System Fairy Road

Chapter 119 Wulin Bookstore

Chapter 119 Wulin Bookstore
"Hey!" Zhou Wei rested his chin on both hands, opened his eyes and looked at the door, and sighed.

Sitting on the table, Prius didn't understand why Master Zhou Wei had anything to sigh about.With Master Zhou Wei's astonishing ability, is there anything she can't do in this world?
With this thought in his mind, Preuss handed a piece of chicken to Zhou Wei with concern: "Sir, would you like some food?"

Zhou Wei turned his head and glanced at the white plate with a small fork on it.Zhou Wei took the plate, took a fork of the meat, and took a bite: "Price, I have decided to open a bookstore! Tomorrow, I will take all my belongings to exchange for books."

"Yes, Price obeys your lord's orders."

That night, Zhou Wei returned to the third floor.

Zhou Wei built [-] rooms on the third floor.

Her master bedroom, Price's room, exercise room, kitchen, dining room, storage room, bathroom, and other eight rooms are vacant.

Prius has packed up Zhou Wei's residence.

In the originally pure wooden room, a lot of things have been added.Zhou Wei thought, Prius is a man after all, it is not good to let him take care of the trivial life for her, she should buy a female slave.

When Zhou Wei opens the bookstore, he will need someone to look after him, and he will need to buy a few more slaves.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wei began to think about money again.

I don’t know if the gold ingots in her pocket are enough for her to spend like this.


"A total of [-] gold coins." Price took a deep breath and handed the last gold coin to Zhou Wei.

After Zhou Wei and Prius entered Sete City, they went straight to their destination.The two found the store and began to exchange gold ingots.

The amount of gold ingots that Zhou Wei sold this time is relatively large, and a store cannot exchange them.The two went to several magic goods stores before exchanging all Zhou Wei's gold ingots.

All added up, the total is [-] gold coins.Because the quantity is large, the store usually adds some discounts and gives a round number.

Preuss could not imagine that Zhou Wei had so much money.However, it is not incomprehensible if you think about it.The growth of a magician is always accompanied by constant burning and making money.How can you practice magic well if you don't get involved with money?

Zhou Wei also never imagined that her gold ingot could be exchanged for so many gold coins.

Since his cultivation, Zhou Wei doesn't care much about money.She only knows how to save and spend money, but doesn't care about the specific value.

The exchange of gold coins this time was much better than she expected.

These more than 2000 gold ingots were preserved when Zhou Wei was the princess of the Great Universe United Empire.There is also the money from her family in the last world, plus the money she earned from doing missions later.

Now, she has spent all her savings.

After getting the money, Zhou Wei took Prius to sweep all the major bookstores in Dorset City.

In the largest bookstore in Sete City, there are only more than [-] ordinary books.

When Zhou Wei entered the bookstore, the posture of buying books was similar to that of kicking a library.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he bought all the books in the bookstore.

This move confused the bookstore owner and book-buying customers.

After confirming that Zhou Wei was not joking, the bookstore owner followed Zhou Wei's instructions and put all the non-strength system books in front of Zhou Wei one by one.

Everyone looked at her, paid the money, took the books away, paid the money, took the books away...

After Zhou Wei and Prius left the bookstore.In the empty bookstore, stood the owner who was so excited that he lost his voice and the customer who dropped his jaw.

Starting from the largest bookstore, Zhou Wei and Prius almost bought all the common books in all the bookstores in Sete City.

At the end of the day, Zhou Wei spent more than 6000 gold coins, and she had more than 5000 books of various types in her portable space.

All the bookstores in Sete City became empty like locusts passing through, leaving behind a small number of expensive magic books and books on other power systems.

This incident alarmed all the noble people in Sete City.

There were also many people who began to pay attention to a rich lady and her blond and blue-eyed attendant.

If Zhou Wei really bought all the books in Sete City, it would shake up Sete City.

After all, those books about power are the most important things.

Sometimes, a precious magic book is worth thousands of ordinary books.

Zhou Wei knew that she did not have enough gold coins to buy that kind of book.

With more than 5000 books in the portable space, Zhou Wei feels that her bookstore is almost out.

Now, she still needs a few helpers.

Zhou Wei took Prius to the slave market, which was the slave market where Prius used to be.

Zhou Wei felt that he would not be harsh on his employees, so he said to Price: "Price, I need a cook, a maid, two strong men who guard the door, and two managers for the bookstore. If you think Which ones are suitable, you go find them."

Zhou Wei was telling Prius that if he had acquaintances in the slave market, Zhou Wei could buy them.It's better to follow Zhou Wei than they live in the slave market.

There was a look of emotion in Price's eyes.This is Master Zhou Wei taking care of his mood.Prius nodded: "Thank you sir, Prius understands."

Zhou Wei stood in the shopping mall, waited for a while, and saw Price led nine people back.

These [-] people, [-] men and [-] women.

The number of people obviously exceeded Zhou Wei's requirement.

The nine people looked at Prius and then at Zhou Wei, with a look of hope floating on their numb faces.

Prius lowered his head to Zhou Wei: "My lord, these are the nine people I'm looking for. Although there are more people, they are all credible."

Zhou Wei nodded, she was originally giving Prius a chance to find his friends, and she didn't care if there were more people.

Zhou Wei asked the manager of the slave market: "How much are these people?"

The man nodded and bowed, and said with a smile: "Look, my lord, this man used to be an imperial cook, and his cooking skills are very good. And these two strong men are both young men who can do the work of three people. If you buy it, can you buy it?" Do things for you. And this..."

Zhou Wei interrupted: "Just talk about the price?"

"Yes yes yes!" The man smiled awkwardly: "My lord, you are a big customer, we will give you an affordable price, [-] gold coins."

Prius frowned and wanted to say something, but Zhou Wei stopped him.

Zhou Wei directly took out [-] hundred gold coins from the portable space, and handed them to the man in the slave market: "Transfer the slave seal to me."

The man took the gold coin from Zhou Wei, and smiled with a smile on his face: "Okay! Yes! My lord, I'll take care of it for you right away." He thought to himself: This young lady is really generous. Lord, do not bargain.This time, he can get a lot of money from this deal!
Once Zhou Wei obtained the control over the slave seals of these nine people, he would be able to dominate the life and death of these nine people.

The slaves were also bought. Zhou Wei and Price took the nine people and bought some daily necessities and food for the nine people in Sete City.

Then, [-] people returned to Zhou Wei's "three floors".

The slaves wore good clothes that ordinary people might not be able to wear, and their faces showed some fear of the unknown.

Fortunately, they all knew Price, and they still had a little bit of confidence in their hearts.

"My lord, do you want to rename them?" Prius asked Zhou Wei.

Generally, after the slaves are bought back, they will be given a new name by the master.

When Prius followed Zhou Wei, he didn't mention it, and Zhou Wei didn't know.

Prius had been stripped of his slave seal long ago, and he would not consider himself a slave.

For Price, these nine people are not his friends.They were all of acceptable character among the slaves he had seen in the slave market.Because when these nine people got along with Gladys, they were still friendly.As for Price, he was used to traveling alone, and he had few friends.

"Name? No need. Just call them whatever they were originally called." Zhou Wei said nonchalantly.

The slaves were a little happy.It's natural to be able to keep your own name.

Zhou Wei took out more than 400 gold coins from his portable space and handed them to Prius: "From today onwards, you will manage them. According to what I said, one cook, one female slave is in charge of cleaning, two guard the door of the bookstore, and There are two people who manage the affairs of the bookstore. For the others, you arrange them yourself. The gold coins here will be given to you first, and you will allocate their daily food and other needs by yourself."

There was a smile in Price's eyes: "Thank you for your trust."

Zhou Wei poured out more than 5000 books in the portable space, and they piled up like a pile of hills.

"Sort these books into categories and put them on the bookshelf. Don't worry, take your time." After Zhou Wei finished speaking, he put down his picks and left everything to Prius.

Among the nine slaves, four were literate and could help classify books.The other [-] can only be transported and stacked there.

"Pris, come here!" Zhou Wei called Prius.

When Prius walked to the door, he saw Master Zhou Wei holding a huge wooden block in his hand: "My lord?"

"Price, I don't know how to write here, please help me engrave the words 'Wulin Bookstore' on this wooden board."

"Yes." Prius took out his sword, brushed it a few times, and carved these words on the wooden board.

Zhou Wei stepped out of the gate and flicked his finger lightly.

The wooden board flew right above the center of the gate, and the wood around the board merged with the surrounding wood and fixed it.

Looking at the sign, Zhou Wei smiled slightly.

"My lord, why is it called 'Wulin Bookstore'?" Prius was puzzled.He didn't understand the meaning of the word "Wulin" at all.

"No reason." Zhou Wei replied softly.

In this strange world, there is only magic and fighting spirit.No one knows the great oriental culture in her heart, no one knows the gorgeous martial arts.

Nothing at all.

In this case, Zhou Wei allowed powerful martial arts to appear in this world.

Simply appear.

Let some people who pass by the bookstore know that the world is vast and boundless, and there is a kind of power called martial arts, and there is a place called Jianghu.

Even though, only Zhou Wei knows about this matter.

But as long as she thought about letting these people from other worlds see beautiful culture and powerful martial arts, she felt a faint excitement.

"Pris, I bought blank books and pens. Come with me." Zhou Wei took Prius to a small room on the second floor.

Zhou Wei took out a book of martial arts cheats from his portable space, and put them in front of Prius: "Pris, from today onwards, you will be my translator."

""Holding Xiaojian", "Ascending Cloud Step", "All Things Belong to My Hands", "Emei Sutra", "Wind Wind Kick", "Beggars Gang Technique", "Zhegang Fist", "Lady's Meditation Fist" , "Zhiqiu Sword Palm", this is my martial arts secret book. I will read it to you word by word. You help me translate it into the words of this world. From now on, these martial arts secret books will be the collection of books on the second floor."

Price was shocked, and his face was completely shocked.

Zhou Wei continued: "Customers enter our Wulin Bookstore. As long as they pay a copper coin, they can read books for a whole day on the first floor. They cannot be destroyed, borrowed, or copied. As long as they pay a fourth-level magic core, they can Go to the second floor and read a book for an hour. It cannot be destroyed, borrowed, or excerpted."

"My lord, are you—really going to make these martial arts secrets public?" Prius asked in disbelief, "Didn't you say last time that this can't be passed on?"

"I've changed my mind. Prius," Zhou Wei looked at Prius: "You know, these books are of great significance. In order to protect these books, I allow you to learn all the martial arts secrets here, so that you have the strength to maintain this place. You can also choose a few suitable slaves to learn martial arts with you and maintain the rules of the bookstore. If anyone still wants to break the rules of the bookstore, let me do it.”

Prius had completely forgotten what kind of storm these martial arts cheats would have on the world.There was only one thought in his mind.

"I...can learn all of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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