Chapter 88 Altar Maze
"My hand..." Chacha's mind went blank. She clearly felt the surge of electricity in her body, but her eyes accurately told her that everything was an illusion.She is still young and cannot be disabled like this.

The lake water has not receded yet, and Ah Xue is still fainting.Sun Jinyan and Su You don't know where they are.Chacha lay on the sofa wanting to cry but had no tears.Dong Yan sat down beside her tenderly, gently pinching her broken shoulder, "Don't worry. It will be fine."

"Master." Chacha felt extremely aggrieved.

"You and Thunder Beast have the same origin." Dong Yan said, "Both come from another dimension."

"Master, you already knew?" Chacha was shocked.The muscles on his face screamed inappropriately, and the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he was exhausted even speaking.The vitality of the Ultralisk that he drank before was wiped out because of its curse.

"I'm the elder of Sifang College. You can't fool me. Even this Xingcha is not the so-called spiritual weapon of heaven and earth. It comes from another dimension just like you." Dong Yan said with a smile, "I'll give you Didn't throw away the silk."

"En." Chacha struggled to take out a blank silk painting from her pocket, the edge of the silk painting was stained crimson by Chacha's blood.

"When Ah Xue wakes up, you, Sun Jinyan, and your friend Su You, go find the palace on the map together." Dong Yan took the silk and shook it lightly, "Just inject three kinds of true essence with different attributes , the content on the map will appear." As he spoke, a green glow appeared from his fingertips, injecting his true energy into the silk. "You rest first. I have to deal with things outside."

Chacha sinks into the sofa with peace of mind.Close your eyes and feel the flow of blood in your body.In a trance, she seemed to see her idol.He reached out his hand gracefully and stroked her forehead.Those hands were extremely soft, with a warm body temperature.

"Are you awake?" Sun Jinyan stood beside the bed with a dirty face.

"...Why are you here?" Chacha was in a daze, "Where is Axue?"

"I'm cooking. She asked me to watch you." Sun Jinyan said, "You owe me three times. How are you going to repay me?" With his hands folded, he spoke with confidence.


"Don't think that I won't be struck by a thunder beast because I have the attribute of thunder. That is a ten thousand-year thunder beast, maybe I will explain it there." Sun Jinyan complained endlessly, as if it was a matter of course, "and , you agreed to cure my grandfather’s illness. I’ve been waiting for you for half a month. Now what kind of underground palace are you going to.”

"Thank you." Chacha frowned, but did not refute.

"How can you thank me?" Sun Jinyan chased after him.

"I can only save your grandfather. Your brother's leg is broken, and I can't connect it." Chacha said angrily, "My hand is still broken."

"After going to the underground palace, come home with me to save Grandpa." Sun Jin said that he was not forgiving, which did not match his cold appearance.

"Alright King, you have the final say." Chacha struggled to get up from the bed, and put on Sun Jinyan's back, "I want to eat, help me down." Sun Jinyan's shoulders trembled, and he broke free from Chacha's palm reflexively. .In the previous battle with the Thunder Beast, Chacha had been covering his shoulders almost all the time, as he shuttled through the thunder and lightning, he felt a shadow in his heart.

Chacha staggered and almost fell to the floor, her veins bulged and was about to attack, Sun Jinyan hurriedly hugged her by the waist.There was a nice smell from the sleeves.Like the fresh smell in the air after a thunderstorm, or the smell of ozone around copiers.Sun Jinyan resisted Chacha to the living room downstairs with a dark face like resisting rice.

"Fuck!" Sitting down on the sofa, Chacha finally couldn't help exhaling the fragrance.Sun Jinyan seemed to have not heard anything, and leaned comfortably beside him as if nothing had happened.It seems that he is the current owner of Xingcha.

The smell of rice came from the kitchen, and Axue came out with a plate, "Chacha, how are you?"

"I'm fine." Chacha reluctantly raised the corners of her mouth, her lips looking a little pale due to blood loss. "What about you, have you asked Sha Diao to check it out? By the way, let Sha Diao check it out with Sun Jinyan. If there is any injury that is not treated in time, don't worry. alright."

"Yeah. Let's eat first." Axue looked at Sun Jinyan, with a half-smile in her eyes, "Su You is with the first senior brother. The elders from the other courtyard have come and brought their disciples to rebuild the East courtyard. Wait until you feel better , we will go to the underground palace together."

A week later, the four of them returned to the wild forest.According to the marks on the map, they found the valley Sun Jinyan mentioned.In a more hidden location, a charred lightning-leading tree was found.At the bottom of the charred part, new tree buds have grown.

The entrance is a cave.Four people filed in.As Sun Jinyan said, when passing through the spiral staircase, one can see golden lines leading to the depths of the dark underground palace.Chacha looks back at the spiral staircase, the horizontal board is connected with two spiral handrails, the sun shines from the top of the head, the dust is flying, exuding a refreshing and comfortable temperature.When Chacha saw it, it was like seeing the double helix structure of DNA in the laboratory.

Several people couldn't tell the reason for the symbols on the lines.Su You felt familiar, but just shook his head.These lines are somewhat similar to those in his sea of ​​consciousness, but their appearance is different.Sun Jinran was not prepared, otherwise he would have taken out his childhood clothes and compared them.

Walking along the lines, as if seeing many doors, passing by quickly.When Chacha took a closer look, those dark or bright doors seemed to have never appeared.Go all the way to the altar.Sure enough, there are runes written in Yunzhuan engraved here, crookedly connected into complex patterns.

"Axue, do you understand?" Chacha asked.

"The cloud seal is too empty, at the beginning of the catastrophe. It may sink or float at first glance." Axue murmured, "The original intention of this mysterious curse is to form a bond with the immortals and true gods of all roads. Get help."

"Zhulu immortals and true gods? Are there really immortals and true gods here?" Chacha recalled Dong Yan's words thoughtfully.She suddenly pointed to the stone gate behind the altar, "Or, will there be other creatures or humans or something else falling out of this place? Just came all the way, did you see the strange gate?"

"Yes." Several people nodded at the same time.

"Severe ailments can heal on their own, and fatigue and drowning can be helped." Axue continued, "Chacha, maybe this place can really cure you. Didn't Sun Jinyan regrow your body? I think you can also regrow your hands."

"I'm not a lizard. I can be reborn after a broken tail." Chacha said that she was not very optimistic. "The altar is unlucky at first glance. I always feel that I have to sacrifice something. The point is that we don't even know how to start this altar. "

"Those who recite this sutra sincerely can heal serious illnesses." Axue said, "Why don't you recite it after me?"

"Emotion is still controlled by voice." Chacha teased.

"Try it. You can also recite it together." Ashue ordered.

"I think it's okay. Dong Yan asked the four of us to come together, it's not just for playing mahjong." Chacha echoed.A map requires three true elements with different attributes.The four of them recited the runes together, after all, they wouldn't suffer too much.The high and low chanting sound echoed in the hall.As they recited up and down, Shimen separated many clones around the altar, rising up and coiling above the altar like a spiral.Every dish is perfectly copy-pasted.

The four of them climbed up the steps and pushed open the nearest door. In the darkness, a vine quickly tied Zhu Yu's ankle, almost pulling him into the void.Sun Jinyan reacted first, and struck out lightning from his hand, turning the vine into coke in an instant.Chacha took advantage of the situation and gave birth to a chain, pulling the stone door over and closing it.Opening the next stone door, the inside was empty, hesitantly stepped into the room, the floor shattered.Flames shot out from under Chacha's feet, and the rising heat barely prevented her from falling into the abyss.

Chacha pointed at Su You and Sun Jinyan: "Take turns to find the way. I'll push the door first."

Push open the stone gate all the way, or encounter mountain spirits and monsters, or encounter traps and falling rocks.Chacha and the others even saw someone exactly like Su You.That "Su You" looked at Sun Jinyan ambiguously, as if he wanted to stare him out.If the picture wasn't too weird, Chacha would like to enjoy it for a while longer.It was Sun Jinyan who couldn't help but make a move, pulled Chacha and quickly closed the door.

After pushing open the second stone door of No.40, a transparent box floated inside.Inside the box lies a white left hand.The fractures were uneven, which reminded Ah Xue of the scar on Chacha's back.

(End of this chapter)

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