I and the system are dropping vests every day

Chapter 167 Chapter 166 Tantalus: Desolate Gobi Desert

Chapter 167 Chapter 166 Tantalus: Desolate Gobi Desert


"He was standing in the middle of a pool of deep water with the waves rolling just under his chin.

But he endured a burning thirst and could not drink a drop of cold water, although the cold water was right at his mouth.

He had only to bend down and try to drink from his mouth, and the water flowed away from him in an instant, leaving him alone on the level ground, as if some demon had tricked the pool to drain it.

At the same time he was terribly hungry.

Behind him was the shore of the lake, and on it grew a row of fruit trees, laden with fruit, whose branches, bent under the weight of the fruit, hung over his forehead.

As long as he looks up, he can see the juicy pears, bright red apples, fiery red pomegranates, fragrant figs and green olives on the trees.

These fruits seemed to greet him with a smile, but when he stood on tiptoe to pick them, there would be a strong wind blowing the branches into the air.

In addition to enduring these tortures, the most terrible pain is the continuous fear of death.

Because there was a big stone hanging above his head, which could fall down at any moment and crush him to pieces. "

Ling Sisi touched these small characters with her fingertips, whether it was the couplets outside the gazebo or the small characters on the stone table in the gazebo, she felt very strange.

"Master, is there any allusion to this story? Did the person in the story do something wrong to be tortured like this?"

0852 froze for a moment: "I haven't heard of this story, Ling Sisi, wait a minute, I'll check the database."

"found it."

"The person who was punished was named Tantalus."

"He was the son of Zeus, who ruled over Sipyrus of Lydia, and was famous for his wealth."

"Tantalus was honored by the gods because of his noble birth.

He could dine at the same table as Zeus without avoiding the conversation of the gods.

But his vanity made him unworthy of heavenly blessings.

So he began to do evil to the gods.

He divulged the secrets of their lives.

Steal mead and elixirs from their tables and share them with mortal friends.

He hid a golden dog stolen from the Temple of Zeus in Crete at home, hid the stolen goods, refused to hand it over, and stole the golden dog as his own.

One day, he invited the gods to his home as guests. In order to test whether the gods knew everything, he ordered his son Pelops to be killed, and then he fried and cooked it to make a table of dishes for them.

Demeter, the goddess of grain, was in a state of anxiety at the banquet because she missed her daughter Persephone who had been snatched away. Only she tasted a piece of shoulder blade out of politeness.

The other gods had already seen through his trick, and threw the torn boy's limbs into the basin one after another.

Crotor, the goddess of fate, took the corpse out of the basin and brought him back to life. Unfortunately, there was a piece missing on the shoulder, which was eaten by Demeter, and later had to be filled with ivory.

Tantalus offended the gods. He committed such a heinous crime and was cast into hell by the gods, where he was tortured every day. "

After 0852 finished speaking, seeing that Ling Sisi did not respond, he said again: "This story comes from Greek mythology. It has a long history and there are many versions. I just picked the part I just told at random. Ling Sisi, are you listening?"


Ling Sisi was thoughtful after listening to the statement made by the system master.

Greek mythology?it's wired?Why have I never heard of it?
Also, who are the stories and couplets on the stone table warning?Are you warning yourself?
After this world is invaded by the black mist, it is no longer a human world. Those who are alive are like Tantalus, who are tortured every day and cannot be freed.

How big a mistake did people in this world make to be punished like this?
and many more.

Tang Haolan once said before he died that he came to this world to take the blame for others. Is this world really a prison?
0852 hesitated: "Ling Sisi, what are you thinking?"

Ling Sisi came back to his senses: "I'm wondering if this story and the couplet with the gazebo are warning me."

"Could it be that you're thinking too much, maybe this is just a tourist attraction, since it's a tourist attraction, it must have its unique features and selling points, so engrave a story on the stone table to make it mysterious?"

This time the master system did not directly refute Ling Sisi, because it also felt that things were getting weirder and weirder.

Ling Sisi remained silent. When her fingertips reached the end of this fairy tale, a tingling sensation suddenly spread from her fingertips to her brain. After she was slightly dizzy, a white light appeared in front of her eyes.


Yan Shisan and Feng Xi were standing aside, carefully reading the words on the stone table. When they saw the white light coming out of Ling Sisi's body, they yelled and reached out to catch her, but it was in vain.

A living person disappeared before their eyes without warning.



Yan Shisan was so anxious that he shouted loudly.

"Get back to the team quickly."

The wind breath was in chaos, and he pulled Yan Shisan to output the wind power to the extreme.

At this time, Ling Sisi was standing in a deserted Gobi Desert with a blank face.

"Uncle, where have I been?"

0852 also looked blank: "I don't know either."

"Anyway, there are no creatures within a radius of ten miles."

Ling Sisi pinched his fingers hard, the pain was very severe, it was not a dream.

This time, without waiting for Ling Sisi to ask, 0852 spoke: "It's a teleportation array."

"It's unexpected that such a low-level world has such a high-level mode of transportation."

It said incredulously.

Before Ling Sisi could react, she asked in a daze: "What is the teleportation array? It's very strange, why I seem to have heard of it before?"

0852: "The teleportation array is difficult to explain in words. Simply put, it is space folding and then straight-line transmission, but this kind of transportation is only available on high-level planes, because it involves the concept of wormholes, so the general world is not It is possible to master such advanced technology."

"As for you saying that you seem to have heard of this name before, it should be a memory error!"

"No, no, I am very sure that I have been in contact with the teleportation array before, because I am very familiar with the dizzy feeling just now."

Ling Sisi tried hard to recall, but his mind was blank.

She has always known that there must be something wrong with her memory, because there are some things that she has never touched before, and some people have never seen them, but there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

For example, Gu Nanyi, Yan Shisan, Shen Wei and Xiaoxi have such similar voices.

In fact, when he was at Hope Base, Ling Sisi suspected that his memory had been tampered with after seeing the familiar feeling after seeing those soldiers cleaning the battlefield.

The black mist in my mind that I can't get out of should be the memory that has been sealed.

Ling Sisi suddenly felt how malicious the world was towards her.


The Tongfeng team she founded is getting stronger day by day, and more and more people around her trust her. If this situation continues, she believes that when the Nanzang base arrives, her team should be the most dazzling team.

But now...

She turned around and looked at her surroundings.

At a glance.

Look up desolate.

No grass grows.

There are weathered stones everywhere.


It was so still.

There is no sound in the whole world, so quiet that only the sound of breathing and heartbeat can be heard.

Desolate, desolate.

There were no people, no trees, no grass, no animals, not even a single bird in the sky.

0852 suddenly had a bad feeling: "Ling Sisi, I'm afraid you will die in this Gobi Desert."

Ling Sisi asked tentatively: "Have you always wanted me to die?"

0852 jumped up: "No, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Ling Sisi continued to test: "Why not? If I die, you can leave this world, and I can also leave this ghost place and return to my own world. Isn't that good?"

0852 became unhappy: "Ling Sisi, don't be like this, death is a very, very sad thing, so even if you know you are dead, you still exist, but I still don't want to."

Hearing the reluctance in the system uncle's tone, Ling Sisi couldn't help but feel a little bit happy in his originally depressed mood.

It seems that after spending so many days and nights with each other, and with his way of cultivating relationships by boiling frogs in warm water, the system uncle finally has a little plastic friendship with him.

She rolled her eyes and continued to scheming: "Sir, do you know? People actually die three times."

"The first time the heart stopped, the breathing stopped, it was biological death.

The second time was the funeral, and from then on he left quietly in the social network.

The third time is when the last person in the world who remembers you forgets you, and the entire universe will have nothing to do with you. It is the real death. "

"So, as long as you remember me, then I'm not really dead."

Ling Sisi's words were very soft, as if he was stating a trivial matter.

0852 suddenly felt sad: "Ling Sisi, you are dead, maybe it will not be me who will perform missions with you next time, and I...may be formatted by the main system and become a different type of system , so, I will forget you too, if no one remembers you, you will really die."

"So, you have to live well."

The mood of 0852 is very low, and its anthropomorphic plug-in function makes it feel the powerlessness of human beings to the impermanence of life.

Ling Sisi felt Uncle System's uncomfortable emotions, and she turned her head to comfort him: "Don't worry, Uncle, I will not die, I will live well, my goal has not changed, and I will definitely die."

0852 immediately encouraged: "Yes, come on, Ling Sisi, you can do it, you are the Iron Maiden, and you will definitely be able to overcome obstacles and break through all difficulties."

Ling Sisi smiled knowingly, the sincere encouragement and support from the system uncle was rare.

The environment in the Gobi Desert is harsh.

There is no water, no plants, and the sun is constantly shining overhead.

But luckily Ling Sisi had a backpack.

There is a backpack full of compressed biscuits and military cans in the backpack, as well as a walkie-talkie, so she will not starve to death in a short time.

This backpack was prepared for her by Shen Wei.

Every time Ling Sisi went on a mission, such as exploring the road, getting supplies, or making crystal nuclei, she would prepare a bag full of food.

She was afraid that Ling Sisi would be trapped in a certain place and could not escape, so that as long as there was enough food, he could wait for rescue.

In fact, from Ling Sisi's point of view, Shen Wei's mind is too delicate and careful, how can she be trapped with her own skills and abilities, if she can't fight and escape, can't she?
However, now it seems that Shen Wei's caution is right. If it weren't for the backpack of food on his back, Ling Sisi would be in a desperate situation right now.

She took off her backpack and carefully counted the compressed biscuits and military cans in the backpack.

Eat sparingly, you can eat for at least a month.

After Ling Sisi checked the supplies in the backpack, he found several packets of chocolates and a small packet of rock candy in the outermost pocket of the backpack.

That's right, they're all high in calories. When you really run out of ammunition and food, these little things can save your life.

0852's heart finally dropped a little after seeing the piles of supplies: "Ling Sisi, Shen Wei is so kind to you. She takes good care of you, and it's not in vain that you pampered her all the way."

Ling Sisi rolled his eyes: "Uncle, I love you too. From now on, you must be as kind to me as Shen Wei is, do you understand?"

0852 was shy after hearing Ling Sisi's straightforward words.

It suddenly felt its cold mechanical heart beating a few times. Although it also knew that this was just a feeling simulated by the anthropomorphic plug-in, this feeling was really subtle.

It changed the subject periodically: "Then, Ling Sisi, what are you going to do now? Do you want to leave here, or stay here and wait?"

Ling Sisi did not point out the system master's shyness. She stood upright: "Wait here."

"Since the stone table in the gazebo is a teleportation array, then Shen Wei and Nan Yi will definitely find a way to activate the mechanism. As long as they touch the mechanism, they will definitely be teleported here. If I leave now, in case they come over , we really dispersed."

0852 hesitated for a while: "But, Ling Sisi, if the couplet in the gazebo and the story on the stone table are really aimed at you, then that person must want to separate you from the Tongfeng team, then the teleportation array will send you here After that, maybe it was closed?"

Ling Sisi stretched out his hand to build a pergola and looked into the distance as he replied: "So, I won't wait long. If no one from the Tongfeng team comes within one day, I will find another way out."

0852 hesitated to speak, the two teams finally had a smooth and peaceful life for a few days, what kind of bastard doesn't want Ling Sisi to have a good time?
After it finished messing with Ling Sisi's heart, it started messing with its own.

I don't know since when, 0852 felt that something was wrong with his internal procedures.

Maybe it's the involuntary attitude towards Zhuo Zi's girl after seeing her for the first time?

Perhaps at some point, they unconsciously matched Ling Sisi and Gu Nanyi?

As a strict utility system, one should not work part-time in the parenting system and the matchmaking system. There is only one explanation, that is, I have been formatted before, and for some reason, the format was not thorough.

0852 suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

It doesn't want to be formatted.

Ling Sisi waited quietly in the Gobi Desert.

In the gazebo, the members of Team Tongfeng and Min Ran were in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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