Chapter 267 Persuasion
"You brat, how dare you lie to me." When Zhihua heard that the other party was the father of the kid behind him, she quickly got out of the way and pushed Chong Ming to the front.

Chongming lowered his head, with an obedient appearance of admitting his mistakes, and coyly said: "Daddy, I was wrong, I shouldn't run around..."

Chong Yue stepped forward, stretched out his arms to hug him, the anger on his face just now was like a spring breeze, and he didn't mean to blame him at all.

He hugged Ming'er, looked at Zhihua, took a deep breath and said, "Are you the one who took care of my son?"

Seeing his calm face, Zhihua probably guessed in her heart that the dark face just now must be because she thought she was anxious about losing her son, so she relaxed and nodded.

Chongming saw that Chongyue's face turned cloudy, and immediately introduced with a smile: "Father, this sister's name is Zhihua, she brought me to my mother's small building, picked grapes for me, and made fish soup for me Woolen cloth……"

Zhihua smiled and said, "By the way, the fish soup can't be drunk cold. Since your father is here, we just happen to have fish soup with rice, okay?"

"Okay!" Ming'er smiled, "Daddy, sister Zhihua's fish soup is very delicious, come and drink it too!"

Zhihua had already walked into the house at this time, took a pair of bowls and chopsticks and put them on the table.

"Yes, let's eat together." She greeted, filled three bowls with rice, and then poured delicious fish soup on the rice, "I cleaned up all the fish bones and fish bones, this soup can be eaten directly with rice .”

Ming'er broke free from Chongyue's arms, ran to the table and sat down, took the chopsticks and spoons from Zhihua, then turned to Chongyue and said, "Daddy, come quickly! The fish soup made by sister Zhihua smells so delicious !"

Chong Yue took a deep breath, sat down at the table, and said seriously: "It's not big or small, how can you call her sister?"

Zhihua didn't care at all, and said with a smile: "It's good to call me sister, it makes me look young."

Ming'er also resisted: "Look, Daddy, I said that all women like to be called younger."

Chong Yue looked at Ming'er solemnly, and said seriously: "You should call her 'mother'—"

As soon as these words came out, the table was silent.

Even the bluebird on the vine forgot to sing.

After a while, Zhihua finally realized: "What? What did you ask him to call me?"

Chong Yue stared at Zhihua like the warm sun, and his voice was like a hot spring: "I said, he should call you mother."

Ming'er stared at Zhihua with wide eyes.

Zhihua also stared at Ming'er with wide eyes.

Ming'er: "Are you my mother?"

Zhihua was completely stunned, looked left at Chongyue, right at Minger, and said blankly: "You are too fast... We just met, how could you let me be your child's 'mother'? "

Chong Yue slightly frowned and said, "You really don't remember me?"

"Do we know each other?" Zhihua tilted her head, searching her mind desperately, but found that her mind was blank.

But Ming'er understood at this time, she stood up directly from her seat, threw herself into Zhihua's arms, and cried loudly: "So you are my mother—mother—I really want to see you—mother... -"

Zhihua hugged Ming'er, patted his head, and looked at Chong Yue in confusion: "What's going on? My... my mind is in a mess, and I feel like I don't remember anything."

At this moment, there was steam in Chong Yue's eyes: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you remember or not, as long as you can come back."

"Come back?" Zhihua scratched her head, "Why do I feel that my clear memory is only today? When I woke up in the morning, I heard the sound of gongs and drums, so I flew out from a forest to find the source of the sound. Then I saw many, many People gathered, it seemed that a grand celebration was being held, and then I ran into this kid, he pulled me and said let me take him to this Yaoshui Xiaozhu... What's going on here?"

Chong Yue comforted softly: "People say that mother and child are connected, and it is true."

He looked at Ming'er and praised with a smile: "We Ming'er are really amazing, we were able to find your mother among so many people..."

"Ming'er?" Zhihua looked at the child in her arms, "Isn't your name Qianliliang?"

Ming'er burst into tears and laughed: "My name is actually Chong Ming."

"Chongming? What a good name." Zhihua said.

"Mother, after dinner, you can come home with us." Ming'er looked at Zhihua pleadingly with her big watery eyes.

Zhihua showed embarrassment, looking at the two father and son, not knowing how to answer.

Chong Yue stabilized his mood, and said to Ming'er: "Ming'er, mother has made such a delicious fish soup for you, come and eat it quickly. If you obediently eat up all the food, mother will be happy when she is happy." Come home with us."

When Minger heard this, she raised her head and asked Zhihua for confirmation: "Is that so? If Minger obediently eats, mother will be happy and will go home with us."


"Isn't it?" Ming'er held her mouth shut, seeing tears dangling in her eyes again, "If mother doesn't come home with me and Daddy, I won't eat a bite of food today, and I won't eat tomorrow, forever. Don't eat it either!"

Seeing what he said, Zhihua said completely, "Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, eat well, and we'll discuss this issue after dinner."

"No! Mother must agree to go home with us, so I will eat!" Ming'er puffed her cheeks and said, secretly looking back at Chong Yue.

Chong Yue gave him a positive look.

Encouraged by his father, Ming'er immediately understood, and added more strength: "Ming'er has not been by my side since I was a child, and now I finally found my mother, but my mother doesn't remember Ming'er. Ming'er is really the most miserable and most miserable person in the world." Difficult child, no mother’s love, no mother’s love, no mother to pat his buttocks and tell stories when he sleeps at night... Wow... Does mother not like Minger, or does she not want me as a son at all? ...I am your own son..."

Zhihua heard him cry again, and complained tearfully, she gritted her teeth and felt helpless.

At this moment, a golden cloud appeared in the sky over Yaoshui, on which were the smiling Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

When Chong Yue saw it, he quickly got up and bowed obediently.

Seeing Chongyue like this, Zhihua also stood up, Ming'er stopped crying, and the two followed Chongyue to bow and salute.

As soon as he landed, Yuanshi Tianzun smelled the aroma of fish soup: "Girl Zhihua, do you still have this fish soup?"

Zhihua was a little taken aback, she could tell that these two gods must have a very high status, but she couldn't remember who they were.

"Some, some, I'll serve them right away." Zhihua quickly ran into the house, fetched bowls and chopsticks, filled rice and soup for the two Heavenly Venerates, and placed them respectfully in front of them.

The two Heavenly Venerables sat down at the table, Chong Yue, Zhi Hua and Ming'er also sat down at the table, not daring to move their chopsticks tremblingly.

Yuanshi Tianzun took a sip of the fish soup with a spoon first: "This girl Zhihua is better than Ju Song, the fish soup she made is very delicious."

Laojun smiled and said: "This old catfish has lived in this Yaoshui for 200 years, and finally became a fine man, but you caught and ate it, ha ha."

Ming'er and Zhihua looked at each other, smiling awkwardly.

After drinking the soup, Laojun stroked his beard and picked up the bowl and handed it to Zhihua: "One more bowl."

Zhihua took the bowl, filled it up neatly and returned it to Laojun.

Laojun looked at the rice in fish soup in the bowl, and after taking two mouthfuls, he said slowly, "Zhihua, how many memories do you have in your mind now?"

Zhihua wondered how the old man knew about her confused memory, but she answered honestly: "It seems that no one remembers or knows anyone, but roads, hills, rivers, and everything that has nothing to do with people can be remembered."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, your soul is missing a piece, and you will remember it when you make it up." The old gentleman said.

Chong Yue suddenly realized: "A piece of Zhihua's broken soul is in the Demon Realm."

"That's it."

Chong Yue asked Laojun puzzledly: "Tianzun, Zhihua..."

"That's it," Laojun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun who was eating deliciously, "Shall I explain to the children, or you come?"

"You said, I want soup." Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand.

"Just know how to eat," the old gentleman complained about Yuanshi Tianzun, and then solemnly explained, "Yuanshi Tianzun begged for a fruit of the sacred tree from the goddess of the sacred tree, and made a fairy body, which does not belong to the gods or demons. There is no body of race. Because of Zhihua, I asked him to come, and used spells to guide her soul to gather and return to her place. This girl's soul was broken once, and this time the soul gathering is familiar, so it will be completed in 700 years. Originally thought She will wake up after a while, but she did not expect to wake up today. It may be that Ju Song's wedding was too grand and noisy."

Upon hearing this, Chong Yue stood up again and bowed to the two Heavenly Venerates: "Thank you two Heavenly Venerates for your help."

"You're welcome, this girl is no different from our own granddaughter." Laojun said.

Zhihua couldn't hear it, and ate the fish soup and rice in the bowl to herself.

Yuanshi Tianzun finished eating the bowl, and filled another portion by himself, saying: "Even if you make up for the piece of broken soul, this memory will not be revived all at once. So don't worry about taking her back, let her take it slowly." Just remember."

"Yes." Chong Yue agreed.

"So mother can go home with us?" Ming'er excitedly said.

"It depends on Zhihua's own opinion." Laojun laughed.

Ming'er took Zhihua's arm: "Mother, mother, just come home with us."

Zhihua looked at the crowd, her eyes stayed on Chongyue's face, she looked at his eyes staring at him with anticipation, she could only nod and said, "Okay, I also want to get my memory back."

"Great! Great!" Ming'er ran to Chong Yue, put his arms around Chong Yue's neck and cheered, "Mother is finally home! Mother is finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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