I and the system are dropping vests every day

Chapter 269 39 Marilyn Manor · Detailed Chapter

Chapter 269 39 Marilyn Manor·Details

Qin Zhan's tone was very gentle, but Shi Huan's heart was still a little beating, he was vacillating between telling the truth or lying.

She was silent all the time, Qin Zhan and Li Qing did not urge her.

As for Gu Ci, he sat quietly anyway.

If it weren't for his good looks and conspicuous looks, this kind of person who can keep quiet and keep a low profile would be easily overlooked.

The clock and stopwatch hanging on the wall ticked away, and the night became darker and darker.

After a long time, Shi Huan plucked up the courage to speak: "After we separated from you yesterday, we went down to the hut in the forest where you rested under the guidance of Teacher Guan. Because we were afraid that we would not be able to make it before dark, so we all walked. soon."

"But we didn't go for a long time and got lost for some reason. Liu Xue and Fang Zhi wanted to go back the same way because they were afraid, but Mr. Guan disagreed. He said that the hut in the forest was not far from here, and he could take us to Back to the cabin in the woods."

"They disagreed, and after a few words, they quarreled. The more they quarreled, the more fierce they became. I tried to persuade them, but Liu Xue slapped me."

Qin Zhan's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

Although he only met Liu Xue once, based on her words and deeds yesterday, she should not be an impulsive person.

Moreover, since Guan Yun said that he could take them back to the hut in the forest, it means that he is sure of the road and direction leading to the hut in the forest. In this case, why did he get lost?

Shi Huan took a sip of water, and secretly glanced at Qin Zhan who was sitting beside him.

Although the appearance is still handsome, but no matter how you look at it, how weird.

——You are a sissy! ! !

She tried hard to suppress the panic in her heart and continued: "After I was slapped by Liu Xue, I was very angry. I ignored their quarrel and walked forward alone. However, after walking a few steps, I heard them screamed, I subconsciously turned around and saw you stabbing them with a knife."

Speaking of this, Shi Huan couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of water, her hand holding the mineral water bottle was trembling...

"And then?" Li Qingzheng listened carefully, seeing that Shi Huan didn't continue, he urged her anxiously.

Shi Huan pursed his lips: "Then...then I ran away in fright. As I was running, I saw a house, and I ran in and hid in a closet."

When Shi Huan was talking, because she was nervous, she always drank water from time to time, and the jadeite tied to the red string on her wrist holding the mineral water bottle flickered.

Qin Zhan glanced at it several times.

He touched his jade pendant thoughtfully with his hand through the fabric of his pants.

Shi Huan, Liu Xue, Fang Zhi, and Guan Yun acted together. Since they were targeted by the devil, why did only Shi Huan survive?

Li Qing turned his head to look at Qin Zhan, then at Shi Huan, and muttered in a low voice, "Shi Huan, are you mistaken? How could someone like Qin Zhan, who seems powerless, kill him all at once?" Three people died?"

Shi Huan was questioned by Li Qing and became anxious: "I'm not wrong, I just saw Qin Zhan kill three of them."

"He is not weak at all as he appears on the surface. He is so powerful. A burly person like Fang Zhi would be stabbed to death by him without any power to fight back."

"And he is cruel, killing people is not counted, he also tasted everyone's blood."

"I can see clearly, I'm not mistaken, don't question me..." Shi Huan became more and more excited as he spoke, and his voice became louder and louder.

Li Qing was frightened by Shi Huan's intense emotions.

He waved his hand, hunched his neck like a quail and said cautiously: "Okay, okay, you're not wrong... you're not wrong... don't get excited... don't be excited... calm down..."

Qin Zhan finally spoke up: "Shi Huan, have you thought about one thing, since the Qin Zhan you saw could kill Liu Xue and the others, why didn't he kill you too?"

Li Qing also reacted immediately, and his neck twitched: "Yes, if Qin Zhan is really a devil, what is he doing keeping you? Does he keep you to question him? This is not logical..."

Shi Huan wanted to argue, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that what they said was quite reasonable.

"Maybe I escaped in time, and he didn't catch up to me." Shi Huan palely replied that he was a little uncertain.

Qin Zhan felt a little headache looking at the stubborn girl.

He explained helplessly: "First, you said you saw me stabbing them with a knife, but when I entered this game, I didn't have a knife on me, and I only had two bags of food in my hand. Regarding this matter, when I entered the white space, you Should have noticed."

"Secondly, the three of Liu Xue and the others were not stabbed to death by a knife. They were bitten by some kind of animal and then took out their hearts. Li Qing can testify to this."

Hearing this, Li Qing immediately nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, yes, I testify that although I only took one look, I was very impressed because they died so horribly."

Qin Zhan glanced at Li Qing to signal him to be quiet, and then continued, "Third, have you ever thought about why you came to this hut in the forest by running around, since you were lost?"

"Fourth, Guan Yun is a Chinese teacher, and I spent a night with him. He is not the kind of person who would be annoyed if he is provoked by a few words. I think Liu Xue should not be such a superficial person, so, have you Have you ever thought that their quarrel is a bit inexplicable?"

The four points listed by Qin Zhan made the confusing things clear immediately.

Li Qing patted the table excitedly: "Yes, why?"

Shi Huan was stunned after listening to Qin Zhan's words.

She had never thought about these details. Now, could it be that what she saw was not real?

Qin Zhan looked up at the time. It was almost nine o'clock. After two nights, the players would automatically go to sleep again after three hours without any accident.

Seeing that no one spoke, Li Qing couldn't help asking Shi Huan: "Now, do you still suspect that Qin Zhan killed Liu Xue and the others?"

Shi Huan shook her head hurriedly, and she waved her hands awkwardly: "No, I don't doubt it, I think I might be hallucinating."

Maybe the swing of his hand was relatively large, and Shi Huan's jade pendant hanging on the red string also swayed, dancing under the light of the night light.

Li Qing was immediately attracted. He pointed to the jadeite pendant and said, "Your thing is quite beautiful."

Shi laughed happily: "Really, I bought it for myself on my birthday."

Li Qing asked curiously: "Then is this a Buddha statue or Guanyin? Have you ever opened it?"

At this time, Shi Huan felt relieved after realizing that Qin Zhan was not the murderer. She untied the red rope with great interest: "I don't know whether it is Guanyin or Buddha. When I bought it, I picked it randomly because I was in a hurry."

"Why don't you show me?"

Shi Huan handed the red string to Li Qing.

Qin Zhan didn't know what he was thinking of, so he came over.

(End of this chapter)

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