System Fairy Road

Chapter 16 Crisis Moments

Chapter 16 Crisis Moments

what to do?How could there be people from the Sharp Fire Empire here!Isn't the teacher going to check the playing field first?What should I do now?Zhou Wei gradually became anxious.He looked at a few friends and found that everyone's eyes were also anxious and worried.

what to do?Although he has a life-saving bracelet, it can only protect him alone.What's more, in the case of no one to rescue, even if I can't die for a while, I can't move, I can't resist, I still can't escape in the end!

The face of the sharp fire empire was as cold as ice, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes: "Stupid boys! You must be wondering why I am here. Hahahaha! Of course it is because of King Yinshagrass! With it, all the detectors thought it was detected, not an enemy! It has been my shield for a long time, haha! As for now..." The smile on the man's face disappeared instantly, "Now, it's dead! There's no more shields! I can't stay here any longer. Then at the end of the day, I have to let myself have a big meal, so that all of you Silu Empire know that I have come here to play Such a match."

Upon hearing this, everyone's hearts sank.

Zhou Wei is no longer the little doll he was back then, and now he naturally knows what the word "eat" means.

The people of the Silu Empire lived on food and absorbed the sun's light to strengthen themselves.The people of the Ruihuo Empire lived on food and strengthened themselves through actual combat.Blessed by the sun, the Silu Empire is rich and beautiful.The Ruihuo Empire has been dark and barren for many years, and the people of the Ruihuo Empire all want to take the land of the Silu Empire as their own.

The irreconcilable contradiction between the Silu Empire and the Ruihuo Empire is: as long as the people of the Ruihuo Empire eat the "green beads" of the people of the Silu Empire, they can instantly strengthen their own strength and talent potential!
The "Green Bead" is a small green bead that grows in the center of the chests of the people of the Silu Empire, which is equivalent to their hearts.

Only by eating your heart, my tomorrow will be better-this is the fundamental reason why these two countries will never be peaceful!

Now these young boys like them are going to be eaten!

The people from the Ruihuo Empire glanced at these teenagers briefly, with doubts in their eyes.After a pause, he walked towards Lidong: "Strange! I actually think that you guys are a bit different... I can't tell which one of you is the big meal I'm looking for... I can't think of me relying on Talented intuition, avoiding many eyes and ears along the way, and going through so many dangers in your country, at this time I can’t tell which one is the one I’m looking for! In this case, I’m going to eat them all anyway, why don’t I start with the fattest ones? This one starts."

There is no doubt that Lidong is indeed the most talented and powerful among them.When it came to this population, it became plump.

Several people were limp on the ground, powerless to resist!
Feng Feifei was startled and frightened, and she didn't know when her face was covered with tears.Ah Chu's eyes were also flushed, and he couldn't bear to see this tragedy unfold before his eyes, so he couldn't help closing his eyes.

Zhou Wei's heart was full of disbelief.He never thought that such an accident would suddenly appear in such a peaceful and striving life.He was lying on the ground so powerlessly now, watching helplessly that the life of his best friend was fleeting.Everything in the past seems so unreal.Even this moment is like a dream.He was stunned, unable to react.He could only feel his heart beating faster and faster, and "bang, bang, bang" made his heart ache.

He watched the right hand of the enemy of the Sharpfire Empire glow with a bluish-black light. After the light faded, his nails had grown long and hard, like a knife and fork about to strike.

He watched Yingyuan struggling to crawl towards Lidong powerlessly, his face blushed, his veins popped out, and he only moved a little bit with all his strength, with a look of despair in his eyes.

Time seemed to elongate. At that moment, Zhou Wei found that Lidong looked at Yingyuan with pity and relief.In Yingyuan's eyes, it turned out to be affectionate.

It turned out to be like this.The story could have been so wonderful.There is so much good in life that has yet to be discovered.

Zhou Wei opened his eyes wide and forgot to breathe. He saw the enemy's sharp hands stabbing into Lidong's heart without any hesitation!
Like an unbelievable dream, Zhou Wei saw Yingyuan's strength coming from nowhere, and fell on Lidong like crazy.

The sharp claws poked into Yingyuan's back.Blood spurted out all at once.

With a sound of "Boom", the people from the Sharp Fire Empire were suddenly bounced away by something.

A light green light shrouded Yingyuan's body!protecting mask!
Yingyuan has a protective shield on his body!sky!Zhou Wei woke up suddenly!That must be a trigger shield!

Over there, Yingyuan's mouth was stained with blood, and he firmly pressed Lidong under his body.

Zhou Wei couldn't see Lidong's expression.

The person from the Sharp Fire Empire frowned, a little impatiently.He wanted to eat this first before attacking others, but he saw Yingyuan protecting Lidong.This protective cover has only that little protective ability, and it won't last long under his hands, but his drug can't last long either!He didn't have much time to spend with these boys.

After all, this is the Silu Empire, not his territory.It is not easy to find drugs that are unknown to the people of the Silu Empire in this area.He managed to get a small yellow flower with a drug in it, and it was a short-term drug effect. After a short period of time, the drug effect passed.Once the effect of the drug wears off, fighting these boys is a piece of cake, but if you fight with these boys, you will attract other people.
If he hadn't found out that these boys were different, he wouldn't have taken the risk of taking the time to bring the drugged little yellow flower to the King of Silver Sand Grass!

It's better to make a quick decision!

The people from Ruihuo Empire immediately changed their minds and turned to look at Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei's nerves suddenly tightened!correct!And bracelets!If only I could use myself to attract attention and delay the time, Zhou Wei asked aloud, "Who are you?"

The man sneered: "Fool! Does it matter who I am! The important thing is that you will soon enter my stomach and become a stepping stone for my success! Boys! You should be honored! I know!" The man Glancing at everyone's eyes, "Among the few of you, there must be one who is different! My innate intuition tells me that as long as I eat you, I will definitely get a breakthrough change! It's no problem to become the king in the future Haha! My mouth is watering!"

very good!This person must have not talked to anyone for a long time, and there is something to vomit in his heart.Zhou Wei then asked: "We, we are just ordinary students of Imperial College, how could there be anything special! You must have made a mistake!"

The man raised his head and smiled: "Hahahaha! I'm afraid no one knows about this except the person involved! Or, maybe the person involved doesn't know either! But I know! I know! Your Silu Empire is not eternal law, Wu, Spirit! Every few thousands of years, there will be several distinctive attributes! Then his 'green pearl' is very special, very special and delicious, very special and can make me strong! One may be Worth a hundred or a thousand! And today, one of you is delicious enough to make me shudder!"

"How is it possible..." Zhou Wei still wanted to play around a few words, but he became suspicious by the other party's words.

Could it be... is she?
"Enough!" The man snarled, "Don't think I don't know what you're up to!" Before he finished speaking, the sharp claws with metallic luster stabbed Zhou Wei's heart!

Zhou Wei thought that he would be safe and sound, but suddenly he heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing his flesh, and smelled a strong smell of blood.He opened his eyes wide in shock, and his eyes hurt.Hugging the person on his body with trembling hands: "Ah Chu... why are you so stupid! I, I have a protective bracelet!" At the end of the sentence, Zhou Wei's voice became light and soft.

This person can die for him!
Ah Chu vomited a mouthful of blood: "Zhou Wei," he pulled out a difficult smile, "I'm sorry... I forgot... Yingyuan shed a lot of blood, I can't bear it, I can't bear you to take risks... I don't know Why did it fall on you..."

Ah Chu was still smiling, but he closed his eyes weakly and leaned on Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei wept and hugged him tightly.Life is so short and life is so hard.He works so hard!Such a treasure!
He cherishes his life!He also cherishes the lives of others!Now, someone is willing to protect him with his own life.

Time flows, space changes.How could he be so deeply and deeply entangled with another person in his life!

"Achu! Ahchu, Ahchu!" Feng Feifei was so frightened that she got up in a breakdown.

The people from the Ruihuo Empire noticed the protective bracelet on Zhou Wei's hand, and his whole body was not well!He twitched his cheek.These damn rich students!The bloody hand turned to Feng Feifei...

(End of this chapter)

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