System Fairy Road

Chapter 1 Get System + Pea World

Chapter 1 Get System + Pea World
Chapter 1


The heart-piercing scream came out, and after a while, the sound disappeared.

Zhou Wei was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, she couldn't even move her mouth.All thoughts were on the pain, and Zhou Wei's mind went blank.

From the toes to the top of the head, every inch of the body seems to be pierced by fine needles!pierce!Especially in the head, besides the lingering tingling pain, you can also feel a dull pain, like being hit hard by a hammer.

It hurts so much!She should have died long ago!
Zhou Wei wished that he would pass out from the pain immediately!
Why is she still awake?
Why does the pain continue?
Seconds feel like years!

In such endless pain, time seemed to be stretched infinitely.

Zhou Wei became more and more desperate.

The pain all over his body showed no signs of stopping. Zhou Wei tried hard to divert his attention to make himself feel better.

How did she get into this situation?

What happened before?Putting her in such a painful situation?
In the endless pain, Zhou Wei squeezed out a glimmer of consciousness to remember.


Before, she was clearly the same as usual.Going to work normally, working normally, leaving get off work normally, and then, she went back to sleep in her small rented house.

Everything is as usual!

Nothing out of the ordinary!
Why did she suddenly feel severe pain all over her body? !
Zhou Wei tried his best to hold up his eyelids...

! !
Why is there darkness in front of me?
She can't see anything!
She can't see anything!
Zhou Wei felt boundless panic in his heart.

Is she herself in the dark?

Or, her body is broken?

Is she blind?
Zhou Wei didn't dare to think about it any more.

How much time has passed?
How long has she been in pain?

In the pain and confusion, Zhou Wei couldn't help recalling his past in his mind.

She recalled the voices and smiles of her parents in her childhood. Even though they left her early, these vague memories warmed her and made her have the urge to cry.She recalled the innocent happiness in junior high school, the pain and torment in high school, and the teachers and roommates who took care of her in college.Also, the hard work in the past six months has given her a stable state of mind.

Life is not easy, but An dares to die!
The prolonged pain made Zhou Wei's mind messed up.

In the dark consciousness, only one thought remained: She still wanted to live!

Just when Zhou Wei's consciousness became more and more chaotic, a clear mechanical voice gradually rang in her mind.

"...[-]%, [-]%, [-]%...[-]%! The system recognized the owner successfully! Scan the space! [-]%, [-]%, [-]%...[-]%! Space information collection is completed! Scan the system owner! [-]%, [-] %, [-]%... [-]%! The master’s information has been confirmed! The master’s soul level has been identified - weak! The system is forced to transfer to the most suitable soul space, and is forced to be transferred to the optimal environment! [-]%!”

Zhou Wei listened blankly to the voice in his head, unable to react.

A pleasant thought appeared in my mind: no more pain!
She didn't feel any pain anymore!

Zhou Wei wanted to shout in surprise: It doesn’t hurt anymore!I survived!
The next moment, Zhou Wei lost consciousness.

Zhou Wei regained consciousness in the most comfortable environment.My whole body is warm, lazy, relaxed and leisurely, like a long warm sleep in winter, when I wake up naturally, the sun is warm, and I moved the recliner with my closest roommate, Lying together on the platform on the roof of the dormitory, surrounded by warm quilts, the sun gently sprinkled on her face, she squinted, and chatted with the intimate person about meaningful or meaningless After entering the society, the secular world has not yet fallen into the eyes, everything is beautiful!

She has graduated!Have you been working for half a year?Zhou Wei woke up suddenly!


Surprised by the surrounding environment, Zhou Wei opened her mouth, blinked in disbelief, and then slowly lowered her head to look at herself, she heard a childish voice slowly coming out of her mouth: "No way... …Are you kidding…”

The light blue sky and warm golden sunlight fall on a lush green field.

On a well-maintained nutrient field, a large green pea shoot is planted.

Following Zhou Wei's sluggish words, countless excited voices sounded in the small space.

Every pea sprout began to shake their young branches and leaves excitedly.

The pea field, which was not so quiet, boiled up.

"Haha! Our smallest and smallest pea is finally born!"

"He's so cute! Leng Leng looks so cute! I want to take care of Little Pea!"

"You won't take care of it! We will all have a father to take care of us!"

"That's great! Everyone was born smoothly! Hehe! It's great!"

Zhou Wei was shocked!

"what's going on?"

Chapter 2

After being in a trance for most of the day, Zhou Wei finally accepted a terrible fact - she has time-traveled!
Moreover, she traveled from a female wage earner in the [-]st century to a little pea sprout!
Looking at the noisy environment around him, Zhou Wei thought mockingly to himself: Maybe... it's not a pea sprout, but a pea demon?
It was getting dark, and the young pea shoots started to feel sleepy after being noisy all day.

The little pea plant closest to Zhou Wei called out softly to Zhou Wei: "Little pea, good night."

Zhou Wei replied subconsciously: "Good night."

After receiving the response, Little Pea closed her eyes with satisfaction.

Zhou Wei looked around again.

All the little peas around her closed their eyes, and she was the only one with open eyes in this endless field.

The surrounding environment quieted down, and Zhou Wei felt a little more relaxed.

As a normal human being, watching a green plant swaying gently in the night wind is not bad.

Where is it like the previous scene? !
The noisy pea sprouts are like a group of little monsters!
The feeling of being surrounded by a group of monsters really made Zhou Wei's scalp tingle!

Although the green plants in this field look like pea sprouts at first glance, if you look carefully, there is still a big difference between "them" and peas!

The green main branch has a thin branch and leaf on both sides, which looks a bit like two hands.

On the main branch is a large round leaf with eyebrows, eyes and mouth.In addition, there are four medium-sized leaves growing where the main trunk touches the ground.

Zhou Wei observed and complained silently: Is this still a pea sprout?
This is simply a monster!
The most deceitful thing is - now, she is also one of these monsters!
Speaking of which, such a pea monster has no nose and no ears.But... no feet!
Without feet, how will she live in the future?
Stay home until death?

Thinking of something suddenly, Zhou Wei closed his eyes and said silently in his heart: System?

Although his eyes were obviously closed, Zhou Wei "saw" a dazzling list unfolding in front of him.


Name: Zhou Wei

Status: Weak soul (repair [-]%)
Bonus Points: [-]

World: The World of Peas in the Two-dimensional World

Name: The Smallest and Weakest Pea Sprout

Status: just born
Occupation: Pea Warrior (seedling)

Zhou Wei’s eyes widened!
It turned out that it was not the pea demon, but the pea warrior!

Zhou Wei was instantly confused!
God is playing with her!
Could it be that this is still the world of Plants vs. Zombies? !

After being stupid for a long time, Zhou Wei sighed: "What else can I always has to go on..."

After doing some mental construction, Zhou Wei "looked" at the system carefully, and saw that at the bottom of the list, there was a line of bold words shining brightly.

"Complete the task reward, do you want to receive it?"

Zhou Wei said silently in his mind: "Yes".

The line of bold words in front of the "eye" quickly unfolded.

"Zhou Wei consumes [-]% of the soul to make the system recognize the master, and the system binds the master successfully. Congratulations to Zhou Wei for completing the most advanced task of the system: recognize the master! Become the great master of the system! The system rewards Zhou Wei with the "Reincarnation Scroll of Longevity" Volume. Please Zhou Wei practice hard to repair the wounded soul."

Now, Zhou Wei understood why he had been in pain for so long!
It turned out that it was because of this so-called "system recognition"!
Zhou Wei was in pain, and she didn't take the initiative to get this system, why did she have to suffer so much pain?Moreover, he also traveled through time and became a pea sprout!

So far, we can only take one step at a time!

Zhou Wei opened the "Scroll of Longevity of Reincarnation" in his mind with complicated emotions, and he couldn't pass it after only one page.She guessed that this thing might have a power limit or something, if it didn't have the power, it wouldn't be able to turn to the next page.Zhou Wei didn't care about anything else, and concentrated on reading the first page.

The first page of the "Scroll of Longevity of Reincarnation" does not contain much content, and the explanation is simple.It is about how to absorb the available energy as much as possible in this world, and then convert the energy into soul power through this exercise to repair the damaged soul.

Absorb, transform, repair.

However, before that, Little Pea Miao Zhou Wei had to feel the energy first.

Zhou Wei closed his eyes, tried his best to breathe according to the way in the exercises, and tried to detect the moonlight essence around him.In my mind, I guessed confusedly again: What exactly is the system's reward points?
Then, Zhou Wei Xiaowanou... fell asleep in seconds.

The next morning, Zhou Wei woke up amidst the noise.After she looked around, she had no choice but to sigh in her heart: probably, she will sleep with this group of pea sprouts in the future!No personal space!

In such an unfamiliar environment, Zhou Wei couldn't calm down quickly to feel the essence of the sun.She took the initiative to say hello to the little pea plant closest to her: "Hello!"

"Hello to you too!" The little pea that responded was the same one that said good night to Zhou Wei last night.

With a sigh of relief in his heart, Zhou Wei tentatively asked: "Hello, my name is Zhou Wei, how about you?"

"Eh!" Xiao Wandou opposite opened his eyes in surprise and exclaimed: "Why are you called Zhou Wei? How can you have a name!"

Zhou Wei was slightly startled.

Are you not allowed to have a name here?

Fortunately, in this nutritious field, there are screaming pea seedlings everywhere, so this loud cry did not attract the attention of other little peas.

Zhou Wei pretended to be calm and said: "I just named myself something fun!"

"Wow! You are so amazing, Little Pea! You can even name yourself! I want it too! You can name me too!" The little Pea on the opposite side shouted immediately.

Zhou Wei didn't want to think about a name, so he said, "I don't know what name to name you, I'll try my best to think about it. By the way, I don't understand anything now, can you talk to me about what you know? ?”

The little pea on the opposite side didn't even think about it, so she started to narrate endlessly, telling Zhou Wei what she knew upside down.

Zhou Wei understood the other party's words and got a little clue.

In this world, there are many different nutrient fields, where countless small pea sprouts are planted.

And Zhou Wei is now in one of the relatively small nutrition fields.

A total of nearly a hundred pea seedlings were born in this field.

All Zhou Wei could see were pea sprouts, and he couldn't see anything else.One is because she is too short, and the other is because the distance between the pea seedlings in the nutrient field is relatively long.

After the little guys in this field were born with consciousness one by one, they still knew nothing. They only basked in the sun during the day and slept obediently at night.

Moreover, the pea shoots in this field are all asexual!

Whether peas are male or female, Zhou Wei doesn't know.But Pea Warrior is actually asexual, and he can choose his own gender until he becomes an adult!

Zhou Wei wondered: How did this piece come about?Straight out of the field?

It is said that this nutrient field is the best nutrient field in this country. In addition, the little guys are far apart, and each plant is in a state of excess nutrition, so it is very "lively" during the day.

It is said?

According to where?According to whom?

This "said" is the only chance for the seedlings to contact the outside world.

Every once in a while, two adults will come to the nutrition field to check the growth of the little ones in the field, and then tell the little ones to wake up when the sun shines and fall asleep when the sun sets. , eat well, sleep well, and make progress every day.

Of course, the names were also told by the two adults when they were teasing the seedlings.As pea seedlings in the world's best nutrient fields, they will all be adopted by adults in the future, and then have a name that belongs to them.

What surprised Zhou Wei was that in Xiao Wandou's description, the two adults who existed like "farmers" turned out to be two-legged humanoids!

Zhou Wei was excited!
It would be nice to have someone!No matter if he is real or fake!
When Zhou Wei realized that he could no longer formulate meaningful words, he said seriously to the little pea opposite him: "Well, I understand. Then I want to eat well, sleep well, and grow up well! We have already talked today It's been a long time, we can't be lazy anymore! Let's work hard to grow up, don't waste time!"

Little Pea listened to the stalk: "Okay! Don't talk anymore! I also want to work hard to grow up! By the way, Zhou Wei, what should I call?"

You haven't forgotten this yet?

Zhou Wei could only say: "Well, I can't think of a good name. From now on, if you call me Zhou Wei, I'll call you Ah Chu, okay? Your real name will be chosen by your father."

"Okay! Zhou Wei Zhou Wei, my name is Ah Chu! My name is Ah Chu! We will be the closest friends from now on!"

I made a good friend so quickly!

Zhou Wei closed his eyes and listened carefully to the sounds around him.

The seedlings not far away were chatting enthusiastically, but what they said was: "Your right hand side today is there, it is a little greener than yesterday!"

"Ah! The soil on my feet seems to be getting heavier again, it's so annoying!"


Such conversations were endless, and Zhou Wei silently thought: Listening to such childish words that have no meaning, it is better to sleep!

It seems... the pea sprouts here are really seedlings among seedlings!

With this thought, Zhou Wei relaxed his mind and began to practice.

Zhou Wei breathed according to the way in the exercises, while concentrating on feeling the essence of the sun.

At first, it was a bit uncomfortable to adjust breathing, but after a while, Zhou Wei could do it naturally.It's not easy for my mind to calm down, and I always think of other things after a while.


I don't know if this set of exercises is miraculous, or Zhou Wei himself is confused.

Mind wandering, persistence, persistence, mind wandering, it seems that this process has not been experienced several times, the sun is about to set.

at last!

Zhou Wei "saw" many small round balls of yellow with gold, which looked like air but not air, like mist but not mist. A thin layer covered her branches and leaves, making her feel warm and comfortable.

Zhou Wei was surprised and happy!She thought it was amazing!She had her eyes closed!

Maybe, no matter what the world is like, she can also become a human through cultivation!

With this thought in mind, Zhou Wei practiced diligently.As long as he is not falling asleep, Zhou Wei will seize every minute and every second to practice.

Occasionally, Zhou Wei would take a little time to relax and chat with "A Chu".

A few days passed, and Ah Chu discovered that Zhou Wei had not grown taller, but his leaves were brighter.

Zhou Wei is concerned about the system:


Name: Zhou Wei

Status: Weak soul (repair [-]%)

Bonus Points: [-]

World: The World of Peas in the Two-dimensional World

Name: The Smallest and Weakest Pea Sprout

Status: Newborn

Occupation: Pea Warrior (seedling)

It's actually [-]%!

Seeing such progress in cultivation, Zhou Wei felt bad all over!

(End of this chapter)

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