Chapter 53 Snow
For several days, what happened in Chang Ting Garden became big news in the capital.

Yu Songjie knelt down in front of Emperor Xian and wept bitterly.

The queen sat aside and spoke for Yu Songjie, "Your Majesty, the Xidi royal family killed my prime minister's son in my Dapei territory. This is a huge insult to my Dapei. You must not let this matter go."

Emperor Xian put down Mrs. Tang in his hand, and wrapped himself in a cloak wrapped in velvet, "It's winter, and it's getting colder and colder. The plague was finally suppressed, and the people can finally have a good year."

The queen's expression sank when she heard this.

She has served Emperor Xian for many years, so of course she knew what he said meant that Chang Xiaoman had made great contributions in suppressing the plague, so she should not deal with it at this time.

Yu Songjie was in tears, his head was about to break, but he only got such a sentence from Emperor Xian, and he had no choice but to complain in his heart.

"According to my will, Yu Jianlan will be granted the title of doctor of Zhongxian, and he will be buried with honor."

After Emperor Xian finished speaking, he held the dragon chair in his hand, stood up slowly, turned around and walked towards the inner hall with no expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Yu Songjie called again.

Emperor Xian entered the inner hall without looking back.

Yu Songjie knelt forward a few more steps and looked at the queen: "The empress..."

"Go back, since Your Majesty has sealed your son, please be content." After finishing speaking, the Queen drove back to her Fengyun Palace.

Yu Songjie hated Nanping in his heart, Yazi cursed fiercely silently: "Sooner or later, I will let you Gu family feel the pain of this white-haired man sending a black-haired man!"


After the accident in Changting Park, they were only ordered to suspend business for a few days for rectification.

Coinciding with the first snowfall in winter, the capital was covered in snow overnight.The snow was as thick as the bare feet.

Le Duo sent an invitation to Zhuyun Yayuan, asking Xiaoman to go to Nanshan to enjoy the snow together.

The so-called Nanshan is not a big mountain, but a hilly lake on the outskirts of the capital.

Xiao Man got out of the carriage, and saw Ledo wearing a plain white cloak standing under a cedar tree on the shore of the snow-covered lake, looking up at the somewhat hazy sky.

At this time the snow had stopped, and Xiaoman walked towards the lakeside on the fresh snow.

Hearing her footsteps, Ludo turned around slowly.

Chang Xiaoman really felt what it means to look back and smile at Bai Meisheng.

"Miss Xiaoman." Ludo bowed to her.

Chang Xiaoman smiled, and replied: "Prince Le Duo can call me Xiaoman."

"Then don't call me the prince, just call me Le Duo." Le Duo smiled bitterly, "After all, I have been demoted to a commoner, and I am no longer the real Prince Sidi."

"Where is Lord Regent Sidi? I thought he would be there too."

"He has other things to do."

"So that's how it is." Xiao Man stuck out his tongue, "Actually, the Lord Regent should accompany you to appreciate such a beautiful snow scene."

"..." Lu Duo didn't answer, he lowered his head and stroked a snow-white chrysanthemum with his fingers.He gently flicked the powder snow off the white chrysanthemum, his movements were as gentle as water.

Chang Xiaoman felt that his demeanor and youthful demeanor could be said to be pleasing to the eye.

Le Duo withdrew his hand, his fingers turned pink from the ice and snow, making him look even more charming.He turned to look at Xiaoman, opened and closed the corners of his mouth slightly, and asked, "Xiaoman, you, a Beirong princess in Dapei, not only knew my identity from the beginning, but also recognized Rong Responsibility on the spot that day. Don't you Do you find this very suspicious?"

"It's still the same sentence, I have my own channel." Xiaoman smiled triumphantly with his big eyes flashing.

Lu Duo didn't expect to get any answer, but continued, "Your plan to kill people with a knife in Changting Garden that day was perfectly implemented, and even Rong Zhi didn't expect that he would be tricked by you."

"Haha, I thought my plan would not be seen through by you, it seems that I am too conceited." Xiao Man smiled awkwardly.

"How did you guess that Rong Zhi would definitely make a move?"

Chang Xiaoman grinned, with shrewd eyes, "Anyone who sees his sweetheart being insulted by that disgusting scum, would wish to cut that scum into pieces. What's more, the iron-faced bully Mr. Rongzhi?"

Le Duo blushed, avoided Xiao Man's gaze, and turned to the rippling blue water of the lake, "Did you misunderstand the relationship between me and Rong Yi?"

"How could it be?" Xiao Man took a few steps forward, admiring the lake view with him, "If there is a hero who can do for me what Rong Yi did for you, I will definitely promise him with my body, and I will never regret it for the rest of my life. "

In the original book, Sidi King Le Sang, who is also Le Duo's elder brother, coveted Le Duo's beauty and wanted to secretly imprison him as a male concubine.Rong blamed the army to drive Lesang from the throne and imprison him in the palace.

"Ahem... Let him be blamed..." Lu Duo was talking, when suddenly there was a sound behind him.

The guards jumped in front of Le Duo and Xiao Man from the dark, protecting them in the center.

A group of ghost-faced men appeared from all corners and started to attack directly.

The guards of Changting Garden and Zhuyun Yayuan have a total of more than [-] people, but they are no match for the ghost-masked man.

Chang Xiaoman drew out his dagger and stood in front of Le Duo, sighing in his heart, Le Duo is beautiful as long as he is beautiful, he has no self-protection ability except singing.If something happened to Le Duo, Rong Zhi would have to skin her.

"Le Duo, you take advantage of the chaos and run quickly, the person they want to arrest is me!" Xiao Man shouted loudly.

Le Duo saw the sword, light and sword in front of him, his face was pale, and he couldn't even move his legs.

Xiaoman met the ghost-masked man, and secretly complained in his heart, no wonder the author of the original book designed a domineering regent for Le Duo as a CP, as expected, he had to have considerable fighting power to protect this stunning beauty.

However, the fighting power of the ghost-masked man is too fierce, and Xiaoman's Shuanghua scriptures have not been mastered at all, and today he is wearing thick clothes, and he can't shake his arms at all.

After a few rounds, Xiaoman was subdued by the ghost-masked man, who bent to press his throat, and dared not move.

Behind him, Le Duo was also surrounded by ghost-faced men.

"Let him go!" Chang Xiaoman yelled at the ghost-masked man.

The ghost-masked boss walked up to Xiao Man, looked at Xiao Man, then at Le Duo, and sneered, "Take them all away!"

Xiaoman was hit hard on the back of the head, his eyes went dark, and he fainted in the snow.


A few days later, Chang Xiaoman opened his eyes in a daze.

He was actually chained and locked in a cage.

The walls of the cage were covered with thorns, and the slightest touch would cause unbearable pain, as if cut by a knife.

Chang Xiaoman exclaimed, this cage is the one in the legend, I only heard its name before, but today I can see the real face.

But who would have thought that he would be locked in.

Thinking about it, mortals can last three or four hours in this cage. Although she is a person who wears books, she probably won't last long.The huge pain made her tremble all over, and the only thing she could do was to stay still.

Huge pains all over her body came in bursts, non-stop, as if ten thousand needles were sucking her life.

Shouldn't someone come to rescue her at this time?
But after waiting for about 15 minutes, Chang Xiaoman gave up this idea.

I am not Wan Qilin, so how could someone come to rescue me.

The pain was so painful that Chang Xiaoman didn't even have the strength to make a sound at this time, only breathing in and out.

Just when she was about to give up her desire to survive.

A dark, dark voice came from the darkness.

"You made it easy for us to find..."

(End of this chapter)

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