Chapter 67
Back in the deluxe cabin, while the two guards were not paying attention, Zhou Wei slapped the back of their necks with his palm.

The two opened their mouths, but before they could hum, they fell limply to the ground.

Tong Ning quickly asked, "How is it? How many people are there?"

"[-] in the ordinary cabin and [-] in the cab," Zhou Wei dragged the two people behind the sofa and said, "For safety's sake, let's bring a few in first and separate them as much as possible."

Tong Ning nodded.

Zhou Wei pressed the service button again, and she and Tong Ning hid behind the cabin door. The moment the cabin door closed, they hit two guards again.

Zhou Wei pressed the service button for the third time!
This time, the remaining six guards from the ordinary cabin appeared at the cabin door together.Zhou Wei and Tong Ning chopped down two.

The other four drew their guns, raised their eyebrows, and said angrily, "Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Zhou Weileng said: "You brought down my secret guards! I can't believe you! Stop talking nonsense! Tong Ning, take action!"

Zhou Wei jumped up, kicked in the air, and "slapped" one of them unconscious.

There are three guards left.

These three guards are all specially trained elite fighters.Facing Zhou Wei, they obviously tied their hands and feet, not daring to hurt her.But for Tong Ning, they didn't have so many worries.

Although Tong Ning had practiced some martial arts, he was far inferior to these guards.These guards are strong, fast and responsive.Tong Ning only fought a few moves before he was hit hard by a guard with a gun butt, and passed out.

The three guards didn't dare to use guns, so they could only fight Zhou Wei hand-to-hand.

They were big, with thick waists and heavy backs, and the indoor space was not large. Zhou Wei was surrounded by them and could not move freely.

Zhou Wei used the light and ingenious plain hands to support his body.

The three obviously didn't expect Zhou Wei to be so difficult to deal with. Three well-trained men couldn't deal with a delicate little girl.Coupled with the elegant movement of the plain hands supporting the body, and the calm posture as if nothing happened, the three of them were shocked for a moment.

Zhou Wei found the right time, lightly urged Yunzhang with his palm, and knocked down one person.There were two remaining, Zhou Wei calmly knocked them unconscious.

Zhou Wei looked at Tong Ning who had passed out, feeling helpless.She quickly ran to the cockpit, and easily brought down the two pilots.

Zhou Wei set the destination of the plane as Xinghui Apartment, and started the automatic navigation flight.

"The automatic navigation has been activated, and the destination is [-] minutes away." The electronic sound clicked.

Zhou Wei ran to the ordinary cabin, she wanted to find her hidden guard.

Zhou Wei rummaged around, but couldn't find the sleeping box.Suddenly an idea occurred to me. I climbed onto the seat and looked at the luggage compartment above the seat.She opened the suitcase and found many sleeping boxes.

Zhou Wei has practiced martial arts for many years, and her internal strength is good, but her strength is not great. It took her boss a lot of effort to move the sleeping box down.

After such a short time, she was panting and sweating profusely.

Zhou Wei opened all the [-] sleep boxes.Sure enough, there were four people inside, who were her secret bodyguards.They really are just sleeping.However, the sleeping boxes where these four people are located are all set——can only be opened from the outside.

Zhou Wei checked the four people and found that they would not be able to wake them up for a while.

Are these four people left here?
What if these guards wake up before these four people and want to hurt them?
She can't afford to leave with [-] sleeping people.

Zhou Wei looked at the sleep box and found himself in trouble.

[-] sleep boxes!

Got it!

Zhou Wei hurriedly moved the four people out of the sleeping box, and dragged the guards and pilot of the plane into the sleeping box with great effort, setting it to a mode that can only be opened from the outside.

These [-] people cannot get out. When Deng comes, we will deal with the matter of these [-] secret guards.

Carrying this group of rough men back and forth like this, Zhou Weilei blushed.

"The plane has arrived at its destination and has landed. You can disembark." The electronic voice sounded.

Zhou Wei exhaled, picked up Tong Ning, who was much stronger than her, and got off the plane.

Xinghui Apartment is just around the corner.

Zhou Wei ran wildly on the road with Tong Ning on his back.She couldn't help thinking, after being a lady for so many years, she played the role of a woman today!Nima is exhausted!

Occasionally, a few people saw Zhou Wei on the road, and they all had silly faces.

Zhou Wei swiped the contact device and entered the Xinghui apartment.

The doorman of Xinghui Apartment was watching the replay of Tong Ning's concert on the communicator.Seeing Zhou Wei running in with Tong Ning on his back, the guard was also dumbfounded: "Eunuch, lord!"

Zhou Wei carried Tong Ning on his back and ran straight to the basement downstairs.

In the distance, Zhou Wei saw a familiar figure standing downstairs of her apartment building.The night was hazy, and she didn't care.

It wasn't until she passed this man that she heard his familiar voice.

"The only one!"

There are only two men in the whole world who can call him that.

Zhou Wei stopped and turned around: "Brother?"

His Royal Highness Zhou Cheng smiled: "You really came here."

"Brother, how did you get to Star K?" Zhou Wei asked in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

"To find you."

Zhou Wei understood, her face was a little ugly, she asked: "You sent that plane? Is it really you? Brother?"

Zhou Cheng approached Zhou Wei with a smile, raised his hand, and touched her long black hair: "Wei Yi, little Wei Yi has grown up too. I'm proud of you for being able to get rid of so many guards by yourself."

Zhou Wei couldn't laugh, she asked solemnly, "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Wei suddenly felt a pain in his neck!
It turned out that Zhou Cheng held a thin needle in his hand and stabbed Zhou Wei's neck.

Zhou Wei couldn't believe that he would do this. She let go of Tong Ning, feeling that all the strength in her body was draining away. She fell to the ground, staring at Zhou Cheng: "Brother!"

Zhou Cheng sighed, as if he didn't want to see Zhou Wei's accusing eyes, he picked up Zhou Wei and walked up the apartment building: "Wei, there is always a price to pay for being born in the royal family. I don't want you to die, but, you You have to pay the price to live."

"Tong Ning..." Zhou Wei called weakly.

Zhou Cheng glanced at the handsome man fainted on the ground, and said coldly, "Take it too."

"Yes!" A black figure suddenly appeared, hanging Tong Ning on his shoulders as if he was carrying trouble.

Zhou Wei stared at Zhou Cheng: "What are you going to do? Father, I won't let you do this."

Zhou Cheng ignored her words, he picked up Zhou Wei's left hand, swiped open the door with her communicator, then untied her communicator and fell to the ground.

"Fixed the bed." Zhou Cheng said.

"Yes." Zhou Cheng's secret guard threw Tong Ning to the ground with a "pop" sound, and Tong Ning grunted in pain.The man turned around and went to Zhou Wei's room, and actually moved a fixed medical bed out of it.

This kind of medical fixed bed is specially customized by the hospital in order to immobilize the patient during the operation and prevent the patient's body from disturbing the operation.

Zhou Wei has never bought anything like this. It seems that Zhou Cheng has been here before.

Zhou Cheng put Zhou Wei on the fixed bed.Zhou Wei struggled to leave.

Zhou Cheng pressed Zhou Wei's hand, turned on the switch, and a rubber ring fixed the hand.

Zhou Cheng followed the same pattern and fixed Zhou Weicheng in "big font" on this bed.

Zhou Wei looked at Zhou Cheng and felt that he was so strange.He always smiles, it turns out that when he is not smiling, he looks so indifferent.This is her brother.

Zhou Wei felt chills in his heart.This is the man who has spoiled her for so many years.By now, he was going to hurt her.He can do it without any hesitation.

Past emotions, true or false?

Is it because people's hearts are fickle?Or, she has been deceived by him?
(End of this chapter)

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