Chapter 279 Memory
A few days later, in Xinyi Xiaozhu, Zhihua was collecting sweet-scented osmanthus in the garden, preparing to make sweet-scented osmanthus cake for Minger.

"You didn't listen to me?!" A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Zhihua.

Zhihua was startled, and turned to look.

I saw Hei Yao standing behind him, his gaze was like an abyss of death.

Seeing Hei Yao, Zhi Hua's face turned cold, and she said calmly: "I have already told Chong Yue that I know that I am just a copy."

Hearing this, Hei Yao became extremely gloomy: "Why?! Are you already willing?"

"Don't talk about me," Zhihua's voice was harsh, "You should know that no matter what you do, it is impossible for Yuanjun Zhihua to fall in love with you. Everything you do is in vain!"

"Who says it's all in vain?!" Hei Yao denied, "One day she will find that Chong Yue is just a fickle and ambitious demon, not worth everything she has to pay."

"What about you? Are you worthy of her?" Zhihua said coldly, "You yourself are nothing but a demon."

Hei Yao's eyes became extremely fierce, and he glared at Zhi Hua: "You are just a fruit of a sacred tree, and it has been less than a thousand years since it bloomed and bear fruit, how dare you call me?!"

"Why don't you start counting from the budding of the sacred tree?!" Zhihua laughed.

"Oh, it really is Tianzun's masterpiece, and her personality is exactly the same as hers. Even I will be in a trance for a while, thinking you are Zhihua herself." Hei Yao took a step closer to her.

"Don't do useless things, you don't have the ability to break them up at all, stop daydreaming!" Zhihua scolded.

"Are you willing to look at Chongyue who only pretends to be the real master of your face in his heart? Let him look at you and think of her every day? I take back what I just said. If it is the real Zhihua, she will definitely not be so humble. So low!"

"Whatever you say!" Zhihua didn't want to entangle him anymore, "Chongyue said that you are Zhihua Yuanjun's friend, so he won't kill you. But he won't let you go lightly either. You should stop here, Stop interfering in our affairs!"

"Your business, hahahaha!" Black Yao laughed, "I won't let you all live so easily and comfortably!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his sleeves, only to see a gust of black wind blowing in, Zhihua felt dizzy suddenly.

When she opened her eyes again, she had already entered a cave.

And Hei Yao stood in front of him with a terrifying expression on his face.

"What kind of place is this?!" Zhihua asked sharply.

"You don't need to know." Hei Yaoxie said with a smile.

He raised his hand, and in his hand was a wooden box.

Zhihua immediately recognized the wooden box, which contained the Essence Stone.

She asked in surprise, "Why are you holding this?!"

Hei Yao opened the wooden box with a smile, and took out the soul stone that glowed with green fluorescence: "You who don't have the memory of Zhihua, maybe you don't have deep feelings for Chong Yue."

"what are you doing?"

"Break this stone, and you will remember all Zhihua's memories. No, no, no, you will completely regard yourself as Zhihua. At that time, see if you can still compare yourself to Zhihua Let's make it clear!"

"What if I have her memory?!"

"I'd like to see how Chong Yue will react to you who has all Zhihua's memories?" Hei Yao smiled, raised the Essence Stone, and slammed it to the ground.


With a crisp sound, the spirit stone shattered on the ground.

Green fluorescent lights gushed out from the stone and flew into Zhihua's eyebrows one after another.

At the same time, all the memories of more than 8 years flooded into her mind in an instant.

Countless scenes unfolded in her mind like a revolving lantern.

She felt a trance, like falling into an abyss.

Suddenly, hallucinations appeared all around.

In a void, a hibiscus flower bloomed in front of her eyes.

"What kind of place is this?" Zhihua looked around, only to see nothingness.

Only the hibiscus flower in front is blooming brilliantly.

She unconsciously walked towards Zhu Jinhua.

drop - clatter -

A drop of water fell from the air and hit the hibiscus petals.

Zhihua looked up, and found another self appeared obliquely in front of her.

That self flew towards her slowly, and after looking carefully, she found that she was dressed as a witch, with red hair fluttering in the wind.

Zhihua immediately understood that the person in front of her should be Zhihua Yuanjun himself.

"You can come here, it means that you have obtained the soul stone I left behind."

"You are Zhihua Yuanjun?"

"No, I'm just a memory of her."

"Why am I here?"

"Because I want to explain something to you."

"what's up?"

"You should have the memory of my full vitality by now, right?"

Zhihua lowered her head and thought for a while. She remembered Yaoshui Xiaozhu when she was first born, went out with Su Yu, met Chong Yue, Ju Song and Chong You for the first time, and also remembered the battle between Chong Yue and Su Yu. She was reborn as Chang Xiaoman. All kinds of things reminded me of Ci'er's death and her return to the fairy position...

"You have experienced so many things?" Zhihua covered her mouth in amazement as she recalled all kinds of things, her eyes were slightly red.

"It's not my experience, it's yours."


"Think about it carefully. In the memory search, I went to God Realm to discuss with Laojun about creating another self."

Zhihua recalled carefully, and suddenly a clear memory emerged:

More than 700 years ago, God Realm.

Zhihua secretly arrived for 33 days to meet the Taoist Heavenly Venerable Taishang Laojun.

"Master, I'm back."

"Why did you come back suddenly?" Laojun was fighting crickets with Yuanshi Tianzun.

The eyes of the two old men were all on the cricket, and neither of them raised their eyes to look at Zhihua who was at the side.

Zhihua snatched the cricket jar and hid it behind her back.

The two masters yelled.

"Stinky girl, return the cricket jar to me! I haven't decided the winner with old man Yuanshi yet!" Laojun said loudly.

"Oh, old moral man, this girl is so lawless now, our crickets dare to snatch her."

Zhihua bouncingly said to the two Heavenly Venerates: "Who told me to come, you two don't even look at me? The cricket is confiscated, so I won't give it to you.

"Oh, this girl." Yuanshi Tianzun said, "Your apprentice took the cricket, so you lose this game."

"Old man Yuanshi, don't be unreasonable, why do you count me as a loser?" Laojun said unwillingly.

"Oh, alright, two Tianzun grandpas, I've come to see you on business."

"If you don't have anything to do for 33 days, you will be able to think of your grandpas when you have something to do." Laojun said.

"Sometimes I can't remember things." Zhihua said with a smile.

"You stinky girl! I've been hurting you for so many years." Laojun said angrily.

"Laojun, Laojun, I'm really in trouble." Zhihua took Laojun's arm and said, "I have no other choice but to beg you."

"Hmph, let me tell you that if you say something against the rules of the heavens, you can reverse them, but I am the Heavenly Venerable for these 33 days, so I can't mess around with you kids."

Zhihua said coquettishly, "How could you violate the rules of heaven?"

"Doesn't violate the rules of heaven? Then tell me why you came to me?"

"After I give birth to Chongyue's child, I will become a feather, right?"

"That's right, so you have to know in your own mind that you can't have children from other clans." Laojun stroked his beard and said.

Zhihua opened her eyes wide and asked, "Is there any way for me to recover and return earlier?"

"Based on your Taoism, there is no one who will not come back in 10,000+ years." Yuanshi Tianzun replied on behalf of Laojun.

Zhihua curled her lips: "I guess so, it's been too long. Chongyue doesn't even recognize me when I come back."

"Then don't think about having children. If you want to marry into the devil world, you can marry and live a good life with that little devil."

Zhihua shook her head and said, "No, I just want a child."

"Who are you going to follow if you are so obstinate?" Laojun sighed.

"Who else can I follow?" Yuanshi Tianzun poured tea for himself, "Follow Empress Nuwa."

"Can you create another me? One that is exactly the same as me and can be by Chong Yue's side?"


"This way he won't forget me, and he can grow up with my children."

"Are you kidding, stinky girl, to make another you, you have to be exactly like you, it's not that easy." Laojun rolled his eyes and said.

"Grandpa Yuanshi Tianzun, my master has nothing to do with it. You are a great creator. If my master can't help it, you must have a unique trick, right?" Zhihua hurriedly poured tea for Yuanshi Tianzun.

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard Laojun say no, the desire to win in his heart was immediately aroused, he thought about it carefully and said: "It is not impossible for you to completely create another one. Just recently I am cultivating the fruit of the sacred tree, and through it to create medium The fairy body between the gods and demons. It is for the sake of the child in the future. But it seems that the child does not need to use it, so it can be changed into your appearance for you to use."

As soon as the old gentleman heard it, he immediately complained: "Old man Yuanshi, didn't you say you won't use it for my Zhihua?"

"I said I won't teach you this manufacturing method, and I didn't say not to use it for Zhihua." Yuanshi Tianzun raised his eyebrows and said.

"You stinky old man."

"Your level is not as good as mine, just admit it."

"Hmph!" Laojun crossed his arms and stared at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Zhihua thought for a while and said, "Grandpa Yuanshi Tianzun, it's useless for me to just have a body. I want to have the same personality as me."

"The fruit of the sacred tree has no spirit, it's just a body." Yuanshi Tianzun stroked his beard and peeked at Laojun, "Old man, I heard that you recently created a magic weapon that can copy and seal the primordial spirit. Is there such a thing?"

Laojun chuckled: "He also said that you are better than me."

Zhihua thought it was funny when she heard it: "Grandpa Laojun, tell me quickly, what new technology have you researched?"

"I won't tell." Laojun said angrily.

"Don't tell me I won't return the cricket to you."

"No, no, that's not okay."

"Tell me quickly."

"Didn't you become a feather after giving birth to a child? I made a water mirror. You can copy your soul and store it in the body of the sacred tree. Then bury the power of the spirit-gathering bracelet Su Yu made for you. In this way, your broken soul after feathering will not be condensed with the original soul, but will be condensed with the copied soul in the body of the sacred tree. With the power of the spirit-gathering bracelet, your broken soul will be Condensation will be accelerated."

"Then why not just copy all my souls?" Zhihua asked.

"Are you stupid, girl?" Yuanshi Tianzun reached out and knocked on Zhihua's head, "If you copy it completely, it will be no different from completely creating another you. Your own broken soul is not floating around, you have to Only when you have been floating for 10 years can you condense. And you, who were created only with your soul, have no memory at most, and the other souls are still your own."

"But, what about my primordial spirit?"

"Let's go with the wind, and then I will imagine with the moral old man how to integrate your old soul with your new soul. Anyway, we can have a few hundred thousand years to think about this problem."

"Oh~ But it's troublesome if you don't have a memory."

"Then you should find something in advance to store the memory in. After your soul gathers in the new fairy body and wakes up, you can take out all the memories."

"It makes sense." Zhihua touched her chin and thought, "What can store memory?"

"That spirit stone will do." Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"The treasure handed down from the Gu family?"

"That's it," Yuanshi Tianzun nodded, "I felt that I was forgetful, so I made such a stone. The one in the human world was leftovers at that time."

Zhihua relaxed after hearing this: "Oh, that's how it is. This thing is easy to handle, I just ask Chongyue to give it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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