Chapter 213
214 chapter

"Leaving again and again, do you really have a clear conscience? You don't feel guilty about every answer you make?"

Zhou Wei was speechless.

"Answer!!" The questioning male voice yelled!Zhou Wei's brain hurt again!
Zhou Wei held his head in his hands in pain, dripping with cold sweat.

"Leaving again and again, do you really have a clear conscience? You don't feel guilty about every answer you make?"

The male voice repeated the question, as if he would never give up until he got the answer!

"Uh..." Zhou Wei gasped in pain, she couldn't answer.

Traveling through time and space again and again, can she really say "a clear conscience" to those faces from years ago?
Can she really have a "clear conscience"?
can she
Zhou Wei hesitated, unable to open his mouth.Her head was bombarded by loud noises, and the pain became more and more painful...

Zhou Wei shook his head subconsciously: "...I, do I have a clear conscience?"

At this time, the thick male voice continued to ask: "If you were given a chance to go back to the past, would you make a different choice?"

"I, I, will I make another choice?" Zhou Wei's eyes became confused.

The male voice speeded up and continued to ask: "Will you stay with them, or come to where you are now?"

"Stay with them?" Zhou Wei murmured softly.

The black illusion space suddenly changed its appearance.

Starry night.

An extraordinary handsome young man, holding a delicate flower, looked at Zhou Wei full of love.Zhou Wei was the only one in his eyes, but he complained softly in his mouth: "Miss, you are so cruel!"

"Miss, stay with me. Okay? You don't have to worry about things you don't like. We can live happily together. Decorate the house together, cook the most delicious food together, bask in the sun and the moon together , enjoy the universe and the starry sky, where the flowers are blooming like brocade. I will accompany you forever and ever."

"Miss, stay with me, we don't have to be separated. Okay?"

Looking at the other party's expression, Zhou Wei couldn't even think of rejecting him.

Zhou Wei stretched out his hand, stroking Tong Ning's white jade cheeks with his slender fingers.

Tong Ning discarded the flowers in his hand.He stuck to her hand with one hand, and held her other hand with the other, his eyes were bewildered, but with a sense of hopeless loneliness: "Miss, I miss you so much. I miss you so much. When will you return?"

Zhou Wei looked at him, shook his head, his eyes were red.

Tong Ning's eyes turned red immediately, and he raised a smile: "Miss, have you ever loved me?"

Zhou Wei nodded.

A fairy is beautiful, a gentle and handsome, they should stand together like this, they could have been a couple.

Tong Ning sniffed, and continued: "Miss, if you were given another choice, would you stay?"

Zhou Wei's heart was cold.


In the floating city.

"Ah! That little girl!" The fan-wielding cultivator exclaimed.

The middle-aged man's eyes widened: "She's committing suicide..."

The monks in the floating city all saw that something was wrong with the female cultivator standing on the third high-level step!
All the spiritual energy in her body is constantly rushing to her brain!

It won't be long before her body can't stand the aura, and she dies with a headshot.

Jiang Qiao took a step forward: "She should still be in the illusion space. She was confused by the illusion space and guided the spiritual energy to her brain."

"This is an ugly way to die!" The fan-wielding cultivator sighed, with a hint of pity in his tone: "She may have thought that her head was severely injured, or that her head was in severe pain, or some other illusion. She used aura To deal with what's wrong with you, and not know it, is suicide."

Jiang Qiao shook his head: "I heard that there are a few very powerful mental demons at level 8000. More bad luck than good luck."


Zhou Wei's heart was cold, but he replied, "No."

"Zhou Wei?" Tong Ning had an expression of disbelief on his face.

"No." The expression on Zhou Wei's face gradually calmed down: "I won't stay."

As soon as the words fell, the environment around Zhou Wei changed again.

The illusion space turned into a black space again.

There was another voice of questioning in the black space.

"Leaving again and again, do you really have a clear conscience? You don't feel guilty about every answer you make?"

Zhou Wei took a deep breath, and replied: "So what if you have a clear conscience? So what if you don't have a clear conscience? The past is the past! I will not deny my former self, and I will not worry about my past. Now that I have come to Today, I don’t think about the ‘what if’!”

"There are no ifs in this world. Regret or not regret, there will be no regrets in this world, and there will be no chance to choose again!"

"Now that I have made my choice, I will never regret it."

"If I really choose to stay, deny my own path, and walk into the dead end of my demons, I will be a big fool!"

The severe pain in Zhou Wei's head finally subsided.

It was only then that Zhou Wei realized that when he was unconscious, the aura in his body would spontaneously flow to his head to resist the headache.

Zhou Wei breathed a sigh of relief and was happy in his heart.

Her demons have faded and disappeared!

Zhou Weizheng felt happy for breaking his demons.She didn't know, just now, if she was half an hour slower in answering the question, she would have had her headshot!

The black illusion space was silent for a moment, and asked again: "Zhou Wei, what do you think of 'only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals'?"

Zhou Wei froze for a moment, then said slowly, "I agree."

Just now when her head was hurting and her body was weak, this illusion space used Tong Ning's illusion to arouse her affection.Zhou Wei had an irresistible feeling in his heart.

Rather, Zhou Wei couldn't refuse Tong Ning.

Rather, Zhou Wei couldn't refuse that kind of beautiful feelings, warmth and life.

The thick male voice asked again: "Since you agree to 'only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals', why do you want to cultivate immortals?"

Zhou Wei was a little surprised, and replied: "Cultivating immortals is for longevity, for going to a higher world and seeing better scenery."

"If it is for longevity. Zhou Wei, you already know that you already have a system and you are immortal. If it is for seeing a better scenery. Zhou Wei, have you spent a little time in hard work for many years? Go and enjoy your beautiful scenery. Zhou Wei, why are you cultivating immortals?"

"...To live, it is natural to have a positive goal. If there is nothing worth pursuing, being a human being is not as good as a dead fish. Besides, cultivating immortals will naturally make my life better and better."

"Zhou Wei, if you want to make your life better and better, why do you want to enter the Heavenly Cauldron Gate? Why do you have to suffer on this ladder? You can live in a comfortable place and slowly cultivate immortality "Zhou Wei, why are you cultivating immortality?"

"..." Zhou Wei was stopped by the question.

Why is she cultivating immortals?
"Answer!" The male voice said loudly.

Zhou Wei covered his head with one hand and let out a low hum.

Why is she cultivating immortals?
At the beginning, she practiced hard, she wanted to survive.

Later, she knew the power of the system and she was immortal.She wants to go to a wider sky, and she works hard to practice.

Later, she knew that things were difficult.If the system task is not completed, there will be countless disasters waiting for her.

Only by cultivating immortality can she control her own life.Only by completing the system tasks can she live comfortably.

"I cultivate immortality. I want to live forever! I want to be free! I want to completely control my life in my own hands! Only when I am really strong can I let the system truly recognize the master! Instead of being ruled by it about!"

"As for suffering—people in my generation are already going against the sky, so we should be brave and diligent!"

"I entered the Heavenly Cauldron Gate, and I climbed the Heavenly Ladder. At first, it was to obtain a better cultivation environment. Later, it followed the system tasks."

"And now, I know, why am I desperately climbing the ladder?"

In the black space, the thick male voice asked softly, persuasively, "Why?"

With a shot in Zhou Wei's hand, the Wuming Sword appeared in her hand again, beating gently.

Zhou Wei swung his sword violently!

The Wuming Sword cut open the black illusion space!

The illusion is broken!

"The inner demon dissipates, and the Dao heart is enlightened," Zhou Wei clenched his hands into fists, with a burning light in his eyes: "Climbing the ladder to the sky is to improve your cultivation level!!"

The voice fell.

Zhou Wei's aura is rising steadily.

The spiritual energy in a radius of thousands of miles was absorbed by her in an instant!
The spiritual energy in the distance fills in.These auras were also quickly absorbed by Zhou Wei!
Zhou Wei stood on the ladder to the sky, spreading his hands.

Endless spiritual energy surged into her body.

In her left and right hands, there is a storm formed by the gathering of spiritual energy!
With the gathering of these auras, Zhou Wei narrowed his eyes in enjoyment.

It wasn't long before Zhou Wei advanced to the out-of-body period, but at this time, she used the illusion space of Tongtian Ladder to break through the inner demons and broke through a small realm again!


Thousands of monks in the floating city were in an uproar!
They saw the life of the young female cultivator in the foundation building period hanging by a thread, but they didn't expect that she would not only be able to break through that dangerous illusion space.And, she made the cut!
"What a big battle!" The fan-wielding cultivator thought thoughtfully in his eyes, "This is the posture of cultivating a golden elixir!"

There are many monks who died on the Tongtian Ladder, and there are also many monks who broke through the cultivation base on the Tongtian Ladder.

For example, Brother Zishan, who is currently on the second highest step of the Tongtian Ladder, has already broken through once before!He broke through at the seventh level of 660.

When he broke through, the monks in the floating city also saw it completely.

However, when Brother Zishan broke through, there was absolutely no such powerful and astonishing aura storm as Zhou Wei!

"Even if it is a golden core, it is impossible to absorb thousands of miles of spiritual energy at once!" The middle-aged man patted his belly: "Can she pretend to be her? A small foundation-building monk, when he breaks through To be able to gather such a powerful spiritual energy storm!"

"The proud son of heaven, the proud son of heaven!" Jiang Qiao couldn't help but sigh again.He completely attributed the powerful aura storm to Zhou Wei's amazing talent.

At this time, the fan-wielding monk nodded in agreement.

The middle-aged man called out enviously: "If I have this kind of talent..."

(End of this chapter)

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