Chapter 228 Endless Obsession

Zhihua picked up the articles written by Chang'er since she was a child, and Lei Yuxiu circled and commented on each page, pointing out typos and wrong words one by one, and the good sentences and paragraphs were praised, which shows his intentions.

Zhihua was a little hesitant, she said to Lei Yuxiu: "You know what? When I woke up in the Taiqing Palace, I only felt that the mortal world was like a misty dream."


"Do you have this kind of experience? In the dream, no matter how heart-piercing you cry and the heart-breaking pain, you won't feel such a strong feeling when you wake up."


Zhihua said honestly: "Because I remember the tens of thousands of years that we two have experienced from the time we met, so the short few years in the human world seem to me to be just a fleeting time."

She put Chang'er's work on the table and said: "Ci'er's death has dealt a great blow to me as Chang Xiaoman. But to me who has returned to the godly position, it seems that I have some regrets and worries, but I feel It’s not as painful as it was back then.”

"Zhihua..." Lei Yuxiu approached her and looked into her eyes.

"In my eyes and memory, you are just Chong Yue, and Lei Yuxiu is just an identity," Zhihua stared into Lei Yuxiu's eyes and said, "So that Chang Xiaoman who loved Lei Yuxiu desperately is dead. .Whether you regard yourself as Chong Yue or Lei Yuxiu, you can't treat me as Chang Xiaoman."

Lei Yuxiu frowned, not fully accepting Zhihua's statement.

Zhihua rolled up Chang'er's painting, put it back in the bamboo basket, put it away, and tidied up a book, and then said: "However, I still want to fight for the one who is Chang Xiaoman..."


"How important is Chang Fengjue to your heart? Even if she was the culprit who killed Ci'er, you still protected her firmly and did not kill her to avenge Ci'er."

"I didn't protect her, but I knew that you would come to kill her, so I saved her life and waited for you to come back." Lei Yuxiu explained.

"So that's the case, so where is she now?" Zhihua leaned against the wall and asked with her arms folded.

"Locked in the grotto under Weishan Mountain."

"..." A trace of surprise flashed in Zhihua's eyes, "How long are you going to keep her locked up?"

"She can be locked up as long as she can live, and repent for what she has done." Lei Yuxiu said without emotion.

Zhihua sighed lightly: "Forget it, this kind of treatment can be regarded as an explanation."

Lei Yuxiu took a step closer to Zhihua, trapping her between the wall and himself, looking down into her eyes with burning eyes: "No matter what you say, no matter what your status or appearance is, to me it's just you .”

Zhihua wanted to push him away, but she couldn't at all.

She carefully looked into Lei Yuxiu's eyes, and suddenly realized: "Chongyue..."

"You finally found out," he said lightly, "I learned that you were brought back to the God Realm by Laojun and cultivated the immortal body. How can I live as a mortal again?"

"But you still look like Lei Yuxiu..."

"Because it's better to accompany Chang'er, and it's easier to act in the mortal world."

"..." Zhihua didn't expect that Lei Yuxiu's soul had returned to her true self, and now in front of her was Chong Yue who had transformed into Lei Yuxiu's appearance.

He raised Zhihua's chin and said, "Zhihua, give me another chance, let's start over."

His tone was not pleading, more like announcing a decision.

Zhihua knocked off his hand, avoiding his eyes: "Since you and I have already returned to our deity, and gods and demons have different paths, there should be no more involvement."

"You said that, but why did you come back here to find me? Why did you misunderstand that Chang'er is my child with other women and get jealous?"

"Looking for you is an official task assigned to me by the Emperor of Heaven," Zhihua emphasized, "You let the demons enter the mortal world with great fanfare, which has made the gods feel very unhappy, and you have fought in all directions to unify the countries in the mortal world. Years of wars have caused the ghost world to be crowded. Li Jing can't bear the load anymore. They asked me to talk to you, asking you to bring the demons back to the Demon Realm and stop the war."


"As long as you are a demon, you can at most become a demon to rule the demon world. But if you try to rule the human race, the God Realm will never agree. Because you will break the balance of the six realms, and it will definitely bring serious consequences."

"I never thought of ruling the human race by myself." Chong Yue explained.

"Then you fought all these years just for fun?"

"I want to unify the human race and give Chang'er the right to rule the entire human world as his birthday present." Chong Yue said very calmly, like an ordinary father saying that he is about to give his child a piece of clothing. Toys are average.

"What did you say?" Zhihua was shocked, and looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.

Chong Yue gently held her in his arms, and sighed: "Did you know? Our child passed away in my arms, and I knew then that no matter what I did, I couldn't make up for you mother and child. Losing him, My heart hurts like a knife, and when I lose you, it will definitely break my heart. When I saw you buried our Cier beside Tu Danlin's grave in Beirong, I knew how much you meant to me Disappointed. I know that no matter what I say, you will never believe me again, so I will do my best to make up for the mistakes I made, be a serious father, accompany Chang'er to grow up, and give him everything I can give him... ..."

"You want him to become the emperor?!" Zhihua was shocked.

"This deity is a demon deity, so what's wrong with my son being a personal emperor?" Chong Yue asked rhetorically.

With solemn eyebrows, Zhihua shook her head and said, "On the contrary, I think he can be himself and love the person he loves, and after all, he is not your own flesh and blood, so you and I shouldn't interfere too much in his life."

"Then how about having another child that belongs to you and me?" Chong Yue kissed her lips again without waiting for Zhi Hua's reaction.

Zhihua only felt that the sky was dark in her mind.The memories that had been buried in dust for tens of thousands of years were awakened by Chong Yue's unscrupulous kiss.

She loved him for nearly 5 years, and the past is vivid in her memory, a memory she will never forget.

It was a love story between a protoss girl who had just started her love affair and met a bad boy in the devil world. Even looking back, it was a precious time.

But then the Emperor of Heaven was furious because of the matter of Ju Song and Chong You.

The Emperor of Heaven promised that as long as Ju Song could bear the punishment of God, she would be free from the God Realm.

For this reason, Chongyou blocked ninety-nine and 81 sky thunders for Ju Song, and after winning her freedom, she died in the Jiuchongtian.

As a result, Ju Song completely broke with the God Realm, and has been waiting for Chongyou to come back.

Zhihua, who had witnessed all this with her own eyes, knew that neither she nor Chong Yue could survive under such punishment.

Thinking of this, Zhihua seemed to see herself again.

Between reason and emotion, she finally returned to this fork in the road.

If he was decisive enough back then, how could there be a fruitless obsession in this mortal world...

After a long and lingering kiss, Zhihua pushed Lei Yuxiu away: "That's enough! Chong Yue, let's stop making mistakes! You and I can't even make an ordinary human couple, and you still want to fight against the rules of heaven? It's just a fool's dream!"

"Zhihua?" Chong Yue clearly felt her nostalgia and intoxication in that kiss, but he didn't understand why her face turned cold again.

"Both Lei Yuxiu and Chang Xiaoman won't make it to the end, let alone you and I!" Zhihua said firmly to Chong Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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