Chapter 92 The Evil of Famine
The sun hangs lazily in the sky, with a dry breath.Chacha stood on the grassland holding her sickle.Close your eyes and feel the natural sounds of everything in the world.The gentle wind blows the grass, setting off a layer of green waves.A few dung beetle-like bugs crawled around in the dung pile.Deep in the ground, a group of marmots were digging the soil.Chains sprouted from the limbs, black air filled the air, and the meadow that opened the hole continued to deepen.

"Pfft!" Chacha dragged seven or eight marmots out of the cave.His body struggled violently, his smooth fur glowed with oil, but he still couldn't break free from Chacha's chains.

The white cat meowed and pressed the marmots under its paws.Chacha let the two youngest ones go, and tied the rest of them together with a rope.Then proceed to the next wave of operations.After a while, the white cat's back was covered with trophies.Chacha rode on Hulu, and walked towards the village where Ye Dongsun was in a show of strength.

As soon as I arrived outside the village gate, I heard heart-piercing cries.Hulu was stunned for two seconds, then jumped to the door of the house with Chacha.The wooden hut is perched on a thick tree.

"What's wrong?" Chacha asked.

Axue and Ye Zangzang have just arrived. "My sister's cat was taken away." Ye Tong's eyes were red.

"But the cat is so big, it shouldn't be a problem." Chacha looked puzzled.

"It was by that group of people." Ye Dongsu choked on his sobs.I can't tell why for a long time.Chacha hurriedly searched her memory.The insane dog dealer from the original world came to mind.Riding a Hulu is about to go out.

"You put the food down first." Axue said, "Why don't you wait. Her sister is very weak now."

Chacha removed the marmot from Hulu, and then drove it into the pen under the tree to raise it.After doing all this, he and Ye Dongdou went into the house to see her sister.The light in the room is not good, and the air is a bit dull.

"Her sister is afraid of light." Ashe said.

"Damn it?!" Chacha's heart rose to her throat, "Then is she afraid of sound and water?"

"not yet."

"It shouldn't be rabies." Chacha sat on the side of the bed.Although I have seen it in Ye Tongsong's memory, the woman in front of me is really thin.The woman's skin was pale and transparent, and Chacha could even see her protruding blood vessels.It turned out that he was born with albinism.Chacha held the woman's hand, beckoning her to calm down.A warm force passed from palm to palm, flowing through the woman's whole body.Her face gradually turned rosy, and her breathing gradually became smoother.

"A Xue, make her some porridge." Chacha wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.Sending vitality to humans is indeed the most exhausting. "Her stomach can't absorb rough food now."


"Ye Tongsou, let's go out to find the cat." Considering the destructive power brought by Hulu's huge size, Chacha worried that it would lose control of its emotions and cause irreversible consequences.Moreover, she didn't want Hulu to feel distrustful and alienated towards Ye Tongsong's family because of the tragic experience that the mother cat might encounter.

Ye Tongshou placed Hulu in the cattery next to the fence.Chacha picked two plump marmots from the enclosure, and together with Ye Tongshou, they headed towards the hunters who were hunting cats.Facing famine, what these people need is food.And these huge cats, their meat is enough to support the whole village for half a month.Although most families have guardian cats, they always start with the weakest and most bully.Whether it's a cat owner, or a cat.

Because of the guardian cat, people in the village are far apart.With a marmot in each hand, Chacha's physical strength seems to be overdrawn due to the transmission of vitality.A fishy smell came from the corner of the village, and both Chacha and Ye Tongsu quickened their pace.Ye Tongshou's shoulders trembled, and she seemed to have foreseen the horror scene she was going to see next.

Most of the villagers live on huge tree trunks like Ye Tongshou and the others.Ye Dongsong brought Chacha straight to a brick and stone house.This strange building is located in the north of the village, with a huge area, surrounded by high mottled walls, and no tree can support it.It grows directly on the ground.Chacha's hands were empty, and Ye Tongsun boldly stepped forward to knock on the door.Before he could move, the iron gate suddenly opened, and a burly man walked out from the gate.His hands and clothes were covered with blood, his shrewd eyes were narrowed, and his face was flushed with murderous intent.

"You killed my cat!" Ye Tongsou jumped at the big man like crazy, and punched his solid chest.Hard muscles bounced Ye Gui back.Chacha hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

"This is the village's decision. It's your turn today." The big man wiped the blood from his hands, and another layer of blood stained his dirty clothes.

"You guys eat guardian beasts, you will be punished!" With strength from nowhere, Ye Tongsun knocked the strong man away and ran into the house.

The strong man cursed a few words and noticed the marmot in Chacha's hand.With a grinning grin, he snatched them away from the weak Chacha. "Next time, it will be Hulu's turn. If you can provide marmot meat with the same weight as Hulu, I will ask the village chief to suggest that Hulu's meat will not be eaten."

Chacha didn't care much, got up from the ground, and rushed into the door following Ye Zangzang's footsteps.Inside the vermilion iron door is a vast space.There were long knives hanging everywhere.The female cat fell in a pool of blood.Several other executioners were cutting its flesh.Ye Cangtang started having sex with the smallest guy.Mud and blood covered her apron.The executioners didn't even raise their eyelids.

"Stop!" Chacha instinctively picked up a long knife and rushed forward.

"Hehe." The executioner's expression changed slightly, and they stopped what they were doing and got down from the female cat. "Where did the kid come from, playing with a knife in front of us?"

The long knife made of refined iron made Chacha's figure a little difficult.But she doesn't want to get in trouble.Her scythe is not suitable for this low magic world. "Of course not." Chacha confessed for the first time, "You let Ye Tong go, everyone has something to say."

"Hehe, Ye Zhishou, your friend is just like you, how cute." They approached Chacha without any intention of stopping, "However, brothers and sisters are already on fire, come on, accompany Let's play and play."

"Okay." Chacha tilted her head, she had keenly noticed that these people's physical strength was about to be exhausted just like her.These guys just rely on their strong bodies to hold them up.After all, what fell down was a female cat whose head was several times larger than that of an adult lion, so these executioners naturally didn't take advantage of it.With the soles of the feet firmly rooted, he swung his long knife and drew an arc on the ground.To increase the effect, the moment the tip of the knife touched the ground, a thin flame burst out.

The power of the black sickle faintly poured into the long knife, exuding an astonishing aura.Chacha's eyes became sharper as well.The eyes of death swept across the crowd.The executioners were startled and couldn't help taking a step back.Years of hunting experience told them that this was definitely an opponent not to be trifled with.

Chacha was still applying pressure, black air poured from the soles of her feet, followed the shadow of the wall and circled behind the executioner.The air-conditioning pierced through, and beads of sweat leaked from the backs of several people, and their anger disappeared instantly.

"Let her go." Finally, the lead hunter spoke.

"Very good." Chacha's momentum remained undiminished, and she put the long knife back on the original knife holder.Pulling Ye Tonggui out of the slaughterhouse.

With the night wind blowing, Ye Tongsu finally calmed down.The pale moon hung in the sky, casting two slender shadows. "How should I tell my sister?" Ye Tongshun lowered his head.

"Let's say he was spotted by someone and shipped to Huo Cang." Chacha replied, "I'll tell her slowly when your sister recovers from her illness."

"Where is snoring? How can I tell it."

"I can speak cat language, I'll explain to it." Chacha bit the bullet and patted her chest.If one lie is spread, it will probably take countless lies to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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