System Fairy Road

Chapter 25 Accept the mission

Chapter 25 Accept the mission
"Your Majesty, do we want to start the mission now?" After a period of silence, Zhou Wei accepted the mission by default.

The emperor looked at Zhou Wei with relief: "The sooner the better."

"The coming-of-age ceremony of the graduates of the Imperial Capital Academy not only attracted the attention of countless people in the country, but also attracted the attention of a part of the Sharpfire Empire. This time you perform the mission, you can pretend to be spies who fled back to the Sharpfire Empire during the war."

"A spy from the Sharp Fire Empire?"

The Emperor nodded to Feng Feifei.

Feng Feifei turned around, facing the empty square, raised her right hand.Her slender hands were white in complexion, and her palms were facing up, as if she was holding something.

The air in the square rippled with colorless circular ripples, and a translucent sarcophagus suddenly appeared from the center of the ripples.

The sarcophagus slowly descended, and finally fell in front of Zhou Wei.

Feng Feifei clasped his thumb and four fingers, and swiped lightly.

The coffin lid above the sarcophagus also bloomed.

"It's him?!"

Seeing the body in the sarcophagus, Zhou Wei immediately recognized it.

Lying in the sarcophagus was the person from the Ruihuo Empire that Feng Feifei killed in Silver Sand Mountain.

"Yeah." The emperor nodded: "It seems that you still remember him."

"When we first made this plan, what we prepared was the corpse of an inconspicuous Sharpfire Empire soldier on the battlefield."

"But three years ago, this guy showed up."

"This person is the spy of the Ruihuo Empire placed in the Silu Empire. He has been in the Silu Empire for a long time. Therefore, this person is very familiar with the Silu Empire, but he has a lot of ignorance about the current situation of the Ruihuo Empire. This Identity is just right for you."

Zhou Wei got goosebumps all over his body: "Do I want to put on this person's face?"

The emperor was taken aback: "What?"

Instantly understood Zhou Wei's meaning, the emperor secretly lamented that the children's unrestrained thoughts that day were beyond the comprehension of the old man, he said helplessly: "Son, you think too much. Feifei's illusion will make you like this person. No matter Is it internal or external. The reason why this corpse is used is to let Feifei have the 'original' so that she can make a 'copy', not for you to wear his skin."

"Oh..." Zhou Wei heaved a sigh of relief, putting on human skin was really a bit heavy, and he really didn't want to bear it.

"In that case," Zhou Wei sighed, "Then let's begin!"

"Wait!" Si Che suddenly said, and he gave a military salute to the emperor: "Your Majesty, I still have a few words to say to Zhou Wei, Your Majesty Qing agrees."

The emperor nodded.

"Father..." Zhou Wei was a little apprehensive, he was able to take on this dangerous task so quickly, most of it was because of the damn system task.In the few seconds when he accepted the task, he didn't consider his father's feelings at all, which made Zhou Wei feel guilty and guilty.

Si Che looked at Zhou Wei, but there was no fear in his eyes. He patted Zhou Wei on the shoulder: "Zhou Wei, you have grown up and become sensible."

"I am proud of you."

"Xiao Wei, you have been in the academy all these years, and my father has always thought that there is no need to worry about anything and that we can wait until you grow up. I didn't expect... that you would have to shoulder the responsibility so soon."

"Xiaowei, you are an adult. Father just wants to tell you that no matter what kind of future or what happens, don't be afraid."

"Father..." Zhou Wei's eyes became sore for a while.

After getting along for many years, Zhou Wei has long regarded Si Che as his closest relative.Suddenly about to say goodbye at this moment, seeing Si Che's encouraging eyes, Zhou Wei's heart was touched.

"Your Majesty, let's start!" Si Che said seriously.

"En. Feifei, it's up to you."

Feng Feifei nodded, took a deep breath, and walked close to Zhou Wei and the sarcophagus: "Zhou Wei, close your eyes. This illusion is a long-term illusion, and it takes a lot of time. This illusion has a great effect on your body. Injury, so you will be very painful. In order to be able to transform successfully, I will block your perception."

Zhou Wei nodded: "Feifei, long time no see, you have matured a lot."

Feng Feifei bent her eyes and smiled: "Thank you, I like this comment. Let's start!"

Zhou Wei closed his eyes, and felt something was pulled away from him for an instant, and then he couldn't feel anything.

Feng Feifei switched hands and kept performing illusions. After a while, Zhou Wei became exactly like the person in the sarcophagus.She stepped forward and laid Zhou Wei's body flat beside the sarcophagus, while she knelt on the ground, with one hand sticking to Zhou Wei and the other to the corpse in the sarcophagus.She closed her eyes and began to illusion the inside of Zhou Wei's body.

After a while, her face turned pale.

Zhou Wei's whole face wrinkled together in ignorance, his face was pale, his whole body was trembling, and cold sweat burst out, soaking his whole clothes.

Si Che was a little worried: "Your Majesty?"

"Si Che, don't worry, Feifei can do this. I'm sure Zhou Wei can withstand this illusion." The emperor affirmed.

Si Che's brows relaxed and he smiled: "I have never doubted Your Majesty. Your Majesty, Si Che has a request."

"You said."

"Xiao Wei's body is too weak to experience this illusion, which is not conducive to this mission."

The emperor nodded and signaled Si Che to continue.

"I'm old, and I can't live for a few more years. Now that the empire is in critical condition, please allow me to do my part for the Silu Empire! Please instill all my vitality and green field energy into Zhou Wei."

The emperor flatly refused: "No! This is a forbidden technique that violates the law!"

"Hahahaha." Si Che couldn't help laughing: "You can't hide what your Majesty said, you can't hide it from me! Your Majesty, you are also using yourself to become the new emperor, Feng Feifei!"

Si Che lifted up his robe and solemnly knelt down: "Your Majesty! I know you still have my life in mind."

"But up to now, you are even willing to sacrifice yourself. The king is like this, but I am a subject, can't I do it?!"

"Your Majesty, I've had enough of living long ago. If my little vitality can allow Xiaowei to complete the task smoothly, it will be worth it."

"Your Majesty, which one is more important!"

The emperor pursed his lips and looked at Si Che silently.

"Si Che..." The emperor supported Si Che, "I promise you."

Si Che smiled cheerfully: "Death deserved it! Your Majesty, please don't let anyone know the cause of my death, let my apprentice Tian Yu come to collect my body, and call me a sudden death."

The emperor nodded heavily.

"Please Your Majesty as soon as possible. Get rid of my body before Zhou Wei wakes up."

The emperor waved his hand.

Si Che lay on the ground. As the emperor cast spells, he could feel his strength and vitality being drained away bit by bit.

The strength gradually disappeared, but Si Che's expression was calm.

Since ancient times, who has never died?
This time, he took the initiative to offer his life.

He died here silently, and almost no one knew why he died.

so what?

He will!
It is enough for him to be willing!

(End of this chapter)

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