Chapter 170 Chapter 169


The edge of the Gobi Desert.

Ling Sisi tiptoed to build a pergola with his hands, and looked ahead.

It was emerald green, and it was impossible to see how big the grassland was, because the grass was too tall.

Ling Sisi is more than 1.7 meters tall, but the grass is a head taller than her.

Roughly estimated, the grass should be nearly two meters long. If the uncle of the system did not point out the direction, he would not be able to get out of this grassland with his own ability.

"Little San, Xiao Si, have these grasses mutated? Do they eat people and animals?" Ling Sisi communicated with the two little hamsters in his mind using his psychic powers.

"Mutated, mutated, but they don't eat people, they just grow up."

Little San immediately replied that the boss was in a bad mood recently, and he made a special investigation when he was just approaching the grassland.

Ling Sisi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief when he heard the news. If there is such a large grassland, if it eats people, then don't play, let's explode in place.

She opened her backpack, looked at the last pack of compressed biscuits, and was a little worried. There was nothing around, only grass, did she want to eat grass?

I can eat grass, but the third and fourth can't eat grass, right?

Ling Sisi hesitated for a moment, bit his lower lip and crouched down to break a blade of grass.

The grass is so big that it can be compared to sugar cane. She dipped some juice from the cut surface with her hand, hesitated for a while, and sucked it in her mouth.

Bitter, very bitter, very bitter.

Ling Sisi quickly condensed a ball of water with his supernatural power and threw it into his mouth. He gulped down some water and rinsed his mouth again.

But after rinsing her mouth, she still felt the bitter taste spreading in her mouth, which was endless and disgusting.

0852 Listening to Ling Sisi retching, Ai Ai asked: "Is it hard to eat?"

Ling Sisi said gloomyly, "Do you want to try?"

0852 smiled awkwardly: "That still doesn't work, besides, I haven't downloaded the taste system, and I don't have a body, but I just checked the system information."

"All things in the world, mutual generation and mutual restraint, for example, melon is sweet, but the melon pedicle is the most bitter. The melon pedicle is ground into powder, and it is a medicine specially used to induce vomiting in Chinese medicine."

"According to the data, someone has eaten Guadisan, and the bitter taste is something she will remember for a lifetime."

Ling Sisi interrupted it impatiently: "Speak up if you have anything to say, don't gossip, you're a godsend!"

0852 originally wanted to show off his profound database, but he didn't expect Ling Sisi to be so violent.

However, how dare it go back.

Because it points the wrong way, it has a guilty conscience!

0852 cautiously: "I want to say that grass cannot be eaten, but grass roots should be."

Ling Sisi noticed the subtle changes in the master of the system, but she didn't think much about it. Her life was so difficult, and it would be really inhuman if it continued to argue with her.

But it's not human anyway.

She squatted down, took the dagger out of her army boots and started digging the grass roots.

After a while, Ling Sisi dug out a section of grass root.

The grass is green, but the roots are black. After scraping off the skin with a dagger, the inside is milky white again.

She dipped her hands in some juice again and tasted it. The sweetness was slightly sour and full of water, a bit like eating pear juice.

Ling Sisi didn't dare to take it too seriously, so she dripped a drop of grass root juice on the tip of her tongue.

Then apply the juice on the wrists, and finally put the remaining roots in the pocket, and walk along the route pointed by the uncle of the system again.

The sun was high in the sky, and the temperature began to climb slowly again.

Ling Sisi kept on walking with his head covered, his eyes were all green, after looking for a long time, he raised his head to look at the sky, and in a blink of an eye, the sky was full of red, like walking on the border of hell.

The juice that started to drip on the tip of her tongue had melted away, and her wrists did not feel numb, itchy, poisoned, and the grass roots could be eaten, which gave her some comfort in her heart.

Strands of green grass are left behind, but there are more green grass waiting in front.

Ling Sisi was very tired.

Although her body has been strengthened by supernatural powers and spiritual spring water, she really can't hold on without high-energy and high-protein supplies and continues to walk for many days.

The long brisk walking every day made her legs heavy like lead, and she found it very difficult to take every step.

Now, she can barely walk.

0852 was so distressed that it wanted to cry.

It seems that a long time ago, I also felt sorry for a certain person.

After leaving the Gobi Desert, Ling Sisi walked on the grassland for another two days.

Every time her body feels that she can't hold on any longer, she cheers herself up and must rush to the southern Tibet base. Shen Wei is still waiting there, and the members of the Tongfeng team are also waiting there, you can do it.

For some reason, Ling Sisi always felt that everything he had experienced before him had a sense of déjà vu.

A picture suddenly flashed before her eyes.

In the picture, I am wearing a military uniform and walking quickly with a huge backpack on my back, as if doing zipper training in the army, and there is a voice encouraging myself in my ear.

"Si Si, persevere, persevere, you can do it."

Ling Sisi's heart ached suddenly when she heard the concerned voice, and the familiar feeling of dizziness came again, she quickly diverted her thoughts and cleared her mind.

0852 jumped up: "Ling Sisi, are you too tired? Are you hallucinating? Why did you see the picture of wearing a military uniform for training."

Ling Sisi had already stopped in her tracks, she was panting, her heart still had lingering pain, the scene just now had disappeared like a mirage, but she was sure that this was not a hallucination, it must be her memory from the past.

She hesitated for a while and said, "Master, last time I passed out in the bathroom at the hotel in the small town, why didn't you ask me what happened?"

0852 Unknown So: "Because I know where you are, when you fainted for the first time in Hope Base, I couldn't contact you at that time, you said you were trapped in a cloud of black fog, so I didn't ask .”

Ling Sisi guided: "Then you never thought about why I fainted?"

0852 at a loss: "Maybe you are too tired?"

Ling Sisi fell silent.

It seems that Master System didn't know that he had a problem with his memory. The person who set up this game was really deep in his thoughts, but he probably didn't expect another person to intervene.

Xiaosan and Xiaosi were extremely hungry, but they didn't dare to move. Out of the animal's alertness, they always felt that danger was lurking in this lush green grassland.

However, fortunately, Ling Sisi, the breeder, was very conscientious, and gave them the last pack of compressed biscuits.

As for herself, she dug up a few grass roots to fill her belly.

After another day of walking, Ling Sisi saw a path crossed by unknown animals or humans.

She squatted down, studied it carefully for a while, and then walked along the path for a while, and found a very surprising discovery, there were a few grasses that had been dug up.

Ling Sisi pinched the soil around the grass roots with his hands. It was dry on the outside, but there was still a trace of moisture on the inside. According to the weather, it would take no less than 48 hours to dig out the grass roots.

"Master, have you noticed any humans nearby?" She asked in a deep voice.

"No! I didn't scan any living creatures?"

Ling Sisi: "I found that there were traces of grass roots being dug up on this path, and the time would not exceed 48 hours."

"Well, I saw it too."

"So, there were humans here 48 hours ago?"

0852 was a little uncertain, after all, it felt that no human would choose to settle in such a harsh environment.

Ling Sisi was a little puzzled, shook his head, returned to the original path, and continued on his way.

Issue 0852 Ai Ai: "Ling Sisi, aren't you going to find this human being?"

Ling Sisi: "Why are you looking for it?"

0852: "Ask for directions when you find it, and see where you are now."

Ling Sisi was extremely surprised: "Master, are you joking? Didn't you already determine the location when you were in the Gobi Desert? You have instructed me to walk for so many days, why do you want me to ask someone for directions now? "

0852 was very guilty: "Don't get excited, I just want you to make sure, after all, my data is only compared with a map and the surrounding environment, if you make a mistake, you can correct it in time."

Ling Sisi suddenly understood one thing.

She always felt that something was wrong with the master of the system these few days, so it turned out that he was waiting here.

"Be honest, did you point the wrong way?" Ling Sisi asked coldly.

0852 shrank back involuntarily: "No, it's just a little bit off. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Ling Sisi immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that the deviation is not too big. As long as I get out of this grassland, I can know the exact location. I don't blame you."

0852 The heart that originally wanted to confess shrank back.

Forget it, as long as you can hide it, Ling Sisi, who was as cold as ice just now, made him feel very bad.

When night came again, Ling Sisi had already adapted to the extreme darkness. After a full rest, she began to practice supernatural powers, and she could not miss her daily homework.

When the morning light of another day fell on her face, Ling Sisi got up from the grass.

Her water ability has been improved twice in the Gobi Desert. Now her facial features are more acute, and her astigmatism eyesight has completely returned to normal or even improved.

Xiaosan and Xiaosi crawled out of Ling Sisi's pocket and stood in her palm.

"Master, Xiaosi is hungry."

"Boss, little San is also hungry."

0852 looked disgusted: "Ling Sisi, you have raised two ancestors, and you have nothing to eat, so you have to save it for them."

Ling Sisi didn't care: "What can I do, the pets I raise should be pampered even if the conditions are not good."

Just before she took out the only piece of compressed biscuit from her backpack, the sudden and huge sense of crisis made her hairs stand on end.

Ling Sisi immediately put down the two little hamsters, quickly pulled out the dagger from his military boots and held it in his hand, looking around vigilantly.

0852 couldn't understand her nervousness, because within its scanning range, it didn't detect any life forms.

But it didn't dare to make a sound. After all, the world is so big, full of wonders, there is always information that it can't detect.

Little three and little four were unusually quiet, animals' innate anticipation of danger made them clearly aware of the suffocating breath in the air, and the green grass around them seemed to be calling for them to run away quickly.

In the dead silence, Ling Sisi could hear his own heartbeat.

This fear of the unknown made her a little irritable and anxious.

She tried to calm herself down, and her ears seemed to hear the sound of air being cut.

When a crisis came, her body reacted faster than her brain. She dodged the attack sideways, rolled on the spot, and quickly opened the distance. But in an instant, she straightened up and looked at the place that was just attacked.

There seemed to be water waves spreading out in the air, and a huge round monster with steel thorns all over its body and red eyes slowly appeared from the air.

The giant beast didn't seem to think that it would miss, it was very angry.

Ling Sisi calmly looked at the giant beast that failed to attack. Its scarlet eyes were like a vicious dog from hell. Its strong front legs were bent, and its huge body was lying on the ground. Suddenly, it opened its big mouth and let out a Let out a roar.

Ling Sisi was startled by the surprise attack at first, and then startled again by the roar.

After becoming angry from embarrassment, she tightened her throat, raised her breath from her dantian, and let out a long howl at the monster. The sound resounded through the sky, which scared the monster, and also scared 0852, Xiaosan and Xiaosi.

The two little hamsters and 0852 were already extremely nervous, but now that the situation was going bad, they became even more nervous.

They didn't dare to disturb Ling Sisi's battle, so they could only secretly cheer her up in their hearts.

In just a few seconds, the giant beast rushed towards Ling Sisi again, at a very high speed, as fast as a bolt of lightning piercing the sky.

When Ling Sisi saw it rushing towards him, she remained motionless. Just when the giant beast was about to collide with her, she tiptoed and thrust the sharp dagger into the giant beast with her backhand as she passed by.

The giant beast's fur was very hard, and the sharp dagger blade combined with her strength, but it scratched a little bit of skin.

After one person and one monster staggered, they faced off again.

After another missed hit, the behemoth seemed to have the heart to retreat.

Its limbs began to move back, and a low growl came out of its throat.

Ling Si is happy.

This behemoth looks powerful, but unexpectedly it is a strong outsider, so it can't help but fight at all.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Ling Sisi who wanted to eat a bite of meat, in the first round, she would have used her supernatural ability to directly absorb the water from the giant beast, without any need for melee combat at all.

0852 also seemed to understand that this monster looked ferocious, but in fact it was no match for Ling Sisi at all.

"Ling Sisi, the weak point of most animals is the neck. Can you give it a try?" 0852 suggested.

"I think so."

After a short reply, she let out another long whistle from her mouth, and rushed towards the giant beast at the speed of an arrow from the string. She wanted to try whether the monster's neck was a weak point.

The giant beast that had intended to retreat was completely aroused. This time, it rushed over faster than the previous two times.

The two intersected each other, and Ling Sisi used her strength to push up from the giant beast's face. When a kite turned over and landed, it stabbed the dagger through the giant beast's neck. This time, she used [-]% of her strength.


The dagger pierced the giant beast's neck, making a crisp sound of gold and jade hitting.


The dagger snapped.

Ling Sisi was so shocked that he took several steps back.

She stared and frowned at the giant beast in front of her.

0852 was about to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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