The villain tyrant koi wife who crosses the book to save himself

Chapter 24 Escape and the Chamber of Secrets

Chapter 24 Escape and the Chamber of Secrets

Chang Xiaoman returned to the General's Mansion to recuperate.

Emperor Xian sent an imperial physician to the mansion every day to take care of her injuries.

Within a month, she was able to run and jump, and her injury was very good.

And the plan to escape from Leifu is also quietly going on.

"Yuxiu, I haven't been out of the house for more than a month to recuperate. You take me out to play." Chang Xiaoman held Lei Yuxiu's cuffs with both hands, shaking and shaking coquettishly at her.

Lei Yuxiu saw her smiling, her eyebrows and eyes like a crescent moon, and she was powerless to refuse, "I can take you out of the house, but you must follow me honestly, and you are not allowed to run around anywhere."

"Yeah, I promise to be obedient." Chang Xiaoman hugged his arm and smiled hard, Lei Yuxiu didn't notice the reluctance in her eyes.

At dusk, when the lights came on, Lei Yuxiu took Chang Xiaoman to dinner at Fumanlou, the largest restaurant in the capital.

Chang Xiaoman ordered a large table of dishes, and also ordered sweet-scented osmanthus rice wine, saying it was to celebrate her survival.

Seeing that she was in such a good mood, Lei Yuxiu drank a few drinks with her.

Seeing her face glowing like a peach blossom after drinking, Lei Yuxiu understood what it meant to be drunk without alcohol.

A few days ago, Mrs. Lei called him to discuss with him about General Lei's victory and return to court, and Emperor Xian intending to marry Princess Yunxi to him.Let him have a mental preparation in advance.Lei Yuxiu refused without the slightest hesitation, causing the lady to have a headache for a few days, and decided to wait for the general to come back before trying to persuade him.

In fact, Lei Yuxiu didn't know that Mrs. Lei also found Chang Xiaoman and told her about the marriage.

Chang Xiaoman comforted Mrs. Lei graciously, "If Your Majesty marry Yunxi to the eldest son, Xiaoman is willing to be a concubine." She had already made up her mind to escape, and she didn't care whether she was a wife or a concubine.On the contrary, after hearing what she said, the eldest lady felt very comforted in her heart, praised her generosity again and again, and said that even if she was a concubine, Lei Mansion would not treat her badly and so on.

After drinking for three rounds, the lighting ceremony of the Silver Pavilion Temple is about to begin.

Chang Xiaoman dragged Lei Yuxiu to the Silver Pavilion Temple, which was already full of people watching the lighting and praying for blessings.

"Yuxiu, I heard that the lighting of lanterns here is very effective." Chang Xiaoman pointed to the top of the Chiming Pagoda in the Silver Pavilion Temple and smiled at Lei Yuxiu.

Lei Yuxiu was not particularly interested in praying for blessings. He looked at the crowd and held Chang Xiaoman's hand tightly, "Follow me and don't get lost."

"No, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." Chang Xiaoman said so, but broke away from Lei Yuxiu's hand, "If you hold me like this, I won't be able to put my hands together to pray."

Lei Yuxiu smiled helplessly.

At this moment, the abbot of the Silver Pavilion came out, followed by monks holding lamps and candles.

The lighting ceremony begins.

The monks climbed up the Chiming Pagoda in an orderly manner, lighting up the entire pagoda layer by layer.

Chang Xiaoman and all the people clasped their hands together and silently made a wish: "First, I wish the escape plan to go smoothly tonight; Second, I wish Lei Yuxiu happiness and health in the future, free from illness; Third, I wish Chang Xiaoman can stay away from the conflicts in the book, Quietly……"

Before the third wish was finished, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

On the top of Chiming Pagoda, several ghost-faced men in night clothes reappeared.

They jumped down from the tower, and with sharp knives in hand, they chased after Chang Xiaoman.

"It's them again?!" Lei Yuxiu pulled out his sword from his waist, and shouted to Shen Lie behind him, "Take her first."

Upon hearing the order, Shen Lie immediately grabbed Chang Xiaoman and ran out of the crowd.

Chang Xiaoman turned his head to look at Lei Yuxiu, and several ghost-masked men had already started fighting with Lei Yuxiu.

She shouted loudly to Shen Lie, "Shen Lie! Go and save Lei Yuxiu, I can run by myself!"

"But Miss!" Shen Lie hesitated.

"Shen Lie! Who is more important, me or your son! You are from Leifu, think about who you should protect?!" Chang Xiaoman shouted.

Shen Lie immediately figured it out, "Miss, you keep running along this road, and I'll help you, Young Master."

"Go!" Chang Xiaoman gave Shen Lie an encouraging look.

When Shen Lie went to help Lei Yuxiu with his servants and guards, Chang Xiaoman turned a corner and ran under the Jinshui Bridge in Silver Pavilion Temple.

She came to the bridge and walked down the water ladder. There was a small door on the stone wall of the bridge hole.

A smug smile appeared on Chang Xiaoman's face. This is a treasure location that only those who have read the original book can predict.

Chang Xiaoman pushed the door open and entered, the inside was pitch black.She could only walk forward along the steps by touching the wet and muddy stone wall.

Soon, the narrow passage became spacious.She groped around the wall, and soon found a gimmicky lamp.

"I remember the original book said that this kind of light has a switch." Chang Xiaoman touched the lamppost, "I found it."

She gently pulled out the switch, the candle in the lamp was ignited, and finally the whole dark room was lit.

"Ha, it's here." Chang Xiaoman clapped his hands and laughed, "This is the hanging space that the author of the original book gave Wan Chenglin."

The reason why Wan Qilin was able to help Gu Yunshen return to the throne with such great skill was not only due to her resourcefulness and ability, but also of course the aura of the undead protagonist.

The most important thing is this dark room.

This dark room can only be opened on the night of the full moon, and all the things here are the openings carefully prepared by the author for Wan Chenglin.

But according to the time point of the original book, it is far from the time when Wan Chenglin discovered this place, so Chang Xiaoman was able to find it with confidence and take the treasure hidden here as his own.

Chang Xiaoman recalled what was written in the book, and turned on the seven switch lights around the secret room.

The whole secret room lit up.

She began to rummage through the shelves one by one looking for available treasures.

Just after seeing a few things, her eyes lit up.

"Wow! The peerless magical skill "Shuanghua Zhenjing" practiced by Wan Qilin in the later stage is amazing. Let me go, there is also the Soul Resurrection Pill refined by Mrs. Zun Wu, the world's number one poisonous woman. It's amazing, this is The best hidden weapon in Wan Chenglin's book is the 'Flying Snow Linghua Blade'. It was this thing that broke the Soul Stone at the last moment, causing Chang Xiaoman to fail to be resurrected." After finishing speaking, she stuffed the Feixue Linghua Blade into her sleeve inside.

"The protagonist is different. How can Wan Chenglin get so many hidden treasures. Since my aunt wears the book, all these treasures are mine. Even if there is no space, system, and golden fingers, if these things are used properly , is enough for my baby to survive to the end."

Chang Xiaoman found a box from the secret room, and put all the most precious things in the box.

"It's too heavy, I can't lift it with this body." Chang Xiaoman scratched his head, "I'd better take the one I can take away first."

As she spoke, she carefully selected some equipment that would be used.

Suddenly, she saw a brocade box, which was complicated to make and beautifully carved.

After opening it, Chang Xiaoman couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"My darling, is this the super equipment of Wanqilin Mary Su - 32 human skin masks."

Not only that, but there is also a booklet inside the brocade box, the detailed teaching for novices on it made Chang Xiaoman call out the author's conscience.

She put the brocade box into her arms, "It's almost time, let's go."

Chang Xiaoman looked around, "Huh? Where's the exit?"

The very big exit when it came, suddenly disappeared.

Chang Xiaoman scratched his head and walked around the secret room, "I'll go, that's not what's written in the book, did I fall into some kind of bug, why didn't the exit just now disappear? Or did I accidentally touch it?" What institution? I'll go, what should I do?"

She anxiously slapped the wall and smashed the ground, but she couldn't respond every day, and the ground didn't work.

Chang Xiaoman went through all the collections in the secret room again. Although these things are more open than one, if they can't get out, it's not over yet.

"I must have foreseen the plot, so I found this place, but this place is prepared for Wan Chenglin, if I get it, it will definitely rewrite the plot." Chang Xiaoman sat on the ground, hugging his knees and worrying, "No Well, I'm going to get a box lunch again? I'm stuck here to death, it's too miserable for me, a supporting role in the [-]th Route."

(End of this chapter)

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