System Fairy Road

Chapter 247 A Immortal Sword

Chapter 247 A Fairy Sword

Qingtian Temple, a small building in the back mountain.

After buying the pile of "garbage", Zhou Wei went back to the back mountain of Qingtian Palace.

Li Jun looked at Zhou Wei thoughtfully, and pulled Liu Feng away who looked puzzled.

Zhou Wei came to the training room with excitement in her eyes. She raised her head, looked around, and said loudly: "NO.60, come out quickly!"

There was no echo from the training room. NO.60 also didn't mean to talk to Zhou Wei at all.

"NO.60, if you don't come out again, I will sue Huafeng!"

NO.60 still hasn’t appeared.

Zhou Wei winked in the empty training room, and said, "I want to tell your master that you didn't do a good job as a secret guard, but instead hurt me!"

NO.60 still has no answer.

Zhou Wei tilted his head and thought for a while: "I can say, are you molesting me?"

NO.60's tall and strong body suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Wei. He quickly reached out and touched Zhou Wei's face.

Zhou Wei was startled, and stepped back.But her speed couldn't compare to NO.60.

She only felt her cheeks being wiped by a big hand, and when Zhou Wei took a step back and raised his head again, No. 60 stood calmly two feet away from her, with his hands behind his back, with an innocent face.

"You!" Zhou Wei angrily rubbed his cheeks to show his disdain for NO.60!
NO.60 raised his eyebrows, smiled and said, "Didn't you say that I molested you?"

"Asshole! Asshole, asshole!" Zhou Wei scolded a few times angrily: "Are you really a hidden guard? Do you still have professionalism? Wouldn't Huafeng beat you up?"

Seeing Zhou Weiyi's angry face, NO.60 slowly took out a white silk handkerchief, and then wiped his right hand with the silk handkerchief.

Seeing this action, Zhou Weiqi's face turned red.

Knowing that he was not the opponent's opponent, Zhou Wei still drew out the Wuming sword and slashed fiercely in the air!
A powerful aura blade "swipe" appeared in front of NO.60.

NO.60 raised his eyebrows, and gently threw out the silk handkerchief.

In an instant, Sipa turned into nothingness under the bombardment of spiritual energy.

And the moment Sipa disappeared, this wave of aura attacks also dissipated!
Zhou Wei withdrew the Wuming Sword with a gloomy expression, angrily walked to the side table, poured several large glasses of water, and said, "Stop playing!"

NO.60 walked slowly to the table, sat down and drank a glass of water, and said, "Women are troublesome! Why are you angry? You are allowed to sue the villain first, and I am not allowed to retaliate? You can wipe your face, I will Can't you wipe your hands?"


Zhou Wei slapped the table hard, causing the teapots and cups to jump and fall: "Asshole! I haven't complained yet, okay! I just want you to come out, those are just words!"

"Oh..." NO.60 brushed the teacup and teapot with one hand, and the broken porcelain immediately returned to its original shape: "Didn't I just come out?"

As he spoke, a malicious smile appeared on NO.60's face. He looked at Zhou Wei and said, "You said, if you file a complaint with the master? Then, will the master believe me? Or will he believe you?"

Zhou Wei retorted: "You clearly—"

NO.60 held the teacup in one hand, looked at the teacup, and interrupted: "How long have you known the master?"

NO.60 turned to look at Zhou Wei: "How long have I known the master?"


"No, no, no!" NO.60 interrupted what Zhou Wei was about to say again: "I know, the master values ​​you more—then you think, the master sent me to protect you. How much does he trust me?"

Zhou Wei paused with an angry expression, and she looked at No.60 thoughtfully: "What you said seems to make sense..."

NO.60's face was slightly surprised: "I understand so quickly? Women are just this cute, and they don't rush to beat you to death. You understand. Although the master attaches great importance to you, he trusts me even more. .That's why he sent me to protect you."

"You sue the master and say that I molested you. The master will only think that this is just a trick that you don't like me and want to get me away."

"Besides, haven't you already filed a complaint with the master before? The second time you file a complaint, the possibility of the master believing you must be reduced."

"Yes, yes, your master trusts you more," Zhou Wei said, "I know!"

"You don't know..." NO.60 raised the teacup and looked at the tea in the cup: "I want to tell you that the threats you said before to get me out are meaningless."

"I came out just because it was fun!" NO.60's original deep expression suddenly changed, and he smiled easily.

"..." Zhou Wei raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, and she looked depressed: "I know. No. 60 Daxian, I'm not going to force you. You can come and go when you want..."

NO.60 blinked and nodded.

Zhou Wei was too lazy to look at him, so she waved her hand.

On the ground, a pile of black "garbage" appeared.

"Is this why you asked me out?" NO.60's face was solemn: "Are you so poor that you want to pick up trash? Let me tell you in advance that I'm just a secret guard and I'm not in charge of your spirit stone."

Zhou Wei glanced at him helplessly: "Lord Six Tribulations Sanxian! Don't make trouble anymore! Can you really not see anything in this pile of rubbish?"

NO.60 had a smile on his face, but there was a trace of shock in the depths of his eyes.He turned his head, stopped looking at Zhou Wei, but carefully looked at the pile of black pieces, and then, he pointed to one of the black pieces in a little surprise and said, "You mean this?"

Zhou Wei smiled: "That's right."

A black round block slightly larger than an adult's fist landed on NO.60's left palm.

"Most of these fragments are burnt and melted magical artifacts. I didn't expect that..." NO.60 pointed his right index finger on the black fragments.

Suddenly, a burst of white smoke came out of the black circle.

The black fragment broke away from NO.60's left palm and floated in front of the two of them.

After the white smoke disappeared, the black round block revealed its original material, which was a ball shining with iron luster.

"You asked me to come out, is it possible that you want me to get out the things inside?" NO.60 asked, while making a tactic with one hand, a small white flame condensed.

White flames fell on the ball. Suddenly, the entire ball became red-hot, and streaks of blazing flames appeared outside the ball.

In a short while, all the red hot solid on the ball turned into liquid.These red-hot liquids dripped onto the black blocks on the ground, making a "squeaky" sound.

When all the red hot liquid fell off quickly, the black solid hanging in front of the two also changed.

It was a very delicate and compact dagger.

Black dagger handle, slender triangular double-edged dagger.The whole dagger looks exquisite and simple, without any pendant.

Under the burning of Bai Yan, the dagger was not injured at all, as if it had been refined again, and the double blades of the dagger shone with a cold light.

NO.60 moved his right wrist lightly, and the dagger fell into his hand.

He swiped left and right with the dagger, and said with a smile: "It looks pleasing to the eye. This dagger is so small, it should be used as a hidden weapon. Such a small thing is just a low-grade spiritual weapon. At most, it can only be used as a hidden weapon. Use it to cut fruit!"

Zhou Wei looked at NO.60 in surprise.

NO.60 paused, looking at the dagger in his hand: "A low-grade spirit weapon is not worth three thousand high-grade spirit stones, you bought it with such certainty. It seems that this dagger has another secret."

"You actually believe my vision?" Zhou Wei asked in disbelief after being hit by No.60 several times.

NO.60 looked at Zhou Wei and said with a smile: "I know. You must have your own methods. For example, no one has ever told you that I am the Six Tribulations Loose Immortal, but you know it. So, this The dagger may also be 'see through' by you."

"..." Zhou Wei was speechless for a moment.

She recalled a little, indeed.

Neither No.60 himself nor Huafeng ever told her that No.60 is the Six Tribulations Sanxian.However, she even reported such accurate data as the "Six Tribulations" just now.

Wrong word again...

Zhou Wei looked at No. 60 depressedly: "I thought just now that you really saw the secret of this dagger? It turns out... you thought that I bought this pile of garbage just for this dagger."

NO.60 shrugged: "I can't see that this dagger has any secrets. I also can't see why you bought this pile of rubbish."

"It seems that you still know that you are blind, and you are quite self-aware!" Zhou Wei looked at him teasingly, and then took the dagger from his hand.

Zhou Wei held the handle of the dagger with his right hand, pinched the middle spine of the dagger's double blades with his left hand, and pulled it out with both hands at the same time.

NO.60's original lazy expression changed, his eyes were completely attracted by Zhou Wei's movements.


The double blades and the handle of the dagger were separated!
NO.60 let out a soft cry in surprise.

Even if it is a low-grade spiritual weapon, it is impossible for Zhou Wei, a monk in the distraction period, to break it just like that.

At this moment, the dagger's handle and double blades were disconnected.This can only prove that the two were separate from the beginning!

With Zhou Wei pulling his hands away.

A new longsword emerges from the double-edged dagger!

This is a long sword!
This long sword is as thin as Zen, and it is a completely transparent soft sword!
"This, this is—" NO.60 looked at the transparent long sword in Zhou Wei's hand in horror, and he got up from his seat in shock: "Immortal Artifact! Immortal Artifact!"

"Not bad!" There was a hint of pride in Zhou Wei's eyes, and she threw away the double-edged dagger in her hand: "This is a soft sword with a belt, and it is also a low-grade fairy weapon!"

NO.60 stared frantically at the transparent long sword in Zhou Wei's hand: "A soft sword with a belt! Immortal sword!"

"Yes..." Zhou Wei held the long sword in one hand, touched the transparent blade with the other hand, the blade was smooth and cold: "The double-edged dagger is just the scabbard of this fairy sword."

The size of this soft sword is no different from ordinary long swords.It can exist in the small dagger because not only the sword body is curled, but also the sharp blades on both sides of the sword body are also curled.

Like the double-edged dagger, this soft sword is bare of frills.Its sword body is transparent, if you don't pay attention carefully, you can't even see its sword body!

This fairy sword is an extremely simple sword.Some fairy swords shoot brilliantly when they are unsheathed, and can even stir the aura of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles.

And this fairy sword, from the beginning to the end, looks very ordinary.Even a fairy like NO.60 can only see that it is a fairy sword when it is really unsheathed.

I don't know how many owners this fairy sword has had, and they will treat it as a pure dagger.

"You came out to me to give me this fairy sword? Is that right? Really?" NO.60 looked at Zhou Wei with a fiery gaze: "You are now at the distraction stage. You can't use the fairy sword at all. Therefore, this fairy sword can only be used if it is given to me! You called me out just to give me this fairy sword, right?"

Zhou Wei sat on the chair indifferently, and she even raised her legs, looking like "Jiang Taigong's fishing wisher took the bait".

NO.60 looked at the fairy sword and swallowed.As a fairy, he naturally knows the rareness of fairy artifacts.

Not counting the time before becoming a fairy, it has been more than 60 years since NO.9000 became a fairy, and he has never obtained a single fairy weapon.

I have been seeking the fairy artifact for many years, but I can't find it.

If anyone else dared to show off the celestial weapon in front of him, NO.60 would surely go up to kill and grab the sword.

But Zhou Wei - she is the master's woman.

NO.60 really dare not grab it.He fixed his eyes on the long sword, looking like he was being slaughtered: "Tell me! What do you want me to do? Are you willing to give me this fairy sword?"

Zhou Wei asked NO.60 to come out, of course he was going to give him the fairy sword.

When she saw these black fragments in Feitianfang City, she saw the numbers displayed on the identification technique.

Name: Hidden Blood Belt Sword

Grade: Lower Grade Immortal Artifact

Value: [-] high-grade spirit stones
It was precisely because of seeing so many zeros that Zhou Wei bought the garbage so quickly.

Zhou Wei naturally drooled secretly when she saw this fairy weapon, but she understood that she had not yet overcome the catastrophe and became an immortal, so she could not use the fairy weapon at all.Therefore, she might as well exchange this fairy weapon for spiritual stones.

Zhou Wei looked at NO.60's pleading face, and stretched out two tender fingers: "One, 1000 million high-grade spirit stones. Two, in the next time, do me a small favor."

(End of this chapter)

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