Chapter 227 Chapter 226
After a long period of anxiety, fear, and suffering from all kinds of emotions, one person finally couldn't help it.

"Leader Li, let's run away. Pei Ru hasn't come back yet. If we wait any longer, we may end up dead."

"That's right, I just said that Pei Ru is unreliable at all. I can imagine how tough the backstage can be for a person without supernatural powers?"

"Yes, that's right, I think so too. If he really had a backer, he would be able to get along so badly that he doesn't even have supernatural powers!"

These few speakers completely forgot the situation of seeing off Pei Ru before.

With a gloomy face, Li Huang waved his hands impatiently: "I'll stay, you can leave if you want, you don't need to report."

Everyone was just looking for some words of comfort, but who knew that Li Huang would act so coldly.

The few people who spoke suddenly felt that they couldn't hold back their face, and there was no one around to help, and they couldn't find it under the steps.

"I've wanted to leave a long time ago. Is there a big guy who wants to break through with me? If so, let's go together." A man stood up first and shouted.

Those who waited in a panic swayed from side to side for a while, then got up and stood by the man's side.

As a result, there are very few people left on this floor.

Even the team members who joined the Feng team couldn't help but stand over when it seemed that their form was so bad at the moment.

The opponent is too strong, without any resistance, they can only bear everything passively, whether it is life or death.

But if you can break through with the majority of people, then the ending will definitely be better than staying and waiting for death!
Ling Sisi didn't bother to look at it.

Escaping from the doomsday, there is nothing wrong with wanting to live.

Shen Wei's face was extremely ugly.

Before the tree fell, the hozen scattered.

The veteran members of the Tongfeng team were also very angry. Huahua was about to reprimand her, but was stopped by Ling Sisi.

"Let them go, the big waves wash away the sand, and what remains is the real gold."

Ling Sisi conveyed this sentence to his partners who came all the way from Linhai City with his own psychic powers.

Even if Yan Shisan couldn't hold back anymore, he could only stand aside resentfully.

The corners of Gu Ci's mouth were tightly pursed. Compared with the undead, human beings don't seem to value the good quality of loyalty now.

But that's fine too.

Since Si Si took charge of the Nanzang base, more and more members have joined the Tongfeng team. If Pei Ru's negotiations are unsuccessful, such a long team will only drag her down.

It was going to be dark, and the sweep of those mech soldiers was going to come to this building, but Pei Ru hadn't come back yet.

Those who hesitated saw more and more people leaving, and there were more and more screams not far away, and they finally couldn't bear it anymore and left one after another.

Some people go very simply.

There were also people who specifically greeted Ling Sisi, Shen Wei, and Zhuo Weihang when they left.

When it was just getting dark, except for Gu Ci's undead members who stayed behind, only a few people from the Tongfeng and Aotian teams left.

Li Huang's face was livid, he felt that he was really a very failed leader.

Because there were still more than a dozen people left beside Ling Sisi.

None of the veteran members of Team Tongfeng left, and a few people who joined later also remained scattered.

But what about yourself?
After coming out of Linhai City, Tudou, Elder Qin, had already died in the dangerous apocalypse.

Now there were only two people left beside him.

One is yellow hair.

One is Jiangnan.

To be honest, Jiang Nan's presence in the Aotian team is very low, it can be said that he is a little transparent.

Therefore, Li Huang was a little surprised when he saw that he chose to stay.

At this time, Huang Mao stood by Li Huang's side in silence.

Who would have thought that all the little friends who came out of Linhai City and took in along the way would abandon the leader who led them for so long when the crisis came?

He flattened his mouth and wanted to cry a little.

——This time it must be dead.

And little transparent Jiangnan sat quietly on the ground, quite a kind of Zen feeling of an old monk in meditation.

No one can know what he is thinking now.

Light waves outside flashed through the glass windows of the building from time to time, and Ling Sisi stood on a high place calmly.

It may be that the people who escaped from the building blocked the advance speed of the armored soldiers, or it may be that the strategic goal of the Atlanta Empire is only to attack the crowd on the street.

Ling Sisi waited until dark, but he didn't wait for them, but he did wait for Pei Ru.

When everyone saw him, they felt like they had narrowly escaped death!
——I am very glad that I did not leave with the large army, but now stay where I am and continue to wait.

Because obviously, he, an ordinary person without supernatural powers, was able to return safely from being strangled by the mech soldiers, which showed that the Zombie King was right.

——He really is a person with a background.

Unable to control herself, Shen Wei threw herself into Pei Ru's arms: "Brother Pei, I thought I would never see you again!"

Pei Ru was overjoyed at his wife's coquettish behavior.

He patted Shen Wei on the back and smiled: "It's okay, it's okay, we'll be safe from now on."

Shen Wei couldn't believe it, she raised her head: "Really?"

Pei Ru: "Really."

"They said that they will never attack us again in the future."

Pei Ru's words made everyone present very surprised and very happy.

——Finally, I can live to the end of my life!

Ling Sisi was thoughtful after hearing the words.

Gu Ci took her hand and squeezed it lightly: "Si Si, don't be afraid, and feel at ease."

—— Peace of mind?
——How can you feel at ease?
Pei Ru's status must be very prominent, otherwise, the commander of the Atlanta Empire would not have made so many concessions.

And according to my speculation, I and Pei Ru may be enemies...

With such a noble family, why did I become enmity with him?
Ling Sisi's thoughts were divided, which made Gu Ci very uncomfortable.

――If I hadn't been injured, if my status had been higher, Si Si wouldn't have suffered so much...

At this time, Pei Ru was proudly directing the people left behind to prepare their luggage.

Since there is no need to flee in a hurry, it is natural to bring more useful and edible ones.

Shen Wei looked happy. She didn't expect that the person who pursued her so hard would be so powerful, and she felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

"Sister, come on, I can put anything you want in my space."

She walked briskly in front of Ling Sisi and asked happily.

Ling Sisi shook his head: "I don't have any luggage, Xiaowei will do her own things first."

Shen Wei didn't think too much, she replied "hmm" and ran to Pei Ru's side.

After a group of people hurriedly packed their luggage, they filed out of the building.

(End of this chapter)

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