Chapter 231
Seeing Chang'er leaving with a smile, Zhihua rushed to Lei Yuxiu in three steps at a time and kicked him hard on his calf: "How do you explain it?"

"Explain what?" Lei Yuxiu asked, rubbing his calf in pain.

"Didn't you say that he doesn't know anything?" Zhihua crossed her arms and stared at Lei Yuxiu, "It seems that he knows everything."

"If you know it, then you know it," Lei Yuxiu shrugged, "Every child nowadays is too sensitive."

"Seeing that you still say that you are a good father?" Zhihua sneered.

"The main reason is that Madam is not around," Lei Yuxiu said seriously, "I always think how nice it would be if you were here and we could watch him grow up together?"

"I haven't forgiven you about Ci'er, don't say such things to irritate me!" Zhihua's face turned cold.

Lei Yuxiu took a deep breath of the cold air: "Okay, you and I won't quarrel for the time being, the child wants to have a meal with us, so you agree."

Zhihua rolled her eyes and said nothing, turned around and walked into the inner room of Wutong Garden.

Lei Yuxiu looked at her back, with a smile on his lips, thinking that Chang'er had been in pain for more than ten years, and he had to give him a lot of credit for being able to keep Zhihua here today.

Zhihua stepped over the threshold, turned her head and saw Lei Yuxiu who was still drenched in snow in the courtyard, and frowned, "Are you going to be a snowman in the courtyard?"

Hearing what she said, Lei Yuxiu quickly followed and walked into the room.

Zhihua walked to the window, opened the window, and leaned on the edge to watch the snow.

Lei Yuxiu walked behind him, passed her hands one by one from left to right, supported the window edge, and trapped her in his arms.

"Go away," Zhihua said in disgust, "don't get so close to me."

"No," Lei Yuxiu put his chin on her shoulder, breathed in the faint scent of medicine on her body, and asked, "Old Master asked you to help in Yaolu again?"

"Yes, you have been treating me like a boy."

"That's good……"

"Why is it all right?" Zhihua asked back.

"This means that you are not with Su Yu."

"Su Yu spent most of his time in Beirong," Zhihua said, "but I heard that Yan has given you the control of Beirong. It's really strange that Su Yu didn't object."

"After all, he is a member of the Demon Race, so he cannot resist my orders. Moreover, Su Yu is so dogmatic that he will not interfere excessively with the affairs of the human world and the Demon World."

Zhihua turned around and faced Lei Yuxiu face to face: "Chong Yue, let me tell you the truth."

"What truth?"

"Actually, the Emperor of Heaven promised me that if I can persuade you not to interfere in the affairs of the human world, he will allow me to make peace with Su Yu."

Lei Yuxiu laughed immediately after hearing this: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"If I tell you, you will definitely think too much..." Zhihua said with the corner of her mouth tilted, "I have already told Su Yu about the reconciliation, and he respects my meaning. Now only the Emperor of Heaven agrees. Su and I Yu's marriage is officially dissolved."

"You said earlier that I would agree immediately." Lei Yuxiu laughed.

"Even if Su Yu and I reconcile, I will not marry you, so don't be sentimental."

"It's up to people." Lei Yuxiu suddenly said in a great mood.

"Don't even think about it."

"Zhihua, have you ever asked Yuelao about our marriage?"



"It's worse than a deep relationship." Zhihua smiled wryly.

"Let's hear it." Lei Yuxiu asked curiously.

"Love is deep and lifeless..."

Lei Yuxiu put his arms around Zhihua's waist, and buried his head beside her neck: "Next time I see Yuelao, I have to talk to him carefully, obviously we are in love with each other, and it will become stronger as time goes by."

Zhihua sighed: "I'm tired of arguing with you too, I've said everything I need to say, you can think whatever you like."

"Marry me, Zhihua."

Lei Yuxiu's voice was low, like begging in her ears, and like an echo that lasted thousands of years, shaking in Zhihua's heart.

"I'm wondering if I gave you a large dose of ecstasy soup back then, making you insist on me."

"You don't need to pour any soup. The moment I first saw you, you seemed to be branded in my heart."

"I lost to you." Zhihua said helplessly, "Let go of me, don't be so tired."

"I've missed you for more than ten years, you let me hug you for a while."

"..." Zhihua didn't move, or she was really helpless.

Facing this man, she lost everything in the end.

Ask yourself, if it weren't for the deep love, how could you hate it so deeply, if it wasn't for the deep love, why would you sink again.

After a while, Mai'er came with a maid carrying dinner.

She lowered her head in front of Zhihua, not daring to say a word.

After all, she has always felt guilty towards Zhihua about what happened back then.

Zhihua didn't say anything to her, even ignoring Mai'er's existence.

At this time, Chang'er came back with the drunken wine.

He smiled and poured wine for Lei Yuxiu and Zhihua: "I just went to boil this drunk fairy wine, it tastes better when it's hot."

Zhihua and Lei Yuxiu held up their wine glasses, the three of them clinked glasses and drank them down in one gulp.

"Father, my son has been thinking just now, whether I can become a member of the gods or demons like you two." Chang'er asked.

Zhihua was slightly startled, and looked at Lei Yuxiu.

Lei Yuxiu's expression became serious and he said: "Your parents are both human races, whether it is to practice ascension or join the demon race is not as simple as you imagined."

"That means there is no chance." Chang'er said excitedly.

Zhihua thought for a moment: "In fact, everyone has the opportunity to practice ascension, but the process is really arduous, and step by step from the land gods, even the most qualified human race needs hundreds of thousands of years."

"Becoming a demon is not enough to obtain the power of the demon, because the power of the demon is extremely powerful. It is easy for humans to obtain it, but it is difficult to control it. It is easy to lose their minds and become a monster that only worships power." Lei Yuxiu answered seriously. road.

"It sounds really difficult." Chang'er smiled regretfully, "But as an ordinary human race, I'm much luckier than others."

Zhihua hesitated in her heart, she wasn't sure whether Chang'er should be happy or worried that Chang'er knew their real identities.

He shouldn't have any hope, wanting to join the gods or demons.

Thinking of this, Zhihua smiled at Chang'er: "Chang'er, come here, I'll take a look at you."

Chang'er was puzzled, but still obediently walked to Zhihua's side.

Zhihua stretched out her index finger and placed it on his forehead: "Close your eyes, and I will test your aptitude for cultivating immortals."

When Chang'er heard this, he immediately closed his eyes.

Zhihua silently recited the forgetting spell in her heart, erasing all Chang'er's memories of her and Lei Yuxiu's real identities.

Chang'er immediately lost her strength and fell asleep on the table.

Lei Yuxiu was very surprised: "Zhihua, why?"

"Once human beings are faced with huge benefits, even if the chance of success is very slim, they will be infinitely magnified. I don't want him to think that he can become a god or a demon by relying on us. I just want him to live out his human life peacefully. "

Lei Yuxiu looked at Chang'er and then at Zhihua, thought about it carefully, and acquiesced to Zhihua's approach: "You are really a cruel mother."

"It's better to have no hope than fruitless hope." Zhihua laughed.

"Are you accusing Sang Huai of me?"

"What do you say?"

"As expected, you are still you. No matter how long it has passed, your temper is still the same."

(End of this chapter)

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