System Fairy Road

Chapter 63 She Don't Know

Chapter 63 She Don't Know
Hearing the cry for help, Zhou Wei and Tong Ning looked at each other, and immediately ran into the alley.

Following the sound, the two turned a few turns and entered a narrow alley.

At the end of the alley, a blood-stained man was pressed against the wall by two people. Opposite him, another man was holding a dagger in his hand.

Blood was gushing out from the man's thigh, and he had already been stabbed.He yelled in fear: "Don't! Don't kill me!"

The man standing opposite him put the dagger close to his neck, and said with a crooked smile: "Why are you so ignorant? I just stole a good item, and it was destroyed by you saying 'thief'. You know the truth?" If so, hand over your valuables and I’ll let you go as quickly as possible.”

The man cried sadly: "I will never do anything righteous again, really! I'm unemployed and have no money! I just took the old antiques from home and I'm about to sell them for some money."

"Antique? Take it out." The crooked man motioned his two younger brothers to release him.

The man was trembling and took out a long cloth bag from the big bag behind him.

The crooked-mouthed man slashed the cloth bag with a dagger and took a look: "How dare you play tricks on me! This is broken! In these streets, who dares to mess with my nickname of 'Wild Wolf'! What are you doing?" Seek death yourself!"

As he said that, he stabbed the man with a dagger.

"do not want!"

"do not want!"

The first was the man's scream of terror.

The second sound was Zhou Wei's cry.

"Wild Wolf" turned around, looked at Zhou Wei and Tong Ning up and down, laughed "hey" and said, "Hey! This is another person who is brave enough to do justice! Good! They are still a couple."

"Wild Wolf" pointed his dagger at the man lying on the ground: "This is your fate."

Including his two subordinates, a total of three stood opposite Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei said softly: "Tong Ning, stay away. They are not my opponents."

Tong Ning looked ahead and said, "Zhou Wei, this is impossible! No man hides behind a woman. Besides, you have also taught me martial arts for a while."

Zhou Wei nodded: "Okay, then you deal with one, and I'll deal with the two."

Tong Ning nodded.

The "wild wolf" on the opposite side sneered: "Are you saying goodbye? It's the same after going to hell!"

After saying this, "Wild Wolf" raised both hands, pointed forward, and said fiercely: "Give it to me!"

His two little brothers rushed towards Zhou Wei and Tong Ning with big wooden sticks in their hands!

Zhou Wei clenched her fist, she hadn't found anyone to try her martial arts properly yet!
"Wait!" the "wild wolf" suddenly shouted.

The two younger brothers braked suddenly, and one shouted loudly: "Boss, what are you doing?"

"Wild Wolf" looked at Tong Ning carefully, and said hesitantly, "You are...Tong Ning?"

Zhou Wei was speechless.What would happen if you were recognized at this time!
Tong Ning raised his eyebrows, took off his sunglasses, and threw them away: "It's me!"

The "Wild Wolf"'s face twisted and said: "Sure enough, your movements are very stylish. I am a loyal fan of yours. If I ask for an autograph at this time, will you give it to me?"

Zhou Wei almost burst out laughing.

The underworld also watches movies, listens to music, and chases stars, just like ordinary people!
Tong Ning couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you kidding me?"

"Wild Wolf" looked at Tong Ning and Zhou Wei: "You are my idol, you two, let's go!"

A younger brother couldn't stand it and yelled: "Boss, you are crazy! They go to the police, and we will be wanted by the authorities!"

"Wild Wolf" waved impatiently: "Who cares about him! Let them go!"

"You let us go, but we can't let you go!" Zhou Wei shouted, then rushed forward and slapped the younger brother on the right.

Cue Cloud Palm!
Zhou Wei didn't know how powerful she was, so to be conservative, she used [-]% of her internal strength!

The boy was hit before he had time to react, and a sharp pain suddenly shot through his body.The stick was thrown to the ground.The younger brother covered his abdomen with both hands and fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

Another younger brother was rushing toward Zhou Wei, but was stopped by Tong Ning.Tong Ning's movement skills were much faster than this little brother's, but he didn't have a weapon in his hand, so he just dodged for a while.

Zhou Wei patted the "Wild Wolf".

This "Wild Wolf" didn't really want to be with him either. He swung a dagger in front of him quickly in one hand, making Zhou Wei unable to approach, and picked up another dagger from his body with the other hand, staring at Zhou Wei fiercely. Provocatively: "Come on! Come if you have the ability!"

Zhou Wei was afraid of being scratched by the dagger, so for a while, he didn't dare to get too close to him.

While dodging the two daggers of the "Wild Wolf", she glanced around.

Got it!

Broken metal!

It was a rusty sword, looking tattered.

Zhou Wei turned over and got the broken sword in his hand.

Sudden!There is a very strange feeling coming from the sword.

Zhou Wei paused for a second and ignored it.

With a sword in hand, even a broken sword, Zhou Wei can deal with the "wild wolf"'s dagger, not to mention the broken metal in his hand is a long sword.

As soon as the sword was in hand, Quanzhen swordsmanship was used smoothly.

In just two or three moves, the two daggers of "Wild Wolf" were blown away, and Zhou Wei stabbed with his sword.

I rely on!Can't even pierce clothes!This sword is really broken!
Zhou Wei took advantage of the "Wild Wolf"'s daze and attacked with a palm.

"Wild Wolf" groaned and leaned weakly on the ground.

Zhou Wei turned around to look.

Tong Ning was holding a wooden stick and was throwing it at the second boy.

The boy who was hit no longer had the stick in his hand, and could only cover his face and scream in pain.

When these three people are lying on the ground, the battle is over.

Zhou Wei walked up to the man who had been stabbed: "Are you okay?"

The man smiled wryly: "Not dead yet! Thank you two for saving lives!"

"What's your name?"

"Yi Zhihang. Just now, while you were fighting, I had secretly contacted the official people, and they are coming soon."

"Well," Zhou Wei nodded, she looked at Yi Zhihang and said, "You know too much!"

"What? What do you mean?" Yi Zhihang looked terrified.

"So, in order to keep it secret, you can follow Tong Ning from now on!" Zhou Wei concluded.

Zhou Wei held the "broken copper and rotten iron" in his hand, and said, "How much does this sell for?"

The topic jumped too quickly, and Yi Zhihang said blankly: "How much do you think it's worth?"

"[-] million universe coins."

Yi Zhihang was dumbfounded: "[-] million?"

Looking at Yi Zhihang's dreamy expression of winning the lottery, Zhou Weidao said: "It seems you have no objection."

Zhou Wei put his communicator close to Yi Zhihang's communicator, and drew [-] million to him.

Yi Zhihang looked at the numbers on the communicator, his eyes widened, and he stammered: "Really, really?!"

Zhou Wei held the sword in his hand and felt it carefully.This is mine!

"Zhou Wei, be careful!" Tong Ning shouted in horror!

Zhou Wei turned his head.

"Wild Wolf" held a high-speed light gun in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was facing Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei quickly moved away, and in the blink of an eye, she came to the side of "Wild Wolf", and she slapped him on the head suddenly.

"Wild Wolf" hit his head against the wall, and blood flowed out. He vomited a mouthful of blood, and there was fear in his eyes: "Why, is it possible?" Then he closed his eyes.

"Zhou Wei!" Tong Ning rushed to Zhou Wei anxiously: "Zhou Wei, you are injured!"

Although Zhou Wei's reaction just now was fast enough, it couldn't match the speed of the high-speed light gun.Fortunately, the important part was avoided, and Zhou Wei was injured on his left upper arm.

Gone by the high-speed light gun, a piece of flesh was missing from Zhou Wei's left upper arm, and a large amount of blood spilled out.

In the critical scene just now, Zhou Wei only felt a chill in his arm, but he didn't care about it. Now, Zhou Wei said in pain: "Ah! Tong Ning! It hurts like hell!"

Tong Ning was sweating anxiously: "Zhou Wei, it's okay, it's okay! I, I, I'll go to the hospital first!"

Tong Ning quickly contacted the hospital.

Zhou Wei frowned and tapped the communicator with his hand: "Deng Yi, come here quickly."


"Zhou Wei, it's all my fault! The bodyguards should stay by your side! It's all my fault!" Tong Ning was full of pity and remorse.

Seeing that he was so nervous, Zhou Wei said, "Tong Ning, it's okay, I'm just in pain. It's not that I'm missing an arm or a leg, it's just a little injury, it'll be fine in the hospital. Who would have expected it! This man actually has a weapon. "

Deng Yi arrived first.

"My lord!" Seeing Zhou Wei's appearance, Deng Yi quickly took out a bottle of liquid medicine from his body and sprayed it on Zhou Wei's arm.

There was a coolness in his hand, Zhou Wei breathed a sigh of relief, the pain was gone, and the blood flow was less.

Deng Yi looked around and glanced at Tong Ning.

Tong Ning was stunned, and when Deng looked at him, his eyes were clearly hostile.

There were still two people awake on the ground, and Deng Yi stepped forward one by one.The two younger brothers passed out.

At this time, the official flying car arrived.

Zhou Wei said: "Deng Yi, send these three people to prison for a few more years. Tong Ning and I, as well as the lying one, go to the hospital first."

"Master! I will accompany you to the hospital."

Zhou Wei shook his head: "It's okay."

Finally, Zhou Wei, Tong Ning, and Yi Zhihang got on the flying car sent by the hospital.

Deng Yi spontaneously sent several people to protect them in the dark.


An official inspected the man spitting blood and shouted, "Sir, this man is dead!"

The officer frowned, and said to Deng Dao: "I don't care who you are, since you are dead, the three of you just now have to go to the Ministry of Security."

Deng Yi showed off a gold medal marked Free Bird.

The officer fell silent.

Deng Yi walked over and examined the body.He could see that it was Zhou Wei's hand.And, she doesn't know yet.

"Bring them all back to the Security Department and keep them secret!" Deng Yiyi ordered the commander.


Deng Yi was not going to tell Zhou Wei about this.

A delicate and frail princess, some means of saving her life are her business.But this kind of thing should have nothing to do with her in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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