Chapter 63 Snow

After eating the porridge, Chang Xiaoman pointed to Lei Yuxiu's skirt, "Take off your clothes, let me have a look."

The corners of Lei Yuxiu's mouth curled up after a flash of surprise.He undid his belt and opened his coat.

Chang Xiaoman stretched out his hand to lightly tug at his underwear, and carefully removed the bandage.

Her attention was all on Lei Yuxiu's injury, she didn't notice his red ears and slipping Adam's apple at all.

"The wound has scabbed over, that's great." Chang Xiaoman carefully rewrapped the bandage for him and closed his clothes.

"Since you finished checking my injuries, shouldn't it be my turn to look at yours?" Lei Yuxiu lifted her chin and stared into her shining eyes.

Chang Xiaoman thought about it, although it was a little embarrassing, but the wound was below the collarbone and above the chest, so there was nothing embarrassing about letting him see it.After all, I have a lot of low-necked and low-cut clothes in the original world, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

She nodded and immediately began to undo her collar.

Lei Yuxiu blushed suddenly, and quickly pressed her hand, "Why are you really taking it off?"

Chang Xiaoman saw that his blushing was funny, and said with a smile, "Obviously you want to see my injury, why are you still shy?"

Lei Yuxiu turned his head to avoid her gaze, "I'll ask Maier to come over and change your medicine."

Lei Yuxiu got up and opened the door to go out, and soon called Mai'er.

Maier walked in quickly, "Miss, let me change your medicine."

Chang Xiaoman's wounds healed at an astonishing speed, more than half of them healed overnight, apart from the vague pain, the biggest worry was the scars on his chest.

"It would be so ugly if there were scars..." Chang Xiaoman muttered, with a sad face.

Mai'er carefully applied the medicine to her, with the expression on her face still calm, "Young master won't mind."

"Mai'er, do you think Lei Yuxiu really likes me? You see, I'm not pretty enough, and I don't have any talents. How could someone like him like me? Or does he just think that I'm also from Leifu, It's just my responsibility."

Mai'er's face was very expressionless, but when she heard her say this, her face darkened, "Miss, Mai'er can't guess what the young master is thinking. But Mai'er can see clearly the young master's kindness to the young lady. "

Chang Xiaoman took a breath, and it still hurt a little when he took the medicine, "Mai'er, I think I really like him a little bit, what should I do?"

Mai'er helped her wrap the bandage and put on her clothes, but she didn't answer.

"But I'm a little afraid that I really like him." Chang Xiaoman tilted his head and looked at Mai'er, "What about you, how are you and Shen Lie doing?"

Mai'er obviously paused under his hands for a moment, and then continued to lower his head to pack the medicine bottle and the bandages he changed.

"You to Shen Lie..."

"Miss, the medicine has been changed, I'm leaving." Mai'er's voice was cool, still without any emotion.

"Mai'er," Chang Xiaoman called out to her unwillingly, "You like Shen Lie, why do you want to avoid my question."

Mai'er put down the medicine tray in her hand, her drooping eyelashes fluttered slightly, "Miss, both of Mai'er's parents died, and she was supposed to be sold into the prime minister's courtyard to become a domestic servant. It was Madam Lei who bought me from the traffickers. It is also fortunate that you and your son are staying at Jinyun Villa to study. Mrs. Lei was punished and Miss Young Master was in trouble. Shen Lie and I have received great kindness from Lei Mansion, so how can we talk about our personal relationship before the kindness has been repaid."

Chang Xiaoman felt ashamed to hear her say that.

Seeing that Xiaoman lowered her head, Maier sighed, raised her finger and pointed to her cheek, "Miss, Maier knows that when you sent me to Jinyun Villa, you fell in love with my face. Maier knew clearly, This face of mine can do more things for the young master and the lady, and Maier is willing to do those things. But if Maier has feelings for anyone, he will definitely have scruples when doing those things. Maier can't treat anyone People are tempted, let alone spoil the grand event of the young master's revenge."

Chang Xiaoman was shocked.It turned out that Maier understood.

With her beauty, she can easily capture a man's heart.Her beauty is her best weapon, and also the most poisonous blade in Lei Yuxiu's hands.

"Miss, you are different from Mai'er. My son needs you like a light to illuminate all the haze in his heart. You are his last kindness to this world. If you are not here, I am afraid that Kyushu will be overthrown and the world will collapse." Decadence is the only way to appease the young master's anger."

Chang Xiaoman didn't doubt that Lei Yuxiu was that kind of person.

The tenderness and beauty he showed in front of her was also his last trace of love for this world.

But if this trace of love disappears, maybe it's the moment when he kills her and turns her into a murderous corpse to slaughter the world.

Chang Xiaoman fell into deep thought.

Maier opened the door, wanted to leave, but stopped, "Miss, look, it's snowing again."

Chang Xiaoman walked to the door.

The white snow falling in the sky is like a goose feather flying, which is too beautiful to behold.

At this moment in the courtyard, Lei Yuxiu was practicing with his spear.

Every move, skillful and free and easy, in the heavy snow, like a frightened dragon swimming around, suddenly attracted Xiaoman's full attention.

When she first came to this book, she was attracted by the way he practiced guns.

At that time, he was still the cynical eldest son of Lei Mansion.

Why, in just a short period of time, he had an aura of refusal to keep others away from thousands of miles away, serious and silent.

Missing the two darkest years in his life, Xiao Man felt ashamed.

She watched Lei Yuxiu concentrate on practicing the gun, and thought that she would eventually become his fiancée in the original book, because of emotion and reason, even if she really fell in love with him, there was nothing wrong with her.

But do you really have to let this feeling take root in your heart?Or do you cut the grass and roots at the beginning?

If it is really like moths to the flame, can she bear the result?

Chang Xiaoman stretched out her hands to catch the snow, but each snowflake fell as if deliberately avoiding her palm.

In the end, none was received.

She withdrew her hand, feeling a little cold in her heart.

"Snow is nothing to see." Chang Xiaoman kicked the snow on the ground, turned and went back to the room.

Lei Yuxiu stopped the gun in his hand.

He looked at Xiao Man's back as he returned to the room.

Mai'er walked into the yard, "My lord, Miss is recovering well from her injuries."

"Why is she upset?" Lei Yuxiu asked in a low voice.

"Perhaps it's because I just reached out to catch the snow, but I didn't catch any of it." Mai'er explained.

Lei Yuxiu retracted his gun and strode out of the inner courtyard.

Xiaoman was sitting in the room, hugging Mrs. Tang, thinking about something on her mind.

Someone knocked on the door.

She reluctantly put Mrs. Tang aside and opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, a bitter and cold fragrance came to the nostrils.

Lei Yuxiu stood in front of her room with a plum tree on his shoulders, and said two words seriously and sincerely, "Send you off."

In an instant, she didn't know whether it was snow or flowers, and colorful flowers fell before her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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