Chapter 131 130 A Monster
After careful scanning, 0852 felt something was wrong: "Ling Sisi, this military watch is from Fang Xingzhong."

"How do you know?" Ling Sisi asked calmly as he moved slowly against the wall.

"I scanned and copied all the equipment of the players in the Tongfeng team into the system."

"I know the equipment on them very well. Although these equipment are mass-produced and seem to be exactly the same, there are actually no identical things in the world. What's more, Fang Xingzhong's military watch has been used by others, and its strap has been used by others. Someone deliberately left a mark..."

Before 0852 could finish his sentence, he suddenly screamed: "Be careful, Ling Sisi, the monster has attacked."

Ling Sisi didn't have time to ask in detail, the always smooth tentacles stretched out from a corner.

"Hee hee hee, what is this? Although it doesn't smell at all, it looks delicious."

A little girl's voice sounded in the empty corridor.

Ling Sisi shuddered when he heard the little girl's voice.

Is this still a zombie?

isn't it?
She didn't have time to back off and rolled on the spot to avoid the touch of the tentacles.

"It's really interesting. It's obviously a human being, but it doesn't have any sweetness at all. It looks really interesting." Another bass said teasingly.

While dodging the tentacles' attack, Ling Sisi glanced at the creature covered with human heads in his busy schedule.


What the hell, she actually saw the mouth of a male head opening and closing.

0852 trembled uncontrollably: "Ling Sisi, run away... run away."

Ling Sisi ignored Uncle System's suggestion. She took out a dagger from her military boots and stabbed at the tentacles gliding on the ground.

The sharp knife penetrated into the flesh, as if piercing a layer of membrane.

A shrill howling like electric current appeared in Ling Sisi's mind.

"You damn thing, you dare to hurt me. I will hang your head in my darkest place, and I will make you suffer heartbreaking pain every day."

A tentacle reached Ling Sisi's body from the dark.

Ling Sisi dodged, but the layer of mucus splashed directly onto the biochemical suit, and after a burst of squeaks, a puff of white smoke came out of the biochemical suit.

Oops, the slime is corrosive.

With a wave of Ling Sisi's hand, a water man appeared beside her.

She put the dagger in the water man's hand, and she hid herself against a wall.

Another tentacle struck quickly, and the water man cut through the tentacle with a knife, and blue blood sprayed out.

Is it okay to use water control now?
Ling Sisi used another water control technique.


A large stream of blue liquid mixed with corrosion and smelly gushed out.

Ling Sisi's stomach, which had been tormented all this time, finally broke away from her willpower.

She squatted down in pain, turned her head and vomited all over the floor, but the water control technique in her hand still did not stop.

However, this monster was too huge. Before she could absorb the body fluids of the whole monster, another tentacle came out and pierced Ling Sisi's eyes obliquely.

With a wave of his hand, Ling Sisi condensed the bodily fluid into a ball and smashed it hard on the tentacles.


The tentacle was smashed to the ground, and after a sharp pain, the tentacle shrank back, and Ling Sisi hurriedly ran along the way he came from.

Can't beat, can't beat.

Admit cowardly, admit cowardly.

When the monster saw its prey and wanted to run, its abdomen started to gurgle, and soon a sticky air bubble came out of its mouth.

Although Ling Sisi was running fast, she was always paying attention to the movement around her. When she sensed a strong wind was coming from behind her head, she didn't turn her head. With a movement of her fingers, a wall of water appeared behind her.

The sticky, stench-smelling air bubbles hit the water wall with a bang, and under the violent impact, the water wall shattered.

The bubbles broke through the water wall and struck at high speed following Ling Sisi's trajectory.

At this time, Ling Sisi's perspective had switched to that of the system master, and in the system's 360-degree vision with no blind spots, she saw the bubbles rushing all the way and secretly said badly.

She turned around immediately, and another wall of water appeared in front of the bubble.

But this time the blocking was still less than a second.

It's not over yet.

Ling Sisi angrily swung another wall of water, but this time there was a dagger along with the wall of water.

The bubble slammed into the dagger hidden in the water wall, and the blade that cut iron like mud immediately pierced the thin wall of the bubble. After Ling Sisi was overjoyed, he performed another water control technique.

The body fluid of the monster body cannot be absorbed completely, and a bubble is still enough.

Her guess was correct. With the output of her water power, all the unknown liquid in the bubbles was absorbed.

But before Ling Sisi could relax, the monster's abdomen in the distance began to gurgle again.

"Ling Sisi, you're done. How many bubbles are there in this bastard's stomach?"

0852 only felt that this time things had exploded.

Ling Sisi was taken aback.

The blood bar of this boss is too thick!

She didn't stop, her legs were moving faster than a rabbit.

It's just that her speed is fast, and the monster spit bubbles faster.

Another bubble flew over.

Ling Sisi didn't make a move this time, she just tried her best to escape.

Because every second she delays, the monster's body will skyrocket.

She had a bad premonition that this monster must be holding back its big move.

Fortunately, the stairs were right in front of him, Ling Sisi turned a corner and ran downstairs.

Bubbles still follow.

It's incredible, what the hell is this.

She had fled so far, but the bubbles followed her everywhere.

If she hadn't switched to the perspective of the system master, Ling Sisi felt that she might not be able to escape if she was required to escape by herself while keeping an eye on the bubbles.

"Quick, Ling Sisi, Water Wall."

0852 shouted anxiously.

Ling Sisi immediately swung a wall of water behind him.

The bubble hit the water wall again.

And at this second, Ling Sisi distanced himself from Bubble.

She ran to the gate of the hospital like a whirlwind.

"Quick, quick, run away."

Ling Sisi yelled, his voice cracked a little because he was so anxious.

Gu Nanyi, Huahua, and Zhuo Weihang immediately reacted when they saw the embarrassed Ling Sisi.

They quickly got into the car and fired it up.

Ling Sisi flew in directly from the car door and window.

Zhuo Weihang was startled when he saw the air bubbles in the interior mirror, and immediately stepped on the accelerator.

At this time, a bubble flew over. It seemed unwilling to let the prey escape. It paused in the air for half a second and then exploded.

The liquid in the bubbles spilled on the car's shell, making a "sizzling" corrosion sound.

The people in the car were shocked.

"Sister Si Si, what the hell is this?" Hua Hua asked with lingering fear.

"Ghost knows what the hell it is, I almost confessed to being in the hospital." Ling Sisi replied out of breath.

Gu Nanyi apologized: "I'm sorry, Sister Si Si, if I hadn't come to the hospital, you wouldn't have been in danger."

Ling Sisi waved his hand: "It's nothing, no one thought that there would be such a monster in this hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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