System Fairy Road

Chapter 128 The Arrogant Young Master

Chapter 128 The Arrogant Young Master
Price notified all his men.Let them keep an eye on Slave Bess.

This time, Price didn't drive Beth away, nor did he have a showdown with Beth.

Last time, what happened to Slip had already made Price feel very frustrated.

Bass now is just like Sleep.Price couldn't see his origin, couldn't see his purpose.Even, before Zhou Wei reminded him, Prius didn't feel anything wrong with Beth at all.

As a slave, Bess should be completely loyal to his master.After all, the master of a slave can easily decide the life and death of a slave.

Prius guessed, could it be that the imperial family, the direct descendant of the kingdom, and the head of the principality controlled Bess?

Only they can give the slaves who betrayed their masters a chance to live.

Or, are Bess and Sleep the same gang?

Price thought of countless possibilities, but they were all guesses.

This time, Prius intends to let Beth stay in Wulin Bookstore.With Slip's "lessons learned from the past", Price decided not to disturb Bass for the time being.

It is also better to keep the enemy around than to know nothing.

For now, at least, Sleep brings a greater sense of urgency to Prius than Bass does.

The unknown enemy, the enemy in the dark, is even more terrifying.


Open the door to do business, you will meet all kinds of customers.

The Wulin Bookstore first had Haydn Hall, the son of the lord of Seth City, as a loyal customer, and later was known as the propaganda of the Dharma Saint Seper St. Sean. It has never encountered any "bad customers".

However, things like "big customers bullying stores" still happened.

River Lance is a proud young man.

He is a formal nobleman, but he has no title and no family.This made many people wonder where this young man came from.

Although we don't know the origin of this young man, but looking at his equipment, everyone knows that he is "above".

When River Lance travels, he wears the most advanced magic robe, and his whole body is equipped with countless magic equipment.

In addition, there are dozens of followers around him.Among them, two people stand out the most.

If there are high-level powerful people present, it can be seen that there are two people standing on the left and right of River.One is the Dharma Saint and the other is the Sword Master.

Such a ostentation, even the emperor of the empire may not be able to do it.

River took dozens of his followers and entered the Wulin bookstore in a mighty manner.

River came to the Wulin Bookstore after hearing about the reputation of martial arts cheats.After entering the bookstore, he went straight to the second floor.

Don't worry about River, the entourage behind him will naturally pay him.

On the second floor, River picked up a martial arts secret book and started reading it.After reading a few pages, River closed the cheat book, handed it to the Juggernaut beside him, and said, "Brad, take a look, is this book more helpful to you?"

Brad St. Benson took the cheat book, opened it, his eyes lit up, and said, "Master, this is a very creative power system."

"Really?" River shrugged: "I can't see it. Since you said it's okay, then it's okay! Buy it and give it to your father, and let him watch and play."

"Yes!" Brad nodded respectfully.

A follower behind River lowered his head and took a few steps forward, saying, "Master, this bookstore will sell new books from time to time."

"Oh?" River became interested: "You mean, the creators of these power systems are still here? This is interesting. Then why buy a book! Just take that person home!"

"Yes! Master is wise!" The attendant behind him responded immediately.

River laughed: "Brad, go and call the person in charge of this store, I want to see the creator!"


Price stood in front of River.Seeing River's full body equipment, Price twitched the corners of his mouth unobtrusively.

If the great sage is a "mobile library", this guest is definitely a "mobile treasure house".

Price lowered his head slightly: "Dear guest, what can I do?"

"Are you the person in charge here?" River asked when he saw Price.

Price looked up, looked straight at River, and said, "The Wulin Bookstore belongs to our adults. I will take care of everything about the bookstore."

River nodded: "I heard that your bookstore will have new books from time to time? I mean the second floor."

Price tightened his heart slightly: "Yes."

"Then call out the author of the new book!" River said arrogantly.

If ordinary people said that, Price wouldn't pay attention at all.But this man—

Prius took a breath and said, "Sorry, respected guest, I have to ask my lord about this situation."

"Huh?" River raised his chin slightly, and looked at Prius carefully: "Your family is on the third floor?"

Before Price could answer, River said, "Go! Go to the third floor!"

After speaking, River walked away.

Price turned around and stood in front of River again, his hand on the hilt of his sword: "The third floor is where the adults are. No one can go up without the permission of the adults."

With the sword in Prius' hands, some of Prius' followers were already standing behind him.

Seeing Pris holding the sword, they also reached for the sword.

River sneered: "The action is quite beautiful! Beautiful is worthy of P!"

River shook his head: "Settle it out for me."

As soon as the words fell, someone behind River stepped forward and struck Prius with a sword.

Prius drew his sword to meet the enemy, and the followers behind him also drew their swords.

River and the two attendants around him watched coldly.

Prius and his entourage used all kinds of martial arts, while some of River's entourage used magic and some did battle qi.

As these people fought, there were constant "pop" and "pop" sounds in the bookstore.A lot of wood was broken in the wooden building of the bookstore, and sawdust was flying.

When the guests on the second floor saw this situation, some went downstairs silently, while others watched quietly.

Among River's entourage, none of the fighters who displayed their grudges were opponents of the followers of the bookstore.Often, fighters are knocked to the ground within a few strokes.

For those who cast magic, there are two completely different results.

Some magicians can cast spells instantly, bringing down the followers of the bookstore in one fell swoop.Some magicians can't cast magic instantly, and when he was still reciting spells, he was beaten down by the followers of the bookstore.

After more than ten minutes, River's followers all fell.

Prius is still standing, but many of his followers have also fallen.

River laughed loudly: "It seems that this kind of power system still has its merits!"

"Brad, you go." River called the Juggernaut.


Brad walked towards Price step by step.

As he approached, Price felt great pressure.

The followers behind Prius fell to the ground in pain, and some of them shouted "Ah—"!

Prius stood there with a face of cold sweat.

"You guys, what are you playing?" With a soft voice, Zhou Wei walked down the third floor slowly.

Zhou Wei seldom paid attention to the matter of the bookstore.Price usually handles it well.But today, the voice on the second floor of the bookstore has not calmed down for so long, Zhou Wei had to come out of the practice room.

As soon as Zhou Wei's voice appeared, Preuss felt the pressure on his body disappear.

Prius straightened his body and stood behind Zhou Wei.

Brad stood in front of River.

Zhou Wei walked up to Brad, didn't even look at him, but waved back slightly.

In an instant, Prius and the followers of the bookstore felt lighter, and some of them recovered from their injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The followers of the bookstore opened their eyes wide, looking at Zhou Wei in ecstasy!

This is the owner of Wulin Bookstore!This is the true strength of Wulin Bookstore!
Brad's expression became serious, and even another follower beside River stood in front of River.

On the second floor of Wulin Bookstore, countless customers looked at Zhou Wei with bated breath.

The owner of the Wulin Bookstore had heard about it before, but this time, he saw a real person!

One, a girl with great strength.Young, beautiful and mysterious.

Zhou Wei stretched out his hand and gave a shake to the second floor of the bookstore.

The cracks in the cracked wooden building on the second floor where there had been a fight disappeared automatically.The broken wood will automatically fly back to its original position and "grow" back again.

In a short while, the second floor of Wulin Bookstore was back to normal.

The followers of the bookstore stood behind Prius with excited faces, their hearts filled with excitement.

The guests of the bookstore gasped: Except for the entourage of Li Fu who fell to the ground, the Wulin Bookstore was completely unscathed!
Wulin Bookstore lives up to its reputation!The owner of the Wulin Bookstore is amazing!

From today onwards, customers of Wulin Bookstore will no longer underestimate this bookstore.

Zhou Wei ignored the others and asked as usual: "Prius, what's going on?"

Price whispered: "This guest wants to see you. According to the rules of the bookstore, guests are not allowed to go to the third floor. I wanted to ask my lord, but the guest didn't give me a chance to ask. So we started a fight."

Zhou Wei nodded, then turned to look at Brad: "The bookstore has its rules. You broke the rules."

This was the first time that Zhou Wei had unleashed her abilities in this world, and the pressure of the Foundation Establishment Stage was pressing against Brad.

At this moment, Zhou Wei is just one step away from the Golden Core Stage.

Brad's face was full of caution, he bowed his head and said, "I don't know, which adult are you?"

"No!" River rushed out suddenly, pushing his two followers away.

River rushed to Zhou Wei, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Zhou Wei with a nympho.The expression on his face has changed from "arrogant young man" to "innocent boy", his cheeks were even flushed, and he said softly: "She is not an adult! She is a beauty! Beautiful lady, you are so beautiful !"

! !
The entire second floor of the bookstore was silent for a second!
Whether it is the guests on the second floor, the followers of the bookstore, or the followers of River, they all thought that the two sides would "tit for tat" or fight for life next.

Unexpectedly, this young master suddenly came out like this!
(End of this chapter)

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