Chapter 263 Psylocke Butterfly
That night, Zhihua's physical condition took a turn for the worse, and eating became difficult.

She leaned against the head of the bed, looked at Ming'er in the cradle beside the bed, and sighed weakly.

You'er sat beside her, took her hand and said: "Ju Song has gone to look for Chong Yue, he should be back soon."

Zhihua haggardly smiled wryly: "When he sees me like this, he will definitely scold me to death..."

You'er patted her hand and comforted her: "No, how could it be? It's obvious that he failed to protect your mother and son. When he comes back, let's see if I don't scold him bloody."

"Don't do it," Zhihua anxiously stopped, "I was supposed to hide this matter from him first."

"Tell me that you have only had a good year, and..." You'er sighed regretfully.

"By the way, how's the rebellion between the Demon Cult and the 'Eight Gods of Life'?" Zhihua asked with concern.

"I don't know the situation outside the palace," You'er said honestly, "but all the puppets in the palace have been wiped out. Don't worry, my shopkeeper is an old god who has lived for 30 years. To deal with these Miscellaneous fish won’t be too strenuous, not to mention there are defenders in the Demon City. You should calm down and think less, and wait until...Chongyue comes back..."

"You'er, how many years do you think it will take me to come back?" Zhihua looked at the sleeping Ming'er, tears welling in her eyes.

You'er thought for a while: "It has been nearly 3 years since Master Chongyou was punished by the thunder of heaven. I heard from the shopkeeper that the 'Eight Gods of Life' were born because I got Master Chongyou's halberd from somewhere. Dare to be so arrogant. She is going to snatch the halberd back, and then dismantle the "Eight Gods". But the presence of Master Chongyou's halberd means that he is coming back soon... and you have to work hard, We'll all be waiting for you."

"By that time, I'm afraid I won't know me tomorrow." Zhihua raised her hand and pointed to the makeup box on the dressing table by the wall, "You'er, help me take it from the bottom drawer of that makeup box." same thing."

You'er stood up and walked to the makeup box, gently opened the small drawer, and inside was a delicate small box.

"What is this?" Worry asked.

"Essence Stone." Zhihua replied, "It was the treasure of the Gu clan back then. Later, Chang'er became the emperor, so I begged for this stone."

"what's it for?"

"Same as the gathering spirit bracelet, it can gather souls."

"Wow, can I open it and have a look?" You'er asked.

"Of course, you open it."

You'er opened the box, and a pointed fluorescent gemstone was quietly placed inside.You'er exclaimed, "What a beautiful stone. But then again, where's your spirit-gathering bracelet?"

Zhihua smiled: "I buried it."

"Why?" You'er was very puzzled, "It's such a magic weapon, you actually buried it."

"Well, after all, it was Su Yu's gift to me. I can't take it with me. It would really hurt my friendship if I gave it back to Su Yu, so I buried it."

"Where is it buried?" You'er asked.

Zhihua pretended to be mysterious: "I can't tell."

"You still keep it from me." You'er pursed her lips and complained, and put the Essence Stone in Zhihua's hand.

Zhihua picked up the Soul Essence Stone, took a closer look, and then took out a piece of broken soul from the temple and put it in it.

"You don't have much mana, how can you still use it?" You'er wondered, "Why do you put a broken soul in it? It will make you weaker."

"'s okay..." Zhihua stared at the Essence Stone carefully and comforted herself. "Although I don't know if it's useful or not, I hope this stone can help me gather my soul and rebirth as soon as possible. And keeping this is a memory for Chong Yue and Ming'er, so that he won't forget me..."

Saying that, Zhihua put the spirit stone back into the box and handed it to You'er: "When the time comes, you can find a chance to help me hand this stone to Chongyue."

"No, no, you should give it to him yourself," You'er declined, "You will definitely last until he comes back..."

"You'er, I want to write a letter, can you help me?" Zhihua said earnestly.

"Write a letter? Of course, you can say it, and I will write it." You'er walked to the desk, quickly sharpened the ink, and said seriously, "You tell me, I will write..."

Zhihua thought about it, looked at Ming'er beside her, but couldn't speak for a long time.

You'er waited for a while, then asked, "I don't know what to write?"

Zhihua nodded: "Yeah, I have so much to say, but I don't know how to say it..."

"Don't worry, just think about it slowly."

"Forget it, let's keep it simple," Zhihua sighed, and said slowly, "Just write—"

After a few beeps, Fang Feixie was reported again.

Xichun folded the remnant red even more.

The rain is light and the wind is violent, and the plums are green.

Yongfeng willow, no one is flying flowers and snow all day long.

Don't pluck the unitary string, you can speak the extreme string.

The sky is not old, love is inevitable.

Heart like dual screen, there Chien knot.

The night is over, the east window is not white and the waning moon is condensed.

While listening to her, You'er helped her write the Tao.

She handed the written words to Zhihua, and said, "Why leave him such sad words."

Zhihua took the words, read them again, and said, "I wanted to persuade him not to be sad because of my leaving, and to say some words of encouragement. But thinking about it, if that's the case, he won't know how sad I am. ...So how sad I am, I must tell him everything, let him know..."

"You are the cruelest person in this world."

"Yeah, that's how cruel I am, just to make him remember me..." Zhihua chuckled, folded up the poem in her hand, and handed it to You'er, "I'm a little tired and want to sleep for a while. If Chong Yue Come back and wake me up."

You'er nodded: "Well, you can sleep peacefully, I'm outside."

After finishing speaking, You'er helped Zhihua tuck up the quilt, helped Ming'er cover the quilt, blew out the lamp, turned and walked out of the door, and gently closed the door.

Seeing You'er leaving, Zhihua tried her best to sit up, looked at Ming'er by the moonlight, and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

Then she used up all the remaining mana to form a powerful defensive spell, which was imprinted on Ming'er's forehead.

"All souls in the world, obey my orders and protect my son!"

At this time, from the sky above Xinyi Xiaozhu, tens of thousands of spiritual butterflies suddenly appeared, flying lightly from all directions, silently passing over the entire sky of the magic city, covering the entire sky of the magic city.

Whether it was the enemy and us on the battlefield outside the city, or the people and guards inside the city, everyone was shocked by so many spirit butterflies and stopped to look up.

Countless spirit butterflies gathered in the Zunmo Palace and flew to Xinyi Xiaozhu together.

Chong Yue was standing in front of the 'Eight Gods' at this time.

The "Eight Gods of Life" was covered in blood and knelt down on the ground.

Shen Lie first discovered the spirit butterfly in the sky, and immediately rushed to Chongyue's side: "My lord! Look! Is this spirit butterfly summoned by Madam's spiritual power?!"

Chong Yue raised his head to look, he was terrified in his heart, immediately raised his knife and cut off the head of 'Eight Gods' with one knife.

He didn't even look at the "Eight Gods" falling to the ground, and said to Shen Lie: "Leave the rest to you! I must go back immediately."

Chong Yue stepped onto the dragon, grasped the reins tightly, soared into the sky, and caught up with the tens of thousands of spirit butterflies in the sky.

"Chongyue!" Ju Song rushed over with a car, and said to Chongyue, "What is Zhihua going to do?!"

"This is Zhihua's most powerful spell!" Chong Yue yelled while driving the magic dragon towards the Zun Demon Palace at the fastest speed, "She told me before that there is a spell in this world that only she knows , you can use your own life to reach a contract with the soul of the world. The condition of the contract is that the soul protects the person she wants to protect. The permission of Huai Jiangshan practice."

Zhihua was shocked and said: "Huaijiang Mountain?! Zhihua is still wandering in a mass of spiritual energy? It's the realm of the gods, and she can let the souls of the dead enter?"

"I don't know the details," Chong Yue Fei became more anxious, "I only know that if she uses this technique, it must be at the last moment of her life!"

Hearing this, Ju Song also speeded up, and hastily followed Chong Yue's magic dragon.

Each of the spirit butterflies hovering in the sky represents a dead soul who signed a contract with Zhihua.

They gathered in every corner of Xinyi Xiaozhu, staying quietly.

Zhihua hugged Ming'er with her last strength: "With them protecting you, they will stop a crisis for you in the future. You must work hard to grow up and wait for mother to come back."

She put Ming'er back on the crib, leaned against the edge of the crib, smiled and closed her eyes.

At this time, Chong Yue arrived in the courtyard, and in an instant, tens of thousands of spirit butterflies surged up, fluttering their wings at the same time, and flew to the sky.

Chong Yue pushed open the door of the inner room, and immediately froze in place.

Ju Song chased him into the house.

However, she saw that Zhihua had stopped breathing, and her soul flew out of her body, forming fluorescent spots, and a human figure could be seen faintly.

"Zhihua!" Chong Yue stepped forward and changed directions.

Zhihua's soul turned her head back, smiled lightly at Chongyue, and scattered in the air, disappearing without a trace...

(End of this chapter)

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