Chapter 87 Feather Arrow
The members of the Snowy Owl tribe gathered to watch, but none of them put out the fire.

"The fire of hell is impossible to extinguish."

"Changfeng Luo is crazy..."

"Except for the demons, all other races will be burned to nothingness..."

Lei Yuxiu had no time to think about other things, and was about to jump into the fire.

Tu Yingying and Bai Lin immediately stopped him.

"You can't get in, this is no ordinary fire!" Yingying stretched out her hands to block Lei Yuxiu, preventing him from going forward.

Bai Lin looked at Lei Yuxiu with a serious expression, "You can't do anything but die with her..."

Seeing that Bai Lin's expression changed from his usual idle one, Lei Yuxiu knew that he was not joking.

She drew out the long spear in her hand, and with a fierce rage, she attacked Changfengluo with a rage.

Changfeng Luo's double fist and Han Jinyingclaw resisted with all his strength.

The two of them fought like lightning and flint outside the fire scene.

The sound of fighting was like thunder and lightning.

The battle of spiritual power created a strong wind, and the thick snow on the surrounding pine trees was completely rolled up, forming a blizzard.

And inside the fire.

Chang Xiaoman was burned by the hot smoke and could hardly breathe.

Just when she thought she was going to die unexpectedly, the wall behind her suddenly cracked, and she fell straight backward into a huge black hole.

Xiaoman covered his mouth and nose, and fell to the bottom of the cave.

"These trees are actually hollow!!!"

Inside the huge old tree supported behind the guest house where Lei Yuxiu lived is a passage leading directly to the ground.

"Plop—" Xiao Man felt himself fall into a warm pool.

Struggling desperately, she swam to the shore, and when she looked up, she was shocked by the beauty of the underground cave.

There are countless fluorites on the rock wall, and the light of fluorites is like fireflies and stars, illuminating the whole cave.

Under the cave is a huge natural underground hot spring that Xiaoman fell into.

She looked up and saw that the roof of the cave was one huge hollow tree root after another.

"It turns out that the trees here in the hinterland of the ice lake are connected to the huge underground space in this way..." Chang Xiaoman climbed ashore and took off his soaked coat. "It's really warm here. It seems that there should be a magma layer underground here. The glacial lake should be a volcanic lake."

There is almost no possibility of going back to where you came from.

"Lei Yuxiu must be going crazy, but he will definitely find a way to save me." She sat on a smooth stone and twisted the water on the hem of her clothes, "It is definitely not an accident that this house is on fire. Do it! When my sister and I go out, I must make her look good."

Chang Xiaoman stood up, touched the rock wall with his hand, "It turned out to be warm."

She looked around, and the entire cave was nearly a thousand square meters.There is absolutely no direction here.

"Let's take a step and see." Chang Xiaoman walked along the shore of the hot spring lake, "See if you can find any exit."

On the other side, Lei Yuxiu and Changfeng Luo were fighting fiercely.

Spiritual power and demonic power collide with each other on the surface of the icy lake, causing huge vibrations, causing birds to flee and beasts to hide in the entire Cangming Mountain.

During the fight, Changfeng Luo gradually lost the wind.

Lei Yuxiu's backhand shot across the air and landed on his neck.

The two stopped all movements on the frozen lake.

Lei Yuxiu glared angrily, and shouted: "She has no grievances with you, yet you are such a killer!"

Changfeng Luo sneered, "If you want to kill, then kill, why bother talking nonsense!"

"It's cheaper to kill you!" Lei Yuxiu couldn't help but feel his heart burn when he thought of Xiao Man being engulfed in flames.

At this moment, a majestic voice came from the forest: "Stop!"

Chang Feng Xing fluttered his wings over the ice lake. Although his demon power was gradually fading, it was still strong enough to temporarily suppress Lei Yuxiu's murderous aura.

Lei Yuxiu squinted his eyes and looked into the air, angrily said: "This person set fire to take my wife's life! Killing is not enough for blood!"

Chang Feng woke up and landed on the ice, "This incident happened in our clan's territory, and it will be severely punished by our clan's laws. I promise you that I will give you an explanation."

"Confession?!" Lei Yuxiu pressed the tip of his spear against Chang Fengluo's neck, and dark red blood flowed down the blade.

Chang Fengxing raised his hand, and a dozen snowy owl guards rushed out behind him and surrounded Lei Yuxiu.

"Is the patriarch trying to protect his weaknesses?" Lei Yuxiu looked at him without fear.
"My lord said that the laws of our family will punish him severely!" Chang Fengxing echoed through the air on the surface of the frozen lake.

Bai Lin and Tu Yingying ran over.

The two watched the battle on the surface of the frozen lake nervously, gasping for air.

"Lei Yuxiu!" Bai Lin shouted, "The fire is about to go out! Save Xiaoman first!"

Lei Yuxiu didn't continue to pierce Chang Fengluo's neck with the tip of the spear when he heard Bai Duan's shout.

He quickly retracted his spear, stepped on the lake and ran towards the white linden.

Chang Fengluo's eyes froze, he got up quickly, stretched out his sharp claws and rushed towards Lei Yuxiu.

Feeling a sneak attack from behind, Lei Yuxiu turned around immediately.

There was a piercing sound of flesh and blood.

Lei Yuxiu took a closer look, and saw a snowy owl arrow piercing Chang Fenghao's chest.

Chang Fenghao looked in the direction of the feather arrow in doubt and pain, and knelt down on the lake.

Blood trickled out, staining the large ice surface red.

Everyone around exclaimed.

Lei Yuxiu followed Chang Fenghao's gaze.

I saw Chang Fengjue standing on a branch of cedar, with a longbow in his hand, and the posture of bowing was still maintained.

Chang Fenghao looked at Chang Fengjue on the cedar in despair, and took his last breath.

Chang Fengxing, who was at the side, squinted his eyes and looked at his adopted daughter, without saying a word.

The guards all stood around quietly, they looked at each other, no one knew what to do?
Chang Fengjue spread his wings from the cedar and flew towards Lei Yuxiu, and asked with concern: "Mr. Lei, are you alright?"

Lei Yuxiu didn't bother to answer her words.

He quickly ran towards Bai Lin and Yingying.

The three rushed back to the guest house together.

Chang Fengjue glanced at Chang Feng Luo with disgust, and immediately followed Lei Yuxiu and the others.

"Take the corpse away and bury it." Chang Feng Xing ordered.

The four guards walked up to Chang Fengluo's body, lifted it up emotionlessly, and flew towards the cemetery of the Snowy Owl clan.

Lei Yuxiu and others returned to the guest house that had been completely burned.

Looking at the scorched wood and carbonized furniture, Lei Yuxiu felt dazed for a while, and couldn't help covering his chest with his right hand.

A burst of blood surged up, and a mouthful of blood came out of his throat.

Seeing this, Tu Yingying quickly took out the silver needles she carried with her and pierced several of his acupuncture points, "You have just fought a battle, and now you are too anxious and mournful, and your blood is surging. You must calm your emotions and adjust your breath now, otherwise it will be a big blow." It hurts the lungs."

"So what about the injury..." Lei Yuxiu endured the intense pain of blood gushing in his internal organs, and walked into the ruins where sparks were still floating with heavy breathing.

Tu Yingying and Bai Yin also followed closely.

His eyes were scorched black, and he couldn't see the original appearance of this place at all.

Lei Yuxiu was trembling all over, holding on to a pillar that hadn't collapsed, his eyebrows stood upside down, his eyes were red, and he was in pain.

Tu Yingying walked around the entire room, and suddenly said pleasantly: "Maybe Xiaoman is not dead! Come quickly!"

When Lei Yuxiu and Bai Duan heard this, they quickly came to Yingying's side.

"Come help me and move these fallen logs off the wall."

The three of them worked together to remove the carbonized wooden beams on the ground.

There was a huge crack in the wall.

The bottom of the deep hole behind the crack cannot be seen.

"There is no trace of Xiaoman in the whole room," Yingying pointed to the crack and analyzed, "Xiaoman may have jumped into this hole to escape in a hurry."

Lei Yuxiu's gaze was revived instantly, "Are you serious?"

"Well, it's very possible." Yingying judged solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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