System Fairy Road

Chapter 125 8 Party Gathering

Chapter 125 Convergence of All Directions
Seppel St. Sean got the [-] martial arts cheats he wanted.Among them is the "Sword of Fingers" that Zhou Wei just took out.

After getting the book, Seipel left with satisfaction.

Then, Seppel, who had never seen the end of the dragon, appeared in the Royal Academy of Magic of the Empire on his own initiative.

Seipel called a brief meeting of the faculty at the academy.Then, in the Royal Academy of Magic, there was an extra course called Martial Arts.

Seppel also shared these martial arts secrets with his old friends in his unique way.

This gust of martial arts secrets gradually blew up in the upper layers of the human continent.

Zhou Wei still stayed on the third floor of her bookstore, slowly practicing spells.She asked Prius to copy a few more martial arts cheats in case of emergency.

Prius took advantage of the gap between copying the martial arts cheats, revisited the martial arts cheats, and had a new understanding of some things in the cheats.This made Price's martial arts to a higher level.

Seppel's actions did not alarm the Magic Guild.

It's not that the Magic Guild doesn't know about "Wulin Bookstore".

From the series of actions that Seppel left the Wulin Bookstore, the words "Wulin Bookstore" were heard in the ears of the high-level people in the entire human continent.

However, this did not attract the attention of the Magic Guild.

In the view of the Magic Guild, this is just another innovative discovery by Master Fasheng!The little bookstore is nothing to be concerned about.Instead, we should pay attention to Master Fasheng. After making a new discovery of power, will he break through again and become the legendary Fashen?

Seppel's actions did not "attract" people from the Magic Guild to the Wulin Bookstore, but instead attracted a great sage.

The great sage was named Winster William.

Great Sage, this title is a very special profession.

Unlike the titles of magician, warrior, archer, thief, druid, etc., the title of great sage can be a person who has no power at all.

The criteria for judging a great sage come from a person's knowledge, wisdom, and ability.Even a person without any talent for martial arts can become a great sage.

Of course, a magician or a warrior can also become a great sage.But it takes time to accumulate knowledge and demonstrate talents.

Winster is such a great sage.

It can be said that Winston was born with a golden key in his mouth.He was born into the William family, a great nobleman of the Empire.Unfortunately, after he was born, it was detected that he did not have the slightest talent for magic and fighting spirit.The family also found archer masters and druid masters for him to teach him, but he didn't have these talents.

Winston has disappointed his family.The family gave up Winster, but Winster did not give up on himself.If the martial arts failed, Winston worked hard to learn knowledge.Finally at the age of [-], he was certified as a sage.

Great sage, a symbol of wisdom.

No one will despise him.Even the most senior magician will respect the great sage.

When Winston heard the news about the Holy Spirit from the Sages Guild, he was traveling in Sete City.

Such a short distance is another place that makes Master Fasheng look at it differently, so Winster naturally went there with curiosity.

Arriving at the door of Wulin Bookstore, Winston stood outside the door for a long time.Even with his "mobile library" brain, he couldn't figure it out. How was this bookstore built?

Such a wooden building cannot be created by the magic of a magician, nor can it be created by a druid's plant ability.

Winston touched the wooden gate and sighed with a smile on his face: "A magical building."

Without paying, Winston stepped into the door of the bookstore.

The next moment, he was thrown outside the bookstore by an invisible force.

Winston stood up and patted the dust off his clothes. He was not angry at all. He had a clear look in his eyes: "It turns out that you really have to pay to enter the bookstore."

Winston put down a copper coin at the door of the bookstore and stepped into the door of the bookstore.

Seeing the situation on the first floor, Winston felt a sense of familiarity, and he silently laughed: "Isn't this what the Sages Guild looks like!"

Endless books, silent readers.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere in the guild of sages who pursue knowledge.

Winston turned around on the first floor and saw the stairs on the second floor.

"It's so expensive!" Winston said it was expensive, but at the same time dropped two fourth-level magic cores at will.

Going up to the second floor, Winston also walked around the second floor, but there were not many people.

Winston picked up the book.He is very serious about reading, and whenever he picks up a book, he seems to be reading a rare treasure.He can find his joy even in the most boring books.Read on endlessly.

But this time, Winston couldn't read.

Winston quickly put down the book, but his eyes turned red!In his eyes, there was a light of hope.

These books!These books!
Doesn't it exist to save all the people in this world who don't have the talent for force!
Winston almost couldn't wait to go downstairs.

He is going to inform the Sages Guild!He is going to inform the human race on the whole continent!

Even if there is no talent for force, everyone has the opportunity to become a person with abilities!

Winster's announcement caused an uproar in the Sages Guild.

In the Sage Guild, there are countless great sages who yearn for power but have no talent for martial arts.

Not long after receiving Winster's notice, almost all the important members of the Sage Conference decided to go to the Wulin Bookstore to find out.

They couldn't wait to verify Winster's news in person.

Really, everyone has the opportunity to become a person with abilities?
Just as this group of people gathered from all directions, they were on their way to the city of Set.Another group of people also began to go to the city of Set.

They are the deans or vice-presidents of various colleges in the empire.

All the schools got the news about the addition of a course to the Imperial Academy of Magic.

The Royal Academy of Magic, if only one elective course was added, it would not attract the attention of similar schools.But it adds a compulsory course!

A must-learn course for all Magic Academy students!
Such a teaching reform is a very important change.In particular, this change came from the order of a great Dharma sage.

Many Imperial Colleges are ready to move, wanting to follow in the footsteps of the Royal Academy of Magic and add such a course of "Dharma Sacred Pros".

This is not the first time either.Whenever there is any disturbance in the Royal Academy of Magic, all the Imperial Academy will always be asked to study it.When they can, they will try their best to meet the standards of the Royal Academy of Magic.

But now, without Fasheng's words, they can't send someone to the Royal Academy of Magic to steal teachers!
So, they also went to Wulin Bookstore to have a look!

In the end, what kind of secrets does martial arts have?What kind of secrets does the book in the Wulin bookstore hold?

Wulin Bookstore, third floor.

Zhou Wei walked out of her practice room.A spell that she wants to practice recently is called "Lightning in the Palm".

This spell can induce the power of thunder and lightning, so it is not suitable for practicing in a bookstore.

Zhou Wei is going out, and before she leaves, she has to tell Prius.

The strange thing is that Zhou Wei didn't find Prius in his room.

"Bess!" Zhou Wei stopped the slave cook who was busy in the kitchen.

The pudgy chef turned around and saw Zhou Wei, and immediately bowed at [-] degrees: "Master!"

"Beth, where did Prius go? At the practice field by the back door?" Zhou Wei asked.

Bess lowered his head and replied: "No, Master. Today, Lord Kennet is sick. Lord Pris is in Lord Kennet's room, taking care of him."

"Oh," Zhou Wei nodded, "You should be busy!"

"Thank you, master!" Beth turned around cheerfully and continued making lunch.

Zhou Wei walked to Kennett's room and knocked on the door: "Pres, are you there?"

Price opened the door: "My lord."

Kennett lying on the wooden bed was flushed with sweat, his eyes were half-opened, and he struggled to get up: "My lord..."

Zhou Wei walked in, held Kennett's hand, and slowly injected spiritual energy into him.

"What happened to him?" Zhou Wei asked Prius.

Price looked at Zhou Wei's hand, paused, and said, "Looking at Kennett's condition, there should be some kind of parasite on his body."

What bugs!
Zhou Wei immediately threw Kennett's hand away in disgust.

"Ahem," Zhou Wei said calmly, "How do you usually treat this kind of disease?"

A smile flashed in Price's eyes, and then he said seriously: "You can find a doctor or a magician of the light department. There are doctors and magicians in Seth City."

"Oh..." Zhou Wei turned his head and glanced at Kennett.

Because Zhou Wei gave him a burst of spiritual energy just now, Kennett's body, which was originally hot, cooled down slightly, and his head no longer hurts so much.Kennett said with difficulty: "It's okay, I can get through it."

Prius shook his head disapprovingly: "I'll find you a doctor. There won't be any delay. As a fighter, protecting your body is very important."

Zhou Wei didn't know any medical skills in the first place, and if she had any ailments, she would only rely on spiritual energy to heal them.She can't really cure illnesses.

"Medical skills..." Zhou Wei thought for a while. In the "Foundation Building Chapter" in the "Scroll of Longevity", there seems to be a "healing technique" for curing diseases.

"Wait, don't see a doctor yet." Zhou Wei said to Prius.

"Yes." Price nodded.

Kennett looked at Zhou Wei in surprise.

Zhou Wei closed his eyes, and silently looked at the "healing technique" in the "Foundation Building Chapter" in his mind.Then she reached out and placed her hand on top of Kennett's head.

A burst of white light gradually emerged from Zhou Wei's hand, and the light fell on Kennett's head and traveled downstream along his head.

This white light swam along Kennett's body, and then disappeared.

Zhou Wei opened his eyes.

Kennett touched his forehead silly: "I, am I alright?"

Zhou Wei exhaled lightly.

Kennet jumped off the bed, knelt on the ground with a "bang", and said excitedly: "Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir! Kennet is grateful to you, sir!"

"It's okay. You didn't have parasites, but you ingested toxins in your body. You should think about when this happened." Zhou Wei said silently in his heart, in fact, you don't have to be so grateful, you just do it Got my little white mouse.

Zhou Wei does not doubt the role of "healing", but she doubts her own ability.

It is the first time to learn and use it for the first time, and it can really cure people!This is Kennett's luck!
"Price..." Zhou Wei wanted to say that she wanted to go out and practice "palm thunder".Suddenly, she felt that it would be better for her to familiarize herself with the "healing technique" in the bookstore.

Zhou Wei said: "Price, you and Kennett should check the situation! Don't let the toxin thing happen again."

"Yes!" Kennett and Price responded in unison.

Zhou Wei wandered back to the practice room again.

After Zhou Wei left, Kennet clasped Price's shoulders with both hands, and kept shaking: "Hahahaha! Let me say that Mr. Zhou Wei is a god! He is a god! It's amazing!"

"Your Excellency can also cure diseases." Prius was dizzy from the panic, and echoed.

Kennett was still excited: "My lord is so great! How wonderful is the martial arts bookstore! Martial arts cheats! Miracles save people! Most importantly! Martial arts cheats! Hahahaha! It's great to be able to follow my lord! "

"You adore your lord?" Price asked.

"Of course," Kennett immediately said: "Since I knew that you are the creator of martial arts secrets, you have been my idol! Prius, don't you worship you?"

She is still my sister!Such a sentence suddenly popped up in Price's mind.He didn't speak, just nodded at Kennett.

Suddenly, Sleep's voice came from the door: "Kennett, is your body cured? Was it cured by your lord?"

Price and Kennett looked toward the door.

Slip stood at the door covered in sweat, as if he had just returned from the training ground.

Price nodded.

Kennett seemed to have just noticed that he was too excited just now.He resumed his usual silent warrior image: "Slip, where have you been?"

Slip raised the sword in his hand: "I just went to practice! I heard that you are sick, so come and see. My lord has cured your illness! My lord is really amazing!"

"Yes!" Kennett responded.

What Kennett didn't realize at this moment was that neither he nor Price had told Sleep.Kennett is not sick, but poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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