Chapter 95 Going to Huo Cang
The mountain road is very difficult to walk. This is due to the fact that the executioners' routes are quite secretive. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, it is naturally not an easy road to walk.Ye Xinxin was still sick, snoring and running very slowly, trying to keep steady.Sometimes the mountain road is too rough and you need to come down and walk.With Ye Xinxin on her back, Chacha only traveled less than [-] kilometers in two hours.

Chacha felt drowsy and could no longer walk.The four of them lit up a flame in a cave they passed by, cuddled each other and fell asleep.Because of the cold weather, the blood vessels in the peripheral circulation constricted, and most of the blood flowed through the kidneys. Chacha, who was sleeping outside, was quickly awakened by the urge to urinate.The entrance of the cave needs to be protected from the wind, and most of the space is occupied by Hulu, so Chacha has no choice but to turn around and walk towards the cave.

Fortunately, the cave was quite deep, so Chacha trotted all the way, estimating the distance the smell would travel.At 200 meters from the hole, her bladder sphincter was released.Only then did he open the pointing pen and see the surrounding situation clearly.Like many caves I have seen before, this is a natural stalactite cave.The stone walls were slippery, and the sound of running water could be heard from deep inside.

Chacha walked inside curiously.The distance between the two sides of the stone wall became wider and wider, and after tens of meters, an open space opened up.Under the beautiful stalactites, a small stream flows.Chacha shook the star pen, and several cave fish were attracted by the light to swim around.

"Breakfast tomorrow!" Chacha easily pocketed the eyeless cave fish.Under the light of the pointer pen, the milky white body is as transparent as jade, and the internal organs and blood vessels are clearly visible.

Chacha held strings of cave fish in one hand and a star pen in the other, happily humming a song.The crimson light reflected back and forth, and Chacha noticed something crookedly engraved on the opposite stone wall.When she got closer, she realized that it was a painting, and the person Chacha in the painting was very familiar.Axue on the stone wall is vivid and lifelike, and her smile is full of charm, as if she can walk out of the painting with a soft call.

Even with her toes, Chacha could guess that the author of this painting was Xingcha's former owner, Nicholas Zhao Si'er.On the left side of the portrait, the reason for his painting is written.There was a heavy rain outside the cave. The heavy rain lasted for half a month, and the whole city was submerged in water.The place called Huo Cang was submerged underwater.In this lonely cave, his thoughts poured down like a torrential rain.

Chacha took a numb step back and stepped on something soft.

Bending down to pick it up, it turned out to be an umbrella.The white umbrella cloth is spotless, and the invisible ribs exude a mysterious light, just like the shell of a star.This is not an ordinary umbrella, this is Nicholas Zhao Sier's umbrella.Probably Zhao Si'er left the umbrella here after finishing the painting.The reason why he didn't come back was because when he finished painting, the torrential rain outside also stopped.

This umbrella is as heavy as black iron, Chacha struggled to hold it, but she didn't want to let the fish go.Slowly move towards the position of the hole.

"Where have you been?" Ashue was already awake.

"Put the water in." Chacha said directly, throwing the cave fish to the ground. "I got today's breakfast by the way. Walk more than 200 meters into the cave, and there is an underground river flowing inside. That's where these fish come from. Because they are all year round. Living in the dark, their eyes have degenerated, which are very easy to catch. Their scales have also degenerated, so they don’t need to be scraped.”

"You're panting like this, it doesn't look like you're going to be easy to catch." A Xue took out a tissue and wiped the sweat off Chacha's forehead.Her face was dripping with sweat.

"It's really easy." Chacha put down the big umbrella and sat beside the fire in relief, "What do you think it is?"

"An umbrella?" Axue said suspiciously, "You treat me as a cave fish, and I'm not blind." The umbrella cloth was pure white like snow, emitting a seductive glow, and Axue approached involuntarily.Holding the umbrella handle with one hand, the big umbrella opened with a "bang".Spinning lightly, a warm breath rushed over.

"Damn it?" Chacha exclaimed, "You actually have one hand? It's unscientific. I can't hold it at all."

"It's very light?" Ah Xue was puzzled, "Where did this umbrella come from? I quite like it."

"You lost the man ticket." Chacha said angrily.She is still panting.

"Where did I get the male ticket?" Ashe's eyes widened, and as she spun, the big umbrella became lighter and lighter, as if she was about to take its owner into the air, "You mean Nicholas Zhao Si'er? Is the umbrella his?"

"I'm afraid it's yours. Otherwise, how can you explain why I can't hold it. I still use a new left hand." Chacha seemed to smell a sour smell of love, "Didn't I say that there is an underground river? On the stone wall by the river, there is a masterpiece by Nicholas Zhao Sier. If you are interested, go in and have a look?"

"Okay." Axue disappeared into the flames in a flash.To be precise, it was the opened umbrella that led her to the underground cave.Chacha sighed helplessly.

A few minutes later, Ah Xue came back and asked Chacha to take pictures with the camera.The two of them posed until dawn in the cave where they couldn't see their fingers.

"What's written on it?" Axue asked.

"You don't understand?" Chacha wondered, after looking carefully, she realized that the words written on the portrait were not from the original world.This kind of text seems to come from the depths of memory.She also saw it in the letter from Nicholas Zhao Si'er. "Perhaps after changing my left hand, my memory began to gradually recover." Chacha thought for a while and then said, "The letter written by Zhao Si'er is also in this font. When we are free, let's go back to Xingcha to have a look. Said There may be other information besides the name."

"Yeah." Ashue nodded.

When the two came out of the cave, sister Ye Dongsong had already woken up and was anxiously preparing to find them.

"We're going to catch fish." Chacha said, "There's an underground river inside. I brought some water back by the way."

After Ye Xinxin rested overnight, her body temperature stabilized and her complexion recovered a bit.Axue roasted the cave moon and distributed it to everyone.While eating, Ah Xue couldn't help touching her new umbrella, with indescribable joy in her eyes.He accidentally touched the switch on the umbrella handle, and the whole person was pulled and flew to the top of the cave.His head was bumped upwards, and he frantically turned left and right to adjust his direction, and was finally suspended in mid-air steadily.The real essence involuntarily condensed into snowflakes, which fluttered down from the sky one after another.

"It's so beautiful." Ye Tongshou was the first to praise.

"I also think this move is so beautiful." Axue hung under the umbrella, like a fairy, her true energy increased ten times due to the blessing of the big umbrella, "I really want to give this move a name. Well, what's the name?" OK?"

"Newton's tears?" Chacha sneezed and interrupted untimely.

"What a disappointment." Axue blamed her mouth, but felt a little flattered in her heart.

"Who is Newton?" Ye Tongsu asked, "Can her tears form snowflakes?"

"I think we can work harder and dance on Newton's coffin board." Chacha ignored it, "I saw that the switch on the handle of the umbrella can adjust the strength. Add us later and see if we can also fly .”

Four people and a cat, together with their luggage, hang under the big umbrella.The speed of the big umbrella is not fast, but it is more stable.The surrounding scenery changed, over the mountains, through the canyons, and finally stopped at the edge of a city.Neon lights show that this is a civilized world.The city is surrounded by a high wall, and several well-dressed sentries are guarding the gates of the high wall.They stood upright, their silver combat uniforms were as smooth as water, and under the light of the silver moon, they looked like a few whitebaits wandering in the moonlight.

Just approaching slightly, these vigilant silverfish raised their laser guns and swept towards their position, and the crimson light gave a warning like a demonstration.

"Huo Cang people don't like us." Ye Xinxin stroked Hulu's white hair, eyes drooping, "If you want to go in, you can only wrong Hulu and sleep outside."

"Sister's treatment is important." Ye Dongsong said, "I will take care of Hulu."

(End of this chapter)

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