Chapter 269 Official Documents
Early the next morning, Ming'er woke up from her sleep rubbing her eyes.

He sat up suddenly, before he had time to put on his clothes, he rushed out of his room in his pajamas, and rushed towards Xinyi Xiaozhu's main house like a sprint.

He slammed the door open, jumped into the room, lifted the curtains, and rushed to the bed.

Looking at the empty bed, one second, two seconds, three seconds...


A cry woke up the entire Xinyi Xiaozhu.

Mai'er hurriedly chased after her, and when she saw Ming'er crying, she asked in horror, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"Ah -Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Seeing Ming'er who was crying so hard, Mai'er quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe away his snot and tears: "How could it be? Your mother didn't leave..."

"The bed is already folded, mother must have left—wow——" Ming'er didn't believe Maier's words at all, and cried so sadly.

At this time, footsteps came from the door: "Who said I'm leaving?"

When Ming'er heard this, she immediately stopped crying, and got out of the bedroom of the main house.

I saw Zhihua wearing a plain dress, her hair tied up in a bun, with cotton sleeves on her cuffs, and her kitchen aunt's apron tied around her waist, she walked in with a smile.

"Mother—" Ming'er threw herself into her arms, hugged her and cried loudly, "I was scared to death—I thought Mother had left—"

Zhihua squatted down, took out a handkerchief to blow his nose for him, and said with a smile, "You forgot that I promised you to get up early and make you small wontons? The wontons are already in the pot, so hurry up and wash and dress. Come and eat wontons in the living room."

As soon as Ming'er heard it, she immediately remembered the promise made last night, and saw that Zhihua's apron and cuffs were still covered with white flour, her mood immediately changed from heavy rain to sunny, and her smile brightened: "I'm going to wash and get dressed now!"

Mai'er walked to Ming'er with a smile, and said to Zhihua: "Miss, I'll take Ming'er to change clothes first."

"Okay." Zhihua nodded to Maier, and handed Minger into Maier's hands, "Minger is good, go change with this aunt, I'll go to the kitchen and serve you wontons."

At this moment, a questioning sound came from behind her.

"Do I have my share of wontons?"

Zhihua turned her head to look, and saw Chongyue wearing black casual clothes, leaning lazily against the door, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, looking at Zhihua.

His smile reflected the sunlight was really pretty, it made Zhihua's heart skip a beat.

"Daddy, mother's wontons are for me, not yours." Ming'er protested.

"Really?" Chong Yue pretended to be angry.

Ming'er shrank her neck, and then hid behind Zhihua: "Mother—you said—"

Zhihua saw that Minger was a little afraid of Chongyue from the bottom of her heart, so she protected him and said to Chongyue: "It's all Minger's, not yours."

As soon as Zhihua said that, Ming'er almost jumped up and applauded.

"Really without me?" Chong Yue narrowed his eyes, and took a step towards Zhihua.

Seeing Minger's encouraging eyes, Zhihua poked her neck and said, "No really, but if you want to eat, I still have leftover stuffing and skins, so I'll wrap it for you."

"Okay, then I want to eat." Chong Yue took another step closer, almost face to face with Zhihua, his tone was a bit tough and vague, which made Zhihua blush immediately.

Mai'er knew how to play, and hurriedly pushed Ming'er to go out: "Master, miss, I'll take Ming'er to change clothes first."

Chong Yue waved: "Go."

Mai'er got the order, and quickly pulled Ming'er out.

Zhihua took advantage of Chongyue's inattention, slipped out from his side, and ran to the door: "I'm going to the kitchen." After speaking, she hurried out of the threshold, clutching her cheeks and fleeing to the kitchen.

Chong Yue smiled at this time: "My little aunt, why did you learn to be shy after you came back?"

In the kitchen, Zhihua went to the water tank, wet her hands, covered Bing's flushed face, and said to herself, "Could it be that I was tempted by Ming'er's father's beauty before? This guy completely grew up on me. In terms of aesthetics——no, no, I have to be more reserved, and don’t want to jump on it like a wolf sees a rabbit. Don’t think about it, let’s quickly order wontons.”

Outside the kitchen, Chong Yue quietly leaned against the window, covered his mouth and suppressed a smile, thinking in his heart: "Zhihua, which of us is a rabbit and who is a wolf, I have to let you figure it out."

After a while, Ming'er changed her clothes and washed and came to the small dining hall.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Chong Yue sitting at the table, looking at the documents sent by Shen Lie, while waiting for dinner.

Ming'er pouted but didn't dare to resist and sat down in her seat.

The more Chong Yue looked at the document in his hand, the more he frowned, and finally he threw the document into a ball and threw it aside.

At this time, Zhihua walked to the small hall with wontons in her hand.

The smell of wonton came from far away.

Ming'er was already swallowing her saliva, eagerly looking forward to the second meal cooked by her own mother since she was a child.

"Why don't you carry it yourself, just let them bring it for you." Chong Yue cast a reproachful look at Mai'er.

When Maier heard this, she quickly bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

Zhihua didn't take it seriously: "I said I served it myself, and tomorrow I want to eat the wontons I made with my own hands, so I have to do it myself, right?"

As she spoke, she put the biggest bowl of wontons in front of Ming'er, and then put the two smaller bowls in front of herself and Chong Yue.

"Wow!" Ming'er picked up a spoon and put one into her mouth without thinking.

"Wait, it's too hot, blow it up and eat it before eating." Zhihua hurriedly stopped her after seeing it.

Ming'er's originally grown mouth immediately changed its shape, puffing out her cheeks and blowing.

Chong Yue frowned at the side: "Why is there a big bowl tomorrow, but mine is so little?"

"I don't know how much tomorrow'er can eat, so I gave him some more," Zhihua explained, "If he can't finish it, you can help him eat the rest. If you don't have enough food, let him Let them serve you a bowl of noodles or something, because I didn't know you would eat it too, so there are less wonton wrappers and fillings."

Mai'er was stunned by the side, and wanted to say "Master won't eat tomorrow's leftovers", but just as she was about to speak, she saw Chong Yue give her a "silent" look.

"Okay, let Ming'er eat first, and we will share the rest." Chong Yue said to Zhihua.

"Well, okay," Zhihua said to Ming'er patiently, without any intention of disliking Ming'er's leftovers, "You eat as much as you want, and don't worry about us. If the two of us don't have enough, we can eat other things."

"Okay, mother is the best." Ming'er was so happy that she ate wontons in big mouthfuls.

Although he filled fifteen small wontons for him, Zhihua was worried that there would not be enough for tomorrow, so she didn't move her chopsticks and waited for tomorrow to finish eating.

Chong Yue picked up the spoon, filled one, and put it into his mouth after blowing it cool on his lips.

Yesterday's rice with fish soup was overwhelmed by the surprise of seeing Zhihua again.

But the taste of today's little wonton is the most delicious food he has eaten in hundreds of thousands of years.

"Is it delicious?" Zhihua asked.

"It's very delicious." Chong Yue replied.

"I'm asking about Ming'er." Zhihua smiled, "But you think it's delicious, and I'm also very happy."

"It's the best I've ever eaten." Chong Yue said after eating another one.

Zhihua's face flushed slightly: "It's not that exaggerated, it's just a very common practice."

Ming'er devoured the wonton without any time to answer.

After eating fifteen small wontons, Ming'er's little belly was already rounded, and in the end he even drank the whole soup, which made Zhihua smile.

"Mother, this is the best I've ever eaten." Ming'er praised, wiping her mouth.

"Small mouth is so sweet, if you like it, I'll make it for you." Zhihua said happily.

"From now on, I only want to eat the rice cooked by my mother every day, and I won't eat anything cooked by others." Ming'er declared loudly.

"How can I do that?" Zhihua said, "Eat my cooking every now and then, and you'll get tired of it after a long time."

"No," Chong Yue supported Ming'er, agreeing, "I also hope to be able to eat meals made by you every day in the future."

"That's it, it's settled," Ming'er got his father's support, and said more proudly, "From now on, Ming'er and Daddy will only eat meals cooked by mother."

Zhihua let out a long sigh, and said with a smile, "You two are indeed father and son."

After dinner, Minger was taken away by Maier to study.

The maids began to tidy up the small hall.

Chong Yue asked Zhihua, "I'll take you to the market and buy something you like?"

"Okay." Zhihua immediately became interested when she heard this.

Chong Yue walked out of the small hall and said to the guards: "Go and get the cart, the deity and empress are going out."

After giving the order, Chong Yue turned his head to look at Zhihua, and his expression changed immediately.

Zhihua was looking at the official document he had just kneaded into a ball.

At this time, I can't stop it.

"Marriage document?" Zhihua raised her head, frowned and looked at Chongyue, "The princess of Huangquan Kingdom in the East China Sea wants to marry you?"

(End of this chapter)

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