Chapter 76
Chacha brandished a sickle and followed behind the woman in pink.Perhaps because of her light body, the woman in the pink shirt is extremely fast.At every fork, they stopped and waited for them.The monster python's caves are intricate.But it was exceptionally clean.On the uneven rock, there is no shadow of spiritual grass.Not even half of the most common weeds can be found.The depths of the cave grew darker.The woman in the pink shirt took out a small bottle, poured out a little powder and applied it on her hands. After a short while, dark green fluorescence ignited from her palm.Xuecha and Xuecha looked at each other, but they didn't say anything, and followed closely behind.Another fork in the road.This time, there are three holes on the rock wall.

"Look for them separately," the woman in the pink shirt ordered, with a cold tone that could not hear the slightest bit of coquettishness, "I'm afraid the men won't last long outside. I don't want that kid named Su You to die so ugly, it's best to act quickly."

Chacha pressed the dark green button on the ear communicator and chose the cave on the far left.Before leaving, hand over the star pen to A Xue.Stepping on the broken stones, Chacha's black sickle ignited fire.This cave is much more humid than the one outside, and the cave is slightly narrow. Occasionally, viscous liquid drips from the rocks at the top, and it cannot be staggered when it hits the flames.As Chacha continues to deepen, the rock walls on both sides gradually move closer to the middle.

"How can there be grass growing in this kind of place." Chacha said to herself, the echo of her voice resonating in the air.The farthest echo was about half a second later, "It's not far anyway, go to the end and come back."

The stones at the bottom of the feet were a bit cold, and the muddy water dripping from the rock wall gathered into a stream.Chacha stepped on it, making a groaning sound.The air became thinner, and Chacha's breathing became more and more serious.I don't know if it's an illusion, but regular patterns appeared on the rock wall, moving little by little with Chacha's line of sight.

"It's over." Chacha prepared to turn around as if she had completed her task.The sickle scraped against the rock wall, and the fire spread and burned a big hole.The dots of markings disappeared at an extremely fast speed, and the entire cave became wider.It turned out that what was squeezed on the rock wall was the shed snakeskin of the demon python.Because of its huge size, it takes up most of the space.

Chacha propped up the protective cover and waited for the snake skin to burn off.In the strong breath, there is a faint fragrance.Following the aroma, Chacha waved a sickle to dig up the ashes on the surface.The sickle changed size, and finally held in the hand like a spoon.Gently cut open the soil layer, and a ginseng as white as jade lay quietly in the middle of the muddy soil.

"I seem to have found a treasure." Chacha happily hid the ginseng in her pocket, and called A Xue through the communicator, "It doesn't seem to be python scale grass. It looks like ginseng tonic in traditional Chinese medicine."

"I didn't find anything here." Ashe said calmly, "This place is scary. Let's meet at the entrance of the cave first. I hope that someone finds the spirit grass."

"Yeah." Chacha nodded hastily.He took out Xingcha from the special package, put Ruyu's ginseng in it, and then returned along the original road.

When the two came out, the woman in the pink shirt was already waiting at the entrance of the cave. "I got it."

"Then go back quickly." Ashue said.

"Didn't you find anything?" The woman in the pink shirt looked at A Xue, her beautiful eyes flickering coldly.

Ashe shook his head.Chacha's gaze met the woman's cold gaze: "I have been unlucky since I was a child, what can I do?"

When the three came out of the cave, they saw the monster python fighting together from a distance.The woman in the pink shirt squeezed A Xue's shoulder, and then fled to a safe place like a ghost.The monster python in the distance suddenly turned its head when it smelled the smell, and stared fixedly at Axue at the edge of the cave.Immediately, the fierce light in the eyes was bright, and the attack became fierce.The five people who were struggling to support with the help of the small five-shaped formation immediately became exhausted and flustered for a while.

"Whoosh!" The enraged monster python broke through the formation, charging like Axue.

"Bang!" Chacha's sickle suddenly grew bigger, and inserted into the green left pupil of the monster python with incomparable precision.The flames swelled and spread to the other eye. "Axue, run quickly. Go to Su You."

After being dazed for a while, Ah Xue took off her coat, and coldly summoned Bai Ze, tapped her toes to the ground, exerted strength on her calf, and quickly performed the falling shadow body technique to run towards Su You.This is the first time she has used the Luoying movement technique in actual combat.Different from the panic of the Zheng family's children, Ah Xue's movements were quite calm, wandering through the gap between the monster python and reaching the side of the boy in white.

Seeing the woman in the pink shirt succeed, and the scattered Zheng family's children gathered together, a light blue talisman in Zheng Jingqi's hand lit up, enveloping the four of them and leaving quickly, at an astonishingly fast speed.

"Wind Talisman?" Su You looked at the blue streamer going away and said angrily, "It ran pretty fast."

"Don't stand still." Chacha climbed on the snake's head and shouted to Su You below, "You block its movements. I'll chop it."

"it is good."

Dozens of silver rings emerged from Su You's hands, covering the scales of the monster python with a layer of ice flowers.Yinhuan's spiritual power is stronger than before because of the relationship of breaking through the fourth layer of dust.Nine in a group, firmly encircling the mad python.Although still swinging, the momentum dissipated.Bai Ze held down the monster python's tail, and Chacha's sickle fell from the sky. With a "poof" sound, the scale armor was broken, and Chacha grabbed the sickle handle and pulled it down along the back.With the help of the momentum of gravity, the sharp black sickle was pulled to the seven inches of the monster python as if nothing was there.The foul-smelling liquid spurted out, and the deep pool at the foot of the mountain was stained red with blood. The proud head hit the water, bringing up a layer of blood mist.

Chacha cut around the seven inches of the monster python, convinced that the python's head had been cut off, and then retracted the sickle into the body.

"Axue, are you okay?" Chacha asked with concern.

"Yeah. That woman is too dishonest. I don't know what she spilled on my shoulders, which made the demon python go crazy." Ashe looked at the blood-stained coat by the entrance of the cave, feeling distressed, "I like this coat very much. "

"Uh... Is mine also useless?" Chacha scratched her hair habitually, and her jet-black hair instantly became filthy. "Only Su You's clothes are clean."

"The clothes that Axue gave you should be cherished naturally." The boy's body was spotless, and after a fierce fight, he still seemed to be surrounded by immortal energy, "Chacha, you are much stronger than I thought. The scales of the demon python, I Even the sword can't penetrate too deep."

"Your sword is so thick. It's normal that it can't be pierced." Chacha looked at the black dagger in Su You's hand, and didn't even think it was a sword, it was more like a thick piece of iron.One inch five in width and two feet in length, the entire body of the sword is covered with black and mottled rust.

"That's right." Su You smiled, and was about to sit down cross-legged when Ah Xue stopped him.

"Let's change places."

Several people walked for a long time along the dark red water before finding a clean spring.There is an open space beside the spring, and Chacha releases stars.He took off his filthy coat before opening the door with Ah Xue.Take turns taking a bath and changing into clean clothes.Chacha took out the ginseng hidden in the room.

"Jade beard ginseng?!" Su You jumped up from the sofa in the living room, "No wonder that blue-eyed demon python suddenly broke through. It turned out that it got a spiritual ginseng. Compared with it, the python scale grass is simply heaven and earth. Don't." After pondering for a while, he said again, "This kind of elixir must be stored in a special jade box after picking, so that the aura and medicinal power will not be lost too quickly."

"Then you and A Xue should refine it." Chacha said generously.

"Is it possible?" The elixir was too precious, and Su You hesitated.Zheng Jingqi did not hesitate to use them as bait for the python scale grass.And Chacha's rhetoric sounds like a free gift.

"Yeah. You practice." Axue said softly.

Su You came out of Xingcha, wiped the ring on his hand, and a half-foot-sized white marble platform appeared on the grass.The surface of the stone platform is embedded with five fist-sized grooves, which are connected by a few simple engraved lines to form the shape of a flame.An unpretentious big black pot was pressed upright in the center of the formation.

Su You took out five crimson stones from the cabinet next to them and embedded them in the grooves on the stone platform.This kind of stone is called fire red stone, and as long as a trace of true energy is input, the fire spirit power in it can be stimulated.The Binghuo array engraved on the stone platform can conduct the heat increase of the fire red stone.In the Zixi Empire, there are also monks who use Binghuo to cook, which is more convenient and hygienic than burning firewood, but its main purpose is to boil medicine.It is easier and more accurate to use the Bing fire array to control the firepower than to burn wood.

Su You skillfully input the true essence, the fire red stone shimmered dark red, and the fire spirit power visible to the naked eye was drawn out along the carved lines of the stone platform, and transported to the bottom of the black pot.Su You wiped the ring on his hand unhurriedly, took out other materials needed for refining from the Qiankun Spirit Artifact, and stacked them on the stone platform on the right.

When he was ready, Su You pushed aside a white porcelain bottle, the mouth of the bottle was tilted towards the inside of the pot, and a stream of clear water leaked out from the bottle, filling up the black pot in a short while.This white porcelain bottle is also a kind of Qiankun Spiritual Artifact, because it can only hold liquid, the price is much cheaper.What is contained in the bottle is Baicao Morning Dew, which is taken from the dawn and is the best medium for blending and carrying herbs.

The water in the pot was [-]% boiled, Su You brushed the three fire red stones, and the light on the stones disappeared.Calmly pour the materials on the stone platform into the pot in order.The powder of the residual maple fruit was completely dissolved in the morning dew of Baicao, and Su You quickly activated the two fire red stones.The pot was tumbling, and the steam condensed on the back of his hand. Su You extinguished a fire red stone and poured in another herb.As the fire red stone continued to flicker, all the thirteen medicinals on the stone platform were thrown into the pot by Su You, and the rich medicinal fragrance rose up.

The colorless and transparent potion turned purple, and Su You signaled Chacha to put the jade beard ginseng into the pot.

Su You's hand was cruising back and forth among the five fire red stones, Chacha was bored watching it, and went back to Xingcha to play games.When she came out, Su You had three lavender pills in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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