Chapter 274 Drunk Dream
Back at Xinyi Xiaozhu, Mai'er saw Zhihua being hugged back by Chong Yue, and hurried forward to meet her: "Master, what's the matter, miss?"

"Too much to drink." Chong Yue didn't stop and walked straight to the bedroom.

He put Zhihua on the bed, patiently helped her take off her shoes and socks, pulled the quilt aside to cover her up, looked at her drunken sleeping face, and got up to leave.

Mai'er was a little surprised, and asked too much: "Master, won't you stay with Miss?"

Chong Yue stopped in his tracks, looked back at the sleeping figure on the bed, turned around and left.

Mai'er didn't know what was wrong, seeing Chong Yue leaving, she didn't dare to stop her, so she went back to Zhihua and helped her take off the hair ornaments on her head one by one.

"Chongyue..." Zhihua murmured in her drunken dream, with a sweet smile on her lips.

Maier put all the jewelry back into the dressing case, silently blew out the lights, closed the door and left.

As soon as she went out, Chong Yue actually stood at the door, which really shocked her.

Chong Yue looked up at the rain outside the corridor, what was he thinking?
"Master?" Mai'er walked behind him and asked suspiciously, "Did you and Miss go out to quarrel? Why do you think you are so preoccupied?"

"It's okay." Chong Yue said perfunctorily, his eyes did not leave the rain in the garden.

"Master, it's not easy for Miss to come back, and now she has no memory of the past, please let her do everything more." Mai'er bit her lip and said.

"Do you think she has changed?"


"Have you been with her these few days, do you think she has changed?" Chong Yue asked seriously.

"No?" Mai'er said honestly, "Neither her preferences nor her habits have changed. And..."

"And what?"

"And her feelings for you have not changed. Just now I heard her calling your name in a dream in the house."

Chong Yue's eyes were slightly sluggish, his expression was solemn, and his brows were knit together.

Mai'er was surprised by Chong Yue's expression, she wondered in her heart, shouldn't Chong Yue be happy when she heard what she said?

"Mai'er, come with me." Chong Yue took a deep breath, brought Mai'er back into the room, and walked to Zhihua's bedside.

Mai'er followed behind Chong Yue, her face full of doubts.

I saw Chong Yue raised his palm and cast a spell lightly.

The entire room was filled with Chongyue's purple devilish energy, and the devilish energy lingered all over Zhihua's body, reflecting her predecessor - a fruit of the divine tree.

"Master? This is?" Mai'er covered her mouth, her eyes were full of shock, "How could Miss's fairy body be a fruit of the divine tree?"

Chong Yue withdrew the technique: "Let's talk about it after we go out."

The two of them left Zhihua's room and came to the study.

Chong Yue said to Maier: "She is actually a substitute made by Sanqing with the fruit of the sacred tree."

"Substitute? Why? Why did Sanqing do this?"

"It should be that Zhihua asked Laojun to create a substitute exactly like her when the fruit of the sacred tree matured, and come back in her place. Maybe she felt that she had been reborn for too long, and she didn't want Ming'er to see her mother for too long. ..."

"No, she doesn't think so." Although Mai'er was shocked, she analyzed calmly.

"Then what do you think she thinks?"

"Miss is afraid that you will forget her." Mai'er said firmly, "Miss looks open-minded, but in fact she has a small heart. She is afraid that you will marry someone else, and that you will forget her, so she created another person to see her." Watching you, watching you."

"Why do you think so? Is she so worried about me?" Chong Yue's expression darkened, with anger in his tone.In fact, this anger had already formed when he learned about it from Obsidian.

He was angry that Zhihua would be a dummy, angry that Zhihua didn't trust him, and angry that she didn't have any confidence in their relationship.

But Maier shook her head: "Master, if you don't do this, you won't be a young lady. Even if she believes that you can wait for her for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, she will definitely do this. Let another her accompany you You are a way for her to offset the guilt of not being able to accompany you and Ming'er."

"..." Hearing what Mai'er said, Chong Yue supported his forehead and sighed, "What should I do..."

"Are you afraid that you will really fall in love with this one?" Maier asked tentatively, pouring a glass of warm water for him.

"...They are so alike, every frown, smile, and look are so similar. If I don't remind myself all the time, I will even get confused."

Mai'er thought for a moment, then said: "Based on my understanding of Miss, Miss wants you to treat this tree puppet as her. If you don't treat this tree puppet as Miss, then Miss will be really jealous. "

"What do you mean?"

"Do you still remember when Miss was Chang Xiaoman? What she was most angry with and afraid of was that you regarded her as someone else's substitute. And it stands to reason that Tu Danlin was once your soul, and the love for Miss came from you. However, the lady has never been able to really accept him. In the final analysis, the reason is that the lady thinks that Tu Danlin loves her because he only regards her as Zhihua. When she was Xiaoman, she only acted as Chang Xiaoman, and she was Zhihua At that time, she was completely just Zhihua. And she is the same to you, whether you are Master Mozun, General Lei or Tu Danlin, whether you see her as Chang Xiaoman or as Zhihua, she knows better than anyone else , and also very concerned about it. Her obsession is that she only wants you to love her purely at the moment. So you treat the puppet as her, and she will be happier."

"...Heh," Chong Yue's heart was completely opened by Mai'er's words, "How could you say she is a fairy? She is obviously more ruthless than a devil."

"I will also completely treat the tree puppet as a lady." Maier said.

"Okay." Chong Yue nodded.

Maier smiled, saluted and exited the study.

The rain outside gradually lightened, a gust of wind blew away the dark clouds, and the corner of the moon appeared from the clouds, dimly forming a shadow.

Early in the morning of the second day, Chong Yue accompanied Zhihua and Ming'er to finish breakfast, and then went to inspect the military camp outside the city with Shen Lie.Minger followed the teacher to study.

Zhihua ordered the manager to buy her an osmanthus tree from the flower garden, and spent the morning watching the gardeners help her transplant the tree in the inner courtyard of Xinyi Xiaozhu.

He also ordered people to frame the osmanthus flowers painted by Ming'er and hang them in the small hall.

Standing at the door of the room at this time, you can see the garden full of golden osmanthus from the outside, and the fragrance in the painting from the inside.After arranging such a beautiful scene, she was in a great mood.

Leaning by the door, thinking about whether to cook for Chong Yue and Ming Er by himself in the evening.

At this time, a gust of wind passed, and a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Who are you?!" Zhihua's face darkened, and when she saw this person entering the Demon God's Temple, she immediately understood that this person was extraordinary.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but you are not the goddess Zhihua Yuanjun at all!" The man in black sneered.

Zhihua was stunned, her gaze turned sharp: "What did you say?"

"You are just a substitute. Zhihua made you just to take care of her husband and son for her."

Zhihua squinted her eyes at the man in black, and shouted, "Who the hell are you?!"

"You can call me - Obsidian."

(End of this chapter)

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