System Fairy Road

Chapter 186 Seems Too Fast

Chapter 186 Seems Too Fast
Knowing about the Lingshi Mine under the Xiuzhen Villa, Zhou Wei and Hua Feng immediately returned to Zhang Feng's private room.

There is no need to investigate further.

The small private room is clean and comfortable.There is a simple futon placed in the center of the private room.

The faint scent of incense calms the mind and lingers in the private room.

This private room is suitable for one person, but now, there are three people gathered in it.

In a few words, Zhou Wei and Hua Feng told Zhang Feng what they had discovered.

Discovering a Lingshi mine is definitely a big deal!

"What should we do now? Should we notify the Moon Picking Sect?" Zhang Feng looked at Huafeng and asked.

Zhang Feng's first reaction was to report the matter to the Moon Picking Sect.However, obviously, Zhang Feng felt that it was better to follow Huafeng's opinion on this matter.

Hua Feng nodded: "Don't worry, I have already notified the sect about this matter. The shortest is three days, and the longest is seven days, and the sect will send elders to handle this matter personally."

"It would be great if Zhang Lailai of the sect accepts this matter..." Zhang Feng relaxed and exhaled lightly, with a smile on his face.

If you hand over this matter to the Moon Picking Sect, then they will have nothing to do!
Zhou Wei drooled silently at the Lingshi Mine in the Lingshi Mine, and she asked a little emotionally: "Brother Huafeng, why didn't the Moon Picking Sect discover the Lingshi Mine under the Xiuzhen Villa in the first place? Could it be that this The spirit stone mine was created recently? Because of the huge spirit gathering array?"

"Haha..." Hua Feng laughed: "Junior Sister, your thinking is too simple. If a gathering spirit formation can generate a new spirit stone mine, then there will be many spirit stones in our world." Mine. How is this possible? The Lingshi mine can only be regarded as a coincidence."

"Coincidence?" Zhou Wei was slightly disappointed.

Hua Feng said seriously: "Exactly, it just so happened that the seniors of the Moon Picking Sect didn't discover this spirit stone mine, but they were discovered by the people from Xiuzhen Villa."

"Oh." The way to get a huge fortune all at once disappeared.

Hua Feng said: "Since the matter is clear, we don't have to stay here for a long time. We will hand over the rest to an elder! The three of us, it's time to do the third task!"

"The third mission?"

"What is it?"

Facing the curious and doubtful eyes of Zhou Wei and Zhang Feng, Hua Feng said, "Take disciples."

"Accept disciples?" Zhou Wei was surprised: "Could it be that besides us going to the foot of Zhaiyue Mountain and entering the Immortal Gate election, the Zhaiyue faction will also accept disciples?"

Zhou Wei entered the Moon Picking Sect through the Zhang Family, and then through the Moon Picking Sect's Xianmen General Election.

It turns out that apart from this method, there are other ways for the Moon Picking Sect to recruit disciples?

"That's right!" Hua Feng nodded: "There are not many apprentices. The Moon Picking Sect has a long-term sect task, which is to accept apprentices. All disciples above the foundation stage of the Moon Picking Sect, as long as they can test the talent of cultivation , can recruit apprentices by themselves. As long as you receive apprentices with qualifications above and below, you will have the opportunity to bring them into the sect. You can even accept them as your own disciples."

"Receiving such disciples, the sect will reward them. However, under such circumstances, it is rare to receive satisfactory disciples."

"Usually, only those who have had cultivators in their families are likely to have children with good cultivation talents in their offspring."

"And these children also need to be taught by these families for decades, so that they have a certain amount of perseverance and embark on the path of cultivation."

Hearing what Huafeng said, Zhou Wei understood.

First of all, one must have the talent of a cultivator, which is similar to the genetics of a cultivator.Secondly, children with poor comprehension and perseverance must be eliminated through the family's martial arts training.The children who are finally selected can enter the fairy gate general election.

Zhou Wei frowned: "Since there are so many standards before the Xianmen general election, how do we select such disciples now?"

Hua Feng said calmly: "Junior Sister Zhang Wei, Junior Brother Zhang Feng, have you forgotten? As I said, this sect mission is mainly to train you. As for whether you can actually receive apprentices, it is not important."

"Brother just asked us to try?" Zhou Wei understood, but felt that the third task was a bit redundant.

"Well," Huafeng nodded: "You choose common people to test the talents of comprehension. Because the common people have never been trained in martial arts, perseverance and understanding cannot be guaranteed. You can choose children for the test, in case you are lucky enough to meet someone with outstanding talent The child can be raised in your own family, and when he is [-] years old, if he can, he can join the Moon Picking Sect."

Only then did Zhou Wei realize why it was so easy for the Moon Picking Sect to choose disciples?


Really not at all!simple!one!

Only families that have experienced cultivators in their families have the opportunity to participate in the Xianmen election.To enter the fairy gate, one must first be a descendant of the cultivator's family. This is a screening!

After being screened by the family, many people were eliminated again!
In the end, some of them were eliminated by the Moon Picking Sect.

To really set foot on the fairy road, you have to go through many screenings!
Apart from the path of the comprehension family, it is really difficult for other ordinary people to enter the realm of comprehension!

There are so many civilians in this world, how low is the chance of being chosen as disciples by cultivators when they were children?

How low is the possibility of meeting a chosen apprentice with high qualifications?

Even if you have passed both of these, you still have to practice martial arts in the family for several years!
Calculated in this way, the chance of an ordinary civilian entering the world of comprehension is almost zero!

A child without the slightest background in the cultivation world entered the cultivation world.

According to the world of comprehension, this is called "Xianyuan".

According to Zhou Wei, this is basically like winning a lottery!Moreover, I can't find where to buy lottery tickets!

Huafeng continued: "I will teach you this spell now. After you have learned it well, go to find civilian children to test separately. If you find qualified children, come and meet me. I am in the best restaurant in Nancheng. If after three days, If you haven't found a suitable disciple yet, then meet me at the restaurant."

"Okay," Zhou Wei nodded with a smile, and then asked: "Brother, I have some things to do, and I may have to return to the sect later. When the matter is over, you go back first. Is this okay?"

Zhou Wei was still thinking about finding a time to break through the Nascent Soul Stage!

Hua Feng nodded: "Yes, Junior Sister, pay attention to safety then."


In this small box, Hua Feng taught Zhou Wei and Zhang Feng a spell to test their cultivation talent.

This spell is the spell that the elders of the Moon Picking Sect once tested for Zhou Wei's "pure product" talent.

A few days later, Zhou Wei and Zhang Feng successfully practiced this spell.

At this time, the elders of the Moon Picking Sect also came to Nancheng.

After Huafeng and the elder explained the matter of Xiuzhen Villa, they left Xiuzhen Villa with them.

Before leaving, the elder lavishly praised the achievements of the three of them, and promised that after returning to the sect, the sect would give them great rewards!

The three of them stood on the streets of Nancheng.

Huafeng pointed to the busiest street in Nancheng and said, "I'll stay at the Hongdu Restaurant on this street, waiting for you to come back."

Hua Feng pointed to the left: "Junior Sister, you go in this direction. As long as you are a child, you can use it to try and test spells. It is best to choose children from ordinary families. Children from the cultivation family have the opportunity to enter the cultivation world." , there is no need to repeat the selection.”

"Yes, brother."

Hua Feng pointed to the right: "Junior brother, let's try over there."

"Yes, senior brother." Zhang Feng nodded with eagerness on his face.

Huafeng walked to Hongdu Restaurant.

Zhou Wei and Zhang Feng looked at each other and flew to opposite places respectively.


Since he was looking for a commoner's child, Zhou Wei flew a longer distance and left the most prosperous area.

"Huh!" Zhou Wei, who was flying in the sky, suddenly saw a child in a strange dress walking alone on a small road.

Zhou Weifei fell to the ground.

The reason why this child is said to be strange is because this child is wearing a gorgeous and exquisite brocade robe, but the brocade robe is tattered.

This is a troubled child?

Zhou Wei took a few steps and squatted down in front of the child.

This is a boy with a pink and jade-like appearance, about five or six years old, with some dirt on his face, big and bright eyes.

Seeing Zhou Wei suddenly appear in front of the boy, the boy is not afraid of life at all, looking straight at Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei touched his head: "What's your name, did you get lost with your family?"

The little boy's round eyes kept looking at Zhou Wei, and he replied solemnly: "I will not tell strangers my name."

Zhou Wei laughed and gave the little boy a cleansing technique.

After taking off the dirt on his body, the little boy looked more pink and tender.

Zhou Wei thought about it, why not use him to try the newly learned spells and test his talent for comprehension.

Do as soon as you think of it, Zhou Wei smiled and said to the little boy, "Don't move, I'll give you a test."

Seeing Zhou Wei's expression, the little boy ran away!

A five or six-year-old boy couldn't outrun Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei took the little boy's hand, put one hand on top of his head, and gave him a talent test spell!
The little boy stared at Zhou Wei fiercely: "Bad woman! You will regret it. You will definitely regret it!"

Zhou Wei didn't know how to coax children, she just said: "Don't be afraid, I didn't mean to hurt you."

As Zhou Wei activated the spell, finally Zhou Wei saw the phantom above the little boy's head and knew his talent!



Zhou Wei was startled.

What's happening here?
She just randomly found a child to do the test, how did she come out with a superb talent!

Zhou Wei thought he had made a mistake in the test!
After thinking about it, she decided to take the child to Huafeng to see if her test was correct.

"Do you know where the family is?" Zhou Wei asked the little boy.If he knows, Zhou Wei doesn't mind going to say hello first.

The little boy looked at Zhou Wei fiercely and said nothing.

"Okay! Look, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just gave you a small test. Now, I'll find another person to test again. If you don't speak, I'll assume you agree?"

The little boy just looked at Zhou Wei and said, "Huh! Bad woman! If you want to hurt me, you would have died many times already!"

Zhou Wei sighed in his heart: You speak so arrogantly!
Then, she picked up the little boy and flew back to Nancheng.

Zhou Wei carried the little boy into the restaurant and asked where Huafeng lived.

Tianzi No. [-] room.

Zhou Wei carried the little boy up to the second floor and knocked on Huafeng's door.

"Squeak" the door opened.

Seeing Zhou Wei, Hua Feng was a little surprised: "Junior Sister, why did you come back so soon?"

"I found one..." Before finishing speaking, Zhou Wei felt something was wrong with her body, so she let go.

The little boy fell to the ground and looked at Zhou Wei proudly.

"I..." Zhou Wei's body softened and fell directly on Hua Feng's body.

Zhou Wei was a little confused, she was already a Nascent Soul cultivator, yet she was still affected by drugs!

"Junior Sister?" Hua Feng hugged Zhou Wei, and turned his eyes to the little boy standing on the ground: "Is it you?"

"Huh!" The little boy snorted disdainfully: "This bad woman dares to do something to me, of course I want her to taste my strength!"

Hua Feng slowly frowned and gently touched the little boy with his right hand.

"You! You!" The little boy was so stiff that he couldn't move: "How dare you stop me!"

Hua Feng half hugged Zhou Wei, took her into the room, and placed her on the bed in the master bedroom.Then, Hua Feng turned around and lifted the little boy into the room and threw him on the ground.

The little boy snorted in pain, looking at Huafeng with the desire to kill him!
Zhou Wei was lying on the bed, her whole body was flushed, her eyes were blurred, and she had lost her sanity.

Hua Feng put one hand on Zhou Wei's pulse, and for a moment, he was surprised: "An encounter?"

"Hahahaha!" The little boy was lying on the ground and mocked: "How is it? This medicine is good! I just gave her a medicine to make her want a man. This is already very polite! If she just dared to hurt me , I’ll just give her poison.”

Hua Feng's face turned blue, he didn't even look at the boy on the ground, he waved his right hand lightly.

The little boy passed out in an instant.

Hua Feng looked at Zhou Wei on the bed and his expression changed slightly.

Of course he knew that there was no antidote to "Aventure".Therefore, he did not ask the "instigator" on the ground for an antidote.

At this time, Zhou Wei lost all sanity, she just felt hot all over.

Zhou Wei tugged at his clothes and rushed towards Huafeng in a daze, trying to touch the other person's body clumsily.

(End of this chapter)

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