Chapter 74
Chang Xiaoman took only two steps.

The figure in front of her made her stop.

Lei Yuxiu was standing under a cedar tree not far away, looking at her from a distance.

The green pine and soft snow, the bright moon is bright and clean.

Just seeing it is enough to move your heart.

But Chang Xiaoman resisted the thought of running over, and was still angry about Rong Li's matter.

Even if he helped her in the end, he refused to be Sidi's son-in-law.

But Chang Xiaoman was still angry.

If Lei Yuxiu didn't have a reasonable explanation, she was determined to keep getting angry and never talk to him again.

She gritted her teeth, turned around, and walked in another direction as if she didn't see it.

Lei Yuxiu took two quick steps and grabbed her hand, "Why did you turn around and leave when you saw me?"

"I don't want to see you." Chang Xiaoman puffed up his cheeks, "Am I still angry?"

"What are you angry about?" Lei Yuxiu smiled, his eyes were like stars.

Chang Xiaoman became even angrier when he heard it, "You don't know why I'm angry?"

"I never wanted to marry Rong Li, I just took this opportunity to meet Rong Zhi."

"That morning when Rong Li bullied me, why didn't you help me?" Chang Xiaoman stared at Lei Yuxiu with his hips akimbo.

"With the ability of my wife, how could I be no match for a delicate princess?"

"Then you can't stand on the sidelines and remain indifferent?"

"My father said that when a woman fights with others, the man only needs to watch from the sidelines, and must not stand up too early. When his wife does not gain the upper hand, he can stand up and help the lady. From the beginning, participate in women The war is not caused by big men." Lei Yuxiu smiled, his half-serious, half-joking look reminded Xiaoman of the boy he met when he first met.

Thinking about Mrs. Lei, it is easy to imagine how General Lei summed up this experience of getting along with a couple.

But now General Lei and his wife are gone.

Chang Xiaoman couldn't imagine what they looked like when they were executed.

Thinking about it now, if she was there at that time, would it have changed the fate of the Lei Mansion.

It's useless to think about anything now.

Seeing that Chang Xiaoman was silent, Lei Yuxiu rubbed her hair, "Why are you silent? Don't be angry."

"I don't care, I'm going to get angry." Chang Xiaoman pouted and muttered.

Lei Yuxiu grabbed her chin, "Pouting like this, do you want my husband to kiss you?"

"You!" Chang Xiaoman's face turned red.

Lei Yuxiu's body exuded a faint scent of wine, his eyes were blurred, and he made a gesture to kiss Chang Xiaoman's lips.

Chang Xiaoman was afraid of being seen, so he pushed him away, "Pay attention to the occasion, this is the Xidi Palace. By the way, you are not talking to Rong Li, why did you leave?" She quickly changed the subject.

Lei Yuxiu was not annoyed when she pushed her away, and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you will get lost."

Chang Xiaoman felt guilty for a while, thinking that he must have seen Gu Yunshen and himself in the warm pavilion.

"You have nothing to say to me?" Lei Yuxiu asked suddenly.

"say what?"

"You and Gu Yunshen talked for a long time, what did you talk about?" Lei Yuxiu's tone was calm and breezy, and no emotion could be heard.

He really saw her talking with Gu Yunshen.

Chang Xiaoman curled his lips, thought for a while and said, "I didn't say anything."

"You saw him, talked to him for a long time, but just turned away when you saw me, what's the reason?" Lei Yuxiu took her into his arms again, and pinched Chang Xiaoman's chin.

"Because you are angry with me, I don't want to talk to you. Gu Yunshen said a few words to Rong Li for me this morning. I am grateful, so I naturally talk to him a few more words."

"Why don't I know, my wife has such a big temper?"

"Who is your wife?" Chang Xiaoman turned away from him.

"I'm not allowed to meet with him in the future, let alone talk."

Lei Yuxiu's tone was full of jealousy.

Chang Xiaoman was in Lei Yuxiu's arms, and the smell of wine on his body became stronger.

"Are you drinking a little too much?"


"Talk more than usual."


"You are the fool." Chang Xiaoman was hugged by him like this, and the anger in his heart slipped away quietly, "By the way, the conditions that Rong Zhi offered you are really generous, aren't you ready to accept it?"

"Rong responsibility is capable and ambitious. He recruited me to resist Beirong, but he actually set his sights on Dapei."

"You mean he wants to use you against Dapei."

"After all, I come from the Lei family, and I am much more familiar with the affairs of the Dapei court than they are. If I accept his recruitment, and when he attacks Dapei, how should I deal with it?"

"At that time, there will be no people inside and outside."

"Well, my wife is pretty smart."

"Since you didn't want to accept Rong Zhi's recruitment in the first place, why did you bother to come here?"

"He has evidence against Yu Songjie in his hands."

"But if you don't agree to be recruited by him, then he won't give you the evidence of Yu Songjie's crime?"

"Although I don't join Xidi, I also have my bargaining chip, and I can exchange it with him at equal value."

"what is that?"

"In this cold night, do you really want to stand with me in the garden of the Sidi Palace and talk about politics?" Lei Yuxiu knocked Chang Xiaoman on the head.

Chang Xiaoman covered his head and looked around, "That's right, it's getting colder and colder, I have to go back to Changyuan Palace. And you, where do you live?"

"I've already told Rong Responsibility that I will move to the Changyuan Palace where you are to live with you."

"Ah? We're not a real couple yet. It's not good to spread the word about living together so blatantly!"

"Who said we were going to share the same bed?" Lei Yuxiu smirked, "Le Duo promised to arrange a bedroom close to you for me."

Chang Xiaoman breathed out, "It's because of your ambiguity."

"Or are you delusional?"

"Lei Yuxiu, you really drank too much today, you're getting bold!" Chang Xiaoman clenched his fist and threw it at Lei Yuxiu.

Lei Yuxiu grabbed her fist and held it in the palm of his hand, "Let's go, let's go to Changyuan Palace together."

Feeling the warmth from Lei Yuxiu's palm, Chang Xiaoman felt relieved.

The two walked under the moonlight, and their hearts were very close to each other.

There was no one in front or behind, only the rustling of unmelted snow underfoot.

But just a few steps away, a scream cut through the long silent night.

"Why does it sound like Rong Li's voice?" Chang Xiaoman looked for the direction of the voice.

"Being with Rong Li for the past two or three days, I found that her mental state is very unstable." Lei Yuxiu said in a deep voice.

"Unstable? What do you mean?"

"Emotions are fickle. You can be calm when you are with me, but you will become manic when something goes wrong." Lei Yuxiu frowned.

Chang Xiaoman pouted, "Are you still very concerned about Rong Li?"

"I think she has some kind of poison on her body." Lei Yuxiu replied seriously.

"How could it be? She is just a princess of Sidi, who will poison her?"

"This kind of chronic poison that can affect the ability to control emotions is not easy to detect, but as the toxicity continues to increase, it may kill people close to you once it occurs in the later stage."

"People who are close to Rong Li? Isn't that Rong Li?"

"Until there is no definitive evidence, these are speculations."

"If that's the case, then we must find the person who poisoned him." Xiao Man looked towards Rong Li's bedroom, "Come on, let's go and see what's wrong with Rong Li first? Why are you screaming?"

(End of this chapter)

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