground.

Xiao Yang paused for a few seconds, then quickly called the police on his mobile phone.

After the two policemen arrived, they couldn't believe what Xiao Yang said.

Wallet sent back with petals?
It's not a TV series!
Seeing that the police didn't believe it, Xiao Yang pointed to the marks on the road and said, "That's it! It's this motorcycle!"

A shallow car mark was left on the side street.

The two policemen took pictures and walked a few steps along the car marks.

The three of them suddenly heard a low, painful cry.

Follow the sound.

Finally, the three saw a young man being hung upside down at the entrance of an alley.The motorcycle was dismantled into eight pieces, and the scattered parts were scattered on the ground, as if it had been divided into corpses.

Xiao Yang called: "That's him! That robber who snatched the wallet!"

There was a fist mark on the robber's face, he was hung upside down, and his nose was bleeding.

On the wall to the right of the robber, six petals of roses were neatly pasted.

There is a neat handwriting written on each flower piece.

The sum of these six words is - maintain world peace!
A policeman twitched his mouth: "Are you kidding me?"

Another policeman stepped forward, handcuffed the robber, and smiled: "This is someone who wants to be a hero in the movie world!"

Xiao Yang looked at the rose in his hand: "...secondary school saves the world."

(End of this chapter)

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