System Fairy Road

Chapter 146 Broken Godhead

Chapter 146 Broken Godhead
In the past few days, the city of Sete has been cloudy and rainy.

The gloomy sky, the drizzle that stops and falls, always makes people feel unhappy.

Within the sphere of influence of Wulin Bookstore, no one dared to laugh out loud.Everyone spoke softly.

Ordinary people don't know exactly what's going on.

They faintly heard some rumors.

I heard that the owner of the bookstore, the great owner, is sick.Therefore, Prius-sama is not happy.Lord Price is not happy, and everyone in the bookstore is not happy.

Then, in this area, even smiling is a bit taboo.

Of course, there are still some people who know the truth.

Price knew.An Yu knew.And the Dharma saints near the bookstore know about it.

That night, the violent energy in the sky, even those Dharma saints who were "death in sleep", were awakened early.

The truth is really terrifying.

None of them dared to speak out.

The owner of the bookstore slaughtered the "God"!
The existence of "gods" is enough to shock the entire human continent.

In everyone's heart, only the "God" can hurt the "God".And the owner of the Wulin Bookstore actually gave the gods to...

No one dared to say that.

The owner of the bookstore is "ill".There is no one in the Wulin Bookstore who can suppress many Dharma saints.

However, these Dharma sages not only dare not make mistakes with Wulin Bookstore.On the contrary, they respected everything in the bookstore more and more.

Due west of Wulin Bookstore.

There used to be a small tavern.

Overnight, the tavern disappeared.

Here, a small lake appeared.

The breeze caresses the blue waves, and the water quality is so clear that you can see the bottom of the lake at a glance.

The [-]th floor of Wulin Bookstore.

Price stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, looking at the lake on the west side of the bookstore.

The thrilling scenes of that night still echoed in his mind.

When Zhou Wei was shot down from a high altitude by Sleep, she was smashed there.

It was originally a small round pit.

Later, Sleep was killed by Zhou Wei, and part of the energy dissipated when he died also hit the ground.Everything here is annihilated.

The rain continued to fall from the sky, and a small lake was formed here.It is amazing that the water quality of this lake is surprisingly good.

Some people say that this is a spiritual spring.

Price knew that it was the energy of the gods.

On the second day of Zhou Wei's battle with the gods, there was no sunshine in the sky.In the past few days, it has been raining non-stop in Sete City.

All this made the bewildered civilians fearful.

In front of the Wulin Bookstore, under the [-]-meter-high statue of Prius, there are many terrified people worshiping and praying every day.

Prius now knows that the prayers of these people will generate the power of faith.

However, is this power of faith good for Mr. Zhou Wei?is it bad?
He didn't know, he could only let nature take its course.Let the people act spontaneously.

The followers of Wulin Bookstore thought that Price had acquiesced in this matter.The followers of the bookstore also ran under the stone statue to pray for the recovery of the owner.

It has been 49 days since Zhou Wei was lying on the [-]th floor of the bookstore.

Price frowns, helpless.

A cold wind blew into the wooden window.

"Price, is the owner awake?"

Price turned around, saw Anyu standing opposite, and asked him concerned.

Prius shook his head: "My lord hasn't woken up yet. My lord, An, please help me to have a look again!"

Since Zhou Wei's fall, Anyu was also concerned about Zhou Wei's injury.At this time, only he has the courage to go in and out of the Wulin Bookstore at will.

Sleep has disappeared, and An Yu has decided to leave the Wulin Bookstore and travel around.

An Yu was originally an angel who stood aloof from the world.Ever since Sleep fell asleep, Anyu has been at ease.He never liked the complicated interests and complicated relationships of human beings.After so long, Anyu's nature has not changed.

At first, Anyu was discovered by Slip.Anyu obeyed Slip's orders and helped the bookstore rise.

Now, Slip is gone.Anyu didn't want to be "trapped" in one place anymore.

Before he left, he didn't mind taking care of Wulin Bookstore.Wait until the owner of the bookstore wakes up before leaving.

Anyu followed Price and entered Zhou Wei's room.

These days, Zhou Wei has been lying in her own room.

Zhou Wei is a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, there is no dust on her body, and she doesn't need others to clean her body.

Prius would not move Zhou Wei's body easily.

Zhou Wei has been lying on the wooden bed.For more than a month, she remained motionless.

Initially, blood was still overflowing from the corner of Zhou Wei's mouth.After a while, the blood was gone.Zhou Wei just lay there with a pale face.

An Yu crossed her hands, and on each palm, there was a ball of warm light.

An Yu put her hands on top of Zhou Wei's face and closed her eyes.

The light ball gradually sank, and a steady stream of light fell on Zhou Wei's face.

After a long time, Anyu withdrew his hand. He shook his head and said, "The innkeeper's body has her own recovery ability. My healing technique has little effect on the innkeeper."

"Thank you anyway," Price said.

Anyu smiled: "Pris, I'm here to say goodbye. The owner's body is repairing the trauma. Although she is still far from fully recovering, the owner is about to wake up. You don't have to worry .”

Prius nodded: "Thank you, Mrs. Ann. Where will you go next?"

An Yu shook her head and said: "Walk around casually, I don't know. Take care of your adults! Say goodbye to me. Goodbye."

"Okay." Price responded.

The next moment, An Yu disappeared.

Prius turned around and squatted in front of Zhou Wei's bed: "Sir, when will you wake up?"

"Wake up..." A hoarse voice sounded.

This sound was like the sound of heaven in Price's ears.Price's eyes were red, but there was a smile on his face immediately: "My lord..."

"Bring me a glass of water..." Zhou Wei's throat was very dry.At this time, she will not desperately use spells to obtain water.

"Okay!" Prius responded briskly, his expression returning to normal.

Price poured a cup of tea.Holding the teacup in his hand, he slightly heated the water with internal energy to make the tea warm.Price lifted Zhou Wei's head and put the teacup to Zhou Wei's mouth with a gentle expression.

Zhou Wei took a sip of water and felt much better.

The main reason for the injury this time was the final energy explosion of the god when he finally wiped out the god with the nameless sword.

All these huge energies bombarded and entered Zhou Wei's body.

I don't know if it was because of absorbing these energies that Zhou Wei actually got part of the memory of the gods.

"Price, help me up." Zhou Wei said softly.

"My lord, what's the matter, let Prius do it for you. Your health is not good yet!" At this moment, Prius did not immediately follow Zhou Wei's words.

Zhou Wei smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, I know my body. Now, as long as I don't use my strength lightly, it will be fine. I have to do this by myself."

Price sighed and said nothing.

Prius helped Zhou Wei up and put a rainproof cyan magic robe on her.He himself went to get an umbrella.

"Pris, have you recovered my sword, those broken swords?" Zhou Wei asked slowly.Now that she has not recovered from her injuries, she feels a little labored to speak.

Price took out a cloth bag from a wooden cabinet beside him.He put the cloth bag on Zhou Wei's bed, opened the cloth bag, and said: "I have already found all the broken swords of the lord, and put them here."

Zhou Wei's hand gently caressed a few broken swords.

Although Zhou Wei didn't spend much time fighting, this nameless sword spent a lot of time with her.

Unexpectedly, although the sword was out of its sheath, the sword had broken the enemy, but it was destroyed.

Zhou Wei felt a little distressed in her heart, it was a pity that this was her only magic weapon.

She put these truncated swords into her portable space, and prepared to sacrifice them again.

"Cough!" Zhou Wei coughed softly.

Price held an umbrella in one hand and supported Zhou Wei in the other, and asked, "My lord, where are you going?"

"Where I fell last."

"Yes," Price helped Zhou Wei to the window, he put his arms around Zhou Wei's slender waist, and with a touch of his feet, he floated out of the window.

The two floated slowly from the [-]th floor of the Wulin Bookstore to the front of the lake.

The followers and guests of the bookstore saw the owner of the bookstore again.They all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts: the shopkeeper woke up, it was really all right.Finally, I don't have to face Mr. Price's low pressure anymore...

Prius let go of Zhou Wei, held an umbrella in one hand, pointed to the lake with the other, and said, "My lord, this is where the battle took place that day. Now, it has become a small lake."

Zhou Wei looked at the small lake with joy in his eyes.

After absorbing the memory of that god, in Zhou Wei's eyes, he could clearly see a gleaming diamond-shaped crystal at the bottom of the center of the lake.

The rhomboid crystals sank at the bottom of the lake, and the lake water was so clear that it should have been something that everyone could see.But this crystal is invisible, no one else can see it, only Zhou Wei can see it.

Zhou Wei walked into the lake step by step.

Slip frowned, holding an umbrella for Zhou Wei with his left hand, and using his internal strength with his right hand, he slapped the lake.

In an instant, a strong internal force divided the entire lake into two halves, leaving a small path in the middle that can accommodate three people.

The lake water spread to both sides, overflowed the lake, and spread a few steps on the flat ground.Where the lake passes, green grass grows, wild flowers bloom, and it is full of vitality.

Zhou Wei walked to the middle of the lake.

Under Prius' puzzled eyes, she bent down and picked up the diamond-shaped crystal that emitted a strange purple light.

In Price's eyes, Zhou Wei just bent down, stretched out his hand, and then straightened up.He couldn't see the rhomboid crystal.Price had a quick mind and guessed right away.That should be what the god left behind.

Zhou Wei took the diamond-shaped crystal back to his portable space, feeling happy in his heart.From the memory of the gods, Zhou Wei knew that this purple diamond-shaped crystal was a broken godhead.

This godhead has no effect on her cultivation.But she is going to re-sacrifice the Nameless Sword.This godhead will be a very precious material.

Thinking of the source of this godhead, Zhou Wei sighed softly.The one who died was, after all, the supreme god in this world.

Zhou Wei said, "Price, from today onwards, this small lake will be called Shenmian Lake."


"Let's go back!"

Price nodded.He took Zhou Wei straight up, borrowed a few times on the wood of the bookstore, and returned to the top floor of the bookstore.

The lake water has returned to its former appearance again, but it is not as clear as it used to be, and the mud at the bottom of the lake is rippling in the water waves.

The water is still water, but it is more turbid than before.

(End of this chapter)

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