Chapter 26 Going Down the Mountain
Chang Xiaoman walked into the kitchen with the ingredients.Soon, the porridge and side dishes for two people came out of the pot.

"Really, let's have dinner together." Xiaoman brought the steaming and fragrant lunch to the table with a big smile.

Master Chunyang took a deep breath of the fragrance in the air, "Little girl, you are so skillful."

Although a meal is pure and vegetarian, the old and the young can eat it very satisfyingly.

"Well, this porridge is really amazing, the texture and taste are so good." Chunyang Zhenren said while filling another bowl, this is the third bowl he has eaten.

"I'm so happy that you like to eat." Xiaoman put a piece of stir-fried small rapeseed with chopsticks on his plate.

Immortal Chunyang served the food, and quickly finished the bowl of porridge.

After eating, Xiaoman obediently cleaned up the dishes.

Master Chunyang walked up to Guanfeng Cliff with a teapot in his hand, looking at the mountains.

After washing the dishes, Chang Xiaoman came to Guanfengya, and saw the real person staring at a small yellow dot in the distance.

The little yellow dot is like a fallen leaf, blowing with the wind, getting closer and closer.

"Really, what is that?" Chang Xiaoman asked, pointing at the yellow patch.

The real person stroked his beard, raised his hand, spread out his palm, and made a closed posture.

The piece of yellow was sucked by the true energy in the real person's hand, and it flew towards Guanfengya quickly.

Chang Xiaoman took a closer look and couldn't help but be surprised, "It's the yellow paper man who chased and killed my Ghost-Mask Man!"

The real person drew a spell out of thin air, and the yellow paper figurine lost its mana in an instant and turned into an ordinary piece of paper.

"Spells from the Beirong Demon Cult," Master Chunyang waved his hand, and the yellow paper burned up. "Little girl, why did you provoke the Beirong Demon Cult?"

"It turns out that those ghost-masked men belong to the Devil's Cult." Chang Xiaoman thought for a while, she didn't remember that she had offended the Devil's Cult, so she shook her head, "I don't know why they arrested me."

Master Chunyang drew a volley rune in the air, and pushed it between Chang Xiaoman's brows with his fingertips, "I'll imprint you with an invisibility talisman, so that no magic spell can trace you anymore. It's my porridge for you." Small dishes in return."

Chang Xiaoman touched his forehead and said gratefully, "Thank you so much."

"However, since you are being targeted by the Devil's Cult, you must not take it lightly." Master Chunyang sat under the old pine tree, held a teapot and took a big sip of tea, "You will live here today, and you will live here tomorrow." Let's go down the mountain."

"Really, do you lack apprentices? How about me?" Chang Xiaoman also sat under the pine tree, pretending to be cute, "I cook and clean for you every day."

"No." Master Chunyang refused tactfully.

Chang Xiaoman stuck out his tongue, "You are too straightforward."

"Heh," Master Chunyang looked at Chang Xiaoman in disgust, "In my opinion, little girl, you have not ended your relationship with the world of mortals, so you should go down the mountain early."

"What if I insist on not leaving?"

Master Chunyang laughed, and took out a small box from his sleeve, "I'll give you this as an apology for driving you away."

"What is this?" Chang Xiaoman saw that the small wooden box was very delicate, and when he opened it, it seemed to be a kind of ointment.

"You will be able to use it soon." After finishing speaking, Master Chunyang picked up his teapot and walked to the inside of the tower.

Chang Xiaoman was lying under the old pine tree, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, in a daze.

In the early morning of the second day, Chang Xiaoman bid farewell to Master Chunyang and walked down the mountain.

While humming a song, he casually gesticulated the moves in the "Shuanghua Scripture" in his mind.

With lightness skills close by, the way down the mountain became extremely easy, and Xiaoman reached the foot of the mountain in less than half a day.According to the map given by Master Chunyang, she quickly walked on a mountain path trampled by hunters.

"Huh? What is that?"

In the dense forest not far ahead, there was a rabbit with a whole body blue.The rabbit is eating a golden dandelion with its ears upright.

"Blue Rabbit, it will definitely sell for a good price." Chang Xiaoman regained her spirits all of a sudden, she lowered her body and approached slowly.

Unexpectedly, the rabbit was alert, moved its ears slightly, heard the small noise in the grass, and immediately ran.

"Wait, little rabbit!" Chang Xiaoman chased the rabbit in the dense forest with light steps and light steps.

Unexpectedly, this rabbit is by no means ordinary, it runs very fast, but no matter how Chang Xiaoman speeds up, he is still half a step behind it.

The rabbit suddenly jumped into a patch of grass, Chang Xiaoman strode after it.

"Ouch!" She tripped over something, and fell down in a patch of fern grass.

She sat up on the ground, "What the hell tripped me?" She pushed aside the grass, only to see a man in armor lying on the ground covered in blood.

Chang Xiaoman was so frightened that he quickly took a few steps back, "Dead?!"

She trembled all over, but held back her fear and stepped forward to look.

Pushing aside the covering ferns, a blood-stained face was revealed.

"Lei Yuxiu!!!"

Chang Xiaoman's eyes were about to pop out, she stretched out her hand to hold Lei Yuxiu's wrist, "I still have a pulse".Immediately afterwards, he lowered his head and fell on his chest, "There is also a heartbeat."

She had a question mark on her face, she didn't understand how Lei Yuxiu was injured in this deep mountain and old forest.

No matter what, save him first.

Chang Xiaoman used all his strength to drag Lei Yuxiu to the side of a stream, took out Mrs. Zun Wu's Resurrection Pill from his bosom, poured it out for a moment, and stuffed it into Lei Yuxiu's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, she tore off a piece of outer shirt, soaked it in water and wrung it dry, and wiped off the blood on Lei Yuxiu's face.Then he took off his armor little by little to check Lei Yuxiu's injuries.

"Wow, Lei Yuxiu's muscles are so good-looking." Chang Xiaoman wiped his saliva, "Why do I feel like I haven't seen him for two days? Lei Yuxiu seems to have changed a lot."

With gentle fingers, she carefully cleaned the wound for him.

"How can it be hurt like this?" Chang Xiaoman looked at the wounds, whether they were caused by swords or knives, and his eyebrows frowned, "Does it hurt?"

Suddenly, she remembered the box given to her by Master Chunyang.

"Sure enough, it's a land god who is an expert in the world, and can predict the prophet." She opened the box, gently applied the ointment on Lei Yuxiu's knife wound, and then exhaled lightly to let the ointment dry, "So quickly It just coagulates the blood and scabs, it really is a good medicine.”

After treating the wound, Chang Xiaoman helped Lei Yuxiu to fasten his clothes again.

She took out the Feixue Linghua blade and pointed it at the pond fish in the stream, "It's really epic equipment." She rolled up her pant legs, rolled up her sleeves, and caught the belly-turned fish in her hands, "Haha , let’s grill the fish.”

She turned around and was about to go ashore, when she looked up, she saw Lei Yuxiu sitting on the bank, staring at her as if his eyes were about to fall out.

Chang Xiaoman looked at himself, except that he rolled up his sleeves, rolled up his trousers, and caught a dead fish in his hand, there was nothing wrong with him.

"Lei Yuxiu, what are you looking at?"

(End of this chapter)

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