Chapter 254
Father God smiled and said: "Back then, your mother had a dispute with me in order to protect the human race. She decided to leave the god race, but she sighed while passing Yaoshui, and her breath gave birth to you in millions of years. Girl, so you are also my daughter."

Father God's words caused an uproar in the Six Realms.

The emperor's face immediately turned green, because in terms of seniority, he had to call Zhihua an aunt.

Chong Yue's cold sweat turned into shock when he heard it.

He actually "climbed" to the daughter of God the Father and Empress Nuwa.

He also forcibly turned this noble little god Ji of the protoss into a demon.

Thinking about it differently, if I were my father-in-law, would I have to peel off the skin of his son-in-law with my own hands to relieve my hatred? !
"Father God, what do you mean—you are my father?" Zhihua's eyes were as big as copper bells.

"That's right, I'm your father. When I learned that you had transformed into a god, I sent Daode Tianzun to pick you up by the Yaoshui River and bring you back to the God Realm." Father God smiled helplessly, "I didn't expect you, a girl, to be raised in God Realm." Being taught by him to be so rebellious and willful."

At this moment, Zhihua put a smile on her face immediately.

It's like the girl washing dishes in a restaurant who is ecstatic when she suddenly finds out that she has a rich dad.

She turned her head to look at Chong Yue who was still kneeling on the ground, showing a big smile, raised her chin, and said "Ha, I have the most powerful father in the universe, let's see if you still dare to bully me " look.

Seeing her smug look, Chong Yue didn't know whether to cry or laugh, so he could only bite the bullet and nodded awkwardly, the meaning conveyed in his eyes was "You are amazing, you are amazing, I am convinced by my husband..."

Father God saw their eyebrows and shook his head: "Chong Yue, you also come to me."

Chong Yue's heart was about to explode when he was named by his father and god.

He got up and flew to Zhihua's side cautiously, respectfully and not daring to be negligent, he said: "I have seen Father God."

"How dare you abduct my daughter, you brat, are you so courageous?" Father God rebuked.

Chong Yue quickly knelt down on the ground, bowed his head and said, "Father God, I really want to be with Zhihua, please make it happen."

"Mozun, in terms of identity, she is still worthy of my Zhihua," Father God said, "The appearance is also passable, although the character is worse than Su Yu, and she is not too gentle and considerate, but since this girl is willing, she can do whatever she wants." You go."

Chong Yue was overjoyed, and immediately kowtowed again: "Thank you Father God."

Zhihua did not thank her, but rolled her eyes and said, "Father God, can the rule that protoss not intermarry with other races be abolished?"

Everyone present was scared to death by Zhihua's proposal.

Father God's face turned cold: "Girl, don't push yourself too hard."

Chong Yue squinted at Zhihua, meaning to let her accept it as soon as she was good.

Otherwise, Zhihua bowed sideways and said: "Father God, you are the God of Creation, everything in the world comes from you, all living beings are equal, all things follow the Dao, there is Yin and Yang, there is good and there is evil, why bother to restrict who and what? Can't we live together?"

Father God smiled and waved to her: "Come to me, and I will tell you why."

Zhihua looked around, then flew to Father God's side.

Father God said in words that only the two of them could hear: "I made a mistake when I created the gods. I wanted to preserve the pure blood of the god race, but it caused the god race women to die as soon as they gave birth to other children. This mistake It was formed when the world was created, and it cannot be changed for a while, so this rule was made to protect the girls of the Protoss. You also know in your heart that if the kid Chongyue knew about this, how would he react? So we father and daughter take a step back, I will tell you the reason, don't ask me to cancel this rule, and I will keep it a secret for you, so that Chong Yue won't know about it. Is it a deal?"

Zhihua frowned and said, "You said you made a mistake?"

Father God glared at her: "Hush! This matter concerns my face, so I can't say it."

"That's fine, I agree not to force you to change this rule of heaven, but you have to help with the matter of Ju Song and Chong You."

"Why are you meddling in other people's business?"

"It's rare to be able to talk to you, and I can't get all the cheap things I should ask for."

"Okay, my father promised you that you will come back again. Ju Song wants to be with him, and I won't let them stop me."

"Will I really die after giving birth?"

"Yes, I said I can't solve this problem."

"What about after death?"

"It's similar to Yuhua, wait for many, many years for your own soul to return to the present world by your own ability."

"Ah... won't it take many, many years..." Zhihua complained.

"For you, many years, but for me it's just a blink of an eye. You can decide for yourself." Father God laughed.

"Father God, if I want to see you in the future, can I go directly to Dongtian?"

"No, there are no rules," Father God shook his head, "You must not disturb my sleep, and you are not allowed to go to Dongtian without my permission."

"Oh." Zhihua was a little disappointed.

"Now that you have the status of the father's daughter-in-law, who else would dare to bully you." The father patted Zhihua's shoulder kindly, "Go to your sweetheart, since you want to be the queen, you should take it out. With a dignified and dignified appearance, help that kid manage the demon tribe well, take the balance of the six realms as his own responsibility, and respect the Dao between heaven and earth to do things, and not be too willful."

"Yes, Father God." Zhihua saluted and agreed.

Father God waved his hand.

Zhihua retreated to Chongyue's side.

Chong Yue saw her come back with a smile on her face, half of her heart sank.

Father God raised his voice and said to everyone: "This matter is settled like this, you all go back to your respective places, don't go to war if you have nothing to do, and disturb my Qingxiu."

The leaders of the six realms all bowed their heads and said yes.

"Except for the Emperor of Heaven, you will come to the East China Sea in a while. I have something to talk to you about. Everyone else should leave." Father God said majesticly.

The Emperor of Heaven felt chills down his spine, and he respectfully replied yes.

All ethnic groups began to bow down and respectfully send off the Father God.

Suddenly, Father God seemed to think of something again, turned around and said to Yuan Chang, "Is your name Chang'er?"

Yuan Chang heard that he was called by the Father God, and immediately responded respectfully.

Father God transformed a piece of white jade from the palm of his hand, slowly fell into Yuan Chang's hand, and said lovingly: "I heard what you just said, you are a child with backbone, like my grandson. You humans should rely on your own Work hard to live in this world, so that you can live up to the original intention of Nuwa Empress in creating human beings. The less help the gods give you, the more you can adapt to this cruel world. But, good boy, I believe that you and your descendants can do it In this regard, your human race is more tenacious than I imagined."

Yuan Chang kowtowed three times and said: "I will live up to the expectations of the Father God."

Father God smiled and watched everyone respectfully, and gradually disappeared into the Xuantian, and went to the Eastern Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven followed closely behind in a panic.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl raised her hand and ordered the troops to withdraw, and also hid back to the Nine Heavens in desperation.

Because God the Father came to mediate in person, the soldiers protecting the God Realm will retreat.

Therefore, the monster race did not eat the gods, the human race did not get the spoils, and the undead also drooped their heads in despondency.

Chongyue saw this, and ordered: "Every clan in the demon world listens to the order, and all the weapons of the gods are re-smelted and forged into four monuments. The inscriptions record today's events in detail, and the three are sent to the demon world, the human world, and the ghost world. , one stays in the Demon Realm."

The demon soldiers who just got new weapons were obviously a little disappointed, but at least this battle didn't really start, and they were lucky enough to see the Father God, and they didn't dare to make more mistakes, so they obediently handed in their weapons.

At this time, the leaders of all circles withdrew with their own people.

The six realms of Kyushu returned to calm.

And from then on, the supremacy of the Protoss began to shake, and the calls for equality in the six realms became louder and louder.

On the 36th day, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Laojun with a smile: "Old man of morality, Zhihua is actually the daughter of the Father God, you are too strict about keeping a secret."

"After all, Jusong and Zhihua are also sisters, right?" Lingbao Tianzun asked from the side.

"Hey, yes." Yuanshi Tianzun agreed.

Lingbao Tianzun stroked his beard, and suddenly thought: "You two grandfathers who always call themselves Ju Song and Zhi Hua, are you deliberately taking advantage of God the Father?"

"Hush! Don't tell me if you see through, old man Lingbao, how can you still say it?" Yuanshi Tianzun glared at Lingbao Tianzun.

"That's right, we can't say it out, we just want to be happy." Laojun folded his hands behind his back, laughing smugly, and Teng Yunfei returned to Taiqing Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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