System Fairy Road

Chapter 176 Still Being Deceived

Chapter 176 Still Being Deceived
There are many stalls in the "Taobao" market, and the things displayed are dilapidated and old. At first glance, they look like garbage.

If you look carefully, some items are a bit "strange", while others are "true garbage".

Zhou Wei walked to a small booth.

The stall is on the ground.

The cultivator who set up the stall was a middle-aged female monk.The skin is snow-white, the lips are red and the teeth are white, and the appearance is good.

She is a female monk in the middle of the Foundation Establishment Period.

Men and women in the cultivation world always have good looks.Even if she wasn't a beauty at the beginning, after cultivating, she has a flawless face and a refined temperament.Gradually, it will become better-looking.

The female monk sat cross-legged on the white ground.In front of her was a huge pale yellow cloth.

On the cloth, there are some worn-out items scattered here and there.

Zhou Wei picked up a worn brocade bag from the cloth and asked, "How much does this storage bag cost?"

Zhou Wei only intends to keep a storage bag on her body to cover up her personal space.The storage bag bought is just a decoration.Therefore, Zhou Wei decided to buy the cheapest "second-hand product".

The middle-aged female cultivator stood up, looked at Zhou Wei, and said, "This is the lowest-grade storage bag, and it's not very new. The price is very cheap. It only needs [-] low-grade spirit stones."

Zhou Wei was overjoyed. It seemed that she could still buy this storage bag with the remaining spirit stones.

Zhou Wei frowned, "This storage bag has already been used by others, and it's old. It's the cheapest one, so it's not worth the price!"

The middle-aged female cultivator smiled: "Little girl, please don't compete with me for these two low-grade spiritual stones. The items here are definitely the cheapest. You will never find such prices at other stalls. something."

Zhou Weidao: "45 low-grade spiritual stones?"

The middle-aged female cultivator shook her head and stopped talking.

Zhou Wei bent down, picked up another small jade pendant on the cloth, and said, "Well, with this jade pendant, 50 yuan is a low-grade spirit stone."

This is a pale yellow jade pendant the size of an index finger, and the entire jade pendant is carved into a koi carp.

For some reason, Zhou Wei felt that this jade pendant was very spiritual, and she liked it just by looking at it.

When the middle-aged female cultivator saw the little jade pendant in Zhou Wei's hand, she hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay. This jade pendant looks good to me, but I can't see why. Now, it's cheap for you little girl." !"

Zhou Wei paid the female cultivator 50 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.Then, she hung the storage bag around her waist, and put the jade pendant into the portable space.

Zhou Wei plans to study this jade pendant carefully after returning home.

A jade pendant placed in the comprehension market, a jade pendant that makes her feel good, must really be a kind of treasure in this "Taobao" street.

Zhou Wei only had [-] low-grade spirit stones left on hand, and she slowly started shopping in the "Taobao" street.

There are many interesting things in the "Taobao" street, which makes Zhou Wei want to buy them.It's a pity that Zhou Wei just looked at it all the way and didn't buy any more because he was short of money.

Before leaving, Zhou Wei saw a very young girl kneeling on the ground at the exit of "Taobao" Street.

Zhou Wei stopped in his tracks.

The little girl was kneeling upright, with no expression on her face.

In front of her were a few words scratched by the stone.

Those few words simply introduced herself.

She is a little girl from a cultivation family.Both her parents were low-level cultivators, and she became a cultivator herself.Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long, and the little girl was accidentally injured when she was [-] years old.From now on, the little girl can no longer cultivate, and she may die at any time.

The little girl is only [-] years old, and she doesn't want to die yet.

She is kneeling here now just to collect enough spirit stones to buy a elixir for healing the wounded.

Seeing that she was pitiful, Zhou Wei casually threw a "healing technique" at her, and left regardless of whether it worked or not.

"Kind sister!" Zhou Wei's clothes were grabbed by this little girl!

Zhou Wei turned around and looked at the little girl kneeling on the ground.

The little girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhou Wei pitifully: "Sister monk, you are kind enough to pity me! No matter how much it is! Help me with a little spirit stone! Even if it is just a low-grade spirit stone. I will always Thank you!"

Zhou Wei raised his eyebrows: "I don't give away spirit stones."

The expression on the little girl's face became even more "sad". She cried and choked up, "I just want to live! I just want to live!"

Zhou Wei nodded calmly: "Well, then you continue to work hard."

The expression on the little girl's face was a bit astonished. Many monks would take out a low-grade spiritual stone at this time.Some are out of sympathy, and some are out of good looks.

And those who take out low-grade spirit stones are usually such female monks.

She didn't expect that Zhou Wei's words of "keep working hard" sent her away.There was a bit of anger on the little girl's face, she stammered: "You! You cultivator, you are so ungrateful. You have no mercy."

What Zhou Wei thought was: You are a pure stranger.I don't even know if what you said is true or not.If I was deceived by you, I would be ashamed!

In this world, there are so many "professional beggars" who beg during the day and eat abalone's wing belly at night.They are much richer than me.When I show love, I am wronging myself!
The biggest problem is.

Zhou Wei has given her a "healing technique". If she is really injured, even if the "healing technique" cannot completely cure her, it can make her much better.

Now, this little girl didn't feel the existence of the "healing technique" at all, that is to say, the healing technique was useless!
She's not sick at all!
Zhou Wei pointed to an elderly stall owner on the "Taobao" street and said: "Then you don't make money yourself, but set up a stall here to ask for money. Where is your shame?"

The little girl's face was ugly, and she said angrily: "You! You! How can you know my pain! If I can set up a good stall, why would I beg!"

"Oh," Zhou Wei responded lightly, "I know you're pretending to be sick."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Wei didn't bother to pay attention to the little girl anymore, and flew away.

In fact, there are still many things in this world of cultivation that are the same as those in the mortal world.Such as the human heart.

There are also things in the world of cultivation that are different from the mortal world, such as age.

This little girl looks young.Zhou Wei couldn't help but suspect that these things were either taught to her by others.Or, her real age is far older than she looks!


Zhou Wei returned to his residence.

She took out the beautiful jade pendant from her portable space and fiddled with it for a long time, but she didn't find any secrets.

Zhou Wei tried his best.

In the end, I also took a trip to the "Tibetan Scripture Pavilion".He tried countless ways of recognizing his master in the world of no avail.

In the end, Zhou Wei found helplessly that she might have been deceived by that middle-aged female monk.

Maybe it's just that the nuns have tampered with this ordinary jade pendant to make it look different.

I was not deceived by the little girl, I was deceived by the middle-aged female cultivator!
For a while, Zhou Wei learned more about the cultivation world.

Even monks in the foundation building stage will spend a lot of effort for one or two low-grade spiritual stones!
It is easy for Zhou Wei to "earn" spirit stones by himself, but he underestimates the importance of spirit stones.

Zhou Wei reminded himself to be more vigilant.

The jade pendant was hung around Zhou Wei's waist as a decoration.

She took off the storage bag at her waist.

This storage bag has erased the traces of its previous owner, and Zhou Wei easily left his own consciousness on the storage bag.

This is where the storage bag becomes its owner.

Zhou Wei saw that the storage bag was dusty and not beautiful at all, so she put the storage bag in the portable space.

Anyway, this thing, as long as you need it, you can take it out and deal with it.There is no need to hang it on your body every day.

With a sound of "click!", the storage bag did not enter Zhou Wei's personal space smoothly like other items.

After the storage bag made a "click" sound, it actually cracked.


Zhou Wei tapped his head with his hands!
Why didn't she think about it!
How can a storage bag be installed in a portable space!
Isn't this a folding space!

Zhou Wei sighed in his heart: Yu Pei was cheated!This is a waste of even the 50 yuan low-grade spirit stone!

The dusty storage bag in Zhou Wei's hand did not fall apart, but suddenly shrunk before Zhou Wei's eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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