I and the system are dropping vests every day

Chapter 234: Concubine Yu's Game Items

Chapter 234: Concubine Yu's Game Items

When people encounter danger, there are nothing more than three reactions.

The first is the freeze reaction.

Because when encountering danger, sometimes moving will attract attention, and when you feel threatened, you will immediately keep still. This is the most effective self-help method provided by the human limbic system for human beings.

——The so-called limbic system is the neurons under the human cerebral cortex.

Standing still and reducing exposure is a type of freezing response, also known as the "turtle effect".

The second is the flight response.

When freezing the reaction is not enough to eliminate the danger or it is not the most effective solution.

The limbic system will choose the second set of responses, which is the flight response, and the purpose of this response is to escape from the threat.

The third combat response.

When a person is threatened and neither the freeze nor the flight responses are effective, the only option is to fight.

When humans evolved into humans, they also mastered the ability to transform fear into anger, and this ability can help humans repel threats.

But at this moment...

Qin Zhan's response was not among these three reactions.

He is calm.

He is watching.

In the clear river water, Qin Zhan could clearly see Chi Longze's pale and foamy face getting closer and closer.

It is difficult to open your eyes underwater, but it is not impossible, not to mention that the water in this river is very clear.

After Qin Zhan saw Chi Longze's unrecognizable appearance, he kicked the water vigorously with his feet, and immediately waved his hand towards Chi Longze, trying to push him away.

But it was useless, his strength was weakened underwater, he was still hugged by Chi Longze, and his body sank more and more to the bottom of the water.

It may be that Qin Zhan has experienced many such things since he was a child, so the more critical he is, the calmer he will be.

He didn't continue to struggle, because Chi Longze's cold body wrapped around him like a python.

——Struggling will only make you die faster.

The water was very deep, and Qin Zhan felt that his body was sinking for a long time.

――But it could also be an illusion.

Because he has been holding his breath, in a state of hypoxia, people's cognition will be biased.

Just when Qin Zhan held his breath until his lungs tingled and thought he was going to die, a golden light shot out from his chest.

Chi Longze's body suddenly fell apart.

It howled in horror, almost shattering Qin Zhan's eardrums.

Qin Zhan's body that had been imprisoned by Chi Longze stretched out immediately.

He stepped out of the water like a fish with his feet on the water, and saw the river bank at a glance. This time he swam to the bank very quickly.

After exhausting his last bit of strength to climb ashore, Qin Zhan lay limp in the green grass and looked at the clouds in the sky. He reached out and tore off the cracked jade pendant hanging from his neck and carefully put it into his shirt pocket.

It's also very strange to say.

Qin Zhan had no impression of the emerald carved with a phoenix hanging around his neck.

He didn't know when he bought this pendant, or who gave it to him?

It was as if suddenly one day, this pendant appeared beside him out of nowhere.

What's even more strange is that I also have an unusual fondness for this jade pendant.

This unimaginable thing made Qin Zhan puzzled, and now he was out of danger by relying on it, which made Qin Zhan think that this was the manifestation of the ancestors of the Qin family.

——I was afraid that I knew he was in such a catastrophe, so I gave him this consecrated emerald pendant.

Qin Zhan grasped unconsciously with his fingers. He swam too fast while diving, and his body lost strength.

This was the first time he faced death directly, and the feeling was very uncomfortable.

He lay on the grass and rested for a while, then stood up, took off his wet clothes, wrung them out and put them on again.

Shoes and socks are also wet, but they have to be worn in order to climb the mountain.

After finishing everything, Qin Zhan took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket to check the time.

As a result, I pressed the power button several times, but there was no response, and it seemed to be broken.

The advertisement of mobile phone waterproofing turned out to be just a gimmick, and profiteers are really everywhere.

He reluctantly put away his phone, looked around, and then looked up at the sky.

I don't seem to have wasted too much time, because the light in the distant sky has not changed.

The river bank was silent.

Ye Qingqiu and Yu Feifei who just went down the river together did not appear on the bank.

If Yu Ji didn't hear the prompt, it meant that they, Fang Yi and Yi Ke were still alive, and they were one step ahead of themselves.

Qin Zhan looked up at the gray Zhu Feng in the distance and the huge white palace halfway up the mountain, thinking.

The final task is to sacrifice the live silver jade feather fish to Yu Ji.

Live silver jade feather fish are the key.

While thinking, he followed the road towards the palace.

After crossing a meadow, Qin Zhan got into a dense forest.

There is a path that winds and twists forward.

The forest is still very quiet, there is no singing of birds but the fragrance of flowers.

The strong scent of flowers attracted Qin Zhan to go over and investigate.

His footsteps paused.

——The traps of this game are everywhere, so is the scent of flowers at this moment intentional or intentional?
——If I choose to look for the fragrance of flowers, will it delay my time and prevent me from arriving at Zhufeng in the evening?
After Qin Zhan thought for a moment, he turned around.

Everything is decided after planning.

In Yu Ji’s third task, she emphasized that what she needed was a live silver jade fish.

A little information can be analyzed from this sentence.

The silver jade feather fish must die easily.

Maybe it's like a deep-water sea fish will die when it comes out of the water.

Because the seabed water pressure is high and the sea surface water pressure is low, the fish will swell and die due to the sharp decrease in pressure from the seabed to the water surface.

Since the silver jade feather fish is easy to die, but Yuji also emphasized that she needs a live silver jade feather fish.

Then in this game, there must be some way to keep the silver jade feather fish alive after it leaves the water.

And the top of Zhufeng can't see any green, which means that the top of the peak is a barren place, and it may not be easy to find props for holding silver jade feather fish on the top of the peak.

What's more, if the focus of this game is time, then I must be the last, so it's better to check the place where the fragrance of flowers is intentionally distributed first.

There may be a silver lining.

Qin Zhan turned to the flower fragrance place, and after walking for a while, he saw a flower bush.

The flowers are colorful and dotted with spots, but they are not good-looking, because the flower diameter is too thick, the flowers are too big, and the flower center looks like a small pot, which looks like it can hold a lot of water.

Fill water?

Qin Zhan is blessed to the heart.

Is this a necessary prop to complete the third mission?
He took out a pocket knife that did not belong to him from his trouser pocket, and there was a heavy key hanging under the keychain of the pocket knife.

Qin Zhan cut off the flower path with a knife and just got the flowers.

A piece of information came to mind.

Variation Rafflesia.

Grade 0.

Function: It can be used as some utensils.

How to use: Re-bloom when exposed to water.

Tip: This prop can be used repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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