System Fairy Road

Chapter 223 Coming and Not Going

Chapter 223 Coming and Not Going
After Hua Feng told Zhou Wei that "the matter of the soul lamp has been arranged", he left.

After Huafeng disappeared, Zhou Wei showed the expression of "It really is so" on his face.

She knew that, based on the system's urgency, it was impossible for her to complete the task after Huafeng agreed.

This system must wait until all the work is over before it can give her the reminder to "complete the system task".

Zhou Wei is used to it.

In other words, this system task can only be considered completed when Huafeng understands everything about him.

After a rough calculation, Zhou Wei predicted that he would stay in this cultivation world for a long time.

She didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

This cultivation world is much bigger than the world she has been in before.Moreover, there are countless immortals in this world.

Compared with the fairylands who really survived the catastrophe, her cultivation can only be regarded as scum.

Just like what Huafeng said, what she should do most now is indeed to practice hard and improve her cultivation.

She can't get involved in other things.

Zhou Weili cleared his mind and stopped thinking about Huafeng's problem.She began to think about her life in this floating city.

Zhou Wei took out the white jade slip given by Su Ren, sank his consciousness into the jade slip, and read the contents of the white jade slip.

The Heavenly Cauldron Sect doesn't have many restrictions on its disciples.

This floating city is more like a city than a sect.

There are two types of monks in the floating city.

One, just like Jiang Qiao, Patriarch Chu, and Su Ren, they are considered "managers."This type of personnel enjoys more rights and better resources in the floating city.The interests between them and Tiandingmen are more involved.

The other is the ordinary Tianding family.They can live in this floating city, but they don't have any rights.No matter whether they are house-entry disciples, inner disciples, outer disciples, attendants, or handymen, their statuses are not far apart.

The difference is that disciples with high status can get more resources from the sect.

Indoor disciples can get ten times more resources than inner disciples.The resources available to inner disciples are ten times that of outer disciples.and so on.

All the disciples of Tianding sect must complete a sect task within 100 years.

All the disciples of the Tianding sect must test their progress within a certain period of time.Once the progress in cultivation is insufficient, it is possible to be expelled from the floating city.

In addition, if the disciples want to get better resources and treatment, they must either improve their cultivation, improve their status, or complete more sect tasks...

The Tianding family has a big business and has everything.Inside the door are the pill pavilion, the puppet bureau, the magic weapon storehouse, the research and development hall, and so on.As for the disciples, if they have some special skills, they can find a suitable place in the city to show their strengths.Not only can you get more spirit stone resources, but also complete the mission of the sect.


After Zhou Wei read all the details in the Floating Void City, the white jade shattered automatically.

Zhou Wei thought for a moment and made a decision about his future life.

She leaned on the bamboo couch and fell into a deep sleep.


The night was dark.

All sounds are silent.

Zhou Wei narrowed his eyes and stretched happily.

She slept for two hours, feeling comfortable all over.

When a cultivator rarely sleeps, he doesn't have any requirements for sleep.After Zhou Wei slept for so long, he felt that all the exhaustion from before had completely dissipated.

She was about to meditate and practice, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

The aura is wrong!

Zhou Wei got up immediately.

Before Zhou Wei went out to check, the bamboo door flew towards her with a "pounce".

Zhou Wei waved his sleeves.

A spirit energy hit the bamboo door, causing the bamboo door to shatter in all directions.The sound of scattered bamboo shoots "chug" into the door, piercing through the bamboo wall.

"Hum," a soft hum sounded, and following the sound, Bai Jiaojiao stepped into the door: "The reaction is not slow in the little foundation building period."

Zhou Wei said calmly: "What are you doing here?"

Seeing Zhou Wei's calm and composed appearance, a trace of anger flashed across Bai Jiaojiao's face, and then a smile appeared on her face again.Bai Jiaojiao played with a pink ribbon on her fingertips with both hands, and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

"The visitor is not kind," Zhou Wei paused, and said, "I'm just curious. Did Su Ren acquiesce in your coming to me?"

"Of course," Bai Jiaojiao showed a smug smile on her face, and she said contemptuously: "Why does the palace master have a crush on you? You can tell at a glance that you are the kind of fool who only knows how to cultivate. It's not interesting to be dry , What the lord said today is just playing with you! I heard that I want to educate you, of course the lord agrees."

Zhou Wei laughed.

Bai Jiaojiao frowned: "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at you for being a fool." Zhou Wei restrained the smile on his face and said, "Su Ren is one of the four masters of the Floating Void City. If he really acquiesced to you to do this, you need it." Arranging a blindfold here?"

"You hide your eyes, you don't want the monks outside to hear the sound from here, you don't want the monks outside to see what happened here. You don't want Su Ren to know that you came here secretly."

"You..." Bai Jiaojiao's face turned pale.

"Alas!" Zhou Wei interrupted: "Don't ask me why I saw that you were hiding something. The noise you made just now was quite loud, but no monk outside came to check. Even a fool could tell..."

Bai Jiaojiao's eyes widened, and she said ruthlessly: "Don't be complacent! Even if the Palace Master doesn't know! Do you think you can wait for someone to save you?"

"Don't forget! Since no one will hear or see, I can kill you right now!"

"Hahahaha..." Hearing this, Zhou Wei couldn't help laughing, she looked at Bai Jiaojiao as if she was joking: "...the same thing, I can also give it back to you."

Bai Jiaojiao's complexion changed.

She came to kill Zhou Wei today, she thought it was just a trivial matter.Wouldn't it be easy for a Nascent Soul cultivator to deal with a Foundation Establishment cultivator?
But now, she felt that Zhou Wei's performance was beyond her expectation.Bai Jiaojiao couldn't help feeling a little timid in her heart.But she suddenly thought again: This Zhou Wei might just be a bluff with a strong outside and a weak inside!Zhou Wei has just passed the entry test, so she must be a monk in the Foundation Establishment period.Even if she has some magic weapon, in the hands of the foundation-building monks, it won't have much power!

Thinking of this, Bai Jiaojiao took a few steps closer to Zhou Wei, and said with a charming smile, "Okay! Then let's see! Who will live and die!"

Bai Jiaojiao moved her hands together, and the ribbon in her hand was like a sharp arrow straight to Zhou Wei's dantian!

The ribbon is fast, as fast as lightning!
The next moment, the smug smile on Bai Jiaojiao's face turned pale with shock: "This is impossible!"

The ribbon, which was supposed to be a sure hit, was actually held in Zhou Wei's hands firmly.

The pink ribbon was controlled by Zhou Wei, and the aura in the ribbon continued to attack Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei held the ribbon in his hand, just like holding a long arrow full of sharp thorns.

The pain in her right hand was very severe, but Zhou Wei's expression remained unchanged. She said, "I can't understand your thinking at all."

Zhou Wei approached Bai Jiaojiao slowly, but Bai Jiaojiao couldn't help but retreat: "You—"

Zhou Wei's figure changed, blocking her retreat: "Before today, we had no grievances or enmity, just because of Su Ren's words, you are going to kill me and hurry up. Is this really good? Is it because of your brain? Problem? Or is there something wrong with your mind?"

"It's you! It's you who humiliated me in front of everyone!" Bai Jiaojiao retorted angrily, "If it wasn't for you! How could I suffer such a great humiliation today!"

"Okay!" Zhou Wei weighed the ribbon in his hand: "I won't be entangled with you for the reason! Since you want to kill me, come and don't be indecent..."

Zhou Wei said while "poking" the ribbon in his hand towards Bai Jiaojiao's Nascent Soul!

"No—" Bai Jiaojiao screamed and backed away, but found that she couldn't match Zhou Wei's speed!

This purple soft ribbon is a high-grade spiritual weapon, something that Bai Jiaojiao finally obtained, and its power is naturally clear to Bai Jiaojiao.

A few steps away, Bai Jiaojiao finally watched Zirou's ribbon piercing her body helplessly.

In the agony, regret flashed in Bai Jiaojiao's eyes, and blood gushed out of her mouth: "I don't...should come..."

If she had known this earlier, Bai Jiaojiao would definitely rely on Su Ren's influence and send a powerful monk to come.

Unexpectedly, she underestimated the enemy and ended up like this!

Zhou Wei sent Zirou Ribbon one step further!
Bai Jiaojiao's Nascent Soul was torn apart before she could get out of her body.

Bai Jiaojiao's eyes dimmed.

When Bai Jiaojiao died, the pink ribbon immediately lost its "vitality" and fell softly to the ground.

The blindfold of Libu in the bamboo building also disappeared suddenly.

Zhou Wei was slightly startled, and quickly reacted. She immediately threw out a few spirit stones, and re-laid a formation to cover up the fluctuation of spirit power.

Zhou Wei thought that the female nun had arranged a formation in her bamboo building so that the monks outside could not see or hear it.Only now did she understand that the female cultivator didn't arrange a formation at all, she just used another spiritual weapon that could cover up the aura.

Only when the master of the spiritual weapon dies, the spiritual weapon will stop functioning.But the formation will not dissipate due to the death of the master.

Zhou Wei had a rough meeting with this nun twice, and saw that she had so many spiritual weapons.

In this floating city, the monks are really rich and powerful!
Looking at the corpse on the ground, Zhou Wei was slightly troubled.

She originally planned to live in Tongtian City for a period of time, but at this time, this female cultivator completely disrupted her plan.

In any case, this female cultivator is Su Ren's woman. She slaughtered the woman of the master of Tongtian Palace, so she absolutely can't stay in Tongtian City any longer.

Fortunately, Zhou Wei had already seen in the white jade slips before that under the Tianding sect, there is no restriction on which city the disciples live in, and the four cities are also independent, so there is not much involvement.

Zhou Wei quickly found the spiritual weapon that shielded the fluctuation of spiritual power. She dug out a storage bag from the nun's body, picked up the pink ribbon, and left overnight.


Su Ren is in his third concubine's room, rubbing hands with his "little three".


There was a quick knock on the door.

The female cultivator leaning on Su Ren's eyes flickered, and said softly: "Master, I will open the door."

"En." Su Ren held a spiritual fruit in his hand and gnawed, and nodded slightly.

The door was wide open, and a male cultivator fell to his knees with a plop: "Report to the Palace Master! Fifth Madam... Fifth Madam, she..."

Su Ren frowned: "What's wrong with her? If I restrain her, she will make trouble again?"

"No! No! It's Madam Fifth... her soul lamp... went out!"

"What?!" Su Ren stood up suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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