Chapter 175 Chapter 174
It has been very disturbed and a little guilty.

Uneasy because it pointed the wrong way.

Guilt because it decided to side with the main system.

Because during the period of time when it was silent, no matter how it calculated, Ling Sisi was the one who lost.

Humans have two sayings that are good, a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. It used reason to overcome its feelings for Ling Sisi with great difficulty.

Ling Sisi naturally noticed the subtle changes made by the system master.

She stepped on the accelerator, held the steering wheel in her hand and looked ahead, but she was asking in her heart: "Master, did you do something that I'm sorry for?"

0852 was startled and subconsciously retorted: "I didn't, how could you think so?"

Ling Sisi snorted coldly: "Because you look so much like raising a mistress behind my back."

0852 Forcibly calm down.

Oh my god, are women’s intuition always so sensitive?
It's terrible! ! !

Its small body jumped up and down: "Ling Sisi, listen to my quibbles. I didn't raise a mistress. It was you who raised a mistress. You not only raised a mistress, you also raised a mistress."

Ling Sisi sneered: "I'm capable, I know how to change the subject, I'll give you a chance to talk again."

0852 also knew that this time it couldn't be fooled no matter what, so it could only evade the seriousness and reply: "Okay, okay, let me say, let me say."

"I'm sorry, Ling Sisi, I pointed you in the wrong direction."

The system uncle apologized, but Ling Sisi felt a little uncomfortable.

Because that's not the answer she wanted.

It seems that the master system is determined to follow the main system that controls it.

She asked lightly: "So, I went from the Gobi Desert to the grassland and then from the grassland to the desert?"

0852 is actually very wronged.

It doesn't want to point the wrong way, but it has to bear the blame given to it by the main system.

"Ling Sisi, would you believe me if I said that I didn't point the wrong way on purpose? When I was in the Gobi Desert, when I compared the maps, the results of every comparison would be biased. You brought it out."

Ling Sisi was thoughtful when he heard the words.

She tentatively asked, "So, there is a bug in your system?"

0852 replied nervously: "It seems so."

Ling Sisi continued to probe: "Since there is a bug, will someone patch it for you?"

0852: "It doesn't exist now, but if there is a problem with the system, it will not be repaired until returning to the main system."

Ling Sisi had a cold face.

It seems that someone deliberately delayed my itinerary.

He not only wanted to take action against himself, but also wanted to take action against the people in Team Tongfeng.

The name on that pavilion, the pavilion and the Tatanos from Greek mythology, is indeed a warning.

Her hand on the steering wheel gradually tightened, and Shen Wei and Team Tongfeng feared that the situation was in danger.

After a bumpy ride for several days, Ling Sisi abandoned the car. There was a landslide in front of him and the road was blocked in half, so he had to take a detour.

After bypassing that section of the road, her trip was extremely smooth, but somewhere she didn't know, Shen Wei's trip was very difficult.

So when Ling Sisi took Dongfang Yu to the Nanzang base with all her efforts, she searched the base for several days but couldn't find Shen Wei and the Tongfeng team, not even Min Ran and the others. .

"Flower girl, I've always wanted to ask you, why do some of the people coming and going have some patterns on their eyes?" Dongfang Yu stood by the street and finally asked the question he had been wondering about for a long time.

He wanted to ask a long time ago, but Miss Hua seemed to be in a bad mood all the time, Dongfang Yu could only bear it.

"The pattern at the end of the eye means that the person has special powers and can summon the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water." Ling Sisi replied, suppressing the depression in his heart.

Dongfang Yu glanced at the person next to him: "Then, why are there no patterns at the end of your eyes?"

Ling Sisi: "Because I am a boss with tenth-level superpowers."

Yes, long before she arrived at the Nanzang base, Ling Sisi's abilities had advanced again. After this advancement, the pattern at the end of her eyes disappeared.

From the outside, she is now an ordinary person, or a person with derived powers.

The two exchanged a few words and then fell silent with each other.

Her bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

"It's been more than four months, why haven't Shen Wei and the others arrived yet?"

0852 is as quiet as a chicken.

It felt that the people of the Tongfeng team might be in bad luck. After all, Ling Sisi, the main combat force, and his external system that could detect the environment at any time were missing.

Dongfang Yu was always by Ling Sisi's side.

Along the way, he has understood the structure of this world. Human beings are already in danger, but zombies are all over the world.

Holding his sword in boredom, he looked at the crowd coming and going at the gate of the base.

I don’t know where the flower girl’s sister is. Why hasn’t she found it after searching for so long?Where is your mission goal now?The world is so dangerous, are they still alive?

In fact, Ling Sisi and Dongfang Yu caused a sensation when they appeared at the Nanzang base, because this base had not had new members join for a long time, not to mention that they were both good-looking.

However, she didn't pay much attention to Ling Sisi, mainly because in her eyes, the people at the Nanzang base were too weak, so she didn't bother to think about it, and she didn't bother to plan. one strike.

For several days, Ling Sisi and Dongfang Yu had been waiting at the entrance of the base. She also posted a mission in the mission hall of the Nanzang base to see if anyone had seen anyone from Team Tongfeng.

But, no one knows.

Two days later, just when Ling Sisi was getting impatient, she met an acquaintance.

Bald Jiang Ya was overjoyed.

In the past six months, he has joined many teams, but he never stayed for a short time.

After the hope base was destroyed overnight, he followed Li Huang's Aotian team to Qingyang City. When he had a few words with Huang Mao on the way, he was very unhappy with the way Li Huang protected Huang Mao.

So, he left the Aotian team, and later joined several teams, but he always felt a sense of incompatibility, and later, he simply walked alone.

When passing through a city, someone mentioned that when the members of the Tongfeng team were going to the southern Tibet base, he rushed over without the slightest hesitation.

Although there are a few old and weak women and children in the Tongfeng team, there is a space system in their team. He has been with several teams and met many people, but the space system ability is too rare. There is a space system in a team. With the ability of the space system, logistics can be guaranteed at any time.

Therefore, the bald head was very happy to see Ling Sisi.

Ling Sisi was not happy at all, she stretched out her hand to say hello, then turned her head and continued to look at the gate without interest.

The bald head handed over the crystal nucleus that entered the base, and enthusiastically stood beside Ling Sisi and began to hug his thigh: "Long time no see, Commander Ling."

(End of this chapter)

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